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Blonde Bomb Tech

Page 16

by Lara Santiago

  “I’m changing the subject before I do something embarrassing here. Like fall to my knees crying my eyes out from wanting you so much.” He cleared his throat and continued, “You were a complete success at dinner the other night. My family loves you.”

  “They were nice. Big and loud, but nice.”

  “I heard a rumor from a semi-reliable source about that woman at the hotel bombing site, Suzanne Forrester.”

  “Is the rumor that she’s probably my long lost sister?”

  “Yeah. Not to sound like a shrink, but how do you feel about that?”

  Sabrina laughed. “Not sure yet. We’re meeting tomorrow. I guess I will see how I feel afterwards.”

  “I think it would be great for you. You know…to have a sister.”

  “I guess so. It was always my childhood fantasy to have family.”

  “Really? Good. I’m glad.”

  “Yes. Speaking of fantasies,” she said and then realized Murphy could hear her from the shocked face he made pretending to talk on his phone.

  “I’m listening,” Jake said quietly. Reverently.

  “Well, I have an audience, so we’ll discuss it tomorrow night when you get off of work and drive directly to my house. Do not pass go. Do not collect any damn thing at all. Just get your butt over to my place as fast as you can. Okay?”

  “Got it…and Sabrina…good luck tomorrow with Suzanne.”

  “Thanks, Jake.”

  * * * *

  Sabrina arrived at the café early the next morning. She hated to be late. Apparently, Suzanne felt the same way, because they both pulled into the restaurant parking lot fifteen minutes early. They got out and smiled at each other.

  “Good morning,” Suzanne said as they crossed the pavement and met at the door.

  “Good morning. I guess great minds think alike,” Sabrina said.

  “Maybe we’re related,” she said, laughing delightedly.

  They ordered coffee and muffins and found a quiet table in the back. Sabrina stared at her cup, trying to think of something to say. How did one start a conversation like this?

  “Aren’t you a kindergarten teacher?” Sabrina asked, trying to break the ice.

  “Yes. I work at the Apple Tree Learning Center. I like it.” Suzanne looked down at her coffee. Sabrina detested idle chatter, but forged ahead.

  “So tell me about yourself. You already know all about my life from the other day.”

  Suzanne looked relieved before she started talking. “Well, I grew up in western Massachusetts on forty acres with my adopted parents. When I came to Boston to go to college I met Ray, my husband my freshman year. We’ve been married for two years now and I just found out I’m pregnant.” She suddenly burst in to tears and covered her face with her hands, sobbing.

  Sabrina had no idea what to do. She reached out and patted her on the back and told her everything would be all right. Like Jake did when she was crying.

  “You must think I’m totally crazy,” she finally said, sniffing.

  Sabrina shrugged and handed her a napkin. “Maybe. I don’t know you well enough to make that assessment.” Sabrina smiled at her. When they both laughed and they knew a friendship had been forged.

  “I’m scared to death to have children,” Suzanne said.


  “My mother, the one who adopted me, had several miscarriages and one near-death experience in her second trimester before she gave up and adopted. Over the years I’ve heard more than one horror story.”

  “What does your husband say about your fear of childbirth?”

  “I haven’t told him He’d be worried. He is so excited about the baby. He comes from a huge family. He loves kids. I’m sure he wants ten.”

  “Whoa, ten kids…that’s a lot of kids.” Sabrina swallowed hard, remembering when Harry had told her how he wanted ten kids, too.

  “Well, maybe just three or four. So what about you? I know you’re not married, but I saw you kiss that fireman. Wow.”

  “Well, that’s a brand new relationship. I’m not sure how it’ll turn out,” Sabrina said, thinking about Jake’s huge family and all the kids. What if Jake wanted ten kids?

  “It looked pretty serious.” Suzanne smiled like she had inside information.

  “Well, we’ll see. I met his family and they seem to think he’s serious about me.” Sabrina almost wondered who was speaking for her. She never opened up like this. Having a sister seemed to draw out her emotional side with a vengeance.

  “I saw him watch you, when you weren’t looking,” Suzanne said, smiling. “I’d say he is a man possessed.”

  “I haven’t ever dated much. I got hurt once a long time ago and haven’t had the courage to delve back in until Jake.” Sabrina couldn’t believe she’d brought that up. It was amazing what female camaraderie brought out in her.

  “Well, sometimes the risk is worth it. I was shy, but Ray is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “Good for you.”

  “I should tell him about my fears. He’d understand.”

  “Well, I’m no kind of expert or anything, but I’d come and be with you if you wanted. You know, when you have your baby. Or if you just want to talk.” Sabrina couldn’t believe she’d said that.

  The thought of being around a baby made Sabrina uncomfortable for lack of a better word, and it made her long for things she couldn’t have. Hopeless longing. It would probably hurt when the time came, but she wanted to help Suzanne out. She wanted to be a sister. She wanted to belong to a family. Suzanne was, after all, her only family.

  “Thank you, Sabrina.”

  Sabrina saw a man approach their table just then. “Are you Sabrina Morgan?” he asked eagerly.

  “Why would you need to know that?”

  “I’m Stan Withers from the Post. I understand there’s been breaking news in the Mad Bomber case. Care to comment?”

  “Now Stan, even if I were Sabrina, you know I wouldn’t be able to comment on an on-going investigation.”

  “Well, is it true you and one of the suspects are long-lost sisters?” He looked at Suzanne’s wide eyes, which then looked at Sabrina.

  “No comment. Good-bye, Stan,” Sabrina said firmly, and stood up, leading Suzanne out of the coffee shop.

  Stan’s phone rang and they left him behind.

  “Don’t say anything to the press, okay?” Sabrina told her sister. Which sounded so great. Her sister. They exchanged information and promised to keep in touch.

  Sabrina went home to get ready for Jake who would be at her place at the stroke of midnight. She wanted her lips on his at the stroke of midnight and one second.

  * * * *

  The doorbell rang and Sabrina paused plumping up the pillows on her bed. She was out of the shower, hair mostly dry, but hadn’t dressed yet. Not that she was going to put on layers, but she thought showing up at the door naked seemed a little forward.

  She pulled her silky robe together and tightened the belt. It was forty minutes before midnight and an hour before she expected Jake to arrive. She sighed and said under her breath, “this better not be work related.” Or reporters, she thought glumly. She looked through the peephole and saw flowers. Damn, reporters.

  “Who is it?” she called out suspiciously.

  “Who are you expecting?” said Jake’s semi-exasperated voice.

  Sabrina opened the door a crack to make sure it was really Jake as her whole body broke out in a tremble at the sound of his voice. She paused and asked, “Can I help you?”

  “You the blond babe from the bomb squad?”

  “Maybe.” She smiled mischievously. Oh yeah, baby!

  “You going to make me stand out here all night?”

  “Well, I’m actually expecting this hot firefighter guy in about an hour, but I guess I could entertain you until he shows up.” Sabrina stepped behind the door to let him inside. She smelled his cologne as he stepped through the door and felt a heavy surge of desire filter through all her sens

  Sabrina resisted the urge to throw herself on him until he got fully inside the door. In her current state of dress, she didn’t want to flash anyone who might be lurking around outside. She closed the door, locked it up tight and stepped up to him stealthily. He put the flowers in between them. “Here, these are for you.”

  Sabrina looked down and inhaled the fragrance of carnations in the pretty arrangement. She looked up with question as he placed the vase in her hands. “Thank you, Jake, but you didn’t have to buy me flowers.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s from guilt. I’ve had carnal sex on the brain since I saw you last. I feel like a lecher, because what I really want to do is throw you down on the floor and take you in a frenzy right here in the entryway.”

  “Okay.” She reached for him, but the flowers were in the way.

  “No, not okay.” He put his hands out to deflect her.

  “Why not?” she asked, setting the vase on the hallway table to resume stalking closer to him.

  “Because it’s not the reason I’m here.” He backed up a step, putting a small distance between them.

  “It’s not?” she closed the distance furtively. She inhaled his unique fragrance deeply into her lungs. Her body vibrated with desire.

  “No. I care about you, Sabrina. I’ve been worried about you. I want to know how things went with Suzanne today.” He kept talking though she had pressed her body up to his.

  “Well, I care about you too, Jake. Don’t worry, I feel much better now that you’re here, and today with Suzanne is too long of a story right now.” Sabrina placed her hand on his belt buckle, her fingers slipping between his tucked-in black Henley shirt and blue denim jeans. He smiled seductively, but quickly put his hand over hers and removed it. He pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed her fingertips, gazing lovingly into her eyes.

  “We’ve got time, babe. We don’t have to rush so fast. I feel like an animal…I jump on you every time I see you. I just want to treat you right,” he whispered.

  “You do treat me right, Jake,” she whispered in return. She reached up to kiss the cleft in his chin her tongue darting in for a quick lick. One arm snaked around his waist. The other found a place on his tight butt.

  Jake moaned, a low gravelly sound deep in his throat. He grabbed her up to him, encasing her in a bone-cracking hug as she went onto her tiptoes. He looked searchingly into her eyes before placing his lips on hers. The crushing kiss took her breath away. She moaned long and loud into his mouth. His hand slid up her back, stroked her hair once and wandered around to her neck. With the other he caressed her throat and ran his hand down the front of her body.

  It took only a heartbeat of time for him to register that she had nothing on underneath her robe. Sabrina felt his body stiffen as he broke the decadent kiss, his breath hissing between his teeth. His lust-filled gaze found hers as his hand fastened lightly on her breast. Her nipples tingled and sent a rush of electric feeling down her body to the now wet channel between her legs. She pressed the breast into to his hand. He watched her reaction as he kneaded her slowly several times, pulling her closer into his embrace.

  They were very nearly fused together as it was. Unimaginable need engulfed Sabrina. It was too far to the bedroom. The entryway floor looked fine. She wanted him and she wanted him right now. She wouldn’t wait another moment.

  Sabrina leaned up to take his lips in a soul-wrenching kiss as she snaked a hand around from his backside to his front side and slipped it between them with little difficulty. She unbuckled his belt with single-minded determination and unfastened his button-fly jeans as fast as was possible one-handed.

  Jake didn’t stop her. Or maybe he didn’t realize what she was doing, since he was so intent on devouring her mouth as he continued stroking her breast with seductive slowness. Her fingers slipped inside the elastic of his boxers on a mission to grab his cock and get it inside of her body as fast as possible.

  When her bare hand brushed down his rock-hard erection, she wrapped her fingers quickly around his cock. He felt like smooth silk covering steel as she gripped him. Jake literally flinched and groaned as if she’d injured him. Her thumb stroked the sensitive tip, rubbing at the drop of moisture there. He broke the scorching kiss, his eyes glazed over in lust-filled yearning.

  “No. Wait,” he uttered, as if in pain. His voice was already deeper in tone. A desire-laden tone. A spasm of need ran through her at the sound.

  “Jake. Please. I’m begging you. I just can’t wait.” She kissed a path to his ear to whisper the plea. She promptly took his lobe between her teeth for a little nibble, licking it as her thumb ran over the tip of his swollen cock in invitation. The subsequent action was a blur of motion.

  The next thing Sabrina knew, she was on her back, on the floor of her hallway. Jake pulled her legs apart as her robe slid open completely. He pulled her hips up and plunged his incredible, stallion-like, ten-inch cock inside her slick body, filling her completely in one glorious stroke. She arched in pleasure. Nirvana was the word reverberating in Sabrina mind, but it didn’t adequately describe the powerful, mind-numbing sensation.

  Jake growled low in his throat, possessively, as she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him in closer. He shifted off his knees and onto his thighs, which forced him to thrust inside her again, harder. Her growl of approval erupted with the second deep thrust. It felt like he slammed into her womb. His mouth found hers. He kissed her deeply, passionately, ravenously. He powered his groin into hers repeatedly with oh-so-much satisfaction. She ached with pleasure from the connection. Her bare breasts rubbed against his shirt and the friction lent an added novelty to their lovemaking.

  The solid surface of hardwood floor pressed into Sabrina’s back. The hard planes of Jake’s chest sandwiched her as his glorious, thick cock filled her completely over and over. His tongue thrust inside her mouth matching the rhythm of his powerful strokes again and again. Insatiable desire flowed through her with each thrust of his cock deep inside her body. Her arousal leaped at the mere thought of where they were. Desperate to connect with him, the fierceness of their carnal joining was more than amazing. It was stupendous. Undeniable.

  The angle as he entered her scratched an itch of fiery need against her clit. She was quickly pressed up against the edge of an exquisite release. The rich, deep, unexpected kind of climax she’d only shared with Jake. His warm hard cock drove inside her slick passage over and over and again and again. He broke the kiss, his breath harsh against her throat as he kissed her and nibbled on her shoulder, sending bursts of pleasure through her. Thrust, nip, thrust, nip…he made her insane.

  Seconds later, Sabrina roared her release, clinging to Jake as pure ecstasy washed over her. Jake groaned in her ear and surged forcefully inside her for several more strokes before he climaxed, shuddering. He streamed inside of her with the warmth of their fevered and impromptu sexual encounter on the hardwood entryway of her little house.

  While she tried to catch her breath and get her brain to focus, Sabrina smiled, knowing she’d never enter her home again without remembering this incredible experience.

  “Oh, my,” she managed to say, as she clung to him in the post-climatic pleasure. She quaked inside from the intense release and tried to catch her breath. She thought she might be hyperventilating and tried to control her breathing so she wouldn’t lose consciousness.

  Jake, gasping harshly, was slumped on her. He trapped her against the floor. His thick shaft still firmly embedded inside her body. He was total dead weight, which made her smile again. He might be tired, but his cock wasn’t. In a minute she was going to need more air, but for now she just enjoyed the refuge and took shallow breaths.

  The exquisite warmth they generated surrounded her with security. The sweaty wonderful feel of their satisfied bodies pressed together buttoned up shirt to open robe, groin to groin and…oh no.

  Sabrina’s eyes popped open. They hadn’t used any protection. She’d forgotten. Apparently, he had too,
but she’d been egging him on and forcing him take her, right here, right now. Can’t wait, Jake. Throw me on the ground and take me, now.

  It wasn’t like they needed to use protection to prevent pregnancy anyway, but Jake didn’t know that. Damn. Sabrina was not in a mood for deep dark confessions tonight. Maybe he wouldn’t realize. Maybe she could start a conversation and distract him.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, breathing hard.

  “Don’t be sorry, Jake. Don’t ever be sorry for making me feel like that.”

  Jake started to lift up, but didn’t get too far. He only managed to turn his head to the other side and rest it on her face.

  “You’ve sapped my strength.” He breathed deeply and remained pressed against her.. Sabrina used a leg bent as leverage to push him off to the side, but then followed him as he rolled over onto his back. They remained intimately connected. She plastered herself on top .

  “My turn to lay on you,” she murmured, thinking fast. She buried her face in his neck kissing him. “I’ve never in my life felt like I do when I’m with you, Jake. You take me to a whole different level.”

  “Yeah. The hardwood floor,” he said sounding disgusted with himself. Sabrina started laughing and pressed kisses to his neck and face.

  “Well, it was the first time for me on the floor, but I’d do it again,” she said saucily.

  “Tonight was a first for me too, babe,” he said stroking her hair.

  “Oh yeah? Was it your first time on a floor, too?”

  “No. It was my first time without a condom.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sabrina stiffened in his arms, undoubtedly upset about his failure to protect them using one of the three condoms currently resting unused in his wallet.

  He squeezed her once in reassurance. “Don’t be upset. It’ll be okay, I promise.”

  She relaxed her muscles and melted into his chest. “I know.”

  His mind raced with possibilities. His four older brothers had pounded the ‘don’t ever forget to a condom no matter what she tells you’ line into his head since he’d been old enough to know what a condom was.


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