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Brick (Knights Corruption MC Series-Next Generation Book 4)

Page 3

by S. Nelson

  They weren’t told anything other than things weren’t good right now, which I was sure was as clear as mud to them. Neither of them were a part of the club, nor did they want to be, but that didn’t mean they were out of harm’s way.

  I was thankful Zoe’s boss gave her time off; otherwise I’d be goin’ crazy constantly worrying about her.

  “Yeah. Jagger’s there right now. Braylen and Reece agreed to have limited hours until this is all settled. Less time away from me means less risk.” He mumbled the last part but because he stood close, I heard every word.

  “That’s good.” I moved my hands behind my head to adjust my pillow but stopped before I could do it because the slight movement was gonna hurt. And because I wasn’t about to ask Kaden to fluff my damn pillow, I’d wait until Zoe got back, which hopefully was soon.

  “Yeah.” He looked at his phone again. “Good. Yeah.”

  “Yo.” Kaden’s only focus was on his cell. “Hey!” I shouted that time.

  His head snapped up. “What?”

  “Either stop watching your phone or call her. You’re annoying me with this shit.”

  “Far be it from me to annoy the big guy,” he griped, smirking when I flipped him off. He checked one more time before tucking his phone into his back pocket, flopping into the chair in the corner of the bedroom. “Did Addy say how long it’ll be before you’re on your feet again?” He leaned forward in his seat, resting his forearms on the tops of his thighs, his attention fully on me since he’d first walked in here.

  “It would’ve been sooner, but I got an infection, so I don’t know right now. If nothing else goes wrong, I’m hoping to be out of this bed in a few days, not that I’m gonna be much good to anyone if shit pops off while I’m still healin’ up. Speakin’ of, how are the other guys doin’?”

  “Ace is still recovering from gettin’ shot the first time, but he’s lucky this bullet only grazed the back of his head. And Tag is on crutches. Seems to be doin’ okay physically. Mentally, I couldn’t tell ya. He doesn’t really say anything. Not yet anyway. And Ryder, he’s doin’ all right. It’ll be a while before you two are back on your feet for good. But we got you. No worries.”

  “I know. I appreciate it.”

  For the next half hour, we chatted about all things club related, from having to shut down the strip clubs, to everyone being on edge, to planning on a big blowout when everything was back to normal. Problem was, we didn’t have the faintest idea when that would be.

  “I think someone just pulled in. I’ll go check.” Kaden rushed from the room and down the stairs. None of us could be too careful, and I appreciated his concern, especially considering I couldn’t do a damn thing right now if someone broke in. My gun rested on the table beside the bed, but that didn’t mean I had the strength to get to it in time. It did give me some solace, however, all things considered. Then there was my alarm, which would be a deterrent, but not a guarantee. Come to think of it, the only guarantee any of us had would come with the death of that club, once and for all.

  A couple of minutes later, I heard voices, then the front door shut. Instead of Kaden’s heavy footsteps, there was only silence until Zoe appeared in the doorway. Her smile faltered when her eyes landed on mine, but she recovered so quickly I thought I’d imagined her wavered expression.

  “How was your visit?” She moved into the room, readjusting her hair into a messy bun on top of her head, pushing her bangs to the side and out of her eyes. Her face was void of makeup, as it had been for the past couple days, and I thought she’d never looked more beautiful.


  “That’s good.” I didn’t have much more to say on the subject as most of what Kaden and I discussed I couldn’t tell her anyway. She fiddled with the hem of her blue top, standing at the foot of the bed. “What’s wrong?” I tried to shift on the bed and was only able to move an inch before I was hit with a jolt of pain.


  “You’re lying.”

  She tore her eyes from me and looked down. “I’m not.”

  “Come here.” For as weak as I felt, my tone was strong, authoritative.

  She peeked up at me but never moved. “Can I get you something? Are you hungry? Thirsty? When are you due for your pain meds?” She glanced at the clock next to the bed. “Not for another two hours,” she mumbled more to herself than me.

  “Zoe. Come here.”

  Every step she took was laced with hesitation and I couldn’t understand why. She’d been fine when she left. Then it dawned on me… she’d just come from Ryder’s. Either he wasn’t doing well, or he’d said something to her to make her act like this. Like she was shy, or unsure, or… fuck, I didn’t know what.

  Once she was close, I reached for her hand and she accepted—thank God—kneeling on the bed and sliding her palm into mine. She was still too far away for my liking, but it wasn’t like I could flip her on her back and nestle between her legs like I wanted to, so I had to make do for now.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked once more. “Is your dad doing okay?”

  She gave me a curt nod. “He’s getting a little better every day.”

  “Then what is it?” I gently squeezed her hand. Her teeth captured her full bottom lip, nibbling the corner. “Just tell me, woman. You’re making me think the worst.”

  “Well, it’s not great.” She tried to pull her hand away, but I refused to let her go. “Let’s just say my dad isn’t at all happy I’m here with you. I’m sure part of it is the safety factor, but I’m his daughter, so I’m in harm’s way no matter what. But more than that, he doesn’t want me to be with you. I told him we don’t know what we are yet, but I’m grown, and I can decide who I have a relationship with.” She clamped her mouth shut after her rambling, her pale green eyes widening in the silence that followed.

  “He definitely knows we’re messin’ around now.”

  She dipped her head slightly. “He asked me if I was fuckin’ you.”

  “He did what?” I sputtered. “He was that blunt?”


  “What did you say?”

  “I told him it was none of his business.”

  “Which was code for yes.” The corners of my mouth curved up. “You probably set back his recovery, nearly givin’ the guy a coronary.”

  “Don’t say that.” She playfully slapped my arm. Her quick grin disappeared. “He needs to stop thinking of me as his little girl and acknowledge I’m a grown woman. I can sleep with whomever I want.” She lifted her head and straightened her shoulders.

  “Which better only be me.” Against my better judgment, I tugged her closer, needing to feel her warm, sweet breath on my face. We hadn’t discussed being exclusive, as we were still in the stages of getting to know each other, inside and outside of the bedroom, but the thought of her with someone else drove me crazy.

  “Now that you’re laid up for a bit, I’m gonna need to find someone to sort me out until you’re all better.” She pecked my lips and made a move to pull away, but I grabbed her arm, holding her prisoner against me. “Don’t hurt yourself.” A flash of concern danced across her face but quickly faded when I licked my lips and arched my brow.

  “If I have to chain you to this bed with me, I will. No one else will ever touch you.” My words were so final, and I meant every one of them.

  “You know I like when you restrain me.”

  My cock twitched at the memory of her naked, tied to this very bed only last week, spread eagle, waiting for me to fuck her.

  “Don’t play with me when I can’t do anything about it.” My hold on her intensified. “Please don’t tease me.” My plea was in direct contrast to my grip.

  “I can give you that sponge bath I promised.”

  We stared at each other for a moment, my eyes traveling along the line of freckles painted over the bridge of her nose. My gaze dropped to her mouth when her tongue swept over her bottom lip and it took everything in me not to ravage her, to flip her on her
back and fuck her hard, to push her body to the limits, just how she liked.

  But I could do no such thing in my state, so I had to be content with whatever it was she offered. And right now, that looked to be a sponge bath.

  Which might soothe my lust or heighten it to a whole other level.


  “Can you make it to the bathroom? You can sit on the edge of the tub while I do your front.” The only times Brick had been out of bed was to use the toilet, otherwise he rested.

  “I think I can manage.”

  I reached for his hand, but he ignored me, slowly shifting his body into a sitting position before swinging his legs over the side.

  “Thanks for the offer, but you don’t have the strength to help me.” He smiled, took a deep breath, and pushed himself off the bed. I was next to him a step later, holding on to his arm, but if he wobbled on his feet, there wasn’t much I could do to stop him from going down. Like he said, I didn’t have the physical strength to help him. Not by myself, at least. The good sign was that he seemed to have more vigor than he did earlier when Addy and Stone were here.

  Five steps later, we entered his en suite bathroom. Brick plopped down on the ledge of the bathtub, bracing himself with his right arm so as not to put any strain on his left side.

  Pulling the warm soapy washcloth from the sink, I squeezed it once, then moved toward him, wiping his face. He didn’t utter a word as I ran the cloth over his arms, then down his chest, careful of the bandage.

  Touching Brick was torture because all I wanted to do was straddle him and have my way with him. But he was in no shape for such activities, even if I did all the work. He still had a fever and it could be days before his infection went away. If he only had the injury to his outer thigh, it’d be a different story. My selfish need would have to be put on the back burner for now. I’d wait however long it took, as long as he was okay in the end.

  The first time I laid eyes on him I was instantly attracted. He was a sexy, gorgeous, tattooed biker, someone I never saw myself with. For years, I’d been surrounded by the elite in fashion, which meant that most of the people were rich, spoiled, and sometimes snooty.

  Brick and I were worlds apart, yet we had this undeniable connection neither of us could understand.

  I wrung out the washcloth and applied more soap. “Lift your arm for me.” I washed the underside as well as down the length of him until I came to his waist. Soon, I’d have to remove his boxer briefs. I only prayed I possessed the restraint necessary when he was splayed naked before me. I tended to his other side before washing his legs, careful of the bandaged area on his outer right thigh. Then I moved to his feet. He flinched once, then again when I hit a ticklish spot on the arch of his foot. I looked up at him and he gave me the most heartwarming smile, telling me so much without having said a word.

  With a separate washcloth, I rinsed away any residual soap.

  “I feel better already.”

  “Good. But I’m only halfway done.” I had to remove his only piece of clothing, wash his most private area before tending to his back. “You don’t have to stand for this part, but I do need you to lift your butt so I can slide these off.” I gripped the waistband of his underwear as I spoke and he didn’t hesitate, rising off the edge of the tub so I could shimmy them over his ass, then down his legs.

  “I can’t guarantee I won’t get hard.” There wasn’t a hint of shyness or embarrassment in his voice, and I didn’t blame him. Brick was large… everywhere. Even in his wounded state, the man exuded a raw sexuality I’d never been privy to before.

  “It might make it easier for me to clean you if you were.” He widened his eyes and I laughed. I ran the cloth over his dick, and it twitched. Before I could repeat the motion, he pushed my hand away. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. It’ll just be easier if I stand.” I didn’t get a chance to argue before he stood to his full height of six foot five, towering over me. I wasn’t short for a woman, coming in at five foot eight, but the man always made me feel tiny, more so when crouched down in front of him, the height difference magnified in the tiny space. “Did I ever tell you I love when you’re on your knees?” His wolfish smile excited me.

  “You have, in fact, although right now is not a good time to remind me of that when I’m trying to take care of you.”

  “I can think of another way you can take care of me.” As he spoke, his cock thickened, and I licked my lips, grappling with any good sense I had left to resist him and finish him off. Just not in the way he hoped.

  “That’s not happening until you’re better.”

  “But your mouth will make me feel better.”

  “Brick,” I said in warning, struggling to keep my smile at bay.

  “Fine.” He flicked his wrist. “Continue.”

  And I did, washing the length of him before gently cupping his balls in the wet soapy cloth.

  “Fuck, Zo. Keep doin’ that and I’ll make you suck me dry.” His filthy mouth turned me on, and right now was no exception. But I had a job to do and I refused to let him distract me.

  I never responded as I wiped away the soap and told him to turn around, standing so I could wash the nape of his neck, down his back, and over his gorgeously sculpted backside. There should be poems written about his ass, it was that beautiful. It was delectable, smackable, biteable and every other ’able I could think of.

  The bathmat cushioned my knees as I knelt once more, washing the back of his legs. The moment I cleared away the remnants of soap, he turned around, his cock several inches from my mouth.

  He tangled my hair between his fingers and pulled my head back, so I had to look up at him looming over me. “Thank you for washing me. Now I need something else from you.”

  He thrust his hips forward and his thickness pressed against the seam of my lips. I pulled back but not much as he wouldn’t allow me.

  “Do you think this is a good idea right now?” I summoned my inner strength to try and challenge him, but I was failing, and fast.

  I craved him.

  I desired the taste of him.

  I wanted him to pull my hair and shove his dick down my throat.

  I wanted him to be rough with me, to use me any way he wanted.

  But we couldn’t lose control like we normally did because he was injured and needed to preserve his strength to heal.

  “It’ll make me feel better,” he repeated. His lower lip protruded, and I laughed. “You don’t want me to exert myself, and I won’t have to if you do this for me. I haven’t been able to touch you in days. And while I still can’t have you the way I want, I can at least have the pleasure of your mouth. I promise I’ll make it up to you very soon.”

  Brick didn’t need to beg. I was one second from drawing him into my mouth, but I did love hearing his plea. For every instance of pleasure I gave him, with either my hand, mouth, or body, he returned the favor twofold, so I had no doubt he’d keep me locked up in this room for days on end once he had the stamina to do so.

  “I don’t know.” I pretended to stall for time to make my decision, and while my heartbeat quickened, I flicked my tongue out and touched his tip. He hissed, gripping my hair tighter, the tickle of pain urging me on.

  “You’re such a tease.” His brown eyes darkened, begging me with a simple glance.

  “If you’re sure I’m not gonna hurt—”

  “Shut the hell up, woman, and open your mouth.” He gripped his arousal and tapped it against my lips, his commanding tone making me wet and swell with need.

  Smacking my lips together first, I then popped them open, running my tongue over the length of him, sucking on the head before closing around the rest of him. I loved the salty taste of his precum, and the way he jerked in my mouth when I hollowed my cheeks.

  Brick’s lips parted, and his breathing hastened. I worked him with my hand, matching the rhythm of my mouth, controlling my gag reflex as he hit the back of my throat.

  “I love how you can take all o
f me.” His body jerked and his stomach muscles tightened as he thrust his hips forward. Slowly at first, but the more I sucked him deeper, the quicker his movements became. “I fuckin’ love your mouth.” His grunts encouraged me. “I can’t get enough.” He moved his free hand to join his other, moving my head up and down as he fucked my mouth.

  He drove deeper.

  He was forceful.


  Chasing his basest need to spill himself down my throat.

  Brick yanked my head back and his cock popped free of my mouth. “I want you to take every last drop. Do you understand?” His gravelly voice lit fire to my libido, and I cursed his wounds for not being able to ride him soon after I finished him off.

  I was able to nod even though he still had a fierce hold on my hair. A second later, he punished my mouth, stealing his pleasure with the force I loved. In that moment, he wasn’t injured, or sick, or weak. He was only a man taking what he wanted, what he needed from me, and I was only too happy to oblige.

  “I’m gonna come,” he groaned. “Just like that. So fuckin’ good. So good.” His hips jerked and his grip turned savage, the ache between my legs becoming borderline painful. It was only now I cursed my decision to wear jeans instead of a dress today; otherwise, I would’ve brought myself to orgasm while my mouth did the same for him.

  Every muscle in his body seemed to tighten right before he burst into my mouth, his salty essence making me crave more. After several lazier thrusts, he released his grip and ran his hand over the top of my head, like he was praising me for a job well done. Then he stepped back and fell from my mouth. I grabbed on to the hand he extended and rose to my feet, but I didn’t get far before he pulled me into him. I stood on my tiptoes and laced my fingers behind his neck. Even at this height he still had to lean down to meet my lips.


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