The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure)

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The Club: Bound (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 2

by Suzy Shearer

  Fleur burst out laughing. “Honey, it wouldn’t matter if you were seventy or eighty. You are gorgeous with such natural sex appeal. I bet there would be at least a dozen men lining up once they see you and see you wearing green. Oh, and also just as many women.” She turned to her husband. “Isn’t she gorgeous, Richard?”

  “I have already told her what a beautiful woman she is but she just doesn’t believe me. How about a little wager, Miss Lisa?”


  “Mmm…yes. We tour The Club and, if at the end of the tour you haven’t been approached by at least six unattached men and women then I will give you six months’ membership free.”

  Lisa was stunned, she knew membership for these clubs could run into thousands but she just laughed and said, “Er…I’m not into women.”

  Richard held out his hand and said, “Okay, six men. Deal?” Fleur was giggling. She nodded her head for Lisa to agree.

  “I think you are both crazy. What happens if you’re wrong?”

  Richard laughed. “No chance!” With that, she put her hand into Richard’s and they shook.

  Chapter Two

  The three stood and Richard put his arm around his wife and held Lisa’s hand. “Off we go. Tell me, Lisa. Have you any experience with BDSM?”

  Lisa told her about an ex she had had in her twenties and how he would tie her up but that was the limit of her experience. Richard asked her about her preferences.

  “Sorry if this personal, but I would like to be able to narrow down the field a little.”

  Laughing, Lisa said, “I don’t think you will have to worry about narrowing down the field. More than likely you will be opening cupboard doors hoping to find at least one man tucked away hiding.”

  “I like her, Richard!” Fleur burst out laughing. “So tell us anyway.”

  “Well, I don’t think I could be submissive and I certainly couldn’t dominate anyone. I liked being tied up and helpless but I couldn’t do it all the time.”

  “What about sex?”

  “Ha, well I like it. I mean, I have not had a partner for many years and I miss intimacy. I enjoy sex.”

  “No sex? Oh, poor you. How did you survive?” Fleur looked genuinely interested and for some reason Lisa did not feel embarrassed about answering Lisa.

  “Well I am very well acquainted with BOB.” Fleur burst out laughing.

  “BOB?” Richard looked confused.

  “Battery operated boyfriend.” Lisa reddened as she admitted this.

  “Love it! BOB!” Richard seemed very tickled with the name and kept muttering it.

  They had reached an area of The Club where there was a raised dais. Around it were lounge chairs. A dominatrix was whipping a man on the dais. She was ordering him to lick her boots while she hit him. He was naked on his knees and wore a collar around his neck and a leash. A few people were sitting on the lounges watching. Those that were obviously together were fondling each other. One naked woman knelt in front of a man who wore leather pants and boots and nothing else. He had his pants unzipped and the woman was sucking on his cock.

  A few heads turned as they walked past into another arena where this time a woman was naked. She was spread-eagled over a contraption that looked like parallel bars. Her hands were bound on either side of her head, both feet tied and spread. A man was standing at her head and she had his cock in her mouth. Another man was fucking her, while a woman was playing with her breasts.

  Lisa felt herself getting wet as she watched but did not say anything. Richard looked at her and then the players before moving them on. They saw rooms where women or men were enclosed in leather and being subjected to punishment, one where a man was suspended on hooks, and another where there were lots of paddles and whips and a woman was tied upright to a St. Andrew’s Cross while a man whipped her.

  Some things turned Lisa off completely while others aroused her. She never spoke but she got the feeling that Richard knew exactly what she was feeling.

  They walked into an arena where there was a stool on the dais. Lisa could see that a person could be perch on it with their arms tied above onto posts that hung down or onto the bench. Their legs were spread-eagled and tied to posts on the floor if needed. No one was using the area and Richard invited both women to sit on some of the lounges.

  “I haven’t showed you everything, there are some more extreme things but I think for your first tour it is enough to, shall we say, whet your appetite.” Lisa blushed but did not answer.

  She looked around the arena they were seated. If she looked up, she could see there was a second floor which overlooked the stage. Looking across the dais, she saw a couple of people just sitting and chatting. Against the wall, there was a very tall and muscular man, leaning with his arms crossed. He was dressed in dark clothing and was alone. If she were honest, this was the type of man who she was instantly attracted to. She felt his eyes on her and looked away, but could not help looking over at him every now and again. Each time she looked at him, she felt herself get a little wetter. She realised Richard was speaking to her.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that, Richard.”

  “I said, now we wait. I imagine it will only be a few minutes.”

  Lisa looked puzzled but Fleur grinned at her. She nodded with her head toward the entranceway. Several men and women were walking in and coming toward her.

  They all bowed respectfully to Richard and then her. A few Richard sent away before saying, she did not share their interests. Those that he allowed presented her with a postcard. It had their name on it and their “interests.” Each exchanged a few pleasantries with her then left. She could feel the eyes of the tall man on her, whenever she looked over he stared back. Within fifteen minutes, she had received fourteen cards.

  Richard laughed. “I think I win.”

  “Frankly I am amazed. I mean, I am in my fifties, overweight, and not beautiful.”

  “Don’t be amazed, I told you that you are a desirable woman. You are a very beautiful woman. I think the fact that you do not see it makes you more so. You ooze a natural sexuality, so very sensual, that you do not even realise. My god, with your looks, your wonderful curvy figure and that amazing hair colour you could have anyone in this club with the click of your fingers.”

  Lisa looked stunned, gave a quick look to the mystery man as Richard continued. “There will be others coming, too, once they see more of you and once those who are not here tonight find out. Take your time and look at the cards. On the back, you will see a photo and their statistics. If you don’t want to take anything any further, that is fine but it does prove just how interested they are in you.” Lisa turned one of the cards over and gasped. There was a picture of the man, naked, and then his details, height, weight etc. She gave another glance to the mystery man opposite, he was watching intensely and she felt herself blush.

  “So what have I lost?”

  “As for our bet? I think you should take advantage of being here tonight. I think you should allow me use you as a bottom.” Fleur leant over and whispered something to Richard. He looked at Fleur then Lisa and said something back to her. They had a hurried conversation.

  “Lisa. Do you trust me? I mean, I know we have only just met but do you trust me?”

  Lisa answered warily, “Er…yes, I think so. Why?”

  “I know you were excited by some of the things you saw tonight. As I won, let me bind you. I promise I will not do anything to harm you, and Fleur will be with you the whole time. I will not do a full bind, just enough to get you aroused and then satisfy you. You will be my bottom just for tonight, I don’t need another sub and I know you do not want to become one.”

  Lisa looked stunned then considered the suggestion. She knew a bottom took the passive part in a scene. She had to admit she was as horny as hell and had been thinking of going home as soon as possible to play with BOB. She looked over at Fleur who nodded to her and then, for some reason she looked at the tall stranger. He was watching her intent
ly, as if he knew what she had been asked and was waiting for her answer.

  Richard stood and opened a cupboard nearby, he removed some Japanese silk rope, a blindfold, and a ball gag. Lisa felt her eyes widen.

  “Please,” she whispered, “no gag. I cannot bear to have anything over my mouth. Something happened as a child and it freaks me out to this day.”

  She realised that she had not actually said no to the others and Richard put the gag back and came over to her. He held out his hand to her. She could ignore it and stay sitting there or she could stand. She looked around the room. Everyone had left except Richard, Fleur and the stranger.

  Taking a deep breath, she took Richard’s hand and allowed him to pull her to her feet and onto the dais. She looked down at the floor and so missed the unspoken communication that passed between the two men.

  “Take off your kimono and panties, Lisa.”

  Lisa looked shocked and stammered, “But I am fat. Oh hell. I mean, everything has sagged. Oh bugger, you know what I mean.”

  Richard smiled. “Sweetheart, when will you learn that you are desirable and beautiful just as you are. You might think I lie but my cock doesn’t.” Lisa blushed but dropped her eyes and saw that Richard was sporting a very obvious, large hard-on. He grinned at her.

  Fleur came over to her and whispered, “Relax and enjoy.” She leant forward and untied the kimono. Lisa was shaking so much so Fleur helped her remove her panties then helped her perch onto the tiny stool. Lisa felt very exposed, but looking up to the second floor, saw no one was there, so it wasn’t too bad knowing only Richard, Fleur, and the man would see her naked.

  Richard leant forward and planted a kiss on her forehead, then tied on the blindfold.

  “Can you see anything?”

  “No,” she whispered, scared but very excited.

  “Okay, just relax. If at any time, you feel uncomfortable and want this stopped just say ‘red’ and I will stop immediately. Promise me you will not pretend.”

  “I won’t. I will remember to say something.”

  “Red, repeat,” Richard interjected.

  “Yes, I will say ‘red’ if I can’t handle it.”

  “If you feel things are progressing too fast or you are not sure, say ‘yellow.’ I will stop and we will talk about your fears before we decided whether to continue. Understand?”

  “Yes, ‘red’ to stop and ‘yellow’ to pause and discuss.”

  “Okay. We begin.”

  Chapter Three

  She felt hands on her arms as they were tied above her, then her legs spread and tied. The stool was removed and she took the weight on her arms and her spread feet. Slowly, as if he had all the time in the world, she felt the binding begin. She felt the soft silk rope going around her body and her breasts, isolating each one. Lisa could feel herself getting more and more excited, and she felt herself begin to drift to a high state of arousal. Between her legs, she could feel moisture starting to dribble as each new wrap of the rope bound her further and further. She had never experienced this much binding and it was so exciting. Her senses were so alert, so attuned to the sensation of the rope.

  Suddenly, she felt a hand brush across her mound and rope twist around the top of one leg and then the other. She could not help but moan in her arousal. The hand brushed her again and she wanted to press herself into it but resisted. All at once, she felt a finger rub up and down her slit. Her groans became louder as one finger pushed aside her lips and delved into her. A mouth took one nipple and began to suck then nibble. She did not hold back. She wanted more and began to plead, “Please. Please.”

  The mouth on her nipple bit down gently and she arched her back into him. Meanwhile, another finger pushed its way into her hot, wet cunt while a thumb rubbed her clit. She thought she would explode but then the hand pulled out.

  She felt a breath on her neck, and then a voice whispered huskily, “Do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Please, oh please, yes.”

  “Then ask me. Tell me.”

  “Please, please fuck me.”

  “Louder, I want to hear it louder.”

  Lisa lost all inhibitions. She needed to come. She was nothing but sensation, her sense of touch was heightened to the point where it was almost overwhelming, and she needed more. “Please,” she shouted, “please fuck me.”

  The fingers were back, pushing into her, and the voice in her ear whispered, “What do you want me to do? Tell me, shout loud. Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Fuck me! Fuck me! I want your cock in my cunt. I want you to fuck me hard.”

  Suddenly the fingers were gone again and instead she felt a stinging smack on her outer lips and clit.

  “Not loud enough.”

  She shouted out as loud as she could as again she felt a hand smack her hard on her clit. She screamed and shouted loudly, “I want your cock in my cunt. I want you to fuck me!”

  She heard a condom being opened, then felt a hard cock thrust into her, and she screamed again as he started thrusting in and out.

  “Tell me!” Richard’s voice sounded so different as he yelled at her. “Tell me!”

  “Fuck me!” she screamed senselessly as he continued to pound into her. She knew her climax would be big but did not realise just how big as he plunged deeply into her. Screaming loudly, she came and felt him fill her with his own orgasm. She clenched her muscles tightly onto his cock, wanting him to stay in her as her spasms slowly lessened. As they finally stopped, she felt him withdraw, then rip off the blindfold.

  Lisa gasped, confused.

  It was not Richard. It was her mystery man. He looked at her once, turned, and walked out the door. Lisa heard many shocked gasps and looked around and saw the arena was filled with people and above there were dozens looking over the balcony.

  She felt embarrassed at what had happened and very confused. As she lay, the postcards began to rain down on her. Richard came forward with Fleur and they began the job of untying her.

  “Are you okay?” Richard looked at her face, she could see his concern. “I’m sorry, but we knew you were attracted to Paul and him to you.” Lisa could not speak as they finished untying her. Fleur helped her to her feet and pulled on the kimono. She looked around the stage and it was carpeted with cards.

  “They loved you. That is an honour to be thrown a card, most get a few but they loved you. I don’t think I have seen this many for a while.” Fleur was amazed.

  She and Richard helped her off stage as those watching burst into applause. Lisa felt herself redden even more. She whispered to Fleur, “Which way to the ladies? I need to go.”

  “Do you want me to come with you? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just need to pee. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Fleur looked at her then pointed the way to the bathroom.

  Lisa walked off, head held high but a little weak on her feet as the blood came back from being bound. She entered the bathroom and used it, then looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was flushed, whether from the orgasm or embarrassment she was not sure, maybe a combination of both. She did not feel like herself. She felt she was on a high. What she did know was that she could not go back out there. She could not let anyone see her, she was feeling dirty and used. How stupid she was to agree and how stupid to think the mystery man was attracted to her. It was so obvious that to him she was a quick fuck, he was probably laughing to himself about having some old fat hag in front of the entire club. She felt tears on her face.

  She left the bathroom and looked around. There was the door she had entered from and a long hall. When she walked down the hall, she saw it led to another area of The Club to the left and to the right there was an outdoor area. It was in darkness and she escaped into it.

  It was a large garden and she was pleased to find it empty. What she had done was sinking in. She walked around until she found a little nook with some large chairs, placed this way and that. Lisa just stood there. It was cold outside and all she had
on was the kimono but she could not feel it. She did not realise she was going into shock at what had happened. Standing there, she lost all sense of time.

  * * * *

  “Lisa should be back, Richard. I am worried. Why did Paul walk off like that? He knows what happens, he knows she needs aftercare.” Fleur sounded angry.

  “I don’t know, sweetheart. I am worried, too. She was too calm asking for the bathroom. We need to find her. I am worried after her subspace, she will drop. I do not know what Paul is playing at. He is an old hand at this. He would know she would need to be comforted, to be held after that. Instead, he turned his back on her. We need to see where she is.”

  They walked to the bathroom and Fleur went inside but was out just as quickly. “She’s not there, Richard!”

  “You check with Mark on the door and see if she left.” Fleur nodded and raced down the hall, while Richard went to look in the garden.

  Chapter Four

  She could feel the tears falling down her face, but could do nothing to stop them, she felt like it was another person crying. All she could see in her mind was the man turning his back on her and walking away. Rejected, there was no other word for it. How could she have been so stupid? How could she have let someone tie her up and then have sex with her? She was nothing but a common whore. If that was not bad enough, she had done it in front of dozens of people.

  She started sobbing, her crying getting louder as she went deeper and deeper into herself. She felt arms come around her and tried to pull away. They held her tight and she heard a man’s voice choked with emotion.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, hush, and don’t cry.”

  Lisa looked down at the hands around her and turned her head to see the stranger. She tried to escape but he would not let her. He stroked her, whispering all the time how sorry he was.

  “Please do not cry.”


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