Twelve Tiny Truths

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Twelve Tiny Truths Page 7

by M Dauphin

  I roll my eyes and lay back on my pillow. The sound of his voice is something I could get used to hearing every day.

  "I'm not pissed, Travis." I laugh when I hear him let out a sigh of relief. "I enjoyed it, really. It was…fun."

  "So you do want to see it then?" He starts to laugh. "I'm sorry, Chuck. I'm not letting you live that one down."

  "Hey, I wouldn't either. I should really check my texts before I send them. I'm always messing things up. I wasn't lying when I said I enjoyed it."

  "What'd you enjoy, Chuck? The pic I sent?"

  "The what?!" I shriek, shooting up in bed. "Did I? Shit, did I miss something? You sent a pic of it?" God-fucking-dammit!

  He's cracking up. "That reaction makes me think you're wishing I did."

  I let out a short laugh that ends with a low hum. "One day, Travis. I'll get you back for this." I'm shaky with nerves but I don't know why. It's an innocent phone conversation! I feel like I should feel guilty for talking about this guy's dick like I want it…bad. Especially since I haven't even known him a week. I feel like 'boring, safe' Charlie would back off and not get involved with someone that can make her feel like this so early. So giddy from just talking to someone. I also feel like 'boring, safe' Charlie should jump out a fucking window right about now while visions of Travis's dick dance in my head. Maybe it's time I stop playing things safe. It's been years since I've done something just for me. Maybe Travis is my chance.

  "So you seriously just called to make sure I wasn't mad?" I lie back down and tuck my legs under the sheets.

  "No." He chuckles. "You can't get mad at this dick. I called to hear your voice."

  Ugh. Insert mega-swoon. Who the hell just tells the girl 'I called to hear your voice'? What the hell year is this? And why can't I stop smiling right now? It's so clichéd, and I know a thing or two about clichés. I deal with them all day coming from men.

  "Your voice is nice to listen to as well, I guess." I try to hold in a giggle but it flows out way too easily and I sigh, trying to stop it. I'm not a giggler!

  "Oh, I didn't say yours was nice. I just wanted to hear you giggle 'cause you can't stop thinking about my dick."

  "God, you're a jerk!" I laugh, groaning. "I'm never going to live that down."

  "Never, Chuck. Hey, did you eat the pie yet?"

  "I, uh…" Shit. I completely forgot about the damn pie. "It's in my friend's fridge. So she may have? It was really for her. Like I said, I'm not a cherry person." God, now I feel like a bitch. I could have at least tried it.

  "Wait… You didn't eat Bev's pie? You had not one, but two in your possession and you didn't even take a bite? This is blasphemy, Chuck. Where do you live?"

  "Where do I live?" I blurt.

  "Yeah. What apartment number?"

  He can't be serious.

  "Umm, ya know… I have a roommate, and he's cranky. And it's late. It's fine. I'll try some of Frankie's tomorrow."

  "You live with a dude? Or your roommate's Gus? 'Cause if it's Gus, that guy loves me."

  I pause and wonder how bad it would be if I lied to him and told him I live with a dude, because he can't come here right now. No way in hell!

  Unable to lie, I whisper, "Gus." And he's right. Gus did love him.

  "Give me the address. I'm just dropping a pie, Chuck. What's the address?"

  I let out a low growl and squeeze my eyes closed, not answering him.

  "Charles? Chuck? Hello? Chuck? I'm waiting… I could just knock on all your neighbor's doors until I find you. Don't make them hate you. I don't have enough pies for everyone. I'm already in the car on the way, by the way."

  "You're evil, you know that. I'm in my PJs. You're not coming in."

  "I'm not coming in. But I'm bringing this dick, just so you know. I'm sure you'd love it." He starts to laugh and I actually hear the rev of an engine. He's not fucking lying. He's actually driving!

  "Apartment 3, 209 West—"

  "I only need the apartment number. See you in thirty minutes."

  SHIT! I scramble out of bed and start throwing clothes around. But what the hell am I going to do? Get all made up at almost ten at night and act like that's how I sleep? Hell no!

  Thirty-three minutes later there's a soft knock at my door. My stomach starts to do a barrel roll and I take a deep breath. This'll be simple. Open the door, take the pie, close the door. Simple.

  Not bothering with the lights, hoping that'll hide some of my bedtime attire, I pull open the door and as I open my mouth to yell at him for driving thirty minutes to bring me pie, something sweet hits my tongue and I'm licking pie off his fingers!

  "Never pass up Bev's pies, Chuck," he whispers before his lips touch mine for a kiss that feels like he's eating the fruit from my lips, but I have a mouth full of pie and can't retaliate! "Night." The pie box is pushed into my arms and he just walks away!

  Good God that was hot. And I'm not talking about the pie.

  I've had all damn week to figure out what I'm going to wear tonight, but I'm just now obsessing over it. Of fucking course I'd do this; wait till the last minute. Dammit.

  My door flings open, hitting the wall behind it before slamming closed as I'm trying to figure out what's what anymore in this closet. Rolling my eyes, I know that could only be one person. And since Gus isn't barking, I know for sure it's her.

  "I'm in here, Frankie!" I yell from my closet.

  She's a storm that's about to blow through and leave damage. Her combat boots thunder across my wooden floors as she stomps her way in here, but this time I'm prepared for her hurricane.

  "Charlie, no!" she snaps, yanking the dress out of my hands.

  "What? Is it that bad?" I thought I pulled out the black one… maybe it was the wrong one.

  "You're not going!" The springs of my mattress bounce as she plops down.

  "Excuse me?" I shriek, throwing my hands onto my hips. "Since when do you decide what I do, Frankie?"

  "You're going to a fucking movie with this guy!" she screams loud enough I know neighbors downstairs heard. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're lying to this fuck-wit! You don't even like him!"

  "I do like him! A lot! And who cares if I'm going to a movie with him?! There's a lot worse things I could be doing, Frankie," I scoff, pissed that she's bringing this up an hour before my date.

  "If you liked him," she growls before she's standing right in my face, her breath hitting my cheek. "You wouldn't fucking lie to him."

  I grit my teeth and take a deep breath. This is not what needed to happen before tonight's date.

  "I'm not lying to him, Frankie."

  "What movie you going to see, Charlie?" She walks away from me and I know she's standing in front of the mirror. "Hmm? What movie?"

  "It doesn't matter. Drop it," I huff, turning back to my rack of clothes and letting my fingers find the hangers. All placed in perfect order.

  "No shit it doesn't fucking matter. Can I remind you of something? Ya know, something kinda big when you go on a fucking movie date with someone? When you go to the movies with someone, Charlie, you watch the screen. How the FUCK are you going to do that blind!? Do you remember you're fucking blind!?"

  I squeeze my eyes shut, the typical darkness going even darker, and take a deep breath. "That's not something one typically forgets, Frankie. Can't you just let me try to lead a normal life for once without forcing me to tiptoe around?"

  "Oh, fuck you, Charlie. You're having this guy take you to the movies and haven't even told him you can't see. I want you to live a normal life, babe." She's behind me, grabbing my hand. "But you can't lie to him. You could get hurt or something. He doesn't even know you're blind. My God," she snickers and pulls away. "How have you kept this from him?"

  "It's not something that just comes up in normal conversation." I sigh, backing away from my clothes and shrugging. "I guess the few times we've been together I've been fine being independent. I'm not blatantly keeping it from him. Maybe I'm a little scared he's not going to want
to be with someone with this big of a handicap. I mean, I can't even go grocery shopping without your help. He's not going to want that burden."

  "Fuck, Charlie!" she shouts in frustration. "So lead him on, then spring it on him? Like…hey, is your dick out yet? 'Cause I can't see. BY THE WAY!"

  "I know, I know." I sigh, pushing past her and moving straight for my bed. Eighteen even steps. "I'll tell him before it gets that far. It's still so early! I've known the guy a week."

  "Just…where's your phone? I'll text him and cancel. We can stay here and eat that pie."

  "I'm not cancelling my date because you want pie, Frankie. I'll tell him. Stop meddling in my life so much," I grumble.

  "You couldn't even identify him, Charlie! If he hurt you somehow! God forbid he takes you out tonight and rapes you or something. You can't just do this shit alone! The guy is over six five, Charlie! He's covered in tattoos! He has tattoos on his throat! On his head! He's fucking scary!"

  I grin at her description and I think it pisses her off more. He sounds hot as fuck, really.

  "I'm a pretty great judge of character. I've spent the last ten years not judging people by the way they look and I can say I know for a fact he's a good guy. Plus, from that description, he sounds incredibly delicious. I mean, it's not rape if you're willing, right?" I grin and she growls.

  "Oh, Jesus. You're insane. If you need dick this bad, I coulda hooked you up with one of Kevin's friends."

  "Is Travis ugly, Frankie?" I blurt. "Is he ugly? Would I have found him attractive before?" I wave toward my face. "Is he hot, or is he dirty, scary biker with tattoos listing how many people he's killed?

  She huffs. "I mean… He's not like… He's…"

  "He's hot! I fucking knew it!"

  "God! Yes! He's fucking hot! But like bad boy hot! Not the type of guy you need! He's like, fucked every girl in Portland and their moms hot. He's a bad boy, Charlie. Not your type."

  "Maybe my type has changed, Frank." I shrug, walking over to my dresser and pull out a pair of shorts and a tank top, settling on comfortably being myself. "I'm giving him a chance."

  "Don't call me Frank," she snaps and her boots stomp all the way to the front door.

  I huff and shake my head. She's pissed, but I would bet money on her texting or calling at least three times throughout the night. She'll worry until I'm home safe, and then I'll get another lecture about how he's 'not good for me,' but I'll take it. Totally worth it. Being around Travis is good for me. He makes me genuinely happy, and honestly, he makes me forget about the change my life went through.

  We changed plans for him to pick me up here tonight so at five to six I walk out the front and wait by the steps. I've lived here so many years I know the perimeter of this building like the back of my hand. It's a few feet away from these steps that I get turned around if Gus isn't with me.

  Turning my back, I hold my phone in my hand and stare down at it. The sound of a car parking out front makes me smile, but I don't turn around, that way he has to come up to me and I can use him as a guide to the car. I hear his footsteps and as soon as he's close enough, the telltale scent of cherries fills my nostrils.

  His hand touches my arm and I turn around, smiling. "Hi! Ready to go?" I need him away from this building before Frankie ruins everything. She's right about one thing; I'm going to need to tell him soon. But tonight sounded like so much fun. I haven't been to a movie in forever. It's not like I won't enjoy it. I just have to use my imagination a little more than average people.

  "Yeah." I hear the smile in his voice. "You look cute." His scent gets closer and then he quickly kisses my cheek before taking my hand. "Comfortable."

  Is comfortable a bad thing? It's the movies. Don't people dress comfortable to go to the movies? I'm over thinking this shit!

  "Thanks." I hold his hand tight enough he won't try to let go and I listen as he opens the car door for me. "Thanks." I reach out and touch it, using it to help guide me into the seat. Sliding in, I laugh to myself because even his damn car smells like cherries. Not that nasty artificial smell either. This guy is bathing in cherry juice or something. It's not something one would think of as a manly scent, but it weirdly fits him.

  His door closes and the car starts. "So, I know you wanted to see my dick. But I think we should go see that movie where those kids get trapped in that old blind lady's basement and she tries to kill them."

  I nod silently, trying not to cringe at the description. Of course he'd pick the blind lady movie. This is my opportunity. But what do I even say? 'Oh by the way, that'll be me in ten years when I'm alone and angry at the world?'

  "Sounds like a good one." I grin in his direction and he reaches over, taking my hand in his.

  My hand is tiny compared to his. I run my thumb along the side of his hand and try to picture what the tattoos Frankie told me about look like. I wonder if his hands are tattooed. God, it feels good to finally be able to touch him.

  "I haven't been to a movie in probably a year," he says with a grin I can hear clearly.

  "It's been probably ten for me." I laugh as the car comes to a stop.

  "Ten years?" he blurts. "But you've watched one on TV since then, right? Wait, are you one of those people that don't watch TV and shit?"

  "Yeah, sure," I mutter. Something like that. "Come on, let's get in before we're late. I need some popcorn."

  "Don't move," he says and I do as he says, worried I might trigger something I'm not supposed to. But seconds later, my door opens and he takes my hand like a gentleman and guides me out, unknowingly leading me into the theatre.

  "So, let's get personal. I like butter and salt. We can share, or get separate popcorn."

  "I like the same. Sharing's good. Thanks." I stay close enough we're almost touching. It sounds insanely busy in here tonight and normally that'd make me a nervous wreck, but being with Travis, I feel safe. When his hand comes to rest on my lower back, I grin.

  "What do you want to drink, Chuck?" he asks, moving us up in line. "And we gotta get candy. What do you eat? Here, you pick."

  "Oh, uh…hmm." I take a breath and smile. "How about Snowcaps?"

  Maybe Frankie was way more than right. I can't do this! What if they don't have Snowcaps? We're right here and I can't even see what fucking candy they have in stock. Every movie theatre has Snowcaps, right?

  "A large popcorn, and a box of Snowcaps. The girl knows what she wants without even looking." He chuckles. "It's usually my dick." He laughs harder and I gasp.

  "He's…oh my God, I'm so sorry. He's lying," I blurt.

  "He didn't hear me." He laughs and suddenly pulls me against him, hugging me as he kisses the top of my head, still chuckling. "Fucking with you is so fun." Letting me go, he turns away and calls out, "Hey, I want a frozen Pepsi! What'll you drink, Chuck?"

  "Mt. Dew. Please." Why can't I stop thinking about Travis's dick? I mean, it's seriously becoming a problem.

  "And a Mt. Dew, please," he says loudly. "You want anything else?"

  "Mmm, do I smell pretzels? Oh God, I love those soft, big warm ones! I need one of those too." I squeeze his arm because I'm truly excited for it. I haven't had a movie theatre pretzel in years! "And a pretzel. Extra cheese."

  "Oh…uh…" The cashier sounds like he's just hitting puberty. "Extra cheese?"

  "You heard the lady, she's footing the bill, get her what she wants."

  "Hey! I paid for lunch!" I laugh. "Your turn this time around, pal."

  "Oh. You did? You sure that was lunch with me? Or one of the many other guys you date…to try and hook up on other dates?"

  I narrow my eyes and let out a grumble. "He's paying. Add on another frozen Pepsi to it too please."

  "Thirsty girl," he mutters, pulling me a little closer.

  "Uh, okay, so that's… Forty-two seventy-five." The teenager behind the counter sounds nervous like we might go to battle over the bill.

  "Ouch, that's gotta go on my Amex. I need a month to pay that bill," he says and I laugh bu
t hear the cashier giving him change for cash.

  "Thank you," I say, taking my box of candy and pretzel tucked in my arm and a soda in the other. "Uh… Um, I can't." I pause and stand here, never feeling so useless before. Shit.

  He chuckles and I hear his laugh getting closer. "You got little hands," he says taking the soda and candy, then he takes the pretzel, only leaving me to hold one drink. I expect him to walk away again and I grab my phone, prepared to call Frankie and tell her she was right and to get me out of here. "The theater's this way, Chuck." His finger wraps around three of mine and he leads the way.

  The steps going up into the seating of the theatre could have gone smoother, but I don't trip or ruin anything, so I'm considering it a win. We scoot in and he helps me into my seat before settling into his. Thankfully our huge selection of snacks makes it seem like I need help and not because I'm freaking blind.

  "It's dark in here already," he mumbles and I smile.

  "You're not scared are you, big man?"

  His words get closer as he says, "If I am, will you sit on my lap?"

  I laugh and that foreign feeling of lust starts to roll through me. I can't even see the man and I'm insanely attracted to him. It's like he has no filter.

  "Maybe." I grin, bringing my soda straw to my lips to hide it.

  "Then I am," he says close to my ear as the speakers start the trailers before the movie. He lifts the armrest that separates us and tugs me closer. "I bet you're the jumpy type," he whispers and his palm spans just above my knee, his fingers almost wrapping to the chair.

  I clear my throat and shift a little in my seat to get closer to him. Just his touch is doing things to me that I'm not sure have ever been done before. I've been with men before, but never anyone like Travis. He's sure of himself. He's almost dominating. He knows what he wants, and tonight I think it's me.

  The movie starts and I have a hard time focusing. I wasn't lying that I haven't been to one in ten years. Since I lost the one thing you need to be able to watch a movie I haven't had the urge to come sit through one. But for some reason the minute he brought it up I immediately knew I was going. I thought I'd sit here and listen to the movie, but really all I can do is focus on his hand on my skin.


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