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Blonde Bomb Tech

Page 39

by Lara Santiago

  “Sure,” he managed to utter in a gravelly voice. He was proud of himself for not having climaxed in her hand as he spoke.

  She smiled as if relieved and shifted to kneel between his legs, bending over his long-deprived and now insanely happy cock. She licked him first, and he couldn’t stifle the hiss between his lips as he felt his cock bob again in utterly delightful anticipation. She closed her lips over his head, and he didn’t care if he died right then. He’d die happy. She sucked him with her wide mouth, her sexy, bee-stung lips completely surrounding his cock. She slid him back out again slowly. And back in again. And back out again. He wasn’t going to last four more seconds.

  Jon brushed a hand down her dark, satiny locks to disrupt her before he embarrassed himself. She pulled almost all the way off, her lips resting on his very moist tip. She looked up at him from between his thighs. The sincerity of her expression made him pause. Removing his cock from the warm space between her lips, she promptly frowned. “Am I doing it wrong?”

  Jon almost laughed at the insanity of her ability to blow him wrong. There was no wrong way. He tempered his mirth. “No. I just don’t want you to get an unexpected surprise. It’s been too long for me to…uh, last an extended time.” He could hardly speak. He wanted her to continue. His raspy voice told him how close he was to exploding, whether or not she touched him again.

  “I’d prefer it this way for this first time if it’s okay with you.”

  Jon found he could no longer speak. He nodded. She held his gaze and inserted the over-swollen head of his cock in her luscious mouth again. Her tongue darted around to lick the sensitive spot underneath as her aqua gaze locked with his. She dropped her head down, breaking his gaze, suctioning tighter as she went to finish him. She sucked his cock deep. Her small hands slid over his uniform slacks, along the seam over his inner thighs, and the next rapturous suction she exerted on him was all it took to make him climax.

  Grunting deeply in appreciation as he released, Jon lost awareness of his surroundings for a moment at the diabolically greatest oral experience he’d ever had. It was exponentially superior to what he’d intended when he came home. His head swam in the pleasurable climatic afterglow.

  When he finally came back to reality several moments later, her face was resting on one of his thighs. Her hand stroked his other leg slowly.

  He brushed a hand down her face and buried it in her hair. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Are you?” she countered, her tone amused.

  He chuckled, “Not sure yet, give me a minute.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. What are you thanking me for? If I’d known you could do that, I would have let you take me in the car.”

  The trill of her laughter caught him off guard.

  “Well, I was frightened when I entered your home, but now I’m feeling much more secure. So thank you.”

  “I was impossibly horny, but trying to be honorable, when I entered my home. Now I’m supremely satisfied. So thank you,” he replied, twirling a lock of her hair between her fingers.

  “I guess the Tiberius representative won’t scan my throat to see if I’ve been consummated,” she said in a wistful tone.

  He laughed at the comical visual. “No. Unfortunately, the scan equipment only looks below the belt.”

  “Guess I’ll have to gain some courage then. I don’t want to be afraid, but I confess I am...a little nervous.”

  “I promise to do whatever I can so you won’t be afraid. I would never hurt you, Grace.”

  “I know.” She took a deep breath and asked, “Can I handcuff you to the bed before we have sex?”

  REVIEWS for The Lawman's Wife

  "The Lawman’s Wife, book three of The Wives Tales, was well worth the wait. Ms. Santiago knows how to capture her readers and keep them entertained until the very last word and demanding more. Grace’s character suffered a horrible sexual encounter when she was a teenager that left her emotional scared by sex. I enjoyed the way Grace was able to overcome the challenges that she had and was able to be a wonderful mother. There were times when Grace appeared to be naïve, but as I continued to read I noticed that she was doing everything to protect her child from harm -even appearing to be meek to the man she thought was her husband of convenience, Danny Cox. Jon was also a strong character overcoming his genetic enhancement received as a teenager, instead of turning into a sexual vampire he focused on keeping his sexual needs at bay with the help of medication. The sexual chemistry between Grace and Jon was sizzling from the moment they met in the elevator. Jon was aware of Grace’s sexual history and didn’t want to alarm her with his desire, but [imagine] his surprise when Grace turned into the sexual aggressor in their relationship. Just Smoking!!!! The action in the book was on point and well written. Nothing appeared to be out of place with this story. Bravo Ms. Santiago, for another job well done! 5 Stars/Hot " —LT Blue, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

  "As the third book in the Wives Tales, The Lawman's Wife definitely delivers. Ms. Santiago paints a picture of oppression and desperation for Grace and other women. Even with her painful past, Grace manages to be a sweet woman and wonderful mother and when Jonathan rescues her – both times – he is the only man who has ever showed her any gentleness. In addition, he's the only man to ever excite her. Jonathan believes he's only rescuing Grace because of sympathy but in fact, his feelings run much deeper. Their struggle to beat the clock to become man and wife, build a relationship and try to keep their little family together despite a sexual predator makes for one fantastic finish to this trilogy. This fast paced story is one that will draw you in and have you wishing for more. 4.5 Stars " —Trang, Ecataromance

  "The Lawman's Wife is the final book in Lara Santiago’s The Wives Tales series. Despite all the strides women have made toward independence I found this story shockingly thought provoking. I can imagine something like this happening at some point in the future. Grace is a character whom I truly admire. She does everything in her power to protect herself and her daughter and faces her fears head on. Jonathan is a genuinely honorable man. He’s worried about his job’s impact on their lives and seriously considers finding her another husband, one whose job doesn’t keep him from home for months at a time. The Lawman's Wife is a book sure to cause a riot of emotions in readers and leave them with a warm feeling at the end. 4.5 Blue Ribbons " —Chrissy Dionne, Romance Junkies

  "This is the second of the Wives Tales series that I've had the pleasure of reading. Like its predecessor, I found myself enthusiastically absorbing a world I pray never comes to pass. A world where women's rights are set back to the dark ages and men can get away with crimes against them. Jonathan is a lawman in deed and spirit. From the beginning he endeared himself to me with his kindness. Grace seemed to roam from one extreme to another, meek but still a little tiger when it came to getting what she desired from Jonathan and protecting both her daughter and her new husband. This story was well developed with enough action to create and sustain excitement. The carnal delights were high on the Richter scale but made even sweeter because of the fragile emotions involved. The Lawman's Wife is a great story and I look forward to more of Ms. Santiago's work. 4 Angels " —Rachelle, Fallen Angel Reviews

  Other books by Lara Santiago at


  What would a woman do, and how far would she willingly travel, to love a man who made her climax with his chocolate-flavored kiss?

  In Just a Kiss, Gabrielle travels to Tiburon unwillingly with Keller after an improper kiss. Will she be forced to reside on a planet of warrior aliens who hate her?

  In Just One Embrace, Ellie travels to Tiburon willingly to be with Crag. When another female claims their top military commander, will Ellie be considered a worthy life-partner or will she lose Crag forever?


  The Tiburon Duet

  Just a Kiss : Just One Embr


  " Santiago blends sci-fi and steamy erotica in this two-book collection. The stories will captivate readers looking for something imaginative and different. Cleverly written dialogue brings the characters to life in this entertaining read, and the alpha aliens are out of this world.

  4 Stars " —Romantic Times Book Reviews



  The Tiburon Duet, Book 1

  By Lara Santiago

  Copyright © 2006

  Gabrielle woke up lying on her back. She opened her eyes, looked up at what she presumed was the ceiling of the room she was in, and saw stars flying by. How odd, she thought. She couldn’t remember where she was at first. A planetarium? No. It looked sort of like an alien spaceship. Then she remembered.

  Oh, crap!

  Gabrielle bolted upright and found herself in the exact same place as when she fainted directly after the warriors drew their fierce-looking weapons on her. How long had she been unconscious? Had they done anything to her? Gabrielle ran her hands quickly across her torso and legs, patting herself down looking for…she didn’t even know what.

  Probes? Recent surgery? An alien baby?

  Get a grip, Gabrielle.

  She stood up slowly, brushing imaginary dust off her clothes as she took in her surroundings. There was a door all the way across the room, maybe twenty feet from her, and yet the space seemed difficult to measure. If she actually started walking to the door, Gabrielle fearfully imagined it would be like a circus funhouse where the journey never ended, and she would be hopelessly lost traveling the short distance. Calm down. Getting hysterical won’t help anything. She took a deep breath to still her wild imagination.

  The ceiling was a dome of stars, so she figured she was either in a planetarium or flying through space in an alien craft. Where are Mulder and Scully when you need them? she thought, and then jumped nearly a foot in the air when someone moaned.

  Gabrielle turned to look behind her and almost fainted again. In the center of the spacious room was a large, rectangular, cubical slab of marble. On top of this sarcophagus-shaped rock was a man lying on his back, eyes closed, arms resting to his side. A gorgeous man.

  He was sleeping maybe? Or dead? She stifled an urge to run. He wasn’t moving, but she could see him breathing from where she stood.

  Okay. Not dead. Good. Better to be with a sleeping warrior alien than a dead body, right?

  Better get closer and take a look, and not because he was simply the most magnificent man she’d ever seen. He looked like a Greek God. He was massively built. His thick black hair was short. She wondered briefly what color his eyes might be to complement his angular face. His lips were full and sensuous. His sleek black body armor surely molded to, and barely contained, a very impressive body. No man would look this good and not have the body to go with it.

  He was perfectly formed head to toes, the stuff of her wild, late-night fantasies, and the best Hollywood had to offer. She wondered why his friends hadn’t made him comfortable by removing his protective coverings. Perhaps he was a warrior soldier. They all probably slept in their body armor to make a point about how bad-assed they were at all times.

  Warriors were a whole different breed. Those in the circle were surely warriors. All of them were tall, too, even the women. Gabrielle looked down at her short, small body. Big men like him hardly ever noticed her. They probably never saw her unless they looked down at their feet.

  Gabrielle heard him moan again. Was he in pain? Had he been wounded or something? She looked up to study his face and was startled to see he was staring at her in return. She noted his eye color immediately. He had liquid-silver colored eyes. Exotic eyes. Troubled eyes. He tried to speak, but it was, apparently, too hard for him. He swallowed with obvious difficulty. Gabrielle couldn’t stop herself from moving closer to him.

  “Please, must kiss...” he said in a barely audible tone.

  “I’m sorry,” Gabrielle said with interest as she stepped even closer to his resting form. She bent down. “Say it again.” She put her ear close to his mouth. Did he just tell her he needed a kiss? Yeah, she wanted to kiss him and make him better all right. She chanced a look at his face.

  The gorgeous warrior pierced her with a direct stare, mesmerizing her. “Kiss me,” he whispered.

  “Me?” Gabrielle rose to study his face, checking his expression for clarification. His eyes bore into her straight to her soul and deeper still. Yeah, he was talking to her. Was he reading her mind?

  Gabrielle glanced around furtively and saw no one around to help him. She’d wanted to kiss him since she saw him helpless and gorgeous on the slab. What’s the harm, anyway? It’s a meaningless touching of the lips. She easily convinced herself to kiss this handsome, sleepy warrior before he changed his mind. He had beautiful lips to go with his impressive body.

  “Get ready, Sleeping Beauty,” she murmured under her breath.

  Gabrielle leaned over him, lowered her face, and carefully placed her lips on his in a chaste kiss. He groaned and shuddered the moment her lips came into contact with his. Her mouth tingled in response to the connection with this injured, dreamy man. She drew back, worried that she hurt some unseen wound. “I’m so sorry,” she uttered sincerely as his eyelids fluttered open to regard her with the molten silver gaze.

  “I am not, but...” He gave her a scorching, decadent look. “Please…just…kiss me.”

  “Are you sure?” She looked around again to see if anyone watched her accost this helpless man. His lids lowered in a sexy, sleepy look.

  Was he even fully conscious? Should she kiss him? God, he was hard to resist.

  Gabrielle didn’t want to force herself on the poor, injured man. Well, not exactly. But his lips were so warm and full and so invitingly electric, she dared to take another taste. Besides, he’d asked her to…twice. She was simply complying with his request…eagerly. This time, her kiss was bolder. Chaste gave way easily to carnal as her tongue valiantly traced the seam of his smooth, full lips.

  He moaned deeply in what sounded like pleasure and opened his mouth to admit her impatient and inquisitive tongue. She felt the growl of his approval from the vibration in his throat. He raised a hand and brushed her arm before traveling to her head. His fingers tangled in her hair as he pressed her mouth even closer.

  Her warrior seemed to enjoy his requested kiss, but there was a little problem from her point of view. A height-challenged problem.

  Gabrielle, on tip-toe, wasn’t close enough to this seductive man to give him the kiss she wanted to deliver. She broke from his engaging mouth, and he moaned again as if in pain, but he gave her an approving look when she crawled on top of him. Balancing on all fours, she shifted her body over his to take full advantage of the marble-hard physique. She slithered across his chest on a mission to kiss his hurt completely away. God, he felt great!

  She slipped up his body until her face was aligned with his, and her breasts were flattened on his body armor. She touched his face, which was rough with whiskers. Her mouth captured his hungrily as if they hadn’t stopped kissing earlier. Her tongue tangled with his in a dance of desire more satisfying than any she’d ever experienced.

  Seductive. Alluring. Sensual. Engaging.

  It was similar to a very satisfying sexual encounter, not that she’d ever participated in a very satisfying sexual encounter to compare it to. This experience was what she dreamed of from the reference point of pure mediocrity evident in all her past affairs. This kiss made her feel light-headed.

  And yet, it was just a kiss, albeit a scorching one.

  After only a minute of locking lips with this seductive stranger, Gabrielle began to vibrate with a need she wouldn’t have been able to articulate even if she had been willing to stop and ponder her feelings. She wasn’t going to stop this heavenly tangling of lips and tongues until she was fully satisfied. Not even if one of the others came back right now and tried to pry her off him. Not even if
they threatened her with a weapon.

  The stranger with silver eyes tasted like a spicy citrus rum cocktail she sampled excessively on a cruise once. He was just as intoxicating to all her heightened senses, especially the ardent ones tingling between her legs.

  Gabrielle registered the stranger’s hand press into the small of her back. His touch warmed her through her shirt and sent a prickle of delicious sensation tingling between her legs. The hand tangled in her hair radiated spine-tingling sensation from her scalp down her back. He alternately massaged her neck while silently guiding the angle of her mouth as they kissed.

  One of his legs moved beneath her slightly. She shifted to accommodate it between her legs, enabling her to grind herself on him. As if reading her mind, he lifted his leg and securely wedged it between her thighs. She spontaneously clenched them together. A few more strokes of his tongue, and she’d crack the armor on his thigh guard lodged deliciously between her legs. She couldn’t help but grind her crotch against the rock hard surface of his thigh as his mouth made love to hers with an intensity seriously lacking in every kiss she’d ever shared. She heard herself making needful, gasping noises.

  Gabrielle felt as if some intangible event were building inside the sensation ridden nerve endings residing in her body.

  Something was about to happen. She could feel it.

  Something fabulous.

  A warm tingly feeling sparked in her stomach and welled outward, rushing an untamed awareness through the very fiber of her weary, love-starved soul. Her heart beat in an erratic fashion, too overwhelmed by emotion to merely beat swiftly during this most intoxicating kiss.


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