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Mr White Proposes (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Page 2

by Fielding, J A

  Chapter 2

  “If I knew this is what I was in for I would have worked harder in school,” Natasha’s best friend Rita said as a woman rubbed her feet. Natasha laughed as she leaned back in her own seat.

  “It is nice isn’t it,” Natasha said softly. She had decided to treat Rita to a spa date not far from where she worked. Since she started working and got serious with Mitchell, it seemed like they barely got time to hang out. Rita always joked that with Natasha, dick tramped friendship.

  “But your art career is doing well, isn’t it? Your mom…” “…My mother would get me a husband if I let her,” Rita interrupted. “I would not even dare tell her that my business is struggling,” she added rolling her eyes.

  “Ok, hold up, Rita,” Natasha said sitting up. “What about the Swedish guy who ordered the…how many pieces were they, again?” Natasha asked suddenly looking confused.

  “One freaking hundred and thirty,” Rita said. “But all he was interested in was 130 feels of this fine black ass,” she added before taking a sip of her fruit flavored water.

  “What?” Natasha said laughing.

  “Oh yeah, he recanted his order as soon as I gave him a good kick I the balls, “ she said looking at Natasha. “Literally,” she added before leaning back in her seat.

  “You did what?” Natasha asked laughing.

  “The asshole had it coming,” Rita said smiling. “It was all downhill from there. I’m even looking to change career, be a waitress or something,” she added taking a deep breath.

  “No, don’t,” Natasha said looking at her. “I have seen your work. You re awesome,” She added matter-of-factly.

  “You have to say that, you are my best friend,” Rita said looking at her.

  “No, for real,” Natasha said trying to get comfortable. She could see the woman servicing her giving her a bad look every time she moved. “Do you know how many people have wanted to buy that housewarming gift you got me?” she asked. Rita smiled at her.

  “The abstract?” Rita asked surprised. Natasha nodded.

  “If you want I can have a talk with Mitchell,” Natasha started. “He knows a number of high end collectors and exhibitors,” she added looking at Rita suggestively. Rita looked at her for a while before finally shaking her head.

  “I am not a parasitic friend,” Rita said leaning back in her seat.

  “Come on it’s nothing like that and you know it,” Natasha said as the woman moved to her right foot. “Let a sister hook you up,” she said making a sad face at her.

  “Okay fine,” Rita said finally. They both smiled at the two women who had just concluded their manicure and pedicure session left. “Enough about me, how are you and money bags doing?” she asked looking at Natasha.

  Natasha blushed as she reached for her own fruit flavored water. “Good,” she said smiling. “He asked me to move in with him,” she said looking at Rita.

  “Hadn’t you already moved in with him?” Rita asked in a sarcastic voice. Natasha laughed as she stared daggers at her. “What? You’re never home any time I drop by,” Rita said smiling. “I would so make your house a personal brothel,” she added.

  “Really?” Natasha said laughing.

  “What, a girl still needs to get her groove on,” Rita said laughing.

  “Oh, okay. So we have someone special now?” Natasha asked as her interest suddenly grew.

  “Well, nothing serious yet,” Rita said holding her hands up. “Don’t start offering your maid of honor services yet,” Rita said laughing just as Natasha’s phone vibrated wildly on the table.

  I am employing my culinary skills for you my queen. She smiled as she silently read the text.

  “Will you share the joke?” Rita asked looking at a smiling Natasha who shook her head.

  “Just Mitchell telling me he is making me dinner,” Natasha said as she typed on her phone. Mani pedis with Rita then I’m all yours, she quickly typed. Rita smiled at her and took the last sip of her water.

  “Hope me and Dave get there some day,” Rita said sitting up.

  “So that’s his name,” Natasha said placing her phone on the table next to them. “Dave,” she said in a mock dreamy voice.

  “Stop that,” Rita said gently shoving her. “And anyway, we were talking about your sick reason not to move in with Mitchell. What’s up with that?” Rita asked looking at Natasha. There was a serious look in her eyes as she gave her best friend a hard, long stare. One that said, she had better tell the truth. Natasha took a long deep breath before taking her glass again for another sip.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to,” Natasha started trying to look for the right words. “It’s just that I don’t wan to rush things,” she said before finally looking up at Rita.

  “Who said you were rushing?” Rita asked taking Natasha’s hands in hers, careful not to smudge the newly polished nails. “You know what I really hate about you?” she said still looking deeply into Natasha’s eyes. “You over think everything. Sometimes it’s fun to just follow what your heart tells you to do and this is one guy I feel is right for you Tasha,” Rita said. Natasha’s cheeks flushed a little. For some reason, hearing her best friend say those words made her feel more comfortable about Mitchell. She probably just needed someone who had known her all her life to make the call even though the call was hers to make all along.

  “You really think so?” Natasha asked smiling.

  “Oh yeah and I am a pretty good judge of character,” Rita said before leaning back in her seat. “And don’t get me wrong, I’m not bragging or anything,” she added laughing

  “That’s subject to confirmation,” Natasha said blowing on her nails. “I am yet to meet him,” she added.

  “Well judging by the way I reacted to you dating Jay and Dane…” “…what was wrong with Dane?” Natasha asked interrupting her just as a spa attendant brought a huge bowl of fruit to where they were. Rita rolled her eyes and helped herself to a grape.

  “I never liked the way he looked at women’s feet,” she said as Natasha looked at her. “For all I care he would have been making wild sweet love to your Manolos while you were away,” she added laughing. Natasha laughed and leaned back in her seat.

  “Whatever, Rita,” Natasha said just as her phone buzzed again. She picked it up and another wide smile played across her face as she looked at the screen.

  “That must be McDreamy again,” Rita said as Natasha typed away.

  “Yeah,” Natasha said as she looked at her watch. “And it’s about time I left,” she added as she took an apple from the basket.

  “We are still supposed to do lunch,” Rita said frowning.

  “If we are going to make it, then we better leave now,” Natasha said before she slowly brought the tip of her tongue to one of her nails.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Rita asked as she stood up. “Are you licking your nails?”

  “I’m testing to see if the nails are dry,” Natasha said as she took a bite of her apple.

  “Of course you are,” Rita said in a condescending tone. “If you are that hungry then I better drive,” she added.

  “No, if the polish has a bitter taste then it isn’t dry yet but if it’s neutral then it’s fine,” Natasha quickly said in an attempt to defend her methods.

  “I won’t even ask how you know that,” Rita said as they walked to the cashier.

  “By the way, we’ll need to do a quick detour to my place,” Natasha said as she handed her credit card to the lady behind the counter.

  “What for?” Rita asked catching her reflection in the mirror behind the cashier.

  “Grabbing a few clothes and my lease agreement,” Natasha answered as Rita retouched her lip gloss. Rita smiled at her and gave her little wink.

  “Now that’s more like it,” Rita said smiling.


  Mitchell looked at his wrist watch and smiled. He was just in time. Everything was where it was supposed to be. The table was romantically set for two
complete with a bottle of Natasha’s favorite red wine on ice and a single unlit candle. He never understood the gist of having cold red wine.

  “Red wine is usually taken at room temperature,” he had explained to her once she told him of her fascination with cold red wine. She only shrugged and smiled at him. “Well I am different and I like cold red wine,” she’d told him, a warm, sexy smile on her face.

  There were red rose petals lined on the floor leading up to the bedroom and the bathroom where the Jacuzzi lay in wait with petals floating on its surface. There were scented candles all over the house giving the house a wonderful caramelized scent.

  He looked around and took a deep breath. He reached for his pocket and pulled out the black velvet case that housed the three stone three carat diamond engagement ring that he had picked out. He hoped that it would be good enough for Natasha. She hated being flashy. He saw this in her personality, the way she carried herself and the way she related with others. Even though in looks she would most likely be said to be a nine or ten, she still tried to live on the down low, not attracting too much attention to herself. He smiled when he thought of her reaction. In a w ay, he was nervous, unsure of what her answer would be. He had wanted to pop the question for the longest time but the time was never right. There was that time at the sushi restaurant but the man sitting in the table next to them ended up choking and then there was the time when he took her to the Eiffel Tower but there was a power malfunction. He laughed lightly when he recalled the last trip they took to Niagara Falls. He was just about to go on one knee and pop the question when the world came tumbling down at his feet.

  After two failed proposals, the falls were a sure bet. Everything was set: the beautiful sound being made by the water gushing against the rocks, perfect scenery and of course, the woman of his dreams right where he wanted her. Just as he descended to ask her, there was a commotion and when they asked around, they found out that a canoe had just capsized in the lake. He remembered being pissed off at the idiot who decided to go canoeing at the Niagara Falls. After that, he felt as if the world was telling him to hold his horses. Perhaps he needed to just go slow with Natasha…but he could not. He would not stop until he saw her walking down the aisle to him. She was the most perfect person and she wanted her in his life. There was just something special about her that he couldn’t place his finger on. He had been happy with other people before but what he felt with Natasha was more than just happiness. It was security. The feeling that you would only get with that one special person.

  Mitchell was still deep in thought when Natasha came in. He turned towards the door and smiled at Natasha who was awestruck at the romantic mood Mitchell had managed to set.

  “You did all this?” she asked looking around as she smiled. Mitchell nodded as he slowly walked towards her. His hands went down to her waist as he looked into her brown eyes. He slowly brought his head down to meet her soft lips in a long, deep kiss. His kiss was so deep that he could literally feel her almost collapsing in his arms.

  “Wow, I should really get out more,” she said in a whisper when he finally pulled off. “If that’s the reception I will be getting on a daily basis then I can’t wait to go out again,” she said as she ran her fingers through his thick hair.

  “That and much more,” he said taking her purse from her. “So, dinner first,” he said as he put her purse on the table next to the door.

  “You are seemingly too eager,” she said as he led him to the dining room.

  “Well, I hate reheating food,” he said pulling a seat put for her.

  “Okay,” she said as he poured her a glass of champagne. “So, what’s for dinner?” she asked with a smile.

  “Braised lamb shanks,” he replied proudly. She smiled and rested her elbows on the table.

  “When did you have the time?” she asked as he busied himself with serving. He looked at her and smiled as he set a plate on the table in front of her. “Looks delicious,” she said as she breathed in the sweet aroma of the food. “Oh my God, you didn’t….” she said as he walked towards her with a plate of baked potatoes. She smiled as she looked at him carrying the plate of perfectly done potatoes. Baked potatoes were her favorite, right up there with fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

  “Yes I did,” he said as he took a seat across her. “Here’s to us,” he said raising his glass. She smiled and picked up her own glass.

  “Here, here,” she said as the glasses met in a soft clink. “So, are you going to tell me why you did all this? What’s the occasion?” she asked as she took a bite of her lamb shank.

  “Can’t I just spoil you for funsies?” he asked looking at her. Natasha smiled and took another bite.

  “I can’t wait to see what you have planned for my birthday,” she said helping herself to some potatoes.

  “How was your day at the spa?” he asked as he took a sip of his wine.

  “We didn’t get any massages done,” she said in between bites. “Just a manicure and pedicure,” she added. Mitchell smiled at her before he finally laughed.

  “And that’ a big deal?” he asked looking at her.

  “Yes,” she said her eyes widening. “My back is literally in knots,” she added matter-of-factly.

  “Oh I can take care of that later,” Mitchell said with a wink. Natasha smiled at him.

  “I know you can and I honestly can’t wait,” she said in a sexy voice.

  “Yeah, dessert first,” he said as he took another bite. Natasha dramatically slammed her fists on the table and looked at him. “What?” he asked. “You think I was going to make a three course dinner without the final kick?” he said with a smile.

  As Natasha looked into his eyes at that moment, she could hear Rita’s words echoing in her ear. Mitchell was more than perfect. “Oh shit…Rita’s art,” she thought.

  “By the way I need to talk to you about something,” she said as she put her fork down.

  “Anything,” he said suddenly sensing the serious mood that had befallen the room.

  “Well, you know Rita does art right?” she started. “Well, the gallery is not doing so well. She is low on sales…” “…what about that guy Gomer?” he said cutting her off.

  “Yeah, that didn’t work out. Turns out her art was not all he was interested in if you know what I mean,” she said.

  “Bummer,” he said as he took a long sip of his wine. “How can I help?” he asked.

  “Do you think you could market some of her art to some of your collectors?” she asked looking into his eyes. “It would mean the world to me and to Rita of course,” she said giving him a smile.

  “Well, the NSCS Foundation is holding an art exhibit next week for charity. She could bring her stuff in and keep 70% of the sales, charity and all. That way people would get to know about her work,” he said slowly.

  “You would do that?” she asked smiling at him.

  “Anything for you, you know that,” he said smiling back.

  “In that case, I have something that I’ve got to tell you,” she said walking up to him. He smiled as she came to where he was and sat on his lap.

  “Really?” he asked as she secured an arm around his neck and kissed him. “Something special I hope,” he said when he pulled away.

  “That it is,” she said before kissing him again. She slowly pulled away and looked into his eyes. “Remember that thing you asked a few days ago?” she said.

  “If you like jam better than honey?” he asked looking at her confused.

  “No, silly,” she said laughing. “Whether I’d move in with you,” she said.

  “Yes,” he said looking into her eyes. Natasha looked back at him in silence, just smiling at him. “You are going to do it?” he asked excitedly. She smiled at him and nodded. Mitchell excitedly held her and kissed her again. He was almost so lost in the moment that he almost forgot the whole purpose of the dinner. He lifted her off him and sat her down on his seat.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as
she looked at him going down on one knee. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the black velvet case. Natasha felt herself freeze as he opened it and presented it to her. “Mitch…” she started before he put his index finger on her lips to silence her down.

  “Natasha Black, you have been in my life for a year now and I just can’t think of my life without you. Will you make me the happiest man on earth by being my wife?” he asked smiling up at her. Natasha was unsure of what she was supposed to do. She just stared at him, stuck, frozen in time.

  Chapter 3

  Natasha looked at the ring and then back at Mitchell as she felt her throat dry up. She was not sure whether to talk or act. This was something she had dreamed about for almost her whole life and she knew that this was good but she was not so sure how good. She just sat there as if she was frozen in time. For her everything was going in slow motion. Mitchell’s wavy hair slowly waving as he gently shook her hand gently. She felt her heart palpitating in her chest, almost threatening to get out of her body. “What are you doing Tasha, this is it. This is what you’ve always wanted. This is the man you have so much fallen in love with, the one man who has done right by you,” she thought as she looked at him.

  “Babe…did you hear what I said?” Mitchell asked looking at Natasha’s blank eyes.

  “Say something!” she scolded herself still looking at him. “Mitch…I, I don’t know what to say,” she started in a sad voice. Her eyes shifted to the ring in the black velvet case. “That is beautiful,” she thought looking at the large rock. “That must be worth at least 25 grand,” she thought still looking at the ring.

  “You could say yes,” he said looking at her. Natasha looked at him as she felt a tear roll down her cheek. Mitchell panicked. This was not going the way he wanted or expected it to go. “What’s wrong Natasha…should I not have asked?” he asked her getting confused at her reaction. He walked to where she was and used her index finger to wipe away her one tear.

  “It’s just that…,” “…you don’t love me enough?” he asked unsure of what was going on at that particular moment. “That was a pretty damn thing to say,” he thought. “But what other reason would she have to say no?”


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