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An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963

Page 106

by Robert Dallek

  p. 592: “fussed and interfered”: Burke Marshall OH. Guthman and Shulman, Robert Kennedy, 150-53.

  pp. 592-93: May and July CEEO meetings: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 35-36.

  p. 593: RFK-LBJ personal differences: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 623.

  p. 594: Birmingham demonstrations: Bernstein, 85-90.

  p. 595: Hoover’s allegations: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 352-54; David J. Garrow, “The FBI and Martin Luther King,” Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2002, 80-88.

  p. 595: JFK press conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, 372-73, 378.

  p. 595: “It seems clear to me”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 490-91.

  p. 596: King’s letter: Branch, 737-40.

  p. 596: took issue with JFK’s assertion: Ibid., 787.

  p. 596: The negotiated compromise: Bernstein, 90-92.

  p. 597: The explosions and rioting: Ibid., 92-93; Branch, 791-96.

  p. 597: “The passivity”: Quoted in Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 330.

  pp. 597-98: Wallace: Carter, chap. 3.

  p. 598: JFK’s discussion of the dilemma: JFK conversation with RFK, Burke Marshall, Nicholas Katzenbach, Ed Guthman, McNamara, Army Sec. Cyrus Vance, and Gen. Earle Wheeler, May 12, 1963, JFK Tape 86.2, JFKL.

  p. 598: On King’s intentions: Ibid.; Branch, 796-800.

  p. 598: “leaned too much”: Quoted in Branch, 800.

  p. 598: JFK statement and telegram: PPP: JFK, 1963, 397-98.

  pp. 598-99: RFK survey: RFK to JFK, June 4, 1963, and Lee White to JFK, June 4, 1963, Box 97, POF.

  p. 599: RFK and Wallace: Carter, 117-23; Guthman and Shulman, 185-86.

  p. 599: JFK and Wallace: Carter, 128-29. Pierre Salinger memo of conversation between JFK and Wallace, n.d., given to me by Sheldon Stern with Stern to Author, April 19, 2002.

  pp. 599-600: The prospect of race wars: Burke Marshall OH.

  p. 600: May 20 and 21, 1963, meetings: JFK, RFK, John Macy, Marshall, O’Brien, O’Donnell, Sorensen, and Lee White, JFK Tapes 88.4 and 88.6.

  p. 600: Reporter asked: PPP: JFK, 1963, 423.

  pp. 600-601: RFK meeting in New York: Guthman and Shulman, 223-26; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 330-35.

  p. 601: ”How long”: Guthman and Shulman, 64-65.

  p. 601: JFK and Gov. Jimmie Davis, June 3, 1963, tel. conv., JFK Tape 21A.

  p. 601-2: Conversations with Davis and Thompson: JFK Tapes 21A.1, 22A.3 and 4; 22B.1 and 3.

  p. 602: On LBJ and the civil rights bill: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 36-37; LBJ-Sorensen tel. conv., June 3, 1963, Vice Presidential Papers: Civil Rights, LBJL.

  p. 602: RFK request to Harriman: TELCON, May 29, 1963, and RFK to Harriman, June 17, 1963, Box 479, Harriman Papers.

  pp. 602-3: The confrontation with Wallace: Guthman and Shulman, 185-98; Carter, 142-51.

  p. 603: Preparation of the televised evening speech: Guthman and Shulman, 198-201.

  pp. 603-4: Televised evening speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 468-71.

  p. 604: The civil rights bill: Ibid., 483-94. On Evers: Carter, 153-54.

  pp. 604-5: Bipartisan support: JFK to DDE, June 10, 1963; DDE to JFK, June 14, 1963, Box 29A, POF.

  p. 605: “He always felt”: Guthman and Shulman, 176.

  p. 605: “I suppose that civil rights”: JFK-Carl Albert telephone conversation, June 12, 1963, JFK Tape 22A2.

  p. 605: Dirksen quoting Hugo: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 119.

  p. 605: JFK told Hodges: Luther Hodges OH.

  p. 605: More than moral considerations: Guthman and Shulman, 392.

  pp. 605-6: “Kennedy will lose”: Fred R. Travis to Charles Bartlett, May 20, 1963, Box 28, POF.

  p. 606: “the most sweeping”: Martin Luther King, June 20, 1963, Box 97, POF.

  Chapter 18: New Departures: Foreign Affairs

  pp. 607-8: December 17 interview: PPP: JFK, 1962, 896-903. Also see Schlesinger to JFK, Dec. 15, 1962, Box 62A, POF.

  p. 609: On Berlin: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 549; FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 510-11, 544-46.

  p. 609: JFK’s view of alliances: Theodore Sorensen, Foreword, in Brinkley and Griffiths, xiii.

  p. 609: On Skybolt and the Bermuda meeting: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 856-66; JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.

  p. 610: “the riot act”: Lincoln Diary, Dec. 22, 1962, Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.

  p. 610: Richard E. Neustadt’s report was later published as Alliance Politics (New York, 1970).

  pp. 610-11: Relations with France and Germany: John Newhouse, “De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons,” 32-48, and Roger Morgan, “Kennedy and Adenauer,” 16-31, in Brinkley and Griffiths.

  p. 611: “if Germany developed”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 751.

  p. 611: “What is your judgment”: JFK-Macmillan tel. conv., Jan. 19, 1963, Box 127A, POF.

  p. 611: “There is always the argument”: JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.

  p. 611: “Well, I am going”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 870-71.

  p. 611: “not possible to persuade”: Dean Acheson to JFK, Feb. 20, 1963, Box 27, POF.

  p. 612: Malraux and JFK remarks at the National Gallery: PPP: JFK, 1963, 4-6. Also see FRUS: Western Europe and Canada, 485.

  p. 612: On defense spending, see PPP: JFK, 1963, 15-16, 18-19; JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.

  pp. 612-13: Rename foreign aid: David Bell Memo, Dec. 22, 1962, Box 28, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

  p. 613: NSK to JFK, Nov. 12, Dec. 14 and 19, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 205-6, 233-34.

  p. 613: On Israel, see Cohen and chap. 6 of Bass.

  p. 614: “achieved much”: Seaborg, 158.

  p. 614: On JFK’s request for an assessment of the tests: FRUS: Arms Control, 599-601.

  p. 614: JFK to NSK, Nov. 21, Dec. 14, 22, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 223, 231-33, 237.

  p. 614: Differences between JFK and NSK: Ibid., 238-42; Seaborg, 178-81.

  p. 614: NSK’s agreement to talks in New York, and continuing differences: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 247-49, 250-62; Seaborg, 183-85.

  p. 615: “Well, my hopes”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 80.

  p. 615: “And so once again”: Cousins, 95-110.

  p. 615: “Any negotiations”: FRUS: National Security Policy, 462.

  p. 615: Other pressures on NSK and JFK: Lawrence Freedman, 264-65; FRUS: Arms Control, 683-85; and “Meeting of Soviet and Chinese Communist Party Delegations, July 8, 1963,” Cold War International History Bulletin, March 1998, 178.

  pp. 615-16: “Who did we think”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 262-65.

  p. 616: “an unofficial”: NSK to Leo Szilard, Nov. 4, 1962, Box 369, NSF. Also see Szilard to NSK, Oct. 9, 1962, and Szilard to Dr. Robert Livingston, Dec. 29, 1962, in ibid., and FRUS: Arms Control, 655-56.

  p. 616: “had been helpful”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 264.

  p. 616: Hot line: FRUS: Soviet Union, 708.

  p. 616: For the JFK-Macmillan proposals to NSK: FRUS: Arms Control, 659-61, 663-67, 670-78.

  p. 617: “almost entirely negative”: Ibid., 685-86.

  p. 617: NSK to JFK, April 29, May 8, 1963; JFK to NSK, May 13, 30, 1963: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 271-87, 290-92.

  p. 617: Thompson analysis: FRUS: Arms Control, 687.

  p. 618: “This challenge by the ChiComs”: Averell Harriman, Memo concerning the Soviet Union, n.d., Averell Harriman Papers, Kai Bird Collection.

  p. 618: Press conferences: PPP: JFK, 1963, 377-78, 424.

  p. 618: JFK meeting with Cousins, April 22, 1963: Cousins, 111-20.

  p. 618: “the most important speech”: Cousins to JFK, April 30, 1963, Box 36, Sorensen Papers.

  p. 618: JFK reply to Cousins: Richard Reeves, 476.

  p. 619: “‘This is not propaganda’”: Seaborg, 204-5.

  pp. 619-21: The “peace speech,” its timing, and preparation: FRUS: Arms Control, 710-14; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 899-900; Sorensen, 822-23; PPP: JFK, 1963, 459-64.

  p. 621
: Reactions to the speech: Gallup, 1837, 1842.

  p. 621: “hardly electrified”: Lawrence Freedman, 268.

  p. 621: The mail, and “with disgust”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 909-10.

  p. 621: Congressional Republicans: Sorensen, 825-26.

  p. 621: Soviet reaction: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 601.

  p. 621: “an atmosphere of détente”: Chester L. Cooper to Averell Harriman, Aug. 22, 1963, Harriman Papers, Kai Bird Collection.

  p. 621: “the best statement”: FRUS: Arms Control, 862.

  p. 621: “It was as though”: Seaborg, 218.

  p. 622: “a direct communications link”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 495.

  p. 622: Test message: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 602.

  pp. 622-23: The struggle to find a realistic agenda: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 172-73; FRUS: Arms Control, 719-20, 762-63, 768-69, 783-90, 801; FRUS: Northeast Asia, 1961-1963, 339-40, 370-71. Seaborg, chap. 17, 239; Lawrence Freedman, 270-74. Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 902-3. Also see Carl Kaysen to Mayor Willy Brandt, July 5, 1963, Box 539; Harold Macmillan to JFK, July 10, 1963, Box 540; “Points to Be Covered by Governor Harriman in the Forthcoming July 15 Mission to Moscow,” Box 539, Harriman Papers.

  p. 622: “I regard the Chiefs”: JFK-Mansfield telephone conversation, Aug. 12, 1963, JFK Tapes 25B2, 25C1, JFKL.

  p. 622: Excluded military officers and control of cables: Bernard J. Firestone, “Kennedy and the Test Ban,” in Brinkley and Griffiths, 83-84.

  p. 623: Harriman appointment: FRUS: Arms Control, 656; Cousins, 114.

  p. 623: On the goals of JFK’s Europe trip: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 881-84; Morgan, “Kennedy and Adenauer,” in Brinkley and Griffiths, 25-31; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 603-4, 609-10.

  pp. 624-26: For the speeches and JFK’s reception in Germany and trip to Ireland: PPP: JFK, 1963, 497-530.

  p. 624: “put more money”: Memo of Conf. with JFK, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 345, NSF.

  p. 624: Reception in Berlin: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 884-88; Sorensen, 677-78; O’Donnell and Powers, 358-59; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 604-8.

  p. 625: JFK remark to McHugh: Confidential source.

  p. 626: “on desirability”: FRUS: Arms Control, 799.

  p. 626: “make a ‘big thing’ out of”: Memo to Harriman, July 16, 1963, Harriman Papers, Kai Bird Collection.

  p. 627: Khrushchev-Harriman exchanges: FRUS: Arms Control, 799-801.

  p. 627: “glad to see”: NSK-Harriman conversation, July 20, 1963, Box 587, Averell Harriman Papers, LC.

  p. 627: “Gospodin Garriman”: NSK-Harriman conversation, July 26, 1963, ibid.

  p. 627: Completion of the treaty: FRUS: Arms Control, 802-55.

  pp. 628-30: The battle for treaty approval and the treaty’s impact: Sorensen, 829-33; Seaborg, chaps. 19-21. Firestone, “Kennedy and the Test Ban,” 88-94. Carl Kaysen, “The Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963,” in Brinkley and Griffiths, 108-113.

  p. 628: JFK’s July 26 speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 601-6.

  p. 629: “Maybe we can save”: JFK-HST telephone conversation, July 26, 1963, JFK Tape 24A1.

  p. 629: Fulbright had worried: JFK-Fulbright tel. conv. Aug. 23, 1963, JFK Tape 26C1.

  p. 629: Harris poll and “I don’t see any”: Firestone, “Kennedy and the Test Ban,” 91.

  p. 630: For the Mar., June, and Sept. polls, see Gallup, 1700, 1734, 1738, 1808, 1826.

  Chapter 19: An Unfinished Presidency

  p. 631: The decor: “As I Remember J.F.K.,” Nov. 21, 1963, Box 15, David Powers Papers, JFKL.

  pp. 631-32: “loved being President”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 671-72, 676, 679. “Kennedy enjoyed being President”: “As I Remember J.F.K.,” Nov. 21, 1963, Box 15, Powers Papers; O’Donnell and Powers, 375.

  p. 632: Remarks to Sorensen and to Jackie and Lee Radziwill: Lincoln Diary, Jan. 16, 19, 1963, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.

  p. 632: The Cannon interview notes, April 5, 1963, Box 1, James M. Cannon Papers, JFKL.

  p. 632: European opinion of JFK: John L. Steele to Gen. Chester V. Clifton, Mar. 6, 1963, Box 62A, POF.

  p. 633: JFK’s wit: “Remarks for Gala,” Box 36, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

  p. 633: Turned aside criticism: Notes on briefing session with JFK, Sept. 12, 1963, Box 6, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL.

  p. 633: Patrick Bouvier Kennedy: O’Donnell and Powers, 375-79.

  pp. 633-34: E. B. White poem, New Yorker, Oct. 12, 1963.

  p. 634: JFK on the presidency: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 676, 679.

  pp. 634-35: Profumo affair: JFK and Schlesinger, Mar. 22, 1963, tel. conv., JFK Tape 15B, JFKL.

  p. 635: Gallup poll: Schlesinger to JFK, June 21, 1963, Box 66, POF.

  p. 635: “devoured every word”: Bradlee, Conversations, 230.

  p. 635: “You’ve read about”: Quoted in Garrow, 61-63; Branch, 837-38.

  pp. 635-36: The Journal-American story: Hersh, 390-98; Evan Thomas, 254.

  p. 636: “Gratitude stirred”: Charles Bartlett, “News Managing?” clipping, Feb. 28, 1963, Box 28, POF.

  pp. 636-37: Ellen Rometsch: Hersh, 387-90, 398-400; Evan Thomas, 255-56.

  pp. 637-38: On Mollenhoff’s story and the JFK-RFK response to it: Lincoln Diary, Oct. 28, 1963, Lincoln Papers; Guthman and Shulman, 129-30; Hersh, 400-406; Evan Thomas, 263-68.

  pp. 638-39: Baker, LBJ, and the vice presidency: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 40-44.

  p. 639: The country’s concerns: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, May 16, 1963, Box 62A, POF; Gallup, 1818, 1823-29.

  p. 639: Democrats’ focus: O’Brien and Sorensen to JFK, April 30, 1963, and two undated memos attacking the Republicans, Box 53; Senate policy committee meetings, Mansfield to JFK, April 30, May 16, 1963, Box 31, POF.

  pp. 639-40: The tax cut: Heller to JFK, Mar. 21, 1963, Box 5; Aug. 7, Sept. 4, 1963, Box 6, Heller Papers. Leadership breakfast, Nov. 5, 1963, Box 53; CEA Draft Statement, Nov. 10, 1963, Box 76, POF. O’Brien and Sorensen to JFK, Nov. 20, 1963; Henry H. Fowler to Sec. Dillon, Nov. 29, 1963, Box 59, Sorensen Papers. New York Times, Oct. 31, 1963.

  p. 640: The war on poverty: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 1010; Isserman; Notes on meetings with JFK, Oct. 21, Nov. 19, 1963, Box 6, Heller Papers; Heller to Sorensen, Nov. 20, 1963, Box 31, Sorensen Papers.

  pp. 640-41: Civil Rights and Congress: Sen. Mike Mansfield to JFK, June 18, 1963, Box 30, Sorensen Papers; Bernstein, 105-6.

  p. 641: “A leading southern Senator”: Schlesinger to RFK, July 1, 1963, Box 80, POF.

  p. 641: LBJ on the Senate vote: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 970.

  p. 641: Kennedy remained uncertain: Charles A. Horsky to JFK, two memos of July 9, 1963; Lee White to JFK, July 11, 1963, Box 97, POF.

  pp. 641-42: The June 22 meeting: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 968-71; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 350; Branch, 839-41.

  p. 642 The Aug. 1 news conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, 615.

  pp. 642-44: Preparations for the march and the march: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 972-73; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 350-52; Branch, chap. 22.

  pp. 645-46: The post-march White House meeting: Audiotape 108.2, Aug. 28, 1963, JFKL; Branch, 883-86.

  p. 646: JFK Interv. with Cronkite, Sept. 2, 1963, Box 14, Powers Papers.

  pp. 646-47: Sept. 19 meeting: Audiotapes 111.7, 112.1, JFKL; “King and Kennedy Discuss Birmingham,” Miller Center Report, Winter 2000, 22-27.

  pp. 647-48: JFK meeting with white Birmingham leaders, Sept. 23, 1963, Audiotapes 112.6 and 113.1, JFKL.

  pp. 648-50: JFK and the fight over civil rights: Ibid. Audiotapes, Sept. 30, 1963, 113.2; Oct. 23, 1963, 116.6, 116.7, 117.1; Oct. 29, 1963, 118.2. Tel. Convs. Oct. 29, 1963, 28A.3; Oct. 30, 1963, 28A.4. Lincoln Diary, Oct. 23, 28, 29, 1963, Lincoln Papers. RFK Press Conf., Oct. 15, 1963, Box 30, Sorensen Papers; O’Brien and Sorensen to JFK, Nov. 20, 1963, Box 59, Sorensen Papers. PPP: JFK, 1963, 762-65. “JFK and the South,” Arkansas Gazette, Oct. 6, 1963. Brooks Hays to JFK, Oct. 20, 1963, Box 63A, POF. Bonnie Faugus Salcido to JFK
, Aug. n.d., 1963, Box 31, RFK Confidential File RFK Papers, JFKL. Bernstein, 108-13.

  pp. 651-52: JFK and space: June 14 press conf., PPP: JFK, 1962, 485. Edward R. Murrow to JFK, Aug. 13, 1962, Box 91; JFK to Dave Bell, Aug. 23, 1962, Box 125A, POF. NSAM, No. 183, Aug. 27, 1962, Box 338, NSF. LBJ to JFK, Jan. 14, 1963, Box 30; James Webb to JFK, Oct. 29, Nov. 30, 1962, Box 84, POF. Tape 63, Nov. 21, 1962, JFKL. Dec. 31, 1962, background briefing, Box 415, NSF.

  pp. 652-53: Criticism of moon program: McDougall, 389-94. Also see Vannevar Bush to James Webb, April 11, 1963, Box 84, POF.

  p. 653: Asked Johnson: JFK to LBJ, April 9, 1963, Box 84, POF.

  p. 653: “the desirability of”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 349-50.

  p. 653: JFK wanted Johnson: JFK to LBJ, July 29, 1963; LBJ to JFK, July 31, 1963, Box 30, POF.

  p. 653: Soviet second thoughts and pressure on JFK: Obituary of Vasily Mishin, New York Times, Oct. 29, 2001; PPP: JFK, 1963, 568, 831-32; McDougall, 395; JFK to Albert Thomas, Sept. 23, 1963, Box 38, Sorensen Papers.

  p. 653: USIA survey: Donald Wilson to JFK, June 11, 1963, Box 91, POF.

  p. 654: Sept. 20 U.N. speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 693-98.

  p. 654: JFK instructed Webb: NSAM No. 271, Nov. 12, 1963, Box 342, NSF.

  p. 655: A 1965 survey: Maria Carosa to John Stewart, n.d., Box 14, Powers Papers.

  p. 655: JFK-NSK exchanges: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 215-23, 226-33.

  p. 656: “we must assume”: JFK conference with Chiefs, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 345, NSF.

  p. 656: Feb. and Apr. exchanges about invasion plans: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 711-12, 791, 802-3.

  p. 656: “the situation could develop”: JFK to McNamara, Oct. 4, 1963, Box 68, POF.

  p. 656: Political pressures on JFK over Cuba: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Dec. 30, 1962, Box 215A, NSF; Lincoln Diary, Feb. 5, 1963, Lincoln Papers; Richard Goodwin, “President Kennedy’s Plan for Peace with Cuba,” New York Times, July 5, 2000; Lawrence Freedman, 225.

  p. 656: JFK speech, Dec. 29, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 911-13; O’Donnell and Powers, 276-77; Evan Thomas, 238.

  p. 656: Soviet troops: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 681-83, 715-18; Lawrence Freedman, 224.

  p. 656: Subversion: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 359, 433, 648, 662, 696-97, 726-27, 867-68, 888. JFK to McCone, Feb. 9, 1963; Marshall S. Carter to JFK, Feb. 13, 1963; JFK to Rusk, McNamara, McCone, Feb. 15, 1963; Bundy to McCone, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 72, POF. RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers. JFK to Rusk, May 31, 1963, Box 68, POF.


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