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The Billionaire Bundle

Page 30

by Michele De Winton


  “Are you sure you aren’t in over your head?”


  She obviously sounded so mournful that Kelly laughed. “That’s okay then. As long as you’re quite aware that you’re in deep, deep trouble, there’s probably hope for you. Anyway, I plan to enjoy myself.” She looked around the party and shook her head. “This is out of this world. It’s just so…” she seemed at a loss for words.

  “Out of this world?” Lia said.

  “Well, it’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen. In real life, anyway. Look over there.” She grabbed Lia’s arm and pointed. “That woman, I don’t know who she is but I’m sure she was in last week’s Hello magazine. It’s like a fairy tale. Maybe not a fairy tale, but definitely like a spread out of a magazine.”

  Lia glanced over at her friend with some amusement. She had never understood Kelly’s preoccupation with the lives of the rich and famous, but now she was going to make her day. “I think they might be here.”


  “Hello magazine.”

  Kelly went still. “You’re kidding me?”

  “No. So perhaps you should go and station yourself next to someone you recognize, and you might find yourself immortalized on film.”

  “I’m on to it. You coming?”

  “No, there’s someone I want to talk to. I’ll see you later.”


  “Thanks for sending the girls. They were great.” Lia flashed her fingernails with their French manicure.

  Maggie smiled. “The dress is perfect.”

  “That’s entirely thanks to you.” Lia smoothed the dark blue silk down over her hips. Glancing across the room, she saw Luc watching her. She couldn’t help but stare back. Out of all the glittering gorgeous people, he was by far the most beautiful. She tried to tell herself that that was all it was—she was blinded by his beauty. He put down his glass and walked toward her; her heart started to thump inside her rib cage.

  “Are you avoiding me, cara?” he asked as he came to a halt in front of her.

  She shook her head.

  “Can I get you a drink, champagne?”

  “Coffee?” she asked hopefully.

  He slipped an arm around her waist and smiled. “Come with me.”

  “So who are all these people?” she asked as he led her through the ballroom.

  Luc lifted one elegant shoulder. “Some colleagues, some acquaintances, a few friends.”


  He shook his head. “No, my family all live in Italy now. My mother doesn’t come back here much. England does not have happy memories for her.”

  “You’re half English, so what about your father?”

  “My father’s dead. He was an orphan and had no family.”

  “You said colleagues. Any masterminds of the criminal fraternity?”

  He smiled. “One or two, perhaps, but they’ve promised to be on their best behavior. And there’s one of them.”

  Across the room, Harley Watson lounged against a wall, his enormous frame elegantly dressed in what had to be a custom-made tuxedo. A slender, handsome man stood at his side. Harley raised a hand at Lia and smiled.

  Luc spoke to a few people briefly, but they eventually broke free of the press into the cool, relative quiet of the hallway. He led her across the tiled floor, through a door, and she found herself in a small comfortable sitting room. Luc picked up a phone and spoke briefly. “There,” he said to Lia, “coffee is on its way.”

  “You seem to know this place well,” she said. “Have you been here before?”

  He gave her an odd look.

  “It’s a fabulous house, though,” she continued. “How did you find it? It must be costing a fortune to rent.”

  “Rent? It’s mine, cara.”


  He nodded. “Shellwood is my house.”

  Lia sank down into the chair conveniently behind her and stared at him. The house was a mansion; people didn’t live in houses like this anymore. He was either a very good crook or he got his money somewhere else. She really, really hoped it was somewhere else. The thought brought her up short. When had she started caring what Luc Severino did?

  She tried to remember exactly what the house had looked like from the outside. A chauffeur had driven them here in a limousine. She hadn’t paid much attention to where they were going; she had been too conscious of Luc at her side, resplendent in his evening suit. Too conscious of the heavy ring on her finger.

  Luc watched her closely, a slight smile curling the corners of his mouth, warming those stunning eyes. Tonight he seemed a different man from the cold-eyed stranger who had used blackmail to get his way. And from the friendly guy who had taken her little brother for a ride in his car. Which one was the real Luc?

  Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, and one of the uniformed waitresses entered with a tray of coffee. She put it on one of the small tables and left the room. Luc poured the coffee, added cream and sugar, and handed the cup to Lia. She swallowed quickly, burning her lips, and put the cup down. She picked it up again, needing something to keep her occupied. She couldn’t believe how nervous she felt alone with him here, which was crazy when she had been living with him for nearly a week

  “You look stunning in that dress,” he said.

  “Well, that’s really all thanks to Maggie and her great taste. I would never have chosen it on my own.”

  She took another swallow of coffee before putting the cup down, wishing in a way she hadn’t come in here with him. But she couldn’t deny she was fizzing with excitement; it stirred her blood like champagne running through her system.

  “Do you know what I’ve wanted to do since I first saw you tonight?”

  “Not really, but I’m guessing the same thing I’ve wanted.”

  “Come here, Lia.”

  She didn’t hesitate, just lifted her hand so he could take it in his own. His palm was cool. With a slight tug, he pulled her to her feet. She came to a stop mere inches from his body and looked up into his eyes. They were dark, half-closed, and he stared down at her while he reached out with his other hand and stroked his thumb along her lower lip. Prickles of sensation rippled out from his touch, and her heart started to race.

  “Actually,” he said, “it’s not entirely true. I haven’t been wanting this since I saw you tonight. I’ve been wanting it every time I’ve seen you for the last week. Isn’t it about time you gave me what I want, cara?”

  Releasing her hand, he cupped her face. Lia realized that she, too, had wanted this for so long. Reaching up, she slid her hands around his neck, pulling him down, standing on tiptoe so she could reach his mouth. The kiss was gentle at first, then his hands tightened around her and he kissed her hard. The feel of his lips was incredible. Lia opened her mouth beneath his almost instinctively, and his hot tongue slipped inside. Her body remembered the taste of him and reacted by moving closer, needing to feel him against her. One hard hand slid down from where it cradled her face, stroking over her throat, across her shoulder, to slip beneath the low silk back of the dress and settle against the bare skin inches above the curve of her bottom. For a moment, it lingered there, and then he pulled her toward him, deepening the kiss. She moved her hands to his broad shoulders, and she clung to him, pulling him closer.

  He picked her up by the waist, held her tight against him, and backed toward the sofa with her still in his arms. Sinking down into the cushions, he dragged her onto his lap, his mouth never leaving hers, his tongue stroking her lips, the roof of her mouth, sliding erotically against her own, while his hands slid over the naked flesh of her back, then skimmed over her silk-covered breasts, leaving trails of fire. It wasn’t enough; she writhed against him, needing to get closer, and he laughed softly against her mouth. The sound brought her back to herself, and she pulled back slightly to stare at him. He reached out and stroked a finger around the neckline of her dress. It was so sinfully erotic, his dark, long fingers
stroking her pale flesh. As she watched, he slipped one hand inside and cupped her small breast in his palm. Lia gasped as he stroked his thumb over the engorged nipple. The sensation was exquisite, and her head fell back against the cushions.

  “I want to taste you here, cara,” he murmured, his thumb rasping across the peak. “I want to see if you taste as sweet as I remember.”

  There was no way she was going to object. His other hand went to the back of her neck, where the halter of the dress fastened, and flicked open the button. Lia was incapable of moving as he peeled the material from her breasts.

  A knock sounded at the door, and she jumped at the intrusive noise. Luc swore under his breath.

  “Wait a moment,” he called out, and his tone was not one that was going to be disobeyed. He acted immediately, pulling up the bodice of her dress and refastening the catch. Lia was dazed as he lifted her from his lap and placed her on the sofa. He got to his feet, crossed the room, and opened the door slightly.


  Lia heard a murmured conversation, but she was beyond being able to take in the words. Glancing down at herself, she saw her nipples clearly visible under the thin silk, and she crossed her arms. She almost had her breathing back under control by the time Luc came back.

  He stood, staring down at her a slightly rueful expression in his eyes. “Unfortunately, we need to return to the party. I have to give a speech.”

  “Oh. What about?”

  “I told you, this is for charity and most people here tonight have handed over a lot for their tickets. I need to tell them what that money will pay for. But we will continue our…conversation later.”

  “We will?”

  “Oh yes, Lia.”

  A wave of heat washed over her at the words. Pushing herself onto unsteady legs, she peered down—her nipples were still pressed against the dress; she couldn’t go out there like this.

  “I think I’ll just wait here for a minute,” she said.

  When she looked back up, his gaze was intent on her breasts, lingering on the taut peaks pushing insistently against the material. She was sure he was going to kiss her again, and she almost swayed toward him. He shook his head as if to clear it, then he walked away.

  At the door, he paused. “I’ll see you out there.”

  Lia nodded, and he was gone. She stared at the closed door then sank back down onto the sofa behind her, her legs no longer capable of supporting her. Her head fell back against the cushions, and her hand almost without thought lightly touched the sensitive swell of her breasts. For a moment, she allowed herself to imagine Luc’s hand where her own lay; she shivered at the sensation that rippled through her. He obviously meant for them to continue this later.

  Chapter Twelve

  Closing her eyes, Lia finally admitted to herself that she wanted him desperately. Oh, she had no illusions that this was going to have a happy ever after, and in some ways that thought comforted her. She didn’t believe in happy ever after, but should she deny herself this? After all, it wasn’t as if it was the first time. She wasn’t doing anything she hadn’t done already. Her mind was flooded with memories of that night, the feel of him on her, inside her. She shook herself; this was not doing any good. And she didn’t want to miss Luc’s speech—she’d never known anybody who gave speeches before.

  When she entered the ballroom, the band was quiet and everyone’s attention was focused on a raised podium at one end of the room. As she slipped through the crowd, there was a ripple of applause, and Luc took his place behind the microphone.

  She was finding it hard to believe she’d been kissing him only minutes before. It wasn’t only his looks; he had a presence that had everyone glued to his every word. He glanced across and caught her eyes, held them for a moment.

  “Before I move on to my prepared speech,” he spoke into the microphone, “I want to make a very special announcement. I recently asked someone to marry me, and she accepted. So I would like to introduce you all to my fiancée, Olivia Brent.” He paused and held out a hand. All the eyes in the room turned toward her. Lia wanted to sink into the floor, but she forced herself to walk slowly forward and take Luc’s hand. She gripped it tight in her own and saw his flicker of surprise. He urged her up onto the podium, and Lia stood by his side. The room erupted into applause and calls of congratulations. She caught sight of Maggie’s troubled face below and Pete’s stony expression.

  Luc had gone into his speech, but he still held her hand, and she was fixed firmly at his side. She didn’t take in much of what he was saying, just listened to his voice, allowed it to caress her ears. Before she knew it he was thanking everybody for their donations to the charity he was supporting, and finally, it was over, and he stepped down to another rousing round of applause.

  She moved forward automatically, but they were surrounded by groups of people congratulating them, wanting to shake his hand, kiss her on the cheek. She felt like an absolute fraud, and at the first opportunity she slipped away; it was Luc they all wanted anyway.

  “I’ve been trying to talk to you all night.”

  Lia turned as she heard a familiar voice behind her. She smiled absently at Pete. “I’m sorry, but it’s all been a bit mad. Is everything okay at the stables? Where’s Kelly?”

  “Kelly’s fine. I wanted to talk about your boyfriend—or should I say your fiancé. There are things you need to know.”

  “Luc?” Lia asked warily. “What about him?”

  “I did a search on the Internet. It took a bit of digging, but there’s loads of stuff about his aristocratic Italian relatives. If you dig deep enough though…” He paused.

  “Get on with it, Pete. What is it you think I need to know?”

  “He’s been in prison, Lia.”

  Lia went cold. She glanced over to where Luc still stood among a crowd of people. He caught her glance, and gave her a warm smile.

  “That’s not possible,” Lia said.

  “It’s true, Lia. He killed a man.”

  A wave of nausea washed over her, and she put out a hand to balance herself on the nearby wall.

  “Are you okay?” Pete asked. When she didn’t answer, he grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and handed it to her. “Drink this, Lia.”

  She took it almost blindly and drank it down. Glancing back at Luc, she found he was watching her, brows drawn together, his eyes glancing from her to Pete with a hint of suspicion lurking in their depths.

  “Lia—” Pete’s voice brought her attention back to him. “I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have brought it up tonight, but I felt you should know.”

  “No, of course you needed to tell me. Look, Pete, I really need to talk to someone, okay? I’ll see you later.”

  Pete obviously wanted to say more, but Lia was staring around the room searching for someone. She finally located him standing on the sidelines also watching Luc; she hurried over to him. “Mr. Watson?”

  He turned to her and smiled. “Call me Harley. What is it, darling?”

  “Harley, was Luc in prison?” There was no time for niceties. She had to get to the bottom of this.

  Harley’s gaze shifted to somewhere over her shoulder. She peered around and was unsurprised to see Luc still watching her.

  “It was a long time ago,” Harley said. “And this is something you should talk to Luc about.”

  “Just tell me.”

  Harley’s eyes widened at her vehemence.

  “I need to know,” she said.

  He looked back at Luc, but finally nodded. “Yes.”

  Lia swallowed. “I didn’t want to believe it. I thought there must be some mistake. Oh, I know I had my doubts about what he was, what he did, but I really, really thought I’d been wrong.”

  “Lia, darling, it’s not that bad, just ask Luc.”

  Lia stared at him. “How can you say that? It is bad. It’s awful. He’s a criminal.”

  A cold mask settled over Harley’s face. “If you want to know the truth, I su
ggest you talk to Luc.”

  Lia watched him walk away, his shoulders stiff. She felt as though she were breaking up. The only thing that was solid and real was the cold, hard lump lodged in her stomach. She couldn’t bear it. What had she gotten herself into? All her childhood had been tainted with the shadow of what her father was, the way he’d lived. It had ruined her mother’s life, and Lia had sworn that she would never have anything to do with anybody involved in crime.

  She pulled herself up short. Wait a minute, she thought. I don’t have anything to do with Luc. She stared at the ring on her finger. It was a sham, just like their whole relationship; it wasn’t real. Tonight, she had started to feel something for Luc Severino, started to believe that he was a good man. More sham.

  Across the room, Luc seemed to sense that something was wrong and glanced across at her. He raised a hand and Lia quickly looked away, but out of the corner of her eye she saw him moving toward her. She forced herself to stand up straight.

  “What is it, Lia?”

  He put a hand to her shoulder, and she pulled away.

  She stared him in the eye. “I just found out that you’ve been in prison.”

  Luc went instantly still. She watched as he mentally withdrew from her, his eyes cooling until they held all the warmth of polar ice.


  “Aren’t you going to deny it?”

  “Why would I deny it, it’s a matter of public record.”

  “It’s true then?” She hated the desperation in her voice, but she needed him to tell her it was all a mistake.

  “Isn’t that what I just said?”

  He started to turn from her, and Lia realized that he was going to leave her, no explanation, nothing. Reaching out, she gripped his arm to stop him. He looked down at it through cold eyes, and shrugged her hand away.

  “You can’t walk away,” Lia said.

  “Watch me.”

  And Lia did. She watched as he turned from her and walked away. For a moment, she stood, unsure what to do.

  He scared her when he was in this mood. He was so cold. Or maybe it was finding out that she had spent the last week in the company of an ex-con that had her scared. Luc was capable of taking another man’s life. He had taken another man’s life, and he hadn’t denied it. He was rich, generous with his money, and she had no idea where that money had come from. From what she could gather, he’d been poor as a child. What had changed, where had his wealth come from? The questions nagged at her mind. Look at the people he knows. Obviously, he has some sort of shady past. Her whole being fought against the knowledge. She couldn’t be so wrong. If only he would talk to her. Trust her.


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