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House of Goths

Page 21

by Maria Bernard

  “Shut the fuck up,” Kell groaned. He was already regretting letting Keegan move back in as it was. The last thing he needed was to get into a fist fight over Becky’s sensibilities.

  “It’s Becky, please,” she corrected him, purposely ignoring his rude innuendo. The last person who called her Becks was Jax and she never liked it even then.

  “Really, dormouse, you shouldn’t be down here,” Crispin said, carefully maneuvering the old chesterfield from the front porch down the narrow staircase with Dorian.

  “I don’t mean to be in the way,” she said, shuffling backwards. She suddenly felt like a fifth wheel. Her emotions were all over the place today. From Jax’s treatment of her last night to Keegan’s untimely return, she couldn’t help but be upset. She blinked back the unwelcome sting of tears, focusing her attention on the chesterfield, watching them prop it open.

  “I’m supposed to sleep on that?” Keegan said with a frown.

  “Got a better solution?” Dorian asked, punching and slapping the dust off the couch’s surface. “You’ve even got your own private bath,” he teased, pointing over his shoulder at the huge vintage sink in the back of the cavernous space.

  “Right, well, I could have my room back if you all hadn’t rented it out to little miss touch herself.”

  There might have been less than five seconds between Keegan uttering those unfortunate words, the sound of gasps throughout the room, and Kelley’s fist hitting him, square in the chin.

  “Damn it, man!” Dorian winced, torn between watching the fight, and chasing after Becky who had just screamed and ran up the stairs. In the end, he decided that rescuing Keegan from sure death was best.

  “Dare I say it?” Crispin said, throwing his head back in despair.

  “What the fuck was that for?” Keegan lamented, righting himself, checking his busted lip for blood.

  “Becky’s a nice girl. She’s a true lady in every sense of the word,” Dorian explained, carefully insinuating himself between Keegan and a still seething Kelley. “We don’t talk like that around her, understand?”

  “What?” Keegan, repeated dumbfounded.

  “The girl’s a fucking virgin, you dolt,” Dorian explained, looking worriedly back at Kelley’s enraged expression.

  “Talk to her like that again, and I’ll cut out your tongue and shove it down your mangy throat!” Kelley threatened menacingly.

  “Holy shit! So what? You all just… I mean, we’re supposed to fucking pussyfoot around the place in case we offend her?” Keegan asked, aghast. “This is the House of Goths, for fuck’s sake.”

  The three Goths cast each other withering glances, Crispin sitting down on the steps, Dorian on the chesterfield, and Kelley leaning up against the wall. It was true. Since Becky had come along they’d all had to adapt. Yet it had happened so naturally and gradually that neither of them had taken much notice, well, except for Crispin in the beginning.

  Question was, would they have it any other way now? Not a chance.

  “I don’t believe this,” Keegan said, looking around disgusted. “I don’t even think I want to be here.”

  “It is what it is,” Crispin said, calmly but firmly. “Don’t make us choose. You will lose.”

  Chapter 29

  At a loss for what to do to calm her frayed nerves, Becky paced in her room. Her room… or was it even hers anymore? Did she even want to stay here any longer? Oh, how could she ever look her housemates in the eyes after what Keegan said? What must they think of her?

  Better yet, what had she been thinking? One girl, living here with all these guys. They were right about not wanting her here in the first place. It would never work. She’d been deluding herself into believing that they could be one big happy family.

  Truth was, she didn’t know what upset her more. The embarrassment of them knowing what she was doing when Keegan wandered into her room last night or witnessing Kelley react so violently just now.

  She had never experienced anything like that before. In fact, she was still quite shaken up about the whole thing.

  “Perhaps, you should go get her,” Crispin said, walking into the kitchen, holding the pizza that had just been delivered. “Kell?”

  “I suppose…” Kell said, reluctantly getting up from his chair.

  While Dorian and Keegan went about setting the table as if nothing had transpired, he hadn’t been able to get up the gumption to face Becky. In fact, he’d been dreading this moment. What could he possibly say to her?

  When he got to her room, the door was shut. Odd, since she rarely closed it. Even at night when he happened to go by now and then, he would stop and close it himself. It was just one of those things about her. Such a trusting little thing, she was.

  Feeling it appropriate, given the circumstances at present, he felt he should knock first. Bringing his hand to the door, he gave it a gentle rap with his knuckles.

  “Go away! I’m busy.”


  “I said, go away!” she shouted. Then something muffled hit the door from the inside. Her pillow, no doubt. Kelley fought hard not to smile at her feisty retort. God, he was smitten with her.

  “Dinner’s here, love,” he said with a sugar-laced voice.

  “I’m not hungry,” Becky said, tiptoeing towards the door, holding her belly.

  “Yes, you are. It’s your favourite, mushrooms, and sun-dried tomatoes.” He paused to listen. “Extra cheese…” Like clockwork, he heard a distinct tummy rumble and smiled to himself. A half-minute later and the doorknob turned. The door opened a crack, enough for her peek out at him.

  Their eyes met for a split second before she turned beet red and averted her gaze. She couldn’t even stay mad at him. Not when he looked so repentant. Especially combined with the promise of pizza. In her moment of weakness, she let her guard down and released the doorknob. Taking advantage, Kelley pushed forward and entered her bedroom. What he discovered next, nearly broke his heart.

  Drawers and closet had been emptied. Her big suitcase, the one she’d shown up with was open on the bedroom floor, filled with her things. On the very top was the Hello Kitty pyjamas set, folded neatly.

  “What’s this all about, Becky?” he asked with his heart in his throat.

  “What does it look like? I’m leaving!” she said, trying very hard to remain unemotional. “I can’t stay here. You were right. You were all right.”

  “But you can’t leave. Where will you go?” He turned towards her.

  “Away from here,” she said, unsure. In actuality, she didn’t know where she’d go, only that she could no longer stay there.

  “Why?” he asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

  “You know why,” she said, hugging her arms around herself.

  He nodded thoughtfully, resting his elbows on his folded knees, hands under his chin in prayer position.

  “I can’t stay here now,” she said after a few seconds of not knowing what to do with herself.

  He stared at her a moment longer, watching her struggle for composure. “You’ve nothing to be embarrassed about.” It was the best he could do.

  “How can you say that? I saw how you reacted. You punched Keegan!”

  “He had it coming,” he said, unbothered.

  “That’s not the point!” She literally stamped her foot. “For you to hit him means that what he said was really bad. And it was… you know it was. So you see, I can’t stay here now that everyone knows… what I was doing!”

  He continued to watch her, fascinated by this strangely appealing little woman. To say that the idea of Becky touching herself wasn’t a complete turn on would be a useless lie. He just wished that it was he who’d discovered her in the act instead of Keegan.

  “Come here, love,” he said, holding his hand out for her.


  “Please, come here,” he insisted, refusing to take no for an answer. When she didn’t budge, he stood up, took one step and tugged her towards him. He sat bac
k down while she stood between his knees, refusing to look at him. “Don’t hide from me, love,” he said, watching and waiting for her to acknowledge him.

  “Kelley… I can’t,” she said, biting her bottom lip.

  “Hey…” He took her hands in his. “You and I have gotten quite close, haven’t we?” She nodded, still with eyes averted. “I’d go as far as to say that we’ve gotten well acquainted with each other over the last couple of months. I’ve seen you naked, remember?” He raised his eyebrows and gave her a rueful smile.

  “Yes, but… this is different.”

  “I know,” he said with a sympathetic pout. He brought her knuckles to his lips. “You’re embarrassed, but you did nothing wrong. What you do in your bed is no one’s business. Yes, I hit him, because he hurt your feelings, not because of what you were doing.”

  Depleted, she leaned forward and rested her weary head on his. “I just don’t think I can stand to be in the same room with you all now.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle just a little. She was adorable in her bashfulness. “Listen, we already knew about it this morning. You were fine all day, weren’t you? No one bothered you or teased you. Well except for Keegan, but I promise he won’t anymore. I made sure of that.”

  “Really? He told you all this before breakfast?” she said with a worried frown.

  “Yes, you see, Keegan initially believed that he’d dreamt you up. He thought we’d appreciate hearing about his nocturnal fantasy.”

  “I’m not sure I like Keegan,” she said, absently twirling her fingers through his hair.

  “You don’t have to like him,” Kelley said, closing his eyes, slowly falling under the magical spell her fingers were weaving. “I’ll even kick him out if you want.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Becky couldn’t help but smile at him. He was always at the ready to look out for her. Before she could help it, she placed an exuberant kiss on his nose. He blinked his eyes open, pleasantly surprised at her show of affection. Then before he could stop himself, he pulled her in close and kissed her full on the lips.

  For all of a second, Becky didn’t know what hit her. Then it all became quite clear. Kelley Keele was kissing her! He was finally kissing her! How many days and nights had she dreamt of this moment? Only the real thing was far better than she’d ever imagined.

  When their mouths met it was like a million starbursts exploded in every inch of her body. Her heart literally leapt for joy in her chest.

  Much to her delight, Kelley’s lips were gentle yet firm with intent. His breath, cool and minty, his tongue, warm and full of promise. He tugged at her puffy bottom lip with his teeth, teasing the top one with his talented tongue. His hands cupped the sides of her head, holding her firmly in place while he seductively explored her mouth.

  “Mmm, Kelley…” she moaned, when he moved his lips to just below her ear, allowing her to catch her breath. Fisting her hands around his hair, she rested her weight against him. She nearly collapsed from the sheer pleasure of his hot wet lips on her earlobe, the tiniest of bites, causing her knees to buckle. Thankfully, his right hand moved to the small of her back in response, supporting her, pressing her closer between his knees.

  “Becky… Becky…. Becky,” he whispered between butterfly kisses to the soft sensitive skin on her neck and shoulders. “Love, tell me to stop,” he groaned with regret in his voice. Yet his actions weren’t those of a man who meant the words he spoke. He continued to kiss her, trailing his nose along the delectable skin of her neck. “Make me stop.”

  Kell was in agony. This was so wrong! They shouldn’t be doing this. The last thing he wanted was to ruin what they had together, yet he couldn’t help it. She tasted so sweet. Her skin, so soft and warm.

  He wanted her. He’d wanted her forever. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” Again, he continued to kiss her, helpless to stop himself. The girl was his weakness. This sweet little soul would be the end of him.

  “No… I don’t want you to stop,” Becky said breathlessly, panting for little gasps of air, literally melting into a puddle of want and need at his masterful ministrations. Searching out his spellbinding lips, it was her turn to show him just how much he affected her. Locking eyes with him, she captured his conflicted face between her palms and kissed him hungrily, with everything she had in her. “Oh, Kelley… it’s been you all along.” Without realizing what she was doing, she attempted to straddle him, right there and then.

  The girl was literally climbing him. He had to stop her, or else there’d be no going back. Any more of this, and he would take her right there on the very bed that she’d so desperately touched herself. Oh, the mere thought of her so worked up, so alone and desperate for release… The image of her slipping her little hands between her legs was almost too much for him bear.

  “Oh, Becky… don’t say that,” he gasped, reluctantly tearing himself away from her.

  Before she could make sense of any of it, Kelley stood up, gripped her by the shoulders and held her away from him.

  At that very same time, Crispin’s melodic voice rang out from downstairs, further interrupting their moment. “Come on down, you two. Pizza’s getting cold!”

  “Kelley, we’re not done yet,” she beseeched him. Swallowing audibly, her hands twisted around to grasp his elbows. Why did he stop? She wanted him so badly. He obviously felt the same.

  “Not now, love. Not like this,” he rasped with regret, looking intently into her desire filled eyes. “We can’t.”

  “Why not?” she asked, suddenly very hurt and dejected.

  “Don’t even go there,” he ordered, frowning at the sight of the heartache and disappointment on her face. There, he’d done it. Exactly the reason he needed to stay away from her. He had hurt her feelings, and he would only do it again. “You and I are just friends.”

  “But you kissed me.”

  “Yes, and it was wrong of me. I’m sorry, Becky. This just cannot happen,” he said, giving her shoulders a firm squeeze. “We’re housemates, that is all.”

  “But…” Becky was at a loss for words. Not wanting to beg, though, she took a deep breath and nodded stoically. Fine, if he wanted it that way then she wouldn’t try and change his mind. Not today anyway. She may be inexperienced, but she wasn’t completely naive. Kelley wanted her. She’d felt in his kiss. In fact, she’d seen it in his eyes now and then when he looked at her when he didn’t think she noticed him stealing glances.

  “It just wouldn’t be… appropriate,” he explained with obvious regret.

  “Appropriate?” she repeated, quirking an eyebrow. Goths… Since when were they so preoccupied with propriety? Becky gave her head a quick shake. Perhaps he was just worried about timing. That must be it. She did only just break up with Jax, again. Then there was the whole thing with Keegan. She would simply have to be patient. Maybe in a week or two, he might reconsider.

  “Yes,” he said, studying her carefully. The last thing he wanted was to upset her. His whole purpose in coming up here in the first place was to cheer her up. “Shall we go downstairs, join the others for pizza?”

  Chapter 30

  Thankfully, Kell had been right about no one bothering her regarding the unfortunate circumstances of that fateful night. Especially Keegan. In fact, he avoided her like the plague. Which was fine with her.

  He was a strange character anyway and his avoidance of her wasn’t a total loss in her eyes. He proved quite withdrawn and self-absorbed. When he wasn’t sulking about, he spent most of his time downstairs in the basement, wallowing in self-pity as Crispin so eloquently phrased. When Becky asked him why he was that way, Crispin went on to explain that he was going through a painful breakup with the girl that he’d left the band for.

  “The twit had it coming,” Crispin said, rather flippantly. “Who does that, anyway? That’ll teach him to leave his friends behind for a girl he only just met.”

  One evening as they sat watching another in a series of horror flicks, Keegan finally
emerged from his basement dwelling and stood sulking in the living room doorway. Looking up from her comfy position between Dorian and Crispin, her toes tucked under Dorian’s knees for warmth, her head on Crispin’s lap, she couldn’t help but flinch at the scowl on Keegan’s face. Why was he looking at her with such contempt? Was he still upset at her for occupying his room?

  “What the fuck’s your problem?” Kell said, sitting up in his chair.

  “Not that you would care,” Keegan bit back, looking downwards like a sulky child.

  “Oh, come on, out with it,” Crispin scoffed, placing a reassuring hand on Becky’s shoulder.

  “You want to join us? Is that it?” Dorian asked when the moody Goth refused to speak up for himself. “Or are you just going to stand there?”

  Keegan looked up and scanned the room, eyeing the spot that was presently occupied by none other than Becky. “Where? There’s obviously no room for me anymore.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Crispin snarked.

  “Am I in your spot?” Becky asked, recognizing the situation for what it was. She started to sit up, but Crispin refused to let her. He almost too forcibly held her in place. “Crispin…”

  “No,” he insisted, holding her down. “He can damn well sit on the floor.”

  The last thing she wanted was to give Keegan another reason to resent her. This was obviously his spot. If he wanted it back, then it was the least she could do since he already hated her for taking his bedroom.

  “I’ll take the floor. Please, let me up,” Becky protested, trying without success to push Crispin’s vice-like grasp away from her shoulder, which by the way, was starting to hurt.

  “You stay put!” he commanded her, rather uncharacteristically.

  “Take it easy, man,” Dorian warned him.

  Determined to make his point, Crispin refused to release her.

  “If she wants to get up, let her,” Keegan said with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders.


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