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The Alpha's Cranberry-Kissed Omega: An M/M Non-Shifter Mpreg Romance (Alpha Kissed Book 3)

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by Lorelei M. Hart

  This conversation was almost surreal. I’d just told him my parents were super successful, tops in their field, and he didn’t seem in the least impressed. More the opposite, actually. “I guess hate is a strong word. I’m more of a disappointment, I suppose. My brother works in Dad’s firm.”

  Kipling set his roll on the edge of his plate and wiped his hands on a napkin. He tilted his head. “It’s very common for a parent to want their offspring to go into their field, but usually those things can be discussed, especially as the child grows in their field and becomes independent.” Mr. Counselor, I presume.

  “Most people don’t have my dads. We were driven from the day we were born, pushed to excel. Both of us were straight-A students, but my brother was also a sports hero. See the difference in my weak, floppy body?”

  “You have a great body! But okay, so you did well in school, then what?” He returned to eating and the lightened focus on me made it easier to continue.

  “Then we went to college, full-ride scholarships based on sports and grades for my brother, and sports and community service for me.”

  “ far, who could complain, right?”

  I shook my head at his naivete. “Well my dads weren’t crazy about my volunteering in the shelter, but they still acknowledged me. Then I switched my major from pre-med to voice.”

  Kipling’s eyes narrowed. “So your brother was to follow in lawyer dad’s footsteps? Am I right so far?”

  I nodded. “Uh huh.”

  “And you were to be a doctor. Probably to the rich and famous.”

  “Got it in one.” Just talking about this made my stomach hurt, and I couldn’t eat another bite. “They did everything to try to change my mind, cut off my allowance, took my car...stopped letting me come home on school breaks.”

  Kipling let out a long breath. “Pretty brutal. And I gather you held your ground and finished in voice.”

  This was the sucky part. Well, the extra sucky part. “No, I changed my major back to pre-med. Even applied to medical schools and was accepted by dear old Dad’s alma mater.”


  He really was a tremendous listener.

  “Then I couldn’t do it. I didn’t show up the first day of anatomy class and by the time they found out, I’d moved here. I haven’t been home since.”

  “Well I think that’s just terrible.” Karrie, evidently, wasn’t as controlled as her brother. She sat down next to me in a huff. “Your family doesn’t deserve you. Marry my brother and be part of ours.”

  “Karrie!” Kipling bit out, gaping. “Don’t you have something to do?”

  She gave me a soft hug and whispered, “Really. My brother can be annoying, but he’s a good guy overall. And I can see how much he likes you. He’s never brought anyone here, you know?” She released me and stood up. “I’m going to wrap up your salad and bring you cobbler and ice cream. I’m a dancer by the way. When I’m not slaving away in the family salt mines.”

  She swished away and I couldn’t help it. I laughed, and after a moment so did Kipling. When he got his breath back, he said, “She has an eavesdropping problem, but she has good ideas. Anytime, alpha...say the word and I’ll meet you at the altar.”


  Chapter Twelve


  I can’t believe I just said that out loud. First, I bring him here to meet my family, and now I practically proposed because my sister blurted out some nonsense.

  “I’m sorry. Just ignore what I said. I can’t believe…” Tears welled in the corners of my eyes, and I mentally begged them to stay in place.

  “Look at me, love,” Hal murmured, placing his hand over mine. When I didn’t comply, he shook my hand a little. “Come on, I’m not scary. Don’t make me sing to you in this place. I know what my voice does to you.”

  I never should’ve told him.

  “What?” I said, and as I looked up, gravity took over, and tears spilled onto my cheeks.

  “We’ll go to the altar together one day. I won’t make you meet me there. Know that those thoughts are in my head as well, swirling around with other things like the idea has always been there. Plus, I look fantastic in a tux.” He smiled, and I couldn’t help but mirror the expression. He handed me a napkin. “Now, dry those eyes before your family thinks I’ve been a monster to you.”

  Crap. What a place to decide to be emotional.

  “I’m a mess,” I said, dabbing at my face with the napkin.

  “You’re a lovely mess. How about we get that cobbler to go? I think my omega needs something I can’t really give him here.”

  I nodded and turned around and mouthed to my sister that we were leaving. She may or may not have done a little dance, suspecting naughty things.

  She wasn’t the only one.

  I was hoping for naughty things.

  Hal grabbed the bag and I drove us home, well, to my house. The wind nipped through my workout shorts and made me shudder.

  “I’ll make a fire, if you don’t mind. Why don’t you get into something warmer, and we can watch some movies and relax.”

  “I’d love that. It’s been a while since I had a lazy day.”

  He chuckled and kissed my forehead before going to situate the firewood in the fireplace.

  I’d cut the wood myself during the summer. The workout helped me build muscle and endurance.

  “You deserve one, omega,” he said. “From now on, I’m making it my personal mission to ensure that you take some time off and live a little, and by live a little, I mean lazing around with me.”

  I hooked him around the waist and pulled him closer. “There could be other things on the agenda.”

  He leaned forward and nipped my bottom lip. “Oh, don’t worry, omega mine. There’s time for that.”

  I nodded and walked back into my room. I changed into my gray lounge pants, the ones that conveniently hung right below my waist and pulled on a navy-blue sweatshirt and my pizza socks.

  When I got back, Hal had a roaring fire going and was scrolling through Netflix. He sat on my couch with a blanket draped over his legs. I could get used to the scene in my house all the time.

  “Anything look good?” I asked, sitting next to him. He lifted the blanket to put some of it on me and then tugged on my sweatshirt. “You, but if you’re talking about movies, I just realized we’ve talked about marriage but I have no idea what kind of movies you like. I mean, you might be the type who likes horror movies. Horror movies might be a deal breaker.”

  I laughed and took the remote from him while cuddling up closer. “Only during Halloween. Really, I’m a big nerd. I really love documentaries and docudramas.”

  “In that case, have you watched The Tudors?” He turned to me a little and while he talked of movies, his gaze was on my lips.

  “It’s on my list. Have you seen it?”

  He nodded. “I started the other day, just one episode.”

  “You mind rewatching?”

  He chuckled and the sound pulsed through me. “I would be delighted.”

  I loved how chill my alpha was. He knew when it was time to go out on the town, and he also knew when it was time to knock off plans and loosen up.

  The Tudors had me gasping and covering my mouth. The king and all his women were too much to keep up with.

  I yawned more than once, and Hal looked over at me. “Lie down, Kipling. When’s the last time you had a good Saturday nap?”

  I shifted my stare around the room, earnestly trying to think of the last time I had a nap at all.

  “That long, huh? One of the great joys in life is an afternoon nap. Lie down and I’ll massage these pizza-socked feet. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”

  I did as my alpha commanded, laying my head on a pillow on the opposite end of the couch and putting my feet in his lap.

  “There. I give the best foot massages, for the record.” And he did. He began at my instep and made his way to th
e pads just below my toes.

  The man had a gift.

  I tried like hell not to fall asleep, not wanting to spend my time with Hal sleeping when we could be doing other things, but before long, sleep made the decision for me and took over.

  When I woke, outside was dark and Hal was no longer with me.

  “Hal?” I yelled, sitting up to stretch my arms.

  “I’m here. Decided to dig into this cobbler without you. Want some?”

  I wanted some of a lot of things.

  I walked into the kitchen, where I’d heard his voice come from, and stopped in the doorway, leaning against it to see Hal with a spoon in hand, eating right out of the container of cobbler. He belonged there in my kitchen, in my home.

  “How is it?” I asked.

  “It’s fantastic. Want some?” He held out the spoon for me.

  I walked over to the kitchen island where he leaned over the container. “I’ll get a spoon.”

  With his hand on my waist, Hal stopped me. “Why? I have a spoon right here. Let your alpha feed you.”

  I nodded, the loss of words almost scary.

  He patted the white -and-gray countertop. “Up here.”

  I’d honestly never sat on my kitchen island. But I hopped up and sat in front of him. Hal put the spoon down to spread my legs, hands on my knees, and come to stand between them. I didn’t know if it was the rejuvenating nap, my alpha in front of me ready to feed me, or just Hal being Hal, but my cock was at full attention.

  “I’m going to feed you and then take care of that need you have.” His ogling of my groin made me almost come in anticipation. “And then, although I hate to say it, I have to go to work.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I did hate that I had to go to the lounge later. Two jobs had been just fine when I had nobody in my life, but a good alpha would never neglect his omega. If things went on as they’d begun, I’d have some decisions to make. But for now, I was going to focus on the pleasures that being an alpha offered.

  The cobbler, as I’d already learned, was delicious. If this was health food, I’d been misled. The spoonful I held to Kipling’s lips was full of rich, lightly sweetened fruit, a hint of spice, and topped with a crumbly buttery crust. “Eat up, omega. Once you’re full, I’m going to drain you.”

  He shivered at my words but obediently opened his mouth and accepted the bite. I continued to spoon it in until I scraped up all but the last bit of syrup from the bottom of the container then set it aside. My urge to feed my omega satisfied for the moment, I turned my attention to his gray lounge pants and tugged them down. His cock popped out, stiff and ready and unimpeded by underwear. “Commando. I approve.” I continued to work the pants down and off over his feet. The pizza socks amused me. I left them on.

  “I don’t always wear undershorts at home,” he murmured, leaning back on his elbows and watching me down the line of his body.

  “How about you never do?” I suggested, or maybe ordered. “They just make it harder to access some of my favorite parts of you.” Illustrating the parts, I closed my fist around his shaft and eased it toward me. “Like this one.” His tip was swollen and red, giving me an idea.

  Grabbing the spoon, I scooped up the last bit of syrup and let it drizzle slowly over his head.

  His breathing tightened, and his eyelids fluttered but did not quite close. “You got me all sticky.”

  “Mmm. Yes I did. Oops.” I used a finger to smooth the fruity deliciousness over his tip. “What shall we do about it?”

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “You could take a shower, I suppose.” I flexed my grip on his shaft, enjoying the flush on his cheeks. “That would clean it off.”

  “Yeah. It would, I guess.” His nostrils flared.

  “Or I could get you a washcloth, nice and soapy, and you could scrub yourself clean.”

  His shudder made me suppress a grin, but he didn’t answer, so I pressed. Teasing had never been so much fun.

  “Would you like me to do that, omega? Get you a cloth to wash off this syrup I accidentally got on you?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “It wasn’t an accident.”

  I let out a long exhale. “So if I did it on purpose, probably it’s my job to clean up the mess.”

  He dropped back to lie flat, and I released him long enough to pull him closer to me then went about righting the wrong I’d perpetrated. Not that either of us thought it was wrong. Or bad. Cupping his balls in my palm, I administered a gentle massage before licking from the root to the tip of his cock, cleaning up the sticky goodness as I went. At the top, I found a glistening droplet that tasted delightfully of salt. I worked my way around his dick, making sure to do a good job, and when I’d lapped up the final sweetness, I closed my lips over the head and, sucking, nibbling, and lapping, I brought him deep into my throat.

  His strangled sounds were my reward. Lifting my head, I released him with a pop and said, “Breathe, omega. If you suffocate, it won’t be as much fun.” Without waiting for an answer, which he probably wasn’t capable of anyway, I dove back down, working my way up and down, using all the parts of my mouth to drive him closer to the edge. When his hips bucked, I braced an arm across them to hold him in place and released his balls to glide my fingers back to his perineum. I knew he’d be slick, but I paused there first, scratching my nails lightly in that place that could be so sensitive. His deep groan told me for him it was just that way.

  Slowing my progress, I held him on the precipice, enjoying his harsh breathing and occasional curse. Maybe we could make that a spankable offense.

  Another day.

  For now, he was too close to the edge to try any new games so I continued my exploration back to his slick and circled his anus. He was getting harder to pin down, but that was okay. I wasn’t going to keep him there much longer. Thrusting two fingers into his hole, I sucked hard and brought him.

  My omega’s cum poured down my throat in long, hot jets I swallowed as fast as I could. He writhed under my bracing arm, and I finger fucked him in time with my suction until the very last salty goodness filled my mouth and I swallowed it then eased back from him, sliding my fingers out of his ass and his dick out of my mouth and sat back, dragging him with me onto my lap.

  He nestled close, and I tightened my arms around him and stood, heading for the bedroom. I paused at the bathroom door and went in there first instead, stripping us both down—even his socks—and turning on the water. When it was warm enough, I took his hand and led him into the stall where I got that earlier-mentioned washcloth all full of lather and tenderly washed him from head to toe. After a quick sluice of my own, I dried us both off and tucked him under the covers. I hesitated at his side, but duty called.

  “Are you leaving?” he asked in a groggy voice. “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I have to work, omega, but how about if I come back here after the last set and crawl in there with you.”

  “Wait, I’ll come with you,” he said in a totally unconvincing voice from the edge of sleep.

  I chuckled and tucked the covers in tighter. “No, you look too comfy and cozy here. Keep the bed nice and warm for me and I’ll picture you here waiting while I play songs for all the loungers at Moonlight, okay?”

  He opened his mouth in a big yawn then snuggled down, one arm tucked under the pillow. “If I had the strength to stand up, I’d fight you on this.”

  “I know you would.” Dropping a kiss on his forehead, I drank in the image one more time in the light leaking in from the hallway. No, two jobs were not going to work, but which one should I give up? The hours were better at the dental clinic, corresponding to my omega’s job, but I made a whole lot more money at night and giving that up would kinda suck.

  I didn’t want to live off Kipling, wanted to contribute my fair share. But for now, I did have to go, and already was planning on cutting the last set short.

  Chapter Fou


  “Dr. Taylor, there’s a delivery for you?” Kristin, my assistant, said it like I’d never received a delivery over the years.

  I was between patients and needed the time to be alone and regurgitate what I’d heard over the last two hours before the next one came in. Plus, I was feeling crummy and downright sick to my stomach in the middle of the day lately.

  “Is it something you can sign for?” I asked, hopeful she could. Also praying inside that I didn’t have to get up from my chair. Movement seemed to make me want to hurl.

  The thin woman looked out toward the entrance to my practice and then back at me again, paused, and repeated the process.

  “I’m pretty sure you want to receive this yourself, Doctor.”

  Son of a bitch. Try not to blow chunks on the delivery guy, Kipling.

  I got up slowly and focused on breathing in and out while walking toward the door. Kristin opened it wider for me to go through and then held up her phone. Maybe the delivery guy was cute and she wanted to snag a pic.

  I stopped in my tracks when I saw what was in his hands.

  “Is that for me?” I asked, shocked as Kristin. Yeah, this wasn’t a ream of paper or more legal notebooks.

  “Dr. Kipling Taylor? Please tell me I have the right place. It’s only my third day, and I get lost more than I actually deliver anything.”

  I nodded, unable to really speak. My stomach was knotted now, but for a whole other reason.

  “Here,” I said, closing the distance between us and scribbling my name on the tablet he had ready for me. “Thank you. Let me tip you,” I commented, pulling out my wallet and handing the poor guy a twenty. For carrying my gift around, he deserved at least that.

  In his hands was a floppy, fluffy teddy bear that was camel and cream in color along with a single red rose. The man handed him over to me in an awkward shuffle and then left with a tip of his hat.


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