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Rekindled Desire

Page 6

by Hadley Raydeen

  “I’m not,” she confirmed.

  “I want you in my life,” he whispered.

  She swiped at the tears streaming down her face, and he lowered his head.

  “Let me show you.” He met her mouth with a gentle soothing kiss. He didn’t force her. She put her arms around his waist in encouragement. He parted her lips, his tongue massaging the contours of her mouth.

  In between kisses she spoke, “Brandon.”

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. She saw it in his eyes. He really did care about her.

  “I…still want you, too.” The smile that parted his lips melted her heart. “I’m sure this food can be reheated.”

  “Forget it,” he answered, lifting her from the island, walking her to the steps.

  “Will we eat today?” she giggled as he carried her upstairs to her bedroom.

  “How about dinner?” he asked her.

  “Are you buying?”

  “Absolutely,” he said, taking her to bed.


  She hadn’t made it out of his sight or his arms all weekend. It had been like old times with him. They fell back into the same rhythm of college. They watched movies, played cards, read in comfortable silence, joked and laughed about old times. The only difference was at night, instead of just falling asleep next to each other, he held her in his strong arms. He kissed her breathless and made love to her whole body. Not an inch of her was unfamiliar with his touch, caresses and kisses. She went to bed satisfied and woke up with a smile.

  Light shined through the shades of her window for the third morning of his stay. Once again she stared at the bedside clock. It’s Monday already. Shit.

  She laid a hand on his back and he groaned, causing her to smile. Brandon was not a morning person. He’d never been. He used to avoid morning classes at all cost. She had warned him he should go home last evening to get ready for the work week. He went home for an hour and then showed back up at her doorstep with his clothes for the next day. He flashed a devilish grin, devoured her mouth with his and now here they lay, twelve hours later.

  She lightly nudged him again. He turned his head in her direction with his eyes still closed. “If you are nudging me because it’s time to get up, then this is me ignoring you.”

  She chuckled. “I warned you, I get up early. I can’t be late. I have a meeting today at nine.”

  “What time is it?” he mumbled.

  “Six o’clock.”

  “Six o’clock in the damn morning?” He flipped over, propping himself up on his elbow. He opened one eye, allowing her the view of one hazy, but devastatingly handsome, green eye. “I have a meeting, too, but we are smart and hold our meetings later in the afternoon.”

  She smiled at him. “You are so sexy,” she whispered.

  He watched her. “What are you doing?” He eyed her as a hand dropped below the sheets.

  “Giving you reason to want to get up.”

  “Oh no,” he said, snagging her wrist before she reached her target. “We’ve been down this road many, many times this weekend, pretty lady. We both know what happens once you get me hard and ready.”

  Her stomach fluttered. “We don’t ever leave the bed,” she whispered in response against his mouth.

  “Damn straight,” he growled back. “I need more than a few minutes with you.”

  “We’ve been going at it since Friday night, Brandon,” she reminded.


  “So! Are you a bunny?”

  “My hand wasn’t the hand just reaching for some more action, sister,” he teased. She grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. “Mmm, a naked pillow fight. Is that what you want?” he asked, grabbing a pillow.

  “Oh, no you don’t. Stop it.” She giggled, jumping from the bed in retreat. His arm snaked out around her bare midriff, pulling her back to his hard torso. “You can give it, but you can’t take it. Is that how it goes, lady?” his words hot against her ear.

  “Brandon, you’re going to make me late for work.”

  He chuckled. “Care to shower together?”

  “Hell, no,” she laughed.

  He leaned back from her and pouted. “Why not?”

  “You know the answer to that,” she teased, her hip moving against his already erect member. He nibbled her neck.

  “I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  “Since when?”

  His strong hand moved over her breasts, teasing her nipples.

  “You have a point. I’ve never been on my best behavior.” He captured her lips with his. “You take your shower first then we’ll have a quick breakfast. Eggs and toast?”

  “You are going to spoil the hell out of me if you keep cooking me breakfast.”

  “Aha, my plan is working,” he said, rubbing his hands together.

  “Oh hush,” she said, swatting his arm. “You could use the shower in the downstairs bathroom if you’d like.”

  “I guess if I have to.” He pouted.

  She laughed, leaving him in the middle of her bed.

  By the time she showered, dressed, and came downstairs, he was already dressed and seated at her dining room table reading the paper.

  She couldn’t help but think how perfect and handsome he looked sitting there in his suit and tie ready to begin the day. She could get used to this. “I see you decided to utilize the second bathroom.”

  “Well, since a certain sex kitten insisted I couldn’t shower with her, I was left with no choice.”

  “Would you like a little cheese with that whine?”

  “Well, if you’re offering—”

  “Very funny,” she laughed.

  “Take a seat. I’ll get your plate and coffee.” He stood to walk past her to the kitchen.

  “I can get it,” she said, reaching for his arm.

  He gripped her wrist and pulled her to him. “I am making up for lost time pampering you, pleasing you and treating you like the beautiful woman you are.” He kissed her cheek. “Let me get your breakfast.”

  Her mouth opened in shock at his words. He used it as the opportunity to kiss her again, this time his tongue exploring her mouth. He tasted of coffee. A moan circulated somewhere in the back of her throat. She placed a hand on his chest; the other hand held onto his arm for dear life.

  He moved back from her. “Now, what were you saying?”

  “I was saying, I’m going to take a seat and let this gorgeous man bring me breakfast.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere.”

  “Likewise,” she mumbled.

  She shoveled fluffy eggs into her mouth along with buttered toast with jelly, and then fumbled with the edge of the folder sitting on the table next to her. She tried to work on the project over the weekend, but a whole lot of good that turned out to be with him there.

  “What’s up with the folder, sunshine?” He broke into her thoughts.


  “The folder; you’ve been fussing with it since you sat down.”

  She slid it across the table to him. He reached out to move it toward him. “What is this?”

  “My work proposal. I was going to turn it in this morning, but I don’t think the meeting will be favorable. Can you tell me what you think?”

  He opened it and read through her charts and graphs plus her report and figures while she ate the rest of her food, studying him. Brandon closed the folder; his gaze lifted to search hers out.

  “Well?” Her nerves tightened over his opinion

  “You’ve still got it, Cam.”


  “Well, that could mean a world of things—”

  She sent him a warning glance.

  He chuckled. “That proposal will definitely be accepted. Why don’t you think it will?”

  “Rumor has it we lost the account. It just sucks the rug is snatched out from me before I even got a chance to present the proposal.”

  “Are you still able to submit it?”

  “I’m going
to give it to my boss and hope to hell it helps keep the account.”

  He grinned at her. “That’s the spirit. Now onto more pressing matters.”

  She looked up at him. “Like what?”


  She raised a brow. “Us?”

  “Are you free tonight?”


  “Come to my place tonight. We’ll cook dinner together.”

  “And then?”

  “We will take it one step at a time.”

  She laughed out loud. “We both know what that means.”


  “Y ou’re late,” Kimi hissed.

  “I know, I know.”

  “You’ve given me no time to get the juicy details, Cambria.”

  “We can talk after the meeting.”

  “Was he still with you this morning?”

  “Yes.” Cambria’s face warmed at the interrogation.

  “Oh! Is it serious?” Kimi smiled, knowing.

  “I don’t know, exactly.”

  “How could you not know? You’ve just spent the whole weekend and into the work week with this man. That sounds super serious.”

  “We are seeing how things go. One step at a time.”

  “How often have we seen Brandon, have flings that started Friday after a dance or frat party, and made him late for Monday classes? Never. He always booted them by Saturday morning.” Kimi tested her.

  “No, I’m sure there were some, we just never noticed. This is nothing new. I’m not going make a big deal out of it. I promised myself I would enjoy the time I have with Brandon while it lasts. I’m not going to over-analyze.”

  “You are treating this too casual,” Kimi scolded.

  Cambria shrugged her friend’s comment off. This is how she would deal with the thought of Brandon rejecting her. She had a great weekend; she would see how this “relationship” worked out. “Our meeting is in ten minutes. We should go.”

  Kimi gave up questioning her, for now. Cambria knew her friend would revisit this issue later. “We should go in. We find out who is partnering with us on the new account.” Kimi stepped forward and opened the door.

  “Oh great, who will be taking my ideas and using them as their own?” Cambria rolled her eyes and followed Kimi into the conference room.

  “Y ou have to be kidding me! Why didn’t I know we were taking that account from this marketing firm? Damn it, Jim!” Brandon slammed the file on the table in front of him.

  “Okay, I’m not understanding why this is a problem? This is a huge account. If we have to collaborate with a couple of knuckle-heads at some screwy firm to knock this one out of the park, then who the hell cares, man?” Jim brushed him off.

  Brandon felt his jaw clench. “There are amazing, talented people at this firm, Jim.”

  His friend and associate laughed. “Since when?”

  Since I gave my heart and body over the weekend to the most gorgeous and talented one there. “Look I have a horrible feeling in my gut about this.”

  Jim looked at him with a frown on his face. “I don’t think the guys at the top give a shit about what we feel, McKay. Our job is to go there for this meeting and tell these folks how it’s going to be done. I don’t give a damn whose feelings I’m hurting. We are going to run the show. Now, let’s get the hell out of here and get this meeting underway.”

  Brandon stood on legs that would not move. This is a huge mistake. He just hoped he could explain to Cambria about this, and she would listen. He hoped she would understand that this was not his choice. He had no idea this would happen.

  “O ur client, Magna, has asked us to collaborate with another marketing firm. They want a huge concept so they have hired both firms to work together. Unfortunately, the folks from this firm I assigned to handle this project will be removed from the assignment as lead reps. The collaborating firm will take the lead because of more experience on these types of projects. I will personally be working closely with their reps. I’ve asked them to meet with us this morning so we can discuss our vision for this project and to see how we can join our ideas for this account.”

  Cambria listened to her boss drone on and on, disappointed to learn the project she had put her heart and soul into for the last two months was being taken from her. She would pretty much play second fiddle to this new marketing firm Magna decided to hire. What a slap in the face. Her boss, Jeff, was trying to make the sting of the situation easier to deal with, but the reality remained. It was insulting. Maybe she should update her resume when she returned home.

  Kimi passed her a note.

  He needs to shut up and just tell us who is taking over the project so we can get the hell out of here.

  Cambria smiled and folded the paper, sliding it under her folder. As if reading their minds, Jeff announced, “Okay without further ado, I want to introduce you to the gentlemen we will be working with on this project. Brandon McKay and Jim Walker, come with a combined ten years of experience…” Jeff continued.

  Brandon… Cambria’s mind went numb. Her heart thudded against the inside of her chest and she thought she would pass out. She looked up as the two men entered the conference room. Brandon was dressed in the same gray suit she had left him in only hours before. He looked so handsome. She watched him quickly glance around the conference room until he found her. His gaze locked on hers, pleading. Kimi hit the side of her leg under the table. Jeff continued to speak, but she didn’t hear another word. She could only focus on him. Brandon, what are you doing?


  “C ambria, please let me explain.” Brandon followed her to her office. He held a hand out but couldn’t stop the door before it slammed in his face.

  Shit. This was going to be more difficult than he thought.

  “Hey, player!”

  He turned around to see a rather pissed off Kimi walking toward him. “Don’t start with me.” He sighed. “I have to talk to her, okay?”

  “Do you really think she wants to see you right now?”

  “I have to make it right,” he hissed at her, “Now back off, Kimi.”

  Kimi threw her hands up in surrender. “It’s your funeral, buddy.” She turned on her spiked heels and strode off in the other direction.

  He watched her round the corner before taking a deep breath and pushing open the door Cambria slipped through. He let the door close behind him with a click before locking it.

  He turned to look at her on the opposite side of the room. She was taking things off of her desk and placing them in a box. “What are you doing?” he asked, alarmed.

  “I’m turning in my resignation,” she said quietly, not looking up at him.

  “Whoa, wait a minute. You can’t quit. Let’s talk about this. I want to work with you on this project, damn it. Don’t walk away.”

  “Why do you need me to work with you on this, Brandon? You already know all my ideas.”

  “What are you talking about?” He reached across the desk to stop her packing efforts. “Hey look at me.” The look of animosity in her tear-brimmed eyes broke his heart. “Shit, Cami—”

  “You studied my project folder this morning over breakfast,” she shot at him. “After a weekend of incredible…” She choked back the words. “Is that all that was, Brandon? Were you using me?”

  He moved around her desk so quickly he surprised them both. “Absolutely not, you have to believe me. Every moment we spent this weekend meant more than the world to me. I swear.” He tried to pull her in his arms, but the sound of a knock on her office door stopped him. “We are going to talk about this,” he whispered. “Will you still have dinner with me tonight?”

  “No, I can’t,” she answered quietly.

  The annoying knocking on her door was louder than anything else. “Damn it!” he growled, moving around the desk to storm across her office. He flung open the door to confront the nuisance.

  “Well, if looks could kill…” Kimi chided.

  “What the hell do you w
ant, Kimi?” he growled at her.

  She ignored him, standing on her tip toes, looking over his shoulder. “Cambria, honey, Jeff would like to see you in his office.” She stood back on her heels and stared Brandon in the eye. “You don’t actually work at this firm, buddy. You need to slither back out the way you came in. Leave her alone.”

  He ignored Kimi’s words, snagging Cambria’s wrist as she tried to move past him. “Hey.”

  She stopped, but refused to meet his gaze.

  “This conversation is far from over, sweetheart,” he said softly.

  She picked that moment to look at him. “Terms of endearment, Brandon, really?” She pulled her arm from his grasp. “I’m going to speak with my boss. When I get back, I hope that you have taken Kimi’s advice.” She walked away from him without looking back.

  “C ambria, please have a seat.” She walked on legs of rubber across the massive office and sat in one of the leather chairs opposite her boss’ oak desk. He smiled at her, leaned back, and crossed his arms. “So you quit?”

  “Yes sir,” she said, putting her nose in the air, willing the tears back from her eyes.

  “I don’t accept your resignation.”

  “What!” Tears broke free from her eyes and streamed down her cheeks.

  “You are too talented to give up like that.” He leaned forward, challenging her. “I take it you know Mr. McKay?” The question startled her.

  “How did you…”

  “The way he tore after you like a bat out of hell after that meeting, I figured you were involved somehow.”

  “We were best friends and cohorts in college.”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Jeff smiled. “You feel slighted?”

  “Hell yes, I feel slighted. I worked my ass off on this project, just to be pushed aside so he…Brandon and Mr. Walker can take over.”

  “You would be working closely with them.”

  “They would get all the credit for my work with the account. No, thank you. I’d just as soon cut ties and book.” She was pouting, she knew it, but she didn’t give a damn. “I’m taking my work with me,” she muttered.


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