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Toxic (The Therapist #4): An Alpha Male, Relationship Coach, Erotic Romance

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by Ws Greer

  Chapter 10


  “Well, there's bad news, and there's good news, Mr. and Mrs. Colson.”

  “No,” Evelyn interjects with a raised finger.

  “Woah, hold up. We’re not married, man,” I say. Evelyn and I look at each other, but neither of us can smile or laugh right now. Not after what just happened.

  “Oh, my mistake,” Officer Jones, the young uniformed cop, says with furrowed eyebrows He’s a smooth-faced kid, probably no older than twenty-two, and definitely isn't the first person I’d call if I needed protection. “There’s good and bad news. Do you have a preference on which comes first?”

  “Give me the bad first,” I answer as I sit down on my couch and pick up the glass of wine I was drinking before a rock came hurling through my window. Evelyn takes a breath and sits next to me.

  “All right, so after looking into Miss Ava Pierson, it turns out she was released from Delaware Psychiatric Center in New Castle about two weeks ago,” the officer says, reading from notes he has written on a tiny notepad. As he speaks, my anxious lungs struggle to pull in air. “She was there about three months, but after being evaluated and passing all of her final tests, she was released. Minus a few court dates relating to your case against her and some follow ups at the Psychiatric Center, she’s pretty much free.”

  “Oh, that’s just fucking fantastic,” I reply, just as Evelyn puts her hands over her face in exasperation.

  “Ready for the good news?” Officer Jones asks. When I look up at him without answering, he takes the hint and continues. “Judge Vicky Lucero has ordered Miss Pierson to stay at least five hundred feet away from both you and Dr. Evelyn Monroe. The restraining order was put in place as a condition of Miss Pierson’s release from the Psychiatric Center, so if you see Miss Pierson and have any negative feelings about her presence, all you have to do is call us. If she comes anywhere near either of your homes or jobs, call us and she’ll be arrested on the spot.”

  “Oh, so all we have to do is see her coming first,” Evelyn snips, her words dipped in sarcasm. “What about when a situation is like the one tonight? What if we don't see her and something like this happens? She broke his window.”

  Officer Jones frowns and steps forward. “Well, you don't actually have proof of that, ma’am.”

  “I know it was her,” I say.

  “Do you have video surveillance? Is there a recording of Miss Pierson actually throwing the rock that came through your window?” the officer asks.

  I frown. “Shit. No, but I definitely am getting cameras after this.”

  “Well, unfortunately, without proof that it was who you say it was, we can't go out and make an arrest, even if you’re convinced. As far as we know, it could have been rowdy teenagers, or pranksters in the neighborhood.”

  “It was Ava,” I rebut, but I know it won't get me anywhere. Without proof, I’m stuck, and Ava is free to do whatever she wants.

  “I understand why you’d think that, and I think you're probably right. However, thinking isn't good enough. I'm sorry.”

  I sigh as I stand up to shake the officers hand. “I understand. You've done all you can, and I appreciate it.”

  The cop shakes both mine and Evelyn’s hand before we lead him toward the door.

  “In the meantime,” he says as I place my hand on the knob to let him out. “If you see anything suspicious or need us for any reason, don't hesitate to give us a call. I understand your concern, and we’re here if you need us.”


  “Thanks, Officer,” Evelyn says. We all shake hands a second time before Officer Jones steps out of my house. The moment I close my door, Evelyn turns to me. “Well, what the hell are we supposed to do now?”

  “Doesn’t sound like there’s anything we can do. We can't prove it was Ava who threw the rock, but I sure as hell will call the police if I see her. I don't give a fuck if I see her crossing the street, completely minding her own business. I’m not going to mess around with this.”

  Evelyn walks back into the living room with a look of defeat on her face. She plants herself on the couch and lets out a whoosh of air as her hand comes to her temple like she’s struggling with a headache.

  “I don't like this, Malcolm,” she tells me, worry etched all over her face.

  I understand the frustration. Ava is a deeply troubled woman, and once she’s inside your head, it feels like it’s impossible to get her out. That’s how it was when I was dating her. Once she was in my head, she was what I saw every time I closed my eyes. She stalked my dreams just as much as she did my reality. It’s obviously for a completely different reason for Evelyn, but the effect is the same. Ava is in her head, and now the struggle of trying to get her out will begin.

  I walk over to Evelyn and kneel in front of her. As worried and irked as I am, I want to be a rock for her.

  “Hey,” I whisper as I lean my forehead against hers. “Don't let her get to you. This is what Ava does. She gets in your head and burrows deep. She’ll drive you crazy if you let her. I’m not going to let her drive me crazy. Fuck that. I know she needs help, and we know she probably did this shit with the rock tonight, but I’m not letting her ruin a good thing. Okay? All we can do is keep our eyes open, and if you see anything at your home or at your job, you call the cops first, then you call me. Other than crossing that bridge when we get to it, there's nothing else we can do, so my main focus is you. You have all of my attention. You have all of me. All right?”

  Eveylyn moves her hand out of the way so I can see her gorgeous face, and I run my fingers gently across her cheek. Even in despair, she’s still stunning.

  “You don't have to worry. I got you. I promise,” I tell her, and while it’s subtle, she flashes a soft smile.

  “Yeah?” she asks, grinning.

  I grin, too. “Fuck yeah.”

  Chapter 11


  “All right, Mr. and Mrs. Nordine. Great session. We’ll see you next week, and remember, your age doesn't define you or your sexuality. You're never too old to enjoy orgasms, and you shouldn't be ashamed of giving them or receiving them. Okay?”

  “Thanks so much, Dr. Colson. You're always such a great help,” Doreen Nordine tells me as she and her husband lift themselves off the couch and start for the exit. I escort them out with a smile on my face, still marveling at how they've been together nearly their entire lives, and are still going strong after forty-five years of marriage. It’s amazing to see.

  Once the Nordine’s are gone, I walk back over to my desk and let out a breath as I sit down. The older, but still very sexually active couple, was my last appointment of the day. After telling Keisha I will see her on Monday, I pick up my phone and text Evelyn to see when we’ll be meeting up tonight. It’s the weekend, and excitement hangs over me like a weighted blanket. I can't wait to see her.

  Although the situation with Ava is annoying and certainly nerve-rattling, Evelyn and I have continued to flourish. I have to admit I’ve had a pretty constant feeling of worry walking around with me since we started dating, because Evelyn hasn't been with someone like me before. She’s never dated a colleague, and she’s never had the taste of a Dom on her tongue. She’s exploring uncharted territory, and when you add the fuel of Ava to the fire, I can't help but be worried there might be an uncontrollable explosion coming.

  After talking to the police about Ava, it’s been a battle getting my nerves to calm down, let alone Evelyn’s. We both knew Ava wasn't going to end up in prison for some extended period of time for breaking into my house, but I guess in the three months she was away, we just got used to it. We had almost forgotten about her. Her release from the psychiatric clinic feels like our world has turned into a jungle, and somewhere hidden in the trees is a starving lioness. She’s crouched down behind the shrubs, watching our every move and preparing to pounce. Nobody wants to go through their lives feeling like unsuspecting prey, but that’s where Evelyn and I find ourselves. It
’s unsettling, but we haven't skipped a beat so far. We can't control what Ava does, so all we can do is keep walking one step at a time.

  After making notes in the Nordine’s folder, I close it out and put my computer on sleep mode. The screen fades to black and I get up to slip my arms into my blazer so I can leave. Still no response from Evelyn. I’m sure she just got caught up with a patient or paperwork. She doesn't have a secretary like me, so Evelyn can get busy pretty easily.

  Once my blazer is on and I step toward the door, I hear a knock from the other side of it. I freeze. Keisha is gone, and I’m definitely not expecting anymore patients for the day. I have no idea who it is.

  Another knock sinks my feet into invisible cement on the floor and sends my heartbeat reeling. I swallow hard as her name speaks itself into the back of my mind.


  What am I supposed to do right now? Do I call the police before I even open the door? What if she has a gun or any other weapon? Shit. What do I do?

  Another knock, and after a second hard swallow, I’m able to speak.

  “Who is it?”

  “Sorry to bother you, Dr. Colson,” a sultry voice calls back to me. “It’s Evelyn Monroe. Your last patient of the evening.”

  The relief I feel comes in waves as I’m finally able to pull my feet from the floor and open the door. Standing on the other side is Evelyn, wearing a tight black shirt with long sleeves, and black leggings. Her red hair is hanging down behind her back, and she has a look in her gorgeous blue eyes that puts an instant smile on my face.

  “Good evening, Dr. Colson,” she says, her grin coated with something mischievous.

  “Hello, beautiful,” I reply. “What are you doing here? I texted you a little bit ago, but I wasn't expecting you to meet me here.”

  “I’m here for my session, Doctor,” Evelyn replies before pushing her way into my office and sauntering over to the couch, where she sits down and makes herself comfortable. Once she's settled, she looks over at me, waiting.

  “Oh,” is all I think to say as I realize what’s going on. “You're here for your session? I guess I forgot about your appointment this evening.”

  “It’s not a problem, Dr. Colson. I’m ready whenever you are.”

  A frenzy of warm prickles spread all over my body as I walk over to my chair, trying to hold in my smile. We've never done this before. The last time we were in the roles of therapist and patient, I was literally her patient. Evelyn put all of that to rest the second she knew we’d be more than just therapist and patient.

  I sit down in my chair and cross one leg over the other. It’s hard not to smile right now, but the thing about role playing is it only works if both parties are committed. If one person is unable to commit due to embarrassment or the giggles, the whole thing is ruined. If you're going to do it, do it.

  “So, Miss Monroe, what brings you in to see me?” I ask, forcing all awkwardness and unease aside.

  “Well,” Evelyn starts. “I find myself in a tough place mentally. You see, dating you has been the world’s best thrill ride. You're gorgeous, sexy, passionate, and driven. You're also the best sex I’ve probably ever had, but there’s another layer to you. Something I haven't seen yet.”

  “I see. Am I correct in assuming you're being controlled by your fear of the unknown?” I inquire.

  “Maybe,” she answers with a shrug.

  “It’s very common, you know? Humans naturally fear things we don't understand, and it takes a certain open-mindedness for us to be able to explore things that are foreign to us. I think you've already taken the first step in that exploration by dating me in the first place. You're well aware of my so-called baggage, yet you choose to be a part of my life and to let me be a part of yours. So, my assessment of you is that you're not controlled by your fear, otherwise you wouldn't be here.”

  “Interesting. The part I’ve given in to is definitely the least scary part. The next step is more difficult, so I feel much more afraid of going further.”

  “I understand, but in any relationship there is an unknown element that must be explored at some point. There’s always a certain place you haven't gone before, whether it’s sexually or mentally.”

  “How do I get over my fear?”

  “Is your fear rational?” I ask.

  Evelyn shrugs. “Is fear of the unknown rational?”

  “It depends on what the unknown is. In this case, reality is much less terrifying than your imagination, but you'll never find out unless you push past your fear. However, you never have to get over your fears at someone else’s pace. You can and should take your time, and if you ever feel rushed in any way, then I’m not doing my job as your partner. I will never rush you, Evelyn. I’ll wait as long as I have to until you're ready. Even if you never are.”

  “You'd do that for me? You don't need to do it? When I met you in my office, you spoke of BDSM as if it was something you had to do. Are you backtracking on that now? That’d be quite a change of direction for you.”

  “I suppose it would, but there has been a change in me I can't explain. In the past, I was driven by desire. Now, I’m being driven by my feelings. These feelings are new and much more powerful than anything I’ve experienced before. My feelings are just as scary to me as submission is to you, but I’m doing something I’ve never done before—I’m letting my feelings guide me.”

  I see the start of a smile coming, but Evelyn pushes it away. “Are you not scared to death?”

  “Maybe. But in order to get something you’ve never had before, you have to do something you’ve never done before.”

  Evelyn stops moving and watches me. She exhales, and I can tell she's thinking about something. We’re both in places we’ve never been or maybe even wanted to go. I’m not a guy who lets his feelings guide him, and she’s not a woman who’s into BDSM. We’re both scared, but what we have is too good to let fear be a roadblock we can't maneuver around.

  “They were right about you, Dr. Colson,” Evelyn says. “You're very good at your job.”

  I smile. “Thank you.”

  Evelyn grins and nods her head before exhaling. “Okay.”

  She pauses a moment, forcing me to ask. “Okay what?”

  “I’m ready.”

  “You’re ready? Ready for what, exactly?”

  Evelyn smiles and shifts in her seat. “I’m ready for you to take me into the Black House.”

  Chapter 12


  Evelyn follows me to my house, and I imagine she’s talking to herself the entire drive, using her own knowledge as a therapist to calm herself down. This is the step she has been unwilling to take, and now her feet are moving down the path. I’m nervous, too, for some inexplicable reason, but my nerves are buttressed by confidence and an excitement that borders on giddiness.

  When we arrive at the house, we make our way up the path to the front door without saying anything. Evelyn’s nerves are palpable, and I know there isn't anything I can say that will calm them. I’ve already said everything I could. The last step to getting over her fear and preconceived notions is to step into reality and see it with her own eyes. She has to feel it with her own body, and I have to provide her with the perfect first experience as her Dom. It’s all on me, really, to make sure she leaves knowing nothing but the pleasures of submissiveness.

  We step inside, walk past the library, and turn in the kitchen where the black door greets us. I don't hesitate because I don't want Evelyn thinking too much, so I open the door and start down the stairs. I flick on the light and step, expecting her to follow me, which she does without speaking. Once our feet are planted on the soft black carpet, I pause at the bottom of the stairs as Evelyn steps next to me and surveys the room.

  It’d be easy to be anxious down here. The last time Evelyn was here, we found Ava naked and kneeling in front of Saint Andrew’s cross. It was definitely a terrifying experience that almost ruined the entire allure and aura of the room for me, so I know it must p
aint a dark picture for Evelyn right now. If it does, she doesn't speak on it. She stands next to me with a tense look on her face, waiting for whatever comes next.

  “You've made it this far,” I say, looking over at her. “Shall we proceed?”

  Evelyn’s eyes scan the room and I hear her swallow hard before she says, “Yes.”

  I release a breath and smile as I take Evelyn by the hand. I lead her to the far side of the room, where the king size mattress covered in black sheets awaits us. When we reach the bed, I stop in front of it and turn Evelyn around so she has her back to the bed frame. I don't want her to focus on anything but me.

  As I look at her, I know her nerves are at their wits end, but what I feel is something different altogether. The Dom that lives inside of me climbs its way to the surface, and I’m overtaken by it. After all this time, I feel like an animal being let out of its cage. I want to feast on Evelyn’s body, and it takes a gargantuan amount of focus to pull it back so I don't overwhelm her. She sees me as calm and collected, but inside I’m foaming at the mouth, ready to devour her.

  “Allow me to explain the rules,” I begin. My voice sounds foreign to me. It’s deep and commanding—filled with desire. “In this room, you belong to me. You are my submissive, which means you submit to my will and my will alone. Your desires belong to me. I own them, and I will play on them at my leisure.

  “In this room, and from this moment on, you are not to speak unless you're answering a question from me. Your responses will be short. You will say yes sir or no sir, unless asked a question that requires something more. This is how you submit to your dominant. Now, do you understand what I’ve told you so far?”

  Evelyn looks at me, her mind moving a hundred miles per hour. She licks her lips, swallows, and answers. “Yes … sir.”

  It sounds so good coming out of her mouth I want to stop talking right now and bend her over. My god, she makes the entire phrase different. My heart speeds up from the excitement, but I have to continue.


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