Twelve Tiny Truths

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Twelve Tiny Truths Page 6

by M Dauphin

  I pause as our food comes. "Thanks." I smile at the girl and wait as she walks to the other side of Charlie and touches her shoulder softly before she hands her the plate Charlie's waiting to take. I cock my eyebrow at how particular this girl is, but I think after Caitlyn was threatened with being written up, she's not going to piss Chuck off again.

  "Just like normal, Charlie," Caitlyn says to her then looks over at me and smiles. "Enjoy lunch, you two."

  "Thanks." I wait for her to walk away. "What about you, Chuck? Hobbies and stuff?"

  "You never answered my questions." She smiles. "Plus, we're not here for me today."

  My brows raise and I stare at her across the table but she's digging through her fries to find her pickle. "We're here for both of us today." I say with a smirk. "I've lived in Boring for the past three and half years. Hobbies are art. I love farming, working on the orchard. Um…not really much else. So what do you do for work?"

  "Oh, I own a dating site." Suddenly her voice is projected confident and proud. "We've made hundreds of happily ever after matches in the past few years and are starting to expand to new territories recently."

  I grin at her passion and chuckle. "What's that like? Are you involved with matching people up? Or are you more the behind the scenes business part of it?"

  "I'm very hands on. I'm in charge of finding the men to populate the site, so to say. My partner, Frankie, she's the one that helps find the girls. Her job's easier than mine lately. I've had a shit time finding quality men, but I think today may just turn a new leaf." She smiles and takes a bite of her sandwich. I watch her chew before she touches her ear then pulls her cellphone from her purse.

  "You got some good leads on some guys today?" I ask before I take a bite and she holds her finger up before pressing her hand to her ear again, then I notice the Bluetooth and realize I'm so boring, she'd rather be on her phone.

  Shit. Violet's right. I have zero cool points left and can't even maintain my date's interest longer than a story about Paris.

  "Wednesday at eight works great," she says then shoves her phone away. "I'm sorry. I work the weekends too. I just have the luxury of doing it outside of the office. Anyway, where were we?"

  "You said today's gonna turn over a new leaf for your dating website. You have some new applicants or something? Is that how people do it? Like submit a dating resume?" I grin.

  She laughs and pops another fry into her mouth before nodding at me. "Something like that. There used to be forms, then videos. Now I'm trying to do things like this in person. Then I can get someone into the office for Kevin to shoot their profile video. It's a little easier to judge someone's character when sitting down for lunch as opposed to watching a video, don't you think?"

  "Uh, yeah, I guess. I wouldn't really know. Making matches definitely isn't my forte. So you like go on business dates with them, to get them a date?" I chuckle.

  She pauses and her brows scrunch together like she's trying to figure out what to say next. "Travis, I go on dates to help men get…dates." She sighs and sits back in her chair. "It sounds weird and it's still in the beginning stages. Honestly I thought bringing you here I could talk you into joining my site, but I'm just not sure if that's going to work out. Maybe this whole date to find a date thing wasn't a good idea."

  "Wait." I scoot my chair back and look at Gus as he stands from his laying position on the floor. "I'm part of your shitty experiment? You brought me here to get me on your shitty dating site? How is that even legal?" I blurt and notice she gives no shits. Her attention's on her fries like she's trying to figure out which to eat next. "Maybe legal is not the word I'm looking for." I’m flustered. "But that's morally fucked up." I stand to get the hell out of here and Gus quickly trots between my legs. "I asked you on a date to date you, not one of the women on your site. Shit, if that's how you're running things, the women relying on your services should ask for a refund when you match them with a tool shallow enough to go out with you then accept you hooking them up with someone else." I turn for the door then turn back, pissed off she duped me into this. "News flash, Charlie, most guys want to date the woman they asked out for particular reasons about the girl, not just 'cause they're looking for any warm body in this pathetic world. Good luck with your shitty dating services." I step over Gus to get the hell out of here. I wasn't screaming, but I know I caused a scene telling her off. I feel kind of guilty insulting her business, but if that's how she's running things, she's got it fucked.

  Before I can cross the street, Gus runs between my legs, his leash dragging behind him.

  "Shit," I huff and hear her frantically call out for him. "Dammit, dog," I grumble and scoop him up before he's hurt.

  I turn around and see her standing by the door, yelling for the dog and roll my eyes. I don't know why I thought this chick would be into me. With her light brown hair and blonde highlights, that all natural, no makeup face. She's the type that doesn't need those stupid filters on her pictures. The type other girls pick apart out of jealousy but try to say it's not. She could be a Barbie, just not ditzy. I'm definitely not a Ken. I'm not the type of guy a girl like her thinks twice about except for a hookup to piss off her overprotective parents. I guess I can be flattered she wanted me on her site though. Somehow. But I feel like it was more of a business ploy. Guys like me don't land the steady girl. We land the casual hookups and if I'm on her site, I can get her more business from women.

  "Gus!" she yells, turned in the opposite direction.

  "Charlie," I snap her name and she whips around to face me. "I grabbed him." I hold out the leash but she doesn't take it. Her eyes keep looking anywhere but me like she has something to say but doesn't know where to start.

  "I'm sorry," she finally whispers. "I honestly hadn't done this before and I thought it'd go over much better than this. My friends warned me, but I guess I was just too worried about finding the next best thing. I didn't mean to offend you at all, and honestly, I was having a really good time with you. Which is why I started to realize this won't work." The upward turn of her lips looks like there's remorse, but I don't know if I can trust her. All is fair in business and making money.

  When Gus barks for me to put him down, she holds out her hand and I turn over the leash.

  "I wanted to date you. Shit, I wasn't actually looking to date anyone. I asked you on a date, not to get hooked up with someone else. If I'm not your type, you could just say that. But you really should open with that, not accept the date then insult me with your true intentions."

  "You… I mean, I just don't… Shit." She chuckles with pink cheeks from embarrassment and pushes her sunglasses onto her face. "I don't date, Travis. I don't even know what my type is. The last ten years or so I've been so worried about helping everyone else because… I mean, I make matches, not try to find them for myself. I'm not really the dateable type." She shrugs and gently smiles up at me like she's trying to let me down easy.

  "You're not dateable?" I laugh at the stupid comment. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that. You're the type of chick that's every guy's type, Charlie."

  "Sure, if all you go by is looks," she snaps back, shaking her head.

  "That's not why I wanted a date with you." I huff at how vain I sound now. "You're beautiful, but you're…quirky." She snorts out a laugh and I realize it doesn't sound like a compliment, but it is. "Anyway, I'm not interested in your dating site. Sorry. Good luck with that." I turn to walk away but before I cross the street, I hear Gus bark.

  "Travis, wait!" she yells. "Just, hang on." She fumbles with her purse and the dog leash while trying to follow after me. "Just…I…I'm sorry, okay?"

  She's fumbling with her things and her hands look like they might be shaking. Part of me thinks she might actually be sorry, and part of me thinks she might actually be telling the truth that she doesn't date. It's obvious she loves what she does for work, and I imagine making all those matches takes away the fun of your own personal love life.

  "Go out with me
again," I blurt. "An actual date this time. No ulterior motives. Just give me a chance." It all spews out of my mouth like I'm a pathetic sap that can't get a girl. I can get plenty of girls, but only the ones that want another number for booty calls or one night with me. People just don't take me seriously, and though I don't regret them, I blame the tattoos. This girl hasn't even once looked at my tattoos as an accessory to the bad boy persona they make people perceive me as.

  "I haven't been on a date in a long time, Travis. I don't know what to do on a date when it comes to myself." She huffs and I open my mouth to counter, but she goes on, "But I'd like to try with you… I guess."

  "Well, I think we were on the right path, with getting to know each other, I mean. But maybe this time you can store my answers for you personally. Not the site." I smirk and she embarrassedly looks away. "Let me take you to a movie next Saturday."

  "Oh, fuck yes, Charlie! Let the man take you to a movie!" That grating sound of Satan's gate opening gets louder as she approaches. That screech she uses as a voice will be forever imbedded in my memory and I cringe, but turn my head before Charlie sees me. To avoid the bitch, I squat to pet Gus, not about to let this chick run me off this time.

  "What are you doing here, Frankie? I told you I'd call you later," Charlie huffs.

  "You said that, but it's a nice day and a person is free to grab lunch from a favorite spot, are they not?" That voice and her bitchy tone makes me grind my teeth. "So a lunch date, huh? How'd that work out for ya?" She rests her hand on her hip and cocks an eyebrow while she looks down at me.

  I clear my throat and stand. "I'm Travis." I try, and put my hand out for her to shake. Either I can let her attempt to intimidate me, or I can try to get on her good side so she doesn't persuade Charlie away from me. Her eyes narrow and she looks down at my hand, but doesn't return the gesture.

  "Frankie." Still no offer of a shake, but it's a start.

  "Great. Perfect," Charlie says, clearing her throat. "So next Saturday, Travis? Want to meet me here before the movie?" She pulls out her phone and shoves it at me. "Here, put yourself in there. No cutesy nicknames I'll never find."

  "So nothing like 'Trav the cherry guy'?"

  "You're a hoot," her friend dryly says and rolls her eyes; I look back at the phone.

  "Just Travis. Next Saturday, I'll be here around five? Cool?" I put her phone in her waiting palm.

  "Sounds great." Her smile isn't like any of the others from before. She looks nervous now that her friend showed up.

  "Oh come on, Charlie! You're not seriously doing this are you? I mean…look at you two! Small blonde princess meets jolly fucking green giant of tattoo-land. You two…no. Just no!"

  "Shut up, Frankie. Seriously!" Charlie shakes her head. "Sorry for her. She's just…well, she's weird."

  "Yeah." I stare at her friend a second while she glowers up at me. "See you Saturday. Nice meeting you, Frank," I mutter and move quickly to get the fuck away from her psycho friend.

  Maybe I shouldn't pursue this girl. That friend of hers is trouble.

  "My name's not Frank!" she yells after me and I smirk, but keep walking.

  After Sunday dinner at my parents' house and spending four hours listening to why I should start using my own dating site to find a 'good boy that'll take care of me,' Monday morning can't come fast enough. I've never been a fan of Mondays, strictly because it means I have to leave the house again, but after what I went through last night, I'd work weekends in the office if it meant no more family dinners.

  You just need someone that can care for you darlin'.

  We worry about you being all alone the rest of your life.

  Why does it have to be so hard? You're the one making it hard.

  I don't want to die with you being alone.

  A nice Catholic boy who works a steady job and was raised right.

  Even Frankie joined in with them, but I think she was just egging them on, enjoying how much they were pissing me off. She says she likes to see I still have emotions about my own life. I focus too much emotion on everyone else's happiness.

  Once in my office, I huff and set my phone on the wireless charger. It's a bad habit, overcharging my phone, but if there's one thing I can't live without in this world, it's my phone and Bluetooth. They're constantly attached to me and I hate the way I feel without them.

  As I search through files and start making some initial meets of the week, my thoughts travel back to cherry boy. Travis. I could melt into that man's voice. Saturday feels like so far away and after obsessing over him and his quick wit and laugh…good Lord his laugh, I tell myself I can't text him. It's too soon. It'll seem needy.

  By Tuesday, though, I can't take it anymore. I break down and text him right around lunchtime.

  "Hi. It's Charlie. Just thought you should have my number in case you decide to cancel on me." I send it and set my focus back to work. He's probably working…getting cherries or something. Most definitely not paying attention to his phone.

  Two minutes later my phone buzzes on my desk and I hit the button to read it out to me while I try to focus on work. But let's be serious, I'm not focused on work at all. I'm giddy with these fucking feelings that it's him texting me back.

  "I'm not canceling. What movie's out that you want to see, Chuck?"

  Shit. I don't do movies normally! I could ask Frankie what's out in theatres now, but then she'd start the bullshit that happened Sunday after Travis left the bistro. And I'd rather not get her involved. Uuugh.

  I hit the button on my earpiece and speak my response, "Your pick. I'm sure I'll love it." I immediately hit send and sigh. This is why I don't do this dating thing. It's just too many decisions. Too much worrying about meeting the other person's expectations without actually knowing what they are.

  My phone alerts me he's replied and I hit play while still trying to stay focused on work. "Wow. I mean, I'm not saying no. So are we skipping the movie then? I can still bring popcorn."

  What? Why would he want to ditch the movie? How is me telling him to pick a movie grounds for him to cancel the movie?! What the hell… I hate texting and I really don't have time for these games right now. I hit play while I try to sort through work shit and see where things went wrong with Travis. My phone starts playing our messages back to me and the minute it plays I know exactly where I went wrong.

  "Your dick. I'm sure I'll love it." Even the robot voice coming from my phone doesn't make it sound any better.

  "Fuuuck, I groan, letting my head fall to the desk in mortification. I just told him I wanted his dick! I mean…I may…but that's not what you text to someone in your first text conversation! I snatch up my phone as if it wronged me and speak to it like it's a misbehaving child. Clear, concise, pronouncing every syllable as if I'm teaching it a lesson. Damn technology!

  "Sorry. Typo. HA. HA. HA. I meant for you to pick."

  Send. There. Done.

  My phone dings almost immediately and I close my eyes, waiting for more mortification.

  "It's still not a no if you meant what you said first lol. Double feature maybe? If I'm showing mine. You show me yours. Haha."

  My cheeks flush and I can't help but grin. He's good…he's probably way too good. Why would Frankie warn me away from someone like him? Believe me, I got an earful last night over how much I should stay away from him. Not that I listened. I thought about him all night, weirdly. It's an infatuation. No one's shown me this much interest in a while. It's nice, especially coming from a cute guy like Travis. He's funny, interesting, and I like his passion for things.

  I smile through my response as I say, "I don't have a dick. Sorry to say." After hitting send, I laugh to myself. This is fun! I'm not used to this kind of fun.

  His text comes through shortly after. I literally sat here holding my phone, waiting for it to buzz. Good Lord, I'm a mess.

  "I wouldn't believe you even if you said you did. Then I'd ask for the proof. Sorry this got twisted Chuck. But that shit was funny."
  I laugh and smile. I hate the nickname Chuck. Hate it. Or at least I did. Coming from him makes me love it. What the hell is wrong with me?

  "Sorry. Busy at work. Talk to texting. Damn iPhones." I hit send and set my phone down, willing myself to get some work done. I can't sit here all afternoon and text him, as much as I'd like to.

  "You don't gotta blame your phone. I'll show it any time you want to see it <3"

  I sigh and clench my thighs together, wishing I didn't feel this way from just a few texted words. I start to daydream about what he's doing right now. I need to stop, but can't and I end up spending the rest of the afternoon thinking about him, barely getting any work done. I think my brain's broken- I don't do this!

  After work, Frankie and I finally go grocery shopping, but after unloading and lugging the bags upstairs, we're beat and order out Italian. Isn't that what most people do? Grocery shop then eat out anyway?

  By nine she's back at her place and I'm finally alone, just me and Gus. I'm trying to dress for bed and Gus's trying to eat my pajamas. When my phone rings, I answer it on the first ring, expecting it to be my mom to remind me about Sunday dinner.

  "Hello? Hang on," I huff because the dog needs to learn the difference from playtime and pajama time! A-HA! Mine! I finally get my pants from him and pull them on, smiling down at him when he sits at my feet at the bedside. "Sorry, hey."

  "Hey, Chuck, what're you up to?" Travis's deep voice comes over the phone and I get flutters in my stomach, not expecting him to be on the other end of this call.

  "Nothing actually. Finally. So hey." I chuckle nervously and hear him laugh at me. "God," I sigh, lying down in bed. "It was a long day." I smile at the thought of him calling me out of the blue. Does that mean he's thinking of me too?

  "I was calling about earlier." He chuckles. "Uh… It was funny, but I didn't want you to be pissed at me. I kind of said some shit I probably shouldn't have. I'm usually more of a gentleman."


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