The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure)

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The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 1

by Suzy Shearer

  The Club: Bound

  Lisa Day's first experience in The Club excites her—until she discovers she performed in front of an audience with a stranger, all as a result of a lost bet. How could this attractive man just walk away after he bound her and had sex with her?

  Will Lisa be able to forgive Paul Rowley for leaving her in front of the entire Club, or will she turn her back on the one man who has the ability to make her lose all inhibitions and drive her to amazing sexual heights?

  Can Paul convince Lisa that she is the only woman for him? That he was a fool and if she will just give him one chance he will prove his love for her?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 26,542 words


  Suzy Shearer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Suzy Shearer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-654-2

  First E-book Publication: April 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Suzy Shearer’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Shearer’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For Lindi and Voula, thank you—you both know why.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  She had met him six months before. They seemed to get on well although there was no sexual chemistry between them, so they decided it would be nice to have a dinner occasionally, catch a movie together without the problem of sleeping together and so far, it was working out well.

  They were both in their fifties, and he had told her that he was into the Dom/sub scene. In her youth she had dabbled on the fringes but never gone much further.

  One night John invited her to come with him to an exclusive BDSM club he knew of, he said he had been given an invitation to enter and he was hoping to meet up with an old friend but if not, thought he may find a new sub. He even offered to pay the entrance fee, which she knew would be hundreds of dollars, if she would come. She agreed because she was still excited by the prospect of being tied up but had never mentioned it to him. He assured her that his friend said bringing a guest would be fine, they would just go there for a drink or two and to talk.

  So off they went.

  Her first surprise came when John picked her up. He was wearing all black with black leather pants and laced-up heavy boots that came just below his knee. She was dressed in black pants and a loose purple top. She had twisted her long dark auburn hair into a bun on the top of her head.

  The second surprise came when they arrived and signed in. Both had to write their names, addresses, and phone numbers in the register then show their driver’s licenses. The security guard checked their information against their licenses then wrote their license numbers in the register before returning their licenses. He then took their pictures and produced ID cards with barcodes on them

  She was told she could not enter dressed as she was. He asked her if she was here as a Dom, sub, switch, etc. She was a little taken aback but said she was unsure, maybe a sub. He told her she would have to wear a green kimono. Her companion was fine dressed as he was, and John talked her into changing. The door attendant gave them both a locker key on a thin chain, with the ID card attached which everyone wore around their neck. No one was allowed to take anything into The Club, everything would be locked in their locker—wallets, phone, clothing, everything.

  She finally agreed and was given a long green kimono to change into. The door attendant told her she was allowed to wear her panties but nothing else underneath.

  Feeling upset but slightly excited, she went into the changing room. It was very plush and she sat a moment to calm. Carpeted with a circular lounge in the middle. There was a bank of lockers on the side, and a doorway led to showers, toilets, and change cubicles. She was surprised to see a number of women in kimonos, none in green. Instead, most had either red, purple, or black, plus many women dressed as either Doms or subs. Obvious to anyone, she stood out as very nervous, but all the women smiled warmly at her.

  A woman close to her was dressed in a corset that showed her breasts, and she was lacing up a thigh-high boot, wearing nothing else except a collar around her neck. She smiled warmly and told her not to be worried that The Club was very strict with their rules so she would be very safe in the green.

  She mumbled her thanks and then asked, “What is the significance of green?”

  “It means you are here as a spectator, that you are not attached to anyone. It also means that no one is to touch you in any way wit
hout your consent. If they did, they would be removed from The Club immediately. They are very strict here, so even if someone put their hand on your arm against your wishes they would be swiftly shown the door.”

  “Oh. Um…okay. That is good to know, what about the other colours?”

  “Well, black means attached and no one is permitted to touch unless you agree, not your owner. Purple means attached and can be used with permission of her or his owner, and red means attached but anyone can use. Is this your first experience with BDSM?”

  “I guess you could say yes. I mean, I was tied up in my youth but never at a club and never in front of anyone except my partner. I have never been into submission really.”

  “Well, don’t worry. Your green assures safety. Actually, everyone here is respectful and no one would ever do anything that you did not agree to. If you just want to watch, that is fine. By the way, my name is Fleur.”

  “Hello…I’m Lisa.”

  “Did you come alone?”

  “No. I came with a friend. He is hoping to meet up with some friend of his who invited him. He just offered to bring me so I could check The Club out. I guess I better go out and find him. Thanks for your kindness.”

  “You’re welcome. Probably talk to you through the night.”

  She folded her clothes and put them into her locker along with her shoes, phone, and her purse. She knew the entrance fee covered her drinks and nibbles. There was a limit of one alcoholic drink per person and your ID scanned each time you ordered anything. There was a dining room where you could get light snacks and hot drinks.

  Taking a deep breath, she followed Fleur out the door and into The Club.

  Fleur pointed to the bar and then waved, walking in the opposite direction. Lisa felt self-conscious. She was amazed at how confident Fleur was with everything on display. She walked over to the bar and found John. He asked if she would like a drink and she said yes and gave him her ID. “The usual, lemon, lime, and bitters. Remember no alcohol!”

  “I know, I know. You’re a Buddhist, no alcohol.” He winked and turned to the bar attendant, a very cute man who wore leather pants and no shirt. John leant forward and asked for something. It was hard to hear because there was music coming through speakers place just above the bar where she was but the barman had a frown on his face, then shrugged his shoulders and went to make them. She sat on one of the high bar stools, trying to make sure the kimono did not show anything except her legs.

  John came back over to her and asked if she wanted anything to eat, she shook her head. Just then, the barman put her drink in front of her and another in front of John plus a plate of nuts, dried fruit, and cheese.

  She picked up her drink and took a sip, grimacing. “This is horrid, it tastes weird.”

  John just smiled and leant to whisper to her, “Maybe he was a bit heavy on the bitters. Stir it a bit then drink up.”

  Lisa stirred the drink with her straw and took another sip. “Are you sure you told him no alcohol? This tastes like it has vodka or something in it.”

  John pretended not to hear her so she looked for the barman to ask him but he was at the other end of the bar, talking earnestly to a tall, attractive man. They both looked down the bar at her and she looked away quickly.

  “Come on Lisa, drink up. I am just going to the Gents. I’ll get you another one when I get back.” With that, he got to his feet and walked off. Lisa was suspicious, he had never wanted her to hurry up and drink before, and now he was trying to get to her finish this one and have another.

  The attractive man came past as she pushed the drink to the side. She reached for some cheese and he reached out at the same time and somehow managed to knock her drink over. He apologised and called the waiter over asking him to get her another.

  “No, it’s fine. I didn’t really enjoy it anyway.”

  “No, I will replace it. What was it?”

  As she said lemon, lime, and bitters, the waiter said vodka, lemon lime, and bitters. She looked at him and said, “What? Did you say vodka?”

  “Yes, the guy you were with said you wanted a double shot of vodka in it, said you were really nervous and wanted some Dutch courage. I heard you say ‘no alcohol’ so I told the boss.” He pointed to the other man. Just then, John returned and Lisa was furious.

  “How dare you put alcohol in my drink?”

  “What do you mean? It was just lemon, lime, and bitters, Lisa.”

  “Plus a double shot of vodka. How dare you? You know I do not drink alcohol. What is the idea? Think if you get me drunk I will have sex with you?”

  “For goodness sake, Lisa, be quiet, calm down. It was just a little shot. Make you loosen up a bit. You are really a frigid woman.” He went to put his arm around her and she shrugged him off and got to her feet.

  “Forget it, John. You knew before you asked me to come tonight that I was not interested in you at all. I’m leaving.”

  She began to walk away but John grabbed her on the wrist. The bartender and the attractive man both shouted and the man told John to let her go.

  “Who do you think you are? Mind your own business.”

  “From what I have just seen and been told, you have broken a few rules here tonight. Forcing someone to drink alcohol when they have said no, and grabbing them, is not tolerated in this club. You will have to leave.”

  “And you’re going to make me? I don’t think so.” John roughly pulled Lisa toward him and she almost fell over a table that was placed near the bar.

  Lisa whispered through clenched teeth. “Let go of me, John. You are hurting me.”

  He lifted his other hand and went to hit her but the man caught his hand.

  Lisa looked gratefully at him and then spoke quietly to John. “I am leaving. If you ever contact me again, I will go to the police and have you charged with assault.”

  John sneered. “Fine, Miss Goody Two-shoes. Go. I don’t want to see you again, you dry old fat cow.” He pushed her away and Lisa fell heavily onto a chair near the table. Before he could walk away, two security guards came over, each taking one arm. The attractive man spoke quietly.

  “You will leave The Club now. I own this club and I will not tolerate your behaviour. You will never be allowed back here again and I will make sure your name is forwarded to other clubs so they can ban you as well.”

  As he was escorted past Lisa, he leant over and said, “Fucking bitch, you’ll pay for this.”

  Lisa was mortified. It was bad enough that she was half-naked under the kimono, but now she was without a way home, had been grabbed, and then caused a scene. She would have to call a taxi. She felt so embarrassed by what had just occurred. She stood shakily.

  “Please, sit down. I am so sorry this has happened to you. I will arrange transport for you if you wish to leave but I would really love you to stay for a while and relax.”

  He signalled the barman, who came around the bar and put another drink in front of her. “Don’t worry, alcohol free.” He winked at her. “I knew the boss would fix things.”

  “Thank you, thank you both. I really do not understand it. He knew when we first met that I was not interested in him except as a friend. I am so sorry to cause such trouble, I will leave.”

  “No, please don’t go, and it certainly wasn’t you who caused any trouble. I would hate this experience to sour you against The Club. As for that fool, I imagine his ego didn’t like it, a very attractive woman turning him down.”

  Lisa laughed. “Attractive? It is okay, you do not have to flatter me. Look, I will stay for a short while, if only to stop shaking.” They both sat.

  “No flattery. You are a very beautiful and desirable woman. I doubt many men would turn down a chance to meet you.”

  Just then, Fleur came over to them. “Master,” she said, bowing her head and kneeling in front of the owner.

  Lisa drew a gasp and looked from one to the other. He put a hand under Fleur’s chin and told her she could relax for the moment, then leant forward, h
elped her stand and kissed her, then pulled her onto his lap.

  “I see you’ve met Lisa. I was hoping to introduce her to you, Richard. We met in the change area. I had to put a new lace in my boot.” She held out on leg for him to see and he ran his hand along it and up across her thigh to rub her mound.

  Richard waved for a drink for her as he told what had happened and Fleur looked shocked.

  “How could he? She wears green! That is terrible, Lisa, trying to get you drunk. As if that was not enough, he then grabs you! Oh, Lisa, I am so sorry, especially after me telling you how safe this club is.”

  “It isn’t your fault, Fleur.” Lisa had finally stopped shaking and she took a sip of her drink. “I guess I just didn’t see what he really was like.”

  Fleur smiled warmly and looked up into the man’s face. “This is my husband, Richard, and this is his club. You probably made his evening, he loves to rescue fair maidens,” she joked.

  Richard held out his hand and Lisa shook it saying hello and thank you. “So, Lisa, how about we start all over again and pretend you have only just arrived.”

  Lisa smiled at them both, maybe it would be best to put this behind her. She would stay for a little while then grab a cab home. “That sounds like a good idea. I would love to forget what happened.”

  “Would you be interested in a little tour? And importantly, are you interested in meeting up with someone?”

  “A tour, yes, but not sure about meeting up with anyone. I am not interested in casual sex or anything like that. Plus, well, I imagine most of the men here are already attached and those that aren’t probably are not looking for a large over-fifty-five woman, so that puts me at a disadvantage.”


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