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Dragon Queen (Avery Rome Book 3)

Page 12

by P. S. Power

  It took several minutes for anyone to come back, with Bente in the lead. She looked lovely, being dressed in a loose gown that flowed, the amber and green actually working to create ripples of other colors as she moved. Everything was covered well enough to be polite, even.

  Avery was examined closely, standing there on the front step of the house. The place was large, but not as big as Tyler’s house. It was as nice however, if not more so. The Pristine made sure her world was as nice as possible.

  “Avery. So nice to see you. I fear that I wasn’t planning a lesson for the day. We could have some tea, if you wish?” That the Greater Demon wanted her gone for some reason was very clear. It came at Avery in waves.

  Why that was, she didn’t know. More, if it was the case, Avery had to wonder why she wasn’t merely sent away.

  “I can’t stay. I was thinking of taking some friends of mine to another world for vacation. I should be gone for a few days. It will be more on the other side. If you don’t need me for anything?”

  The Greater Demon actually lit up then, suddenly.

  “That sounds splendid! Yes. I would like you to make clothing for it. What do you plan to do?”

  “Um, sightseeing and camping? That could change.”

  Instead of going on about how tacky that sounded, the demon just looked at her for a few moments. It wasn’t long at all.

  “Very good then. You’ll need to be prepared for different types of happenings then. I expect a report when you return. Thank you for dropping in, so sad that you can’t stay longer, but I do understand. Enjoy your holiday, Avery.” Then there was a hug, with kisses to the air over both cheeks, then a small push to get her to leave faster.

  She got the idea, so left, directly. Nearly at a Human jogging pace.

  It really wasn’t good enough, since Tarsus, the real one, stepped out of a dip in space that hadn’t been there before. It vanished seamlessly after he did it. He was dressed in dark brown clothing that didn’t meet anyone’s idea of fashion at all. His nose was long and powerful seeming, but his face held fewer lines than the last time they’d met. Given he could look like anything, that wasn’t a huge change. His original form had been smaller and darker skinned. A lot like her own, actually. She had it there in her head as soon as she saw him in person.

  “Ah! Miss Rome. Are you here for the meeting? I wasn’t aware that we were allowing Dragons into our membership just yet.” The man didn't touch her, but actually chuckled a little. “Not that you wouldn’t merit it in your own right. Probably best not to be considered one of us right now, however. Also, you seem to be dressed for other work?” His face was friendly then. Almost like a regular person’s might be.

  Bente was standing in the doorway, about fifteen feet behind her, but she didn’t speak to the leader of her kind just yet. One of them, as much as they had people that were in charge.

  “I’m putting together a trip for some friends of mine. To another world? I get a few days off, so figured that doing something fun would make sense. I’ve never done that before, after all.”

  “Ah? That does sound like a worthy use of your time, then. Well, I shouldn’t keep you. We have some of the others coming in today. Those of my kind that are a trifle less pleasant?”

  She hadn’t known that. Probably because she wasn’t needed for the discussion.

  “I’ll be going then. Nice meeting you again, Librarian.” She walked past the being then, taking his warning as something real rather than just a game.

  It could be that, of course. The demon might be playing with her. They all very well could be.

  She didn’t run though, since that could seem weak to their eyes. Instead she watched everything around her and moved to where she’d come out of the node, about a hundred feet from the front door of her mentor’s house. It had to be held open when she used it, but that wasn’t too hard to do, as long as she didn’t get too far away from it.

  Just as she started to step into nothing at all, back into the void, beings started to pop into place all around her. At least seven of them nearly at the same time. She popped out before anyone realized she was there. At least they didn’t attack or call out to her. It meant that she was able to get back to her mall and actually rest for a moment.

  Walking to the front of the place, she waved at Eve, who was still there. Wiping the front counter with a will, even though it was already very clean. The rag was waved in her general direction.

  “I didn’t expect you back so soon. How did the thing with Bente go?”

  “It went well. She wants me to make all new clothing for the trip. Other than that she seemed happy enough to have me go. I think something is going on. There was a large meeting starting as I left. Tarsus was there first, but he told me that some of the others, the less pleasant Greater Demons, were coming. I couldn’t pick up what was going on from what I saw.”

  Eve just went back to work.

  “Yeah. Lyn mentioned that to me. I was invited, but we both felt that it might be better if I didn’t get directly onto anyone’s radar if I wasn’t already. I guess that there has been some harassment of their people, by the Humans. The nutjobs are thinking that a culling is in order. The more sane are… Well, I think that some of them are considering the idea, to be honest. I hope not. I have friends that are Human. Heck, I used to be one.”

  “That doesn’t sound good then. Well, I can’t do anything about that, can I? I should… Honestly, I should go and see if I can get Terra, Vince and Alan free from their work places for a few days. Or… I guess that I should check on things on the other side first, before asking anyone else along, in case we need to do something else.”

  That got Eve to point at her suddenly.

  “Bingo! That one. Do you have a plan for that?”

  “Other than showing up at random and begging? No, not really.”

  She was laughed at then, but Avery waved the idea away and walked to the back. It would probably be the middle of the night, but if so she could come back and just wait an hour, which should fix things that way.

  “Be right back. Or, I might be longer than that. I have no real clue. Anyway, wish me luck?”


  With that, feeling hopeful, if a bit scared and nervous, Avery stepped into, then flowed out of the void. That part was nice and restful, but she didn’t linger very long. She had a mission to see to. Even if it was hard for her to deal with other people all the time.

  The red box was the same one she’d used the last time she’d been there, the day before. The front let her walk through, moving away from her like warm taffy. The view showed her the well paved street, and a cloudy sky above. There was a light rain starting, so she hurried around the corner, wondering how to contact the people inside the castle.

  It wasn’t as if the guards were going to just let her in, she didn't think. She couldn’t even explain who she was to them really. That was what she was thinking about when Gregory Samson, the Shifter President’s son hurried past her. Also seeming to be headed into the large stone dwelling.

  Avery waved at him, which got him to turn around and smile at her. Then he bowed, which she did back, instantly. Poorly, no doubt, but the boy didn’t mock her over it. That part was interesting, since he was clearly Greg, but also several years younger than the one she knew. Also nearly a foot taller.

  “Hello? Are you…” She had to focus in order to get the right name. “Clemance Thomson?”

  It took a moment, but the boy spoke to her in English, after a few moments.

  “I am! May I help you? I didn’t know that anyone would be coming in through here. Are you from Lairdgren school? I know that some of the students there are learning the new language so that more of us can communicate with those from other worlds.”

  “Ah… No? I’m from… Eve Benson’s world? She’s my adopted mother.” It wasn’t really true, though both Edom and Eve had said the words to others before. Eve would back her up on that one if asked, she was certain.
br />   “I’ve met her! Only briefly and in passing, I fear. May I learn your name? If that’s allowable, of course. I don’t wish to press in if that’s rude or…”

  “Avery Rome. I came to see if I could ask some questions of Dumas Thomson, if he’ll see me. That or Countess Thomson, but I didn’t want to bother her with this kind of thing, if it’s not needed.”

  That got her taken through the gate with almost no stopping. Interestingly, one of the guards waved at her and murmured something. It sounded like he said Lady Rome. She didn’t do anything but smile, in case she’d heard him wrongly. It kind of seemed like at least the one man recognized her, however.

  Clemance got her inside with no problems, which was either a sign of great trust or a big hole in their security there. Then, Avery lived in a house and they didn’t even lock the doors all the time. Not if anyone was home. When they got inside they stopped in the front hallway, with her guide stopping to ring a small bell.

  “This will get the butler to come.”

  The man did, at a good fast walk. He was dressed in all black, with a nice button up jacket that was lint free and sharp looking. On his hands were gray gloves and on his feet polished black boots.

  He spoke, his voice formal sounding. Avery could make out every three or four words. That meant she understood that she was introduced and that Clemance suggested that the lady had come to see Dumas, specifically. Possibly for a date.

  Instead of making a joke of it, the dapper seeming Human man bowed low, then turned, saying something that was probably this way. Instead of being instruction to stay in place. She was, along with Clemance, shown to a room with a lot of chairs in it. It was well decorated, in blues, greens and with stone floors, as well as hangings on the walls.

  The butler said something else, then bowed and left.

  The boy gently waved at a chair.

  “It might be a few minutes. Tyler mentioned that there were some biscuits and tea? Is that all right? Or we could have a meal set up. I’m sure that it’s no trouble.”

  She smiled, feeling a little bit shy about it.

  “I don’t mean to be any problem for you. I just have some questions.” Clemance would probably know the answers, but she’d already asked after Dumas, so it might be rude to leave him out.

  The kid, who was taller than she was by a good bit and lanky, smiled at her.

  “No trouble at all. Besides, I’m almost certain that Tyler is going to bring them regardless of what we say. We don’t have visitors from different realities every day, after all. Besides, I’ve been training, so I’m half starved, I have to admit.”

  “Training? What kind, or…” She didn’t know if it was polite to even ask about that kind of thing.

  “Ah, well, I was given the job of teaching jump ship pilots in a different reality. Our contact there decided that I should learn to escape and evade capture as well, so my Cousin Will has been tutoring me in that. I just managed to work my way back here, which was the goal, but it won’t take him long to figure that out. I had to escape from ropes first. Without any magic, which isn’t as easy as it sounds.”

  He rubbed at his wrists, which had red marks in a circle around them. A few raw patches as well.

  “Oh? I’ve had classes in that as well. Part of my combat training.”

  That got him to sit up suddenly.

  “Really? That’s interesting. Are you in the military then? I was thinking of doing that. I’m Countier First, but my father is in excellent health and still young, so I have time for a full career, I think.”

  She nodded, and nearly didn’t explain that she was a mercenary. Then she did. If the boy was going to look down on her, then he was.

  “The Shifter Nation, my people, are all mercenaries. We all have to serve, at need. Our ability to change shape helps with injury a lot, so we’re very hard to kill. Most of the time we serve in the world I live in, but at times we’ve gone to other places for things like that.”

  The boy sat there for a moment, then spoke softly.

  “That’s fascinating. I’m still getting used to the idea that people from other places even exist. You have access to travel that way? I have family that can do it. Will and Dareg. Uncle Torrance can too, I think.”

  That was a lot of people, but seemed to be about right, from what she’d heard over time.

  “I’m a line walker, myself. The first of the Shifters that have learned to do it. That you have three in your family is really different. I think the Human Line Walker, Zack Hartley has two cousins that can do that as well, so you’re tying up with that. Have you tried learning how to do that yet?” It was possible, but if he could do it he would have mentioned the idea.


  “What? No. No one has even suggested the idea to me. Is that even a thing that can be done? I mean, Will and Dareg did it, but it takes special training from the head line walker, doesn’t it?”

  They stopped talking, because Dumas came into the room. Looking very well dressed, compared to his brother, who was in a plain brown tunic and trousers. The younger one was in soft blue velvet with purple highlights. His hair had been recently brushed and the jacket he had on was embroidered very carefully. Though, it was probably magical clothing, instead of something real. The stitching was just a bit off, along the sides. It looked almost like it wasn’t real work, just a place holder on the surface meant to throw people off.

  Avery didn’t know the rules there, so stood up and bowed, going about halfway down. The boy matched her, so that was, hopefully, correct.

  “Line Walker Rome. You did mention that you might come back. It’s very nice to see you.”

  Sitting, she tried to make herself not feel like shaking was a good plan. It more or less worked, thanks to all the practice she’d been doing.

  “I’ve been named the messenger for the meeting that is being put together. That should be taking place over the next few months or so, my time. So, two years, here? I… I have a vacation coming, now, actually, and I was wondering if some of my friends and I would be allowed to come here, to your world? Possibly see Mars? It’s just some friends of mine. I didn’t want to assume anything though, if that’s forbidden or would seem like we’re spies.”

  The smaller boy sat across from her, with his feet on the floor of the deep and large chair. That had him on the first half of the blue thing, nearly blending with it, given his outfit. His back was straight and his young face seemed serious for a few moments.

  “We should be able to arrange that. How many dignitaries will be coming with you? It would… I think we could host up to a hundred? At least down in the Capital, if I can press one of my uncles to lend the use of their grand palaces for it. Perhaps more, but the odds of a spy actually working in would go up too much if we did that.” His words were blunt, which got his older brother to make a sour face over what had been said.

  “Dumas… You’re probably correct, in that one of them will aid us with a dwelling, but you shouldn’t mention spies so openly. It shows a certain lack of trust.”

  He laughed weakly, which got waved away by the smaller Thomson.

  “True, but it will be the thought in chambers once the King and his advisors find out that we have so many strangers coming. We’ll need to arrange a watcher for them. Perhaps Cousin Will, if he isn’t too busy? He knows the language and has experience with many styles of people.”

  Avery tilted her head, then shook it a bit.

  “I was thinking of camping, with no more than ten friends? Eleven including me. That would put the number at higher than what I’ve even thought to mention it too, so far. I wanted to make certain it was allowed first, before promising anything to anyone. Also, I don’t know that we count as dignitaries. We have some important people coming I suppose, but most of us will be school kids. I don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”

  Clemance sucked his lips in, and bobbed his head back and forth before speaking.

  “Still, people from another world all co
unt for that. You’re one of the special few that can travel at will, so that really does put you in that range. Then, well, today’s school students are tomorrow’s counts and wizards. It wouldn’t pay to treat them shabbily.”

  Across from her, looking happy suddenly, Dumas tapped a foot, then dug in a pocket. What he pulled out was one of the funny looking stone cellphones they used in the world she was in. He didn't tell her what was going on, just hitting a name on the thing. At least she thought that it was that. The letters weren’t familiar, but kind of were at the same time.

  After a moment, a face appeared on the device, which was upside down.

  “Cousin Will! It’s me, your second favorite cousin…”

  That got a laugh from the device in the kid’s hand. The man sounded pleasant, but spoke in perfect English when he responded.

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Dumas. I’d say it was more of a tie than anything else. Now, you called for a reason, what can I do for you?”

  The boy didn’t mince words, just jumping right in and explaining the whole thing. Including that he’d volunteered Will and possibly some others to help with the task of wrangling the strange people from another world.

  “That sounds… Fun, actually. Is Eve coming along as well? I count her as a personal friend.”

  Avery spoke then, not knowing if that was rude or not. She had the information though, so just had to hope it was the right thing to do.

  “She has a mission coming up for her people, so won’t be able to attend. Her friends Rebekah and Scotty are planned for the trip? Also my mother… Um, she looks young. I don’t know if you’ve met any demons?”

  The upside-down man didn’t get confused easily it looked like, since he just nodded.

  “A few. The Technician and The Line Walker?”

  “Right. The Rotted holds my mother as a slave. We have a bargain in place, which is complicated, but she and another friend of mine Mark, are being allowed to come with us. Ann… The Rotted made a deal with Mark, for better treatment for my mother. It cost him… Nearly everything. The rest of his life, probably, as a slave.”


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