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Blonde Bomb Tech

Page 35

by Lara Santiago

  “I found out you were alive, and I almost told you right then that I would never allow you to put yourself in danger ever again, because I had decided it wasn’t fair to me and my center of the universe. I didn’t want to bother living anymore if I couldn’t have you with me.

  “When you told me you were pregnant after nearly losing your life, the roller coaster plunged straight down miles out of the sky in seconds doing impossible g’s in to my own personal hell. A hell I didn’t even know existed, and along with it went the majority of what sensible reason I had left.

  “All of a sudden you were pregnant with the child I’d convinced myself I didn’t need to have to be happy. I was wrong, and you had dared to risk my happiness with your job. You didn’t respond well to my tantrum of you taking risks in a job you’ve thrived at for years. So at that point the roller coaster flew right off the tracks into oblivion and my good sense went with it. The result of which was my misdirected anger at you last night.”

  “Are you done yet? Jeez. I forgot what I wanted to say,” Sabrina said in a mock sullen tone.

  Jake hugged her up to him. “I’m almost done. Hang with me a few minutes more. I was angry you hadn’t told me sooner. Once I was finished pouting, all alone, sitting at the fire station after you’d left, I figured that you probably came to tell me I was going to be a Daddy yesterday morning, but chaos was reigning all around us and you weren’t able to before I left on the bogus call.

  “Then I found out that you were helping your sister and not strangers at the daycare. I honestly didn’t know about her being involved until later on. So I had to do some thinking. Would I expect you to sacrifice your sister if you could help her by doing your job?

  “No. I would not.

  “Would I expect you to sacrifice any stranger for the same reason? Well how can I, when I do exactly the same thing every day? I can’t rush off into danger daily and demand your utter loyalty and support of me if I’m not willing to do the same for you. So I have a question for you.”


  “Will you forgive me for being an ass and just consider the possibility of not defusing bombs in the short term until the baby is born?”

  “Yes. I forgive you for being an ass,” Sabrina couldn’t help laughing when she said it, “and I will consider trying to reduce my risk level at work until the baby is born.” Compromise. It didn’t hurt as bad as she thought it would. “Do you have anything else to say?”

  “Jeez, I just talked for half an hour. I may not have anything else to say for months.” He chuckled.

  “Well, that’s just great, Jake, but you forgot one important thing in your dissertation just now.” Sabrina got up off the sofa and shook off his embrace. She crossed her arms in defiance and looked at him…waiting.

  “What did I forget?” His brows furrowed with complete confusion.

  “Sheesh, you talked for an hour and never once asked me to marry you. Not once! I’m going to call all your brothers to come over and lecture you and then beat the crap out of you and then Murphy is going to get a shotgun and join the party if you don’t start kneeling and asking.”

  Jake jumped off the sofa and onto his knees. He grabbed her hand in his. He was laughing. “I’m sorry. Sabrina Morgan. I beg of you. Will you please marry me?” And then he slipped a big honking diamond on her left ring finger. Okay, that was a huge surprise.

  “Where did you get this?” she asked through tear filled eyes.

  “I’ve had it since the morning after I made love to you the first time. I had just stepped out of the jewelry store when I called you at work that next day and begged you to come and have dinner with me.”

  “Really?” she asked and looked into his lustful, emerald green eyes.

  Sabrina threw her arms around Jake’s neck and plastered a scorching kiss on his mouth. He twisted his head and thrust his warm tongue in her mouth in return. She broke the kiss after several seconds to pull his shirt off, noticing the grease smudge was still there. She tossed his shirt behind her and went to work on his pants. He grinned as she worked. His cock already thick beneath his boxers, she stroked him once and kissed his smiling mouth. After his pants were loosened, she pulled away and stripped her shirt off over her head and unfastened her jeans.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, watching her disrobe.

  Once she was half naked, she kissed Jake’s chest and then his throat as he buried his hands through the locks of her hair. She pressed her bare breasts to his chest and licked his throat tasting the salty flavor of his skin. He smelled good enough to eat. Her nipples hardened as she rubbed against him and kicked her jeans off.

  Trailing a path of kisses from her lips to the sensitive space beneath her ear, Jake slipped his hands from her hair to her shoulders and slowed their kissing. Wrapping his arms around her back, he pushed her down on the sofa and covered her tenderly with his body.

  Sabrina separated her legs wrapping one around the back of his leg to hold him in place. With aching slowness, he kissed her mouth. His fingers trailed down her body the cleft between her legs to stroke her. She was already very wet, but the stroke of his fingers on her clit made her pussy gush.

  Jake smiled as he rubbed her until she moaned. Watching him stroke her body inflamed her. She was ready. She wanted him so much.

  “I want you inside me, Jake,” she whispered. “Please.” He stopped rubbing her and grabbed his cock. Stroking the length once, he placed the head of his penis just inside her opening. The sensation of skin to skin almost made her climax. Jake took a deep breath, closed his eyes and gently thrust inside her pussy to the hilt. Groaning in what sounded like utter blissful pleasure, he kissed her face and pushed inside her again and again with aching tenderness. His finger reached between them to stroke her clit.

  Sabrina wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his face as an exquisite climax punched through her. Her vaginal muscles clamped down on his cock in splendid release.

  “You’re incredible,” he whispered. “I love you, Sabrina.” He thrust gently as she pulsed on him. She trembled from her orgasm clinging to the man she loved with all her heart.

  “I love you, Jake,” she whispered. With his next thrust he growled his release and clutched her close. They held each other breathing hard to catch their breaths.

  Panting, Jake asked, “So does that mean, yes, you’ll marry me?”

  “Yes.” She giggled. “Not only will I marry you, I’ll send out a memo to everyone we know that we’re officially together.”

  “Finally,” he chuckled.

  Sabrina clenched him tight and buried her face in Jake’s throat. “I don’t really believe I’m pregnant, Jake. I don’t know if I ever will.”

  “You have about eight months, give or take, to get used to it, but everything will be okay. I promise,” Jake assured her as he kissed her cheek.


  So Jake had been right. Everything was okay. Sabrina smiled and looked down into the serious dark blue eyes of her son, James Morgan Donovan. He was perfect…and so little…and so very cute.

  The nurses had just brought him to her in a little clear mobile cradle and placed it next to her hospital bed. Like she was just going to look at him from in there. As if. Just as soon as the nurses left the room Sabrina lifted him out and cuddled up next to him in her bed and stared at him…and then stared at him some more.

  Jake entered with another mobile cradle and pushed it up next to her bed on the opposite side. He leaned down to kiss her and saw her cuddling the baby.

  “Hi babe. You ever going to let him alone to sleep?”

  “No. I’m not. How is our daughter?”

  “Absolutely beautiful. Just like her mother.” Jake lifted Elise Suzanne Donovan out of her mobile crib and cradled her in his arms before sitting down at the foot of Sabrina’s bed.

  “It’s a good thing you were infertile, otherwise we might have a whole litter of babies,” he joked.

  “Well, you’re just such a s
tud, I knew one at a time wouldn’t satisfy you.”

  Sabrina thought back to the past several months. It had not been the easiest of pregnancies. Twins, as it turned out, were much more demanding and taxing on her body than that of a single baby. Go figure. Before delivering three weeks early, Sabrina had spent the last two months flat on her back so she wouldn’t go into premature labor. Suzanne had been a sport and helped her out every day until she gave birth to her son two months ago.

  Suzanne had named her little boy David, after their father who died protecting them so long ago. She brought him by to a bedridden Sabrina for her to check out. Sabrina thought he was the most gorgeous baby alive…until she had her two little darlings.

  Sabrina’s doctor, also Suzanne’s, was a good guy and told her he was surprised she’d gotten pregnant, considering her scarred fallopian tubes and tipped uterus. He told her she was so amazingly lucky to be pregnant she should go out and buy lottery tickets.

  During her first exam he’d said, “I’m certainly not going to tell you that you won’t have any more children, but I will say the odds are lower than for the average person.” And then he’d about fallen off his stool during the next exam in the ultrasound room when he saw two babies in the picture and realized she was having twins.

  “Maybe I should go out and buy lotto tickets, too,” the doctor had remarked.

  Jake smiled with total fatherly pride as he’d seen the two tiny babies with fast little heartbeats on the screen. He got lots of attention at the fire station for being so macho as to knock up his wife with twins. Whatever, Sabrina had thought. She was the one who’d had to carry them for all these months and deliver them. She thought they should call her the macho stud, and told them so whenever they were foolish enough to say it in her presence.

  Sabrina had stayed on the bomb squad full-time until she’d had to give up work altogether and lay in bed. They’d only had one call for a bomb tech in all that time. Sabrina had been just over five months along. She waddled out to the site with Murphy who made ‘preggo’ jokes the whole way. She just told him, “Shut up, Murphy,” as he expected.

  Once at the bombsite, Sabrina had sent Smith and Brown to do the assessment. She decided it was about time someone else learned how to defuse bombs as well as she and Murphy. Besides, at the time, her feet hurt so bad she didn’t want to walk at all let alone hunker over a bomb, which turned out to be an abandoned briefcase and not a bomb in the end.

  The longer Sabrina was pregnant the more she knew she wanted to take off some serious time after the babies were born to get to know them. Someone was going to have to fill in for her. Might as well be someone she had personally trained. Hennessey supported her regardless.

  The department had new, dedicated support, from the new Councilman in their lives. Councilman Eckhardt had infused the department with some much needed cash flow and they’d been able to get lots of new gadgets to aid in the bomb tech department, including new cool Kevlar bomb suits. Plus, they now had their very own robots. No more borrowing from other surrounding counties. Everyone loved Councilman Eckhardt, including his lovely wife Jane and their three children. Sabrina didn’t have to dodge a councilman any longer.

  Councilman Peters had died a horrible political death from being way too close to John Everett Hollingsworth the Third, during the indictment process. He had narrowly escaped prosecution and had opted to give up his political career to stay out of jail. He eventually moved to Seattle. He and Sabrina didn’t keep in touch.

  Hollingsworth had been forced to cut a deal where he was eventually sentenced to life without possibility of parole. His Aunt Margaret had flown in from out of the country and had been appalled at all she’d learned about her nephew. She immediately cut off all support so he didn’t have those expensive lawyers after all.

  Margaret Linden had welcomed Suzanne and Sabrina in to her world immediately. She hadn’t known about explosion that had claimed her daughter’s life. The three of them grieved together at the first of their continued relationship. Margaret Linden had never been too enthusiastic about John Everett Hollingsworth as her heir apparent. She had actually sold her business directly after returning from overseas. She was tired of business life and wanted to retire, so she sold her now-famous company to a favored competitor.

  Suzanne and Sabrina had been cordial to her and eventually forged a tremulous friendship with the grandmother they’d never known. She told them all about Elise as a child. She was anxious to be a great grandma.

  “I can’t believe I have a baby, let alone twins, Jake,” Sabrina said to him as he made happy Daddy faces at his daughter.

  “Well, you didn’t believe you were pregnant for six months, either, despite your thickening waistline, but eventually it will soak in…probably at about two in the morning once we get home.” He laughed. “It’s a miracle, babe, and it will be fine. I promise.”




  Lara Santiago always loved to write. However, her pragmatic, analytical side got the upper hand at an early age and informed her she should be getting a ‘real’ job and not pursuing a creative writing career.

  She joined the Air Force and spent her four years of service in Blytheville, Arkansas working nights in Supply issuing aircraft parts to guys working on the flight line. Her husband discovered her there and married her to continue getting his aircraft parts quicker than all the others.

  Lara soon earned a degree in the field of Logistics—a word she thinks is very sexy. No logisticians will ever be the bad guy in any of her novels.

  After the military, Lara spent many practical years working at a ‘real’ job, allowing her analytical side total free rein. Then one day, the characters banging incessantly inside her brain simply couldn’t be silenced any longer. She bought a laptop with the sole purpose of writing a book to allow her creative side to express itself and to let all those characters out. Her motto…so many characters…so little time.

  To those interested, Lara’s practical, analytical side is now stuffed in a dark hole and only allowed out once or twice a month to pay bills.

  When she isn’t hunched over her faithful laptop, now with half the letters chipped off in her zeal to write as fast as possible, Lara enjoys reading, catching up on all her recorded television shows, and watching movies. Oh, and occasionally, she cooks for her family, too.

  She hopes her readers enjoy her stories and looks forward to hearing from them—but only if they refrain from insisting she make anyone in Logistics a bad guy. J

  Check out Lara’s latest books at

  Visit Lara’s website at

  The Wives Tales

  by Lara Santiago

  The Miner’s Wife

  The Executive’s Wife

  The Lawman’s Wife

  The Executive pays a fortune to wed, the Lawman pays a pittance to marry, and the Miner fights an enemy for his bride. Three women auctioned off to genetically bred strangers in separate venues are uniquely destined to discover love in unusual places. [Erotic Futuristic]





  The Wives Tales, Book 1

  By Lara Santiago

  Copyright © 2006

  “The auction is about to begin,” said a twangy voice trying to sound formal, which was a complete waste of effort in a mining town barroom, Brutal thought.

  “Bring out the all the girls,” said a rowdy voice from the back of the room. Thomas ‘Brutal’ Blackthorn agreed with Mr. Rowdy. He was ready to start the bidding. It was already going to take all damn day just to get a woman…he meant a ‘wife.’

  Dusty, the auctioneer for today, glanced around the room once, heaved a deep sigh, and promptly left the stage as if in a huff. He returned a few minutes later with a petite Asian woman dres
sed like the sordid porno version of a schoolgirl complete with pigtails and knee stockings. Together they walked across the expanse of the small stage as hoots of appreciation and hollering ensued. She was led to the space next to the podium for auction. Brutal thought she looked bored. Not surprising. The women here knew how the auction worked.

  Most brides sold themselves into this life because of an addiction to expensive shoes, fine clothes, and unaffordable jewelry. Most just wanted to do their time quickly and return to their credit cards back on Earth. They would take the cash they earned from marrying miners for a short time and then come right back for more. No better than prostitutes for current fashion.

  Brutal wouldn’t prostitute himself for anything as shallow as fashion, but he understood the reason why. It was perhaps similar to the motivation for his living on this harsh planet in a backbreaking job—the dream of a better life on Earth. However, he worked hard to better himself and wanted so much more out of life than simply fashionable attire.

  Brutal had experienced a couple of other auctions when he first arrived here four months ago. He foolishly decided at the time that he wouldn’t need more than a month or two to reach his mining goal and secure enough cash to live the good life. He was mistaken.


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