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Hallowen Bites

Page 5

by Alexa Riley

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Where I go you go.” He’s pissed and standing so close I can feel the heat of his body behind my chair. He did make me go everywhere with him because he didn’t trust me to do anything right. He had to oversee every detail of everything I did. I look over at Tiff and roll my eyes again. But she just keeps looking between us with a shocked look on her face. I don't blame her for not jumping in; she still works here.

  “Not anymore. Contract is up.” My face is smug as I turn to look into dark eyes. Something I noticed a lot of people avoid, but I don’t. He’s closer than I thought, leaning over where I sit. The high-top chair brings me to eye level with him, and I watch as his eyes drop to my mouth.

  “Sugar,” I say, referring to the sugar he probably sees on my lips. I’ve been licking it off all the martinis I ordered tonight.

  “Sugar?” He mimics me, pulling his eyes from my lips.

  I don’t know what possesses me, maybe the underlying attraction I feel towards him, or maybe the alcohol. Hell, maybe I just want to get a rise out of him and see what he’ll do. Mostly, I know it’s because, come tomorrow, I’ll likely never see him again. Vegas is a little city at times, but I can avoid crossing paths with him. I think all those reasons combined have me pressing my lips against his.

  At first, I don’t think he’s going to respond, his lips firm and unyielding against mine. But when I go to pull away with embarrassment, I feel one of his hands snake into my hair, grabbing a fistful and holding me in place as he makes the kiss his own.

  It isn’t soft, not that I thought a kiss from him would be. No, everything about him is hard and forceful, just like he’s kissing me now. Taking control, he grips my hair tighter, and a moan falls from my lips, making them part for him. His tongue pushes in as he hungrily eats at my mouth. I’m so overtaken by the kiss that I’m not even sure I’m kissing him back.

  Too soon, he pulls away from my lips, only to go to my neck. He trails open-mouthed kisses up my throat to my ear, like he can't get enough of me. He uses his hold on my hair to expose my neck and to take what he wants. My body seems to come to life, and a feeling washes over me like I’ve never felt before. Desire. It’s pure need, and something I’m not used to feeling.

  “Holy shit,” I hear Tiff say, and it breaks my lust-filled bubble.

  I come back to reality and realize I’m in a bar with everyone staring at us. After all, the owner of the casino just went at a girl in the middle of the room. It’s not like Charles is a man to be missed. He takes up a lot of space, and everyone knows who he is. He’s one of the richest men in Vegas.

  In the time I’d worked him, I’d never seen Charles with a woman. Oh, they threw themselves at him all right, but he always acted like it was a nuisance. Maybe he didn’t mix business and pleasure, or maybe he’s married.

  I’ve never seen a ring on his finger, but this is Vegas. Men here think they can do whatever they want, and a lot of the wives don’t mind as long as they get to keep living the life they’re used to. If I ever got married, I’d want to be my husband’s everything. Like my brothers are with their soon-to-be wife, Stella.

  I push at his chest, and he breaks away from my neck, releasing my hair.

  “It’s time to go.” It’s his classic ‘do as I say’ voice that he uses on all his employees. Once again, he has forgotten I’m not his anymore.

  “No.’ I turn back around in my chair, dismissing him. I grab my drink, but then realize I’m holding an empty glass. Did I drink it all already? Huh.

  “Come on, Mandy, let’s head out.” Tiff grabs her purse, and I can only bet Charles is shooting her a look behind me.

  “Why? I’m having fun, and he can’t make me leave unless he kicks me out of his casino. Are you kicking me out of your casino?” I have to turn to look at him again, and I can't help the arrow of desire that shoots to my pussy when I see the red smudge of lipstick I left all over his mouth. He’s always so brooding, and I can’t help but love that I smeared it on him, dulling the effect of his sternness somewhat. My mouth must look the same.

  He studies my face before a cocky grin shows on his mouth, letting me know he’s two steps ahead of me. Motioning to one of the security guards walking around, he leans over and whispers something in his ear. The guard disappears into the seething mass of dancers on the floor.

  “I’d never kick you out of my casino,” Charles says smoothly.

  Suddenly, the DJ stops the music. “Attention, ladies and gentlemen. The bar is now closed. We’re sorry for the inconvenience. Any open tabs left at the bar are covered by Mr. Townsend.” The crowd cheers for the free drinks, but I just shoot Charles a death look.

  “There are several bars across this whole casino, Charles. You can’t close them all.”

  “I’ll close the whole goddamn casino,” he fires back, his hard jaw clenching.

  I hate it because I know he will just to prove a point. He won, so I’ll be leaving the bar. I don't have the energy to fight him right now as I feel the full force of the drinks start to wear on me.

  “Goodnight, Charles. My thirty days are up, and just like you did with the past thirty days, you’ve ruined this day too. You win. I don’t know why or what made my brothers agree to your contract, but I did it. Leave them alone, and furthermore leave me alone. I’ll be gone in the morning.”

  Jumping down from my chair, I wobble a little from the effects of the alcohol. When I go to push past him, he grabs me by the arm to halt my departure, but I don’t look at him.

  “Let go.”

  He ignores my order. “What did I do to you to make you dislike me so much?”

  Blackmail my brothers, make me want you when I shouldn't, be cold to me, treat me like a dumbass… they’re all on the tip of my tongue, but what’s the point? It doesn't matter anymore.

  “It’s not important.”

  “It’s important to me.” I glance up and see a look in his eyes I’ve never seen before. Maybe it was the martinis playing tricks on me because when I blink and look again, it’s gone.

  “You had your chance to get to know me, Charles. I’ll tell you again, time's up.”

  With that, I yank my arm from his hold and walk away. I should say goodbye to Tiffany, but I’m sure she’ll understand. I’m going up to my room because tomorrow things are going to change.


  The piece of paper with the number scrawled on it is now wrinkled and being shredded shakily by my nervous fingers.

  “Yes, this is Samantha. What can I help you with?”

  “Umm, this is Mandy. I got your number from Stella.”

  “Oh, yes, how is she? Well taken care of, I’m sure.”

  I smile at that because it’s true. If only I could be so lucky. I want what she and my brothers have, and it’s time I stepped out of my box and tried something new. “Yes, she’s wonderful. I’m actually calling about myself. I’ve worked for the Cortez brothers for years; you might have seen me around?”

  I try to think if I could ever remember spotting her before, but her face isn’t coming to mind.

  “Yes, of course, I remember you. What can I help you with?”

  “I was wondering if there might be an open spot in your auction.” My words are tentative and sound slightly scared. I’m terrified but desperate.

  I can almost hear the smirk in her voice when she asks, “Do you like Halloween?”

  Chapter Two


  I cannot believe I’m doing this. Only for her would I come here again. The last and only time I’ve ever been to a mistress auction was to help torture the Cortez brothers.

  “And here he is, the devil himself. Looking the part and all.”

  Samantha looks me up and down, eyeing my costume. I’m dressed in all black, on my head sit two red horns, and I’m holding a dark red pitchfork. I thought the devil costume seemed appropriate as it’s what Mandy called me the entire time she worked for me.

  “It just had to be a
Halloween-themed auction, didn’t it?”

  Samantha’s wicked smile is all-knowing, and I could chew nails at the sight of it. Samantha is dressed in black as well, but when she smiles, her blood red lips reveal fangs. “Everything is in place, Mr. Townsend. I look forward to our transaction after the auction is complete. Please enjoy your evening.”

  I watch her walk away. As she reaches the door, she is stopped by Leo Ramsey. He’s a local real estate developer in Vegas, and he’s big money. He’s a nice enough guy, and we’ve done a little business together, but he’s clean whereas I often get dirty with my deals.

  I watch as he leans into her. He’s wearing a long black robe, and as he goes over to her, he pulls the hood over his head, covering his face. I see them exchange a few words, and then he leans further into her, pressing her into the shadows. I look around and see that her security isn’t close by. I think about going over to make sure she doesn't need a hand. As the thought hits me, Leo steps back from her, and she disappears down a hallway. When he turns around, I lock eyes with him, accidentally giving him the okay to come over where I’m standing.

  “Ramsey,” I say by way of a greeting.

  “That’s not what it looked like.” His defensive words should have me second guessing him, but the look in his eyes shows me he means it.

  “Not my business.” I turn towards the stage, dismissing him, but he continues to stand next to me. It doesn't matter what it looks like. If anyone can handle themselves, it’s Samantha.

  “I mean that. I would never try to hurt her.”

  I turn back to him and look him up and down. He’s the same size as me, and I’m not a small man. He’s got tanned skin, which I assume is a product of being in the Vegas sun all the time. He wears his dark hair long, and has a short beard which is unusual for men who lives in such a hot climate.

  “Like I said, it’s not my business, Leo.” He knows I see everything and take mental notes. I’m kind of famous for it. If something is happening in this town, I know about it, and I’ve heard rumors of him and Samantha. Not that they’ve ever been together, just that he won’t quit chasing her. “One day maybe she’ll end up on the chopping block.”

  He follows my line of sight to the stage and shakes his head. “Not if I can help it.” He takes a deep breath as if to shake off a thought before turning back to me. “I hear you’re looking for something specific tonight. I think we’ve all been informed several times.”

  He’s referring to Mandy, and I clench my fingers around my pitchfork. “Goodnight, Leo.”

  “Always a pleasure, Charles. Perfect costume, by the way.”

  When he finally departs, I loosen my grip and lean against the back wall. The tables are all set, and I’ve got one reserved up front. I won’t sit there until the auction starts, and I’ve still got a lot of time. Time to stand here and observe, and time to brood.

  Samantha knows exactly what she’s doing. She called me the same night Mandy asked to be entered into an auction. I broke a few things before I was finally able to calm down enough to plan. I had to have a plan. And I only had a week to make it work. Fortunately, money makes things move as fast as you need them to.

  My assistant, Cupid, was in my office that night, making arrangements. After his thirty days were up at the Cortez casino, he came back to the ‘den of sin’ as he liked to call the Snake Eyes. He said he enjoyed working for the brothers, but preferred the debauchery of the Snake Eyes. I can’t say I blame him. I do as well.

  When I turned eighteen, my father, Howard Townsend, offered me my trust fund. He was a wealthy man, having opened and operated five casinos in Vegas by the time I was ten. I was a punk kid, but I knew one thing—I wanted to make it on my own. I signed my rights away to my inheritance and went to college to get my MBA. I ended up getting a PhD in business development, but most people don’t know that. I got a loan and opened my baby, the Snake Eyes casino the day I turned thirty. Five years later we are at nearly one hundred percent capacity every day of the year.

  My casino isn’t affiliated with any other Townsend properties, and it’s important to me that it stays that way. I appreciate how hard my father worked to give me the life he never had, but that didn’t mean I wanted to leach off him. I wanted to make a life of my own, and if my name was on the building, I wanted to be able to do whatever the fuck I wanted to do.

  I look down at my costume and think about how I’ve gotten where I am now. The only way anyone could be in this room was if they had a costume on. Samantha does have a flair for the dramatic. I grit my teeth, thinking again that there’s only one person I would ever do this for.


  The first time I saw her, I was getting into a car outside Echo, having just finished a business dinner there. Cupid had the door open for me, and I looked over my shoulder and saw her. I literally stopped moving and just stared at her. She looked like a model with her slim body, long legs, and her hair pulled back from her face, but her features were soft and angelic. She was unlike anything I’d ever seen, and I was struck dumb by her soft beauty.

  “That’s Mandy Burch, assistant to the Cortez brothers,” Cupid whispered without my even having to ask.

  I started to walk over, but at that moment the brothers came out of the restaurant, each of them wrapping an arm around her. I could have breathed fire I was so angry at seeing them with her. I whirled around and got into the back of the car, letting Cupid get in after me. Once he shut the door, the driver pulled away. I chewed on my fingernail as I stared out the window, seething with jealousy. She belonged to them. I was angry with myself for having this reaction to a woman. It had never happened before. These emotions were hitting me all at once, and I felt like I was going to explode.

  “She seems quite fond of the brothers, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Cupid is trying to make me commit murder, I just know it.

  “You know, we could always use some extra help around the casino. Maybe I should get her number just in case she ever decides to leave.”

  “Yes.” It was all I could say. The thought of having some connection to her made me start to think. Maybe I could somehow lure her away. Maybe somehow I could get her to talk to me, and then I could make her see. See what, though? I doubt a stunning woman like her would have anything to do with someone like me. But I’m a selfish bastard and I play dirty. “Get her number. I’ll take care of this personally.”

  “Perfect,” Cupid confirms, and then I hear him tapping away on his phone.

  I shake off the memory, hating that I didn’t act sooner. Instead I just called her number to hear her voice on the phone before quickly hanging up. I was terrified. What would I say to a woman like her? My tastes are dark, and so are my desires. I didn’t know then how to tell her what I want to do to her. I thought bringing her into my casino and making her work with me would give me the opportunity to see if we could be together in that way. I had hoped that after thirty days of working with her, I would have found out if she could handle my demands.

  But after a month together, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t ruin her with my desires. I tried every day to control the beast inside me, but seeing her, smelling her sweetness, I wanted to ruin her. It didn't matter if she met my needs, I had to find a way for it to work.

  She complained that I micromanaged her, that I was always hovering over her. It’s true, and it’s because I couldn’t stand to be more than a few feet from her. Having her in my office drove me insane, but if she wasn’t in my sights, I would go crazy.

  The Snake Eyes specializes in more selective needs for a more selective clientele. We have rooms outfitted for your kinkiest desires, and knowing what could happen if Mandy went to the wrong room had me on edge. What if she saw something that disgusted her, and then she never came back? What if she went into one of our group rooms and decided I was some kind of sexual pervert? I couldn’t risk it, so I kept her under lock and key while she was working for me. Her room was right next to mine, and I had cameras install
ed in hers so I could watch her, despite her being just on the other side of the wall from me.

  I should probably feel guilty about that, but not an inch of me does. Especially not the ten inches in my pants. I can’t tell you how many times I watched her sleep. Just sleep. I must really be fucked up in the head if watching her sleep turns me on.

  But some nights she did more than sleep.

  The first night she touched herself, I was taken by surprise. I was sitting in my home office, and all three monitors on my desk were showing Mandy laid out on her bed. I installed these cameras myself, and I was the only one with the feed. I didn’t want anyone else to see her like this, it was just for me.

  She was hot that night, and it may have had something to do with me setting the temperature in her room to the eighties. I wanted to see her sweat and possibly remove some clothes in an effort to cool down. What I saw her do was far more than I bargained for.

  I sit back in my chair and take a sip of my vodka. Most men my age drink some kind of dark liquor, but I never developed a taste for it, preferring vodka on the rocks with a twist of lemon. Sipping the cold drink, I feel it run down my throat and warm my chest. I watch as she pushes the covers off her completely, exposing her body and trying to cool off. The cameras are high definition and have night vision, but I still can’t see everything I want. As if I were there. I lick the rim of my glass, tasting the tartness of the lemon, imagining I’m licking it off her soft skin.

  Mandy’s dressed in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. I watch as she rolls over onto her back and sighs with frustration. I smile to myself, thinking I should probably adjust her temperature, but I just want to torture her a little longer.


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