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Turning Up the Heat (Friends With Benefits)

Page 10

by Tanya Michaels

  He more or less collapsed afterward, dazed by how perfect that had been. He turned his head on his pillow, not sure what to say to her, which was a first. Everything that came to mind seemed either too glib or trite.

  Phoebe’s brow wrinkled as she stared back at him. “You look...nervous?”

  “Maybe I am.” It seemed as good a word as any to describe the strange, fluttery feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  She chuckled. “Shouldn’t the performance anxiety come before the sex? Not that you have anything to be anxious about. That was amazing.”

  “I just don’t want this to change anything,” he said softly. With a couple of rare exceptions, after he’d had sex with someone a few times, the woman stopped being part of his life. But he couldn’t stand the thought of going weeks without seeing Phoebe, without glimpsing her smile or hearing her scold him for outrageous behavior.

  Her expression shifted, and she rolled to the side of the bed. “Of course it didn’t change anything. Don’t worry, you were very clear—this is a vacation fling. Not real life.” Then she rose and went into the bathroom.

  He watched her go, the jittery feeling inside unabated. If nothing had changed, why did he feel irrevocably altered?

  * * *

  MMM. BY NATURE, Phoebe was a person who clung to sleep as long as she could. The snooze button on her alarm clock was probably dented, and she doubted she’d ever awakened with a smile on her face. But the lean masculine body and steely erection pressed against her provided a far more enjoyable wake-up than any alarm. She and Heath were laying on their sides, him spooning her while cupping one breast possessively.

  Languid heat wound through her, increasing exponentially when he began to trace slow circles over her breast until the peak was rigid and begging for attention. He brushed his thumb over her nipple, then pinched, making her gasp. She’d barely opened her eyes yet, and she was already dripping wet for him.

  He slid her hair to the side so that he could kiss the back of her neck. “Mornin’,” he murmured against her skin.

  Best morning ever, she decided as he reached down and caressed her between her legs. He placed a hand on her shoulder, pushing lightly until she rolled onto her stomach, then he trailed kisses across her spine, making her tremble.

  “You have such a great ass,” he told her with an affectionate swat before reaching for the condoms on the nightstand. After he put one on, he lowered his weight against her, his voice a dark temptation in her ear. “Are you awake enough to get on your hands and knees?”

  Her breath caught, and she nodded enthusiastically. This wasn’t a position she had much experience with, and the novelty was an added thrill—which was saying something given how thrilling sex with Heath already was. She did experience half a second’s insecurity when she realized her butt was completely on display to him, wishing she’d made more time for toning yoga classes, but Heath clearly enjoyed her generous curves.

  She couldn’t resist looking back over her shoulder at the erotic sight of him positioning himself at her entrance, imagining what the view was like from his angle, the anticipation he felt. He gripped her hips and thrust forward, driving into her.

  “Oh,” she breathed as he withdrew just long enough to repeat the motion and bury himself inside her again. Last night had been fantastic, but in this position he seemed even deeper, hitting a spot she hadn’t known... “Oh, my God.”

  She eagerly rocked back to meet him, her eyes closed as sensation spread through her. He moved with more force, their bodies slapping together in an increasingly frenzied rhythm. Heath’s grip on her was just shy of bruising. Funny how, with him holding her so tightly, she felt so free. Rapturous.

  As she reached a place where she felt almost outside herself, her climax hit in spasms of pleasure that radiated through her whole body. Her muscles clenched around him and he slammed into her one last time with a hoarse shout, then they both fell forward onto the pillows. He cuddled her against his chest, and she listened to his heart racing beneath her cheek.

  It took her a few minutes to collect her thoughts, but when she did, she snickered softly. Well, that’s one way to avoid the “haven’t brushed my teeth yet” problem of morning sex.

  * * *

  PHOEBE HAD A fleeting recollection of Heath asking if she wanted to join him in the shower. She wasn’t sure if she’d actually muttered, “Rain check” before falling back asleep, or if she’d only thought it. But in what seemed like a blink of an eye, he’d gone from naked and snuggling with her to standing next to the bed in a suit, smelling like expensive soap.

  “Sharp-dressed man,” she said around a yawn. “Sorry I drifted off instead of helping you wash your back.”

  “Don’t be.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. “As it is, I’m running a few minutes late. If you’d been in the shower with me, there’s a high probability I would have been distracted.”

  She sat up, keeping the sheet over her breasts so as not to distract him. “Thank you for this morning. That was better than coffee.”

  He grinned. “High praise. I just wish I could stay and laze in bed with you.” His expression turned regretful as he headed toward the door. “If you don’t have any plans today, there’s a spa here at the hotel. You could get a massage or something.”

  A week ago, that probably would have struck her as a good idea. But what was the point in paying someone to make her body feel good when Heath had already accomplished that so thoroughly?

  “Actually, I think I want to see the Wynwood Walls.” The collection of warehouses had become a canvas for amazing street art and murals, with an international assortment of artists contributing. “And I’ll grab lunch at the farmer’s market I’m visiting. You’ll be busy until this evening, right?”

  He made a face. “Three meetings—wait, four including the bank—and a scouting expedition just in case something goes south with Albert’s restaurant and we have to get serious about our backup location. If only I could let Cam take the business stuff for a day and play hooky. But he can barely stay awake when Miranda’s going through all the tenant legalese.”

  Ah, yes, Heath had a breakfast meeting with the lovely agent who was “smitten” with him. And I am not jealous. Phoebe was a mature adult who’d gone into this affair with her eyes open, aware that neither she nor Heath had any lasting hold on the other.

  Giving him a blithe smile, she raised her arms over her head in a stretch and let the sheet fall away from her torso.

  His avid gaze zeroed in on her bare breasts, and he sucked in his breath. “Evil, evil tease.”

  She blew him a kiss. “Just something to remember me by when you’re stuck in all those boring meetings.”

  “Maybe I can rush through a few of them. I mean, how important are contract clauses and property maintenance, really?”

  When he took a half step toward her, she laughed in protest. “Go! I don’t want to single-handedly torpedo your new restaurant before it’s even up and running.”

  “All right, I’m out of here. But maybe you should get a little more rest before you start sightseeing.” He gave her a smile full of predatory promise. “You’re going to need your energy later.”


  EVEN IF HEATH hadn’t been irritated as hell with both of his companions, he still wouldn’t want to be trapped in this cozy, tropically decorated meeting room with them. The ceiling fan spinning lazily overhead was no substitute for the fresh air he could be enjoying with Phoebe right now. He wanted to stroll through the farmer’s market with her, take her for a long walk down a secluded stretch of beach and see if he could coax her into getting good and sandy with him. Instead, he was stuck in this pastel-walled office with his increasingly snide business partner and a flirtatious leasing agent.

  Miranda Lima was a very attractive woman—she was statuesque with jet-black hair and almond eyes, and her quick intellect made her even more appealing. In the past, Heath had been flattered by her extrabright smiles and personal attent
ion. But...was it his imagination, or was she coming on aggressively strong today? Even the way she’d offered him coffee had sounded like an innuendo. He was reminded of the night he’d cooked Phoebe dinner in his loft. How do you make it sound like you’re thinking about sex all the time?

  Dammit, did he usually sound to others the way Miranda had seemed to him when she’d greeted him today? Grating and pushy?

  “Heath?” Miranda’s expression wasn’t coquettish now. Instead, she looked annoyed. “You don’t have any opinion on the exclusivity clause?”

  Exclusivity in restaurant leases helped guarantee that a place with the exact same concept didn’t open next door. It protected their business model and prevented the most egregious forms of competition. Part of Miranda’s job was also making sure they weren’t violating anyone else’s clause with their location and idea.

  Seated in the padded wicker chair next to Heath, Cam snorted. “Being exclusive isn’t really Heath’s forte. He’s more guy.”

  Heath cut a glare in his partner’s direction. He was used to Cam not being a lot of help at these meetings, but today was the first time he’d been actively sarcastic. “Sorry, Miranda. I guess I’m not at my sharpest this morning. Is it too late to take you up on that offer of coffee?”

  She frowned but managed to sound gracious when she replied, “Never too late for my favorite client. Besides, I could use a refill, too.” She rose from her chair. “Cameron?”

  “No, thank you.”

  As soon as she was gone from the room, Heath confronted his associate in an angry whisper. “What the hell is your problem this morning?”

  “My problem? I’m not the one who keeps spacing out during key points of negotiation. What’s the matter, Jensen? Not enough sleep last night?” Cam asked, his tone abnormally caustic.

  Then it clicked. “This is about Phoebe. You’re mad because she and I spent the night together?” Cameron would be even more pissed if he had the first inkling what had happened there. Studying the man’s pinched features and bloodshot eyes, Heath reconsidered. Cam probably had a pretty good guess.

  Cam didn’t deny his jealousy. “She and I weren’t even apart for two weeks before you swooped in!”

  “You’re the one who broke up with her, jackass.” Heath fought hard to keep his voice down so that they didn’t draw attention from the outer office. “If you’d nurtured your relationship, there wouldn’t have been any swooping.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Cam challenged.

  That hit close to home. “I have never made a move on a woman in a relationship.”

  “Because the two of you seem awfully close, awfully fast. Can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that you didn’t want her before our fight?”

  “It wasn’t a fight, Cameron, you dumped her.”

  “And that’s not an answer to my question.” Cam stood, fists clenched at his sides. “Or maybe the fact that you won’t give me an answer tells me all I need to know. You wanted her, didn’t you? And as soon as I made a mistake, you were conveniently there as her shoulder to cry on.”

  Heath faltered, recalling how stricken she’d looked at Bobbi’s party to see Cam with a date—and how he had taken advantage of the situation to kiss her for the first time.

  Cam gave him a withering look. “Christ, Jensen, you’ve dated half the women in Atlanta. You really had to add the woman I love to the list?”

  “If you loved her—”

  “I screwed up! You don’t think I know that?” Cameron was breathing hard, not even attempting to keep his voice at a civil volume. “I think I’ll go for a walk. Text me before we have to head to the bank. You and Miranda can finish up here. She barely notices I’m in the room anyway.”

  Heath took a deep breath. “Can we be professional about this?”

  Genuine hurt flashed in the man’s dark eyes. “Sorry, this feels personal. I don’t even care that our friendship meant so little to you that you pounced the minute you saw an opportunity. But I do care about Phoebe. She deserves better than your typical ‘love ’em and leave ’em’ tactics.”

  I care about her, too. The words hovered on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to argue that she was special, different. But how could he claim that when he was treating their fling like so many others he’d had over the past few years? Just temporary fun. He’d known that sleeping with her was a dicey line to cross, but it hadn’t taken much persuading to get him to sprint over it. Not that he would take back last night—or this morning—even if he could.

  Was Cam right, then? Right about Heath’s selfishness and the likelihood of his hurting Phoebe?

  He tried to assuage his conscience with the reminder that last night had been her idea. She fully understood that he wasn’t offering anything lasting. And it had been Phoebe who called him in the first place to ask for help with her seduction skills and to prove a point to Cam. After you put the idea in her head.

  Heath had a pretty lenient ethical code when it came to his sex life, but he’d assured himself more than once that he was morally superior to the stepbrother who’d stolen the woman Heath loved. Now he was less sure. Even if he’d denied it to himself at the time, he’d wanted Phoebe for months. He’d seen the sexy woman buttoned into the chef’s jacket. He’d loved teasing her and chatting baseball with her and seeking her opinion on everything from restaurant tablecloths to what to buy people for their birthdays. Getting a blush and chiding smile from her had become something of a daily goal.

  I’m a bastard. He’d betrayed his partnership with Cam by coveting his girlfriend, and he hadn’t dealt fairly with Phoebe, either. What had he said to her at Bobbi’s birthday? Do you trust me? Ha! He and his ulterior motives had convinced her to fly across state lines, where he could seduce her without her overprotective roommate giving him the kick to the balls he probably deserved.

  “Wait!” Heath called after Cameron as he reached the doorway. “We’re still able to work together, right?” It was easier to worry about the new restaurant than to worry about whether he’d taken advantage of one of his closest friends.

  Cam sighed. “Phoebe is a grown woman, free to make her own choices. If she wants you, I’ll be a mature adult about it—even though we both know you’ll break her heart before the summer’s even over.”

  No, that wouldn’t happen. He and Phoebe had agreed that hearts wouldn’t be involved. But it seemed crass to tell Cameron everything between them was purely sexual.

  “I want the same respect from you, Jensen.” Cam jabbed a finger at him. “If she picks me, if she decides to rekindle what we had, you step aside gracefully.”

  No. Every fiber of his being rebelled at the idea of her back in Cam’s arms. Which was the height of self-absorbed pettiness. If his affair with Phoebe was limited only to a few days in Miami, then he had no claim on her past this trip.

  So he’d better make their time together count for all it was worth.

  * * *

  IT WAS DIFFICULT to say which was the more colorful venue: the artfully graffitied warehouse walls Phoebe had visited earlier or the farmer’s market where she was browsing. She’d passed by a number of food vendors and a mariachi band outside and made her way into the huge building that held bin after bin of fresh produce. The structure was a cross between a greenhouse and a barn, with lots of light shining in, and the countless rows of fruits and vegetables were a riot of red, yellow, green, purple and other hues. Among the more common bananas and oranges were palm fruit, bumpy green atemoya and bitter melon. She stopped to try a sample of deep orange mamey, which had an indescribable flavor that reminded her of half a dozen things at once, from carrot to honeydew.

  She could only imagine what it would be like to come here with Heath, exchanging bites of the creamy fruit or sharing a glass of guava juice. The farmer’s market was already a banquet for the senses, but she’d noticed that when she was in Heath’s company, everything seemed heightened somehow. Her physical awareness of him was so acute that
it magnified sights, sounds and tastes.

  And when this passionate liaison is over? What then—everything becomes muted and vanilla? Couldn’t she just worry about that next week? Last night, after she’d propositioned him, she’d decided to view these next few days as a criminally rich dessert—something that wasn’t good for her at all in the long run, but offered too much short-term bliss not to sample. She’d told Heath she wouldn’t regret having sex with him.

  And she didn’t regret it. Everything they’d done together had been phenomenal. It was just that, since arriving in Miami, this was the first time she’d been alone to process all that had happened. Without Heath at her side, her hormones weren’t clamoring quite so loudly and she could hear other thoughts creeping in. Skeptical, fretting thoughts.

  With a sigh, she reminded herself that she was here as a foodie, not as a neurotic girlfriend obsessing over a guy. She turned away from the fruit stand and rounded the aisle, walking up a new row. White sacks full of pungent spices and dried peppers lined the wall...which made her think of Heath again. Not because you’re pathetic. The guy’s opening a restaurant called Hot. Of course you’re going to be reminded of him when eyeing a load of habaneros.

  She made her way into an adjoining building that featured a bakery counter full of local specialties, like turrones and colorful pan dulce shaped like sea shells and pound cake with guava marmalade. It all looked delicious, but for once in her life, she didn’t want any dessert.

  What she really wanted right now was to talk to Gwen.


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