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A Woman's Worth 3

Page 1

by Jahquel J.




  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  © 2014 Jahquel J. Published by Royalty Publishing House. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Jahquel J.’s Last Release:

  Crack Money with Cocaine Dreams

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  Chapter One


  Damn, why do I always end up in these types of situations? Why couldn’t my dumb ass just mind my business and escape that house? Nope, I couldn’t mind my business. I went through hell and high water to get her number. Even debated for hours on whether I should send the pictures to her or not. Yet, greed got in the way and I thought of all the money I could milk out of her. I wasn’t always a home health aide with a crippled man. Hell, I was the head bitch back in New York. People use to call me diamond, because of all the diamonds I sported. My man was the biggest King Pen to ever grace the streets since the late, Frank Lucas.

  We had million dollar estates, cars and money at our fingertips. That all came with a price, my man’s life. Nardarian is the love of my life, despite our current living conditions. We were living in a one-bedroom apartment with our three-year-old son. Back in New York, my closet was bigger than what I was living in now. So, now you can see my reasons for wanting to blackmail the woman for the pictures. I knew exactly who Mezzie was. She used to give Nard lap dances whenever he came to Miami. The rumor was that they even fucked a few times. I didn’t judge her because I knew that’s what those stank strippers did.

  That was around the time that Nard was in his prime. Let me introduce you to Nardarian. The hood called him Big Nard; standing at 6’7” and over 300 hundred pounds of muscle was my man. His dark brown skin, hazel eyes, and low fade made him the center of any woman’s universe, which is why I was always busting a bitch’s ass. It’s true what they say, when the money gone, will the honeys stay? Hell no, they didn’t, but his bitch from the beginning was still here. Me.

  “Baby, you gonna’ fix us something to eat?” Nard rolled into our bedroom with our son on his lap.

  “What’s wrong with your hands?” I snapped while still looking up at the ceiling. I hated my life right about now.

  “Alright, fuck it.” He rolled out the room and into the kitchen.

  I rolled my eyes and got out of bed before he fucked up our kitchen. Living in this small ass apartment was like sleeping with the devil. You could take a shit and smell it in the kitchen, how damn gross? A bitch like me was used to living in houses that I could get lost in and shopping in stores that sold clothes that were equivalent to people’s mortgages. I never in my life had a job until now. My job was shopping and taking care of Nard. He preferred me to stay home. Since, everything went down we went from that to what we live in now. I wanted him to step back into the game, but I knew he wasn’t fit to be doing all that he used to do.

  “Just move, I’ll cook,” I said, coming into the kitchen.

  I made the pancakes, eggs and bacon with store bought orange juice. I only liked fresh squeezed so I drank none. Nard and my baby boy ate their food like they were starving. I had my son right into the transition into us becoming broke. All his designer gear had to be sold to maintain the rent and car note. You would think a man who had millions, hell billions would have saved for a rainy day but nope. I guessed all hustlers are pretty much idiots.

  “You work today, boo?” Nard questioned while interrupting me from my thoughts.

  “Nope, they still haven’t found me anything since my client was killed.” I chewed my bacon slowly.

  It had been a week since the death of Tone and his wife, Kim. After being questioned a million times, I was cleared of being involved. I didn’t need that kind of bullshit on my plate right now. What I was more concerned about was Mezzie paying up. I wasn’t greedy, I just wanted half a million dollars. We would be able to move back to New York, get a house and get back heavy in the drug game. We can find some knuckleheads to push our products, and I would be back to my lifestyle I was accustomed to. I knew she had it. She came to Tone’s house that day in a range rover with a Chanel bag on her arm.

  I needed to have my information in order so when she found out who sent the photo; she would have no choice but to give my money. Her ass went from nigga to nigga and she still living like a boss. She riding around in different cars and carrying thousand dollar handbags, while I was barely making ends meet with this bullshit ass job. I wasn’t mad at her. Do you baby girl. Just make sure you pay up so you can continue to live that lifestyle.

  I had to meet up with my girl, Keyshia. She came down for a little getaway while her man came down to re-up on some work. Unlike myself, she was still living the life of being a hustler’s girl. She lent me money whenever I needed and her man Malik offered to pay for anything we needed. Nard’s ego wouldn’t let him accept the money. I pulled up to the salon first and walked in. I hadn’t had my hair done in a high-class salon in a while. Like hell, I hoped Keyshia was covering my tab. Keyshia was already in the chair and waved me over.

  “Hey boo… I’ve missed you, come back to New York please,” she begged as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Gurl, wishful thinking. I’m missing my old life so much, but this is the life I have to live now.” I sat down and got draped.

  “I know that’s foul how shit went down.” She handed me a glass of champagne, which I needed just thinking about my old life.

  “It’s life, how are you and Malik?” She looked at me and crossed her legs. I knew she was about to spill the tea, she always had that Lipton on deck.

  “Gurl, that nigga been feeling himself for real. Ever since Nard fell off the wagon, he been taking over. He doesn’t come home, and he got countless bitches at his disposal. He only uses me for show,” she disclosed.

  I felt bad, but not too bad. She was in a thousand dollar pair of flip-flops and her hand was rested on top of her Chanel ‘boy’ bag. Hustlers like Malik and Nard liked to keep us as trophies. When they fucked up the credit card with no limit was their way of saying sorry. Or a new car to show boat in was how they cleared their consciousness. I knew Keyshia since we were in middle school. I was the one who introduced her to Malik. We’ve been through hell and back and still remained friends. Malik and Nard are cousins and they didn’t talk anymore. But, we still remained friends. Keyshia couldn’t stand Malik. She didn’t love him, but she sure loved his money. There were a lot of things that went on between Malik and Nard that Keyshia didn’t know about.

  “How’s the baby,” she pulled me from my thoughts.

  “Bad as hell, he goes to daycare now while I work.”

  “How’s working going? I couldn’t even imagine doing what you do.” She came off a little boogie, but I ignored it.

  “I know bitch, you lazy as fuck,” I laughed.

  “And you know this. Sit back and let me pamper my bestie for the day.”

  After hanging and getting my hair done, it was back home to take care of my boys. Hanging with Keyshia was a trip down memory lane. We shopped, ate and she didn’t mind letting the cash flow. I got a couple designer clothes that I could sell so we can have extra money this month. Nard wasn’t stingy with his money, but I liked to have this cash on the side. As I turned the knob and entered my house, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. I was so nervous and scared the bags slipped out my hand as I gripped the door

  “You didn’t think we wouldn’t know it was you, love,” The woman said while holding a gun to Nard’s head. He an angry look on his face, and I could tell he felt like his manhood was being tested.

  “W…what are you talking about?” I stuttered, she cocked her head to the side and cocked her gun at the same time. “Okay… okay it was me, I’m sorry I just needed the money,” I confessed.

  I knew she had to be here because of the pictures. I didn’t get into much trouble and not too many people messed with Nard anymore. So for a woman to be sitting with a gun to my man’s head, I knew it was because of my blackmailing. I should have been more careful not to have shit tracked back to me. I had a son. What if he was home from daycare and a gun was pointed to his head? I couldn’t take something happening to my son because of my greed.

  She pushed Nard out her way, walked over to the fridge, and popped two beers. She gave one to Nard and sat at the kitchen table with her feet cocked on top of it. I admired her beauty, she was gorgeous but what I admired the most was the bad bitch she was. Who else who had the guts to run into someone’s house and pop a beer? I stayed stuck in place while Nard drank the beer. He still had an uneasy look on his face, but I knew shit was about to hit the fan.

  “Yo’ you gonna’ tell me why you had a fucking gun in my face?” He rolled next to her.

  “Big Nard, who would have thought this would be your fate. You’re a legend man….How did shit end up like this for you?” She questioned while guzzling the rest of her drink.

  “Having snakes in your grass. You know the game. Hustlers ain’t meant to live long.” He relaxed a bit. I knew he always kept a gun on the side of him. If he wanted to pop her ass, he would have.

  “I hear that, big boy. Sit down, why you sitting there all stuck and shit,” she barked at me. I moved from the door and sat down on the sofa. The way Nard looked at me I knew he was trying to figure out what was going on. “So you crippled for life or something?” she asked.

  “Nah, I can walk… It just takes a lot and these cheap ass therapists don’t be doing their job. Someone wanna explain shit to me?” He looked around the room.

  I would be damn if I spoke first. The woman looked at me and rolled her eyes. She turned toward Nard and explained.

  “My name is Epiphany. My family needed help and I’m here to kill y’all asses. I will tell you who too….Mezzie. Your little wifey here witnessed some shit that can destroy many people’s lives. Not only did she fuck with Mezzie, she fucking with my man’s life. He could go to jail for life over this shit. So, what daddy wants, he gets,” She explained and I swallowed a huge lump in my throat.

  “Is it true, Dalia?” Nard asked with his eyebrow raised.

  “No,” I replied shortly.

  “See, this is what I can’t stand, liars. I came over here with the intent on letting you live, when I found out you were Nard’s bitch. I got a soft side, which is rare. Big Nard was a personal friend of my late father, which is why I might spare you if you tell the truth.”

  Before I had a chance to reply, Nard had pulled his gun out and pointed it at me. I couldn’t believe this nigga was on her side. Nard had always been a wild card so I didn’t know why it surprised me. Back in the day, he was ruthless. I stared at his gun and decided it was a better time than ever to spill some beans.

  “Alright, damn. I was in the house when they killed Tone and his wife. I was stealing some money out his safe when it happened. I took a picture and figured it would be used for good use. I got Mezzie’s number from, Alisha, down at the strip club and sent the picture. I figured I could milk her for some money and move back to New York,” I revealed.

  “I knew all that already, just wanted you to keep it real. Alisha’s funeral should be this week… you going?” I swallowed a huge lump. Did she just say she killed Alisha? Damn I should have never involved her.

  “Who’s your pop?” Nard questioned.

  “Mohammad Nadir Ellis.” She stated.

  “That was my nigga. I was broken when that nigga died. You must be one of the twins. Ma’ you too pretty to be doing this shit, he wouldn’t want that,” He openly flirted, and I was pissed off. She was bad but damn I was sitting right here. I had half the mind to go kick over his wheelchair.

  “I do what I have to, to make money. If I wasn’t doing this, then I would be stealing. I snuffed a couple niggas lights out for you years ago, you didn’t know, but I did.” I looked at Nard and rolled my eyes.

  “Baby girl, I don’t want your man and please believe I could have had him. I got a man and that’s where we’ll leave that. I want the pictures and all copies that you have. I won’t kill you, but I will put you back on your game. It pains me to see Nard living in this shoebox. Be dressed in whatever finest clothes you have left,” she said and walked out the door.

  “That’s a bad bitch,” Nard said and wheeled in the bedroom.

  Chapter Two


  “You’re so sexy, mama,” Victor rubbed on my ass and caressed my thighs. I felt the vomit tickling my throat.

  “You aren’t too bad yourself. Where’s your place? We can’t just fuck right here,” I said and removed his hands from my inner thigh.

  “That’s why I got a driver. He will make sure we get to the right destination. You seem tense, relax some,” he suggested.

  I had strict orders to fuck him if I had to. I hoped like hell I didn’t. Nard was my first and I would like to keep it that way. As the car cruised the streets, I looked out the window while he kissed on my neck. I let out an unenthusiastic moan out my lips and I was praying that I didn’t have to fuck this man.

  “You’re so tense, baby. Relax and let me take control,” he urged.

  He lifted my dress and caressed my pussy with his fingers. I couldn’t deny that it didn’t feel amazing. I shifted in my seat and fought the urge from spreading my legs further. He didn’t need me to do anything because he opened them and lowered his self on the car floor.

  “I wanna taste you,” he moaned while licking my inner thigh.

  “I want you to taste me too,” I slipped and moaned

  It was like those were the golden words he needed for him to lift up my dress, pull my panties to the side, and slide his tongue in. I gasped at how wet and cool his mouth was. I pushed his curly head further into my pussy and grinded on his tongue. He enjoyed it too, because he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me further into his face. The car had come to a complete stop, and I was trying to contain myself so we wouldn’t be caught when the driver opened the door. However, my eyes still remained closed because the feeling was too good.

  Phoot! Phoot!

  I felt Victor’s arms around me loosen as I looked around for the sound. His tongue no longer slurped my sweetness. He actually swooped down further on the floor. That was when I saw it, blood leaking from his head.

  “Oh my god! Someone fuckin’ help us, please!” I shrieked as I looked around the back of the limo.

  The partition was lowered and Epiphany, I think it was Epiphany’s face appeared in view. Her hair color was different and she had her dimples pierced. I guess it was her twin sister, hell I was confused and scared. I still had my pussy in the face of a dead man. I moved over the right and lowered my dress.

  “It’s cool. You did well, you just helped my brother,” she said and winked at me. “I’m Promise by the way. Epiphany is waiting for us at your place. Wipe everything you touched down. Here, pour this in his mouth,” she instructed and tossed me a bottle of a clear solution.

  I did everything she said as we drove down a dark alleyway near the ocean. The place was familiar because this is where Nard’s cousin Malik came into this country. It was the boat dock for Haitians who illegally came from Haiti to Miami. She stopped the limo and got out. She then opened the door for me.

  “See, this can totally be my job calling,” she joked. I let an uneasy laugh out.

  A short Haitian man came and got into the car and pu
lled it onto a waiting boat. But, not before she paid him.

  “Um, what’s going to happen to him?” I had to question.

  “That’s not up for discussion. Get in,” she demanded.

  We jumped into an all-white range rover with pink interior. If I weren’t so damn broke, I would do the same shit to my car. She fixed the mirror and as easy as we came, we left. I looked at her as she drove and grooved her head to the music like she didn’t just kill someone. She tapped her French manicured hands on the pink steering wheel and hummed to the beat.

  We arrived at my apartment a half an hour later. I walked into my house and headed straight to the bathroom. Nard and Epiphany was sitting at the kitchen table playing cards and smoking weed. I slid down the bathroom door and emptied everything that came out my mouth. I felt disgusting for letting him eat my pussy and for him getting killed while doing it. The saying was true: a nigga’s downfall was pussy. After I had cleaned myself up, I went back into the kitchen/living room.

  “Relax, Dalia. That man put a price on my brother’s head for 5 million dollars. My brother countered the offer and put a price on Victor’s head for 6.7 million dollars. You helped me kill him, so you will be getting 3 million dollars. I told you I would help you get back on your feet. My word is bond,” she explained.

  When those words left her mouth, I didn’t think about the dead man any longer. The fact that I was getting 3 million dollars, and I would be able to floss like I once did was driving me bonkers. I couldn’t contain my joy and jumped into Nard’s lap to start kissing him. He grabbed my ass, and I felt his dick harden. I was going to ride that shit all night. We could finally afford to get him the real therapy he deserved.

  “I appreciate it so much. You have no idea,” I thanked her.

  “Nard, you know where to find Moses for that work,” Epiphany informed and turned to leave with her sister.

  I still sat on Nard’s lap as I kissed him on his face a million times. I came off better than I could have imagined.


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