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Cat Star 9 - Wildcat

Page 8

by Cheryl Brooks

  Jerden exhaled with a loud purr and cleared his throat. “I think so.”

  “Feel well enough to go home?”


  “What the hell was wrong with you, anyway?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Sara felt him moving behind her and got up, hoping he would do the same. As she turned to face him, she remembered. He’s naked.

  She doubted that any of her pants would fit him. Zatlen’s jeans would cut off his circulation, and Drania’s tiny coveralls were completely out of the question. Maybe if she handed him a towel, he’d take the hint. On the other hand, Reutal never wore clothing, so perhaps ignoring his nudity was the best approach. It had worked before.

  “Vladen said you’d wake up eventually, but I was beginning to have my doubts.” She blew out a pent-up breath. “I’m getting ready to fix breakfast for the gang. Are you hungry?”

  Yawning, he nodded and scratched his head, drawing her attention to his hair. That was one thing she would miss when he left. It was absolutely beautiful. “Starving.”

  “What would you like?”

  He slid out from under the covers and sat up. “What do you have?”

  Sara shrugged, averting her eyes from his groin. “The usual stuff. Eggs, pancakes, toast… that sort of thing.” Please, anything but pancakes…

  Tossing her a grin that was obviously intended to be disarming, he stood up.

  His smile was disarming, all right—and breathtaking. It was a moment before Sara could speak. “I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you smile. You really must be feeling better.”

  “I am.” He yawned again, displaying his fangs. “How about a couple of eggs and maybe some toast? Not sure I’m up to eating a stack of pancakes.”

  Sara was almost afraid to ask. “How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, fried, boiled?”

  “Over easy.”

  She could hardly believe her ears. “Butter on the toast?”



  He nodded. “But no sugar.”

  “You got it.”

  If he kept that up, she might even let him stay for lunch.

  Chapter 7

  Drania peered down the hallway toward Sara’s bedroom. “So, is he awake yet?”

  Sara nodded. “Yeah. He’s taking a shower.”

  The little Rutaran’s ears wiggled with excitement as she took the stack of plates from the counter and set them on the table. “D’you suppose he needs someone to wash his back?”

  “I dunno,” said Sara, trying not to think about doing it herself. “You could ask him.”

  Drania paused, giving her a quizzical look. “Sure you wouldn’t mind?”

  Sara gaped at her. “Why would I mind?”

  “Well, he has been in your bed for the past two nights. I would’ve thought…”

  “And that gives me some claim to him? I don’t think so. It was more like being his nurse—not that I did a whole lot besides turn him over once in a while.”

  If Drania’s expression had been quizzical before, it was downright skeptical now. “Sure, you did. If he’d been in my bed, I’d have—”

  “Done what?” Reutal said as he popped in through the back door, followed closely by Zatlen. “Sucked his dick? Licked his balls?”

  “Wouldn’t have done much good while he was unconscious, now would it?” Drania said with a wry grin. “Though it might have been just the thing to bring him around.” She ran her tongue over her lips as though about to devour something truly delicious.

  Sara refrained from comment, deciding that this was one conversation she ought to sit out. There was no point in egging Reutal on, aside from the fact that she couldn’t begin to understand why anyone would want to do such a thing to a man, whether he was conscious or not.

  “What’s stopping you?” Reutal asked.

  “He’s awake.”

  Reutal’s eyes lit up. “Ah! There’ll be some interesting stuff happening now.”

  Frowning, Sara forgot all about her decision to keep quiet. “I doubt it. He’ll probably go home right after breakfast.”

  The Norludian shook his head, pursing his fishlike lips. “Bet he doesn’t.”

  He was right. There was the whole Danuban issue to be dealt with first. Sara had a feeling that if Jerden were to ride the stallion home and then turn him loose, the chances of Danuban coming back to her barn were slim to none. It seemed that the only way to keep the horse was to keep Jerden.

  Her anxiety level went up a notch at the mere thought. Far better to put up a force field around the paddock. Or drug the stud into docility. Or just give up and let Jerden have him. “That’s up to him.”

  Drania’s ears pricked forward. “What, you mean you’d let him stay here?”

  “Well, not forever,” Sara said. Though if it meant she didn’t have to eat pancakes ever again, she might consider it. Which was stupid; she could have her choice whether he was there or not. The question was, why hadn’t she? She shook her head as she cracked the eggs into the skillet, trying to figure out why the breakfast menu had anything to do with anything. Stupid.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” Zatlen was clearly horrified. “No pancakes?”

  “Yes, I’ll fix pancakes,” Sara snapped. “Jerden didn’t want any, and he put his order in first.” Just why all of this should irritate her, she had no idea. Raking a hand through her hair, she nodded toward the table. “Just sit down and be patient.”

  As she returned to her task, Sara glimpsed the quick upward flick of Zatlen’s eyebrows. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly. “Sorry if I sound a little testy this morning. I didn’t sleep very well.”

  “Bad dreams?” If the lilt in his tone was any indication, Reutal was baiting her, but, again, he was probably right.

  “Maybe.” Whatever the cause, she was still feeling the dregs of it. Not only was she irritated, but her heart beat faster than normal and her hands were like ice. She began mixing the pancakes and dropped the whisk, splattering little bits of batter all over the floor. “Shit.”

  “Definitely testy.”

  She threw a quelling glance at Reutal just as Jerden walked into the kitchen with the leopard at his heels.

  His bronzed skin caught the early morning light, outlining thick veins that ran up his muscular arms. His hair hung to his waist in gleaming ebony spirals. As his glowing, catlike eyes swept over her, her trembling hands faltered, nearly causing her to drop the bowl.

  He’s still naked.

  Sara’s heart slammed against her sternum with the force of a horse’s kick. What is wrong with me? I’ve seen him naked before. Just now, in fact. Swallowing with more effort than usual, she tried to smile, failing miserably. “It’s good to see you.” Heat flooded her face. That didn’t sound right. “Up and about, I mean.” She cleared her throat with an effort. “Not sure you’ve met the gang yet, Jerden—at least not officially. This is Drania, Zatlen, and Reutal.” She pointed to each of them in turn. “H-have a seat.”

  Drania pulled out a chair. “Here, you can have my place.”

  Jerden’s lips curled into an oddly secretive smile as he shook his head. “No need. I can stand.” Returning his gaze to Sara, once again, he gave her a swift, downward glance. “Let me get that for you.”

  Completely bewildered, Sara stared at him as he came toward her and then bent down to retrieve the whisk with one swift, fluid movement. Crossing to the sink, he rinsed it off before handing it back to her. Cria was already licking the batter off the floor when a pop from the skillet startled her and she nearly dropped the whisk again. Jerden promptly turned and gave the eggs a quick, practiced flip as though he’d helped her in the kitchen a million times.

  Then the reason for her nervousness hit her. I slept with that man, and now I’m fixing his breakfast. I didn’t
have sex with him, but everyone assumes I did. If it weren’t so outrageous, it would have been funny. Sex? With him? Not likely. Sara wasn’t the sort of woman men like Jerden lusted after, nor was she willing to pay a thousand credits for his services. Her one and only sexual experience had been so degrading she had no desire to repeat it. Ever.


  Reutal gave Jerden the once-over with his strange, protuberant eyes. “Well, now… you look to be completely cured. Feeling better?”

  “Much better.” But not cured. The fact that his cock remained flaccid when Drania was pumping out sex pheromones like crazy proved that. At the moment, it was just as well that he hadn’t recovered. Sara had looked like she’d seen a ghost when he approached her. If he’d had an erection, she probably would’ve screamed.

  Standing right next to her, the only scent he could identify was her anxiety. No desire whatsoever. He should do her a favor and get lost as soon as possible. He owed her that much.

  He dished up the eggs just as the toast popped up. As she buttered the toast, Sara nodded toward the glazed teapot sitting on the table. “The tea’s there by your cup.” Apparently Drania didn’t need to give up her place. Sara had already given up hers. “Help yourself.”

  “Thanks.” In the past, he could have repaid her for her trouble with joy if she’d been willing. Human pheromones were so much more appealing to Zetithian noses than those of Rutarans. Anytime he’d done a Rutaran, which was unusual, he’d always needed Audrey to enhance the effect.

  Audrey. The nightmare was gone, but the guilt remained. No, he wouldn’t be fucking a Rutaran or anyone else anytime soon.

  He glanced at Sara, who was still busy making pancakes. If he hurried, he could wolf down his meal and be out of there before she even needed a place to sit. He sat in the chair she’d indicated and Cria took up her usual position beside him.

  Although eating quickly was the best course of action, he hadn’t reckoned on the change his long sleep had wrought. After months of eating food that tasted like so much dust, this simple fare was a sumptuous feast. The eggs drew a moan from him and the buttered toast was practically orgasmic. Chewing slowly, he savored each mouthful until a sip of tea nearly sent him over the edge.

  “You must have really been hungry,” Reutal commented. “But if you think that’s good, you should try the pancakes.” Licking his lips, he rubbed his flat belly. “They’re fabulous.”

  Jerden hadn’t wanted any before, but their delectable aroma was making him rethink that decision. He stole a peek at Sara. “Maybe just a couple.”

  She rolled her eyes. “And I had such high hopes for you.”


  “That it was nice to make something besides pancakes for a change. I’m sick of them!”

  Reutal groaned. “Oh, Sara, say it isn’t so!”

  “No problem, Reutal.” She let out a resigned sigh. “I was just enjoying the variety.”

  Reutal nodded toward Jerden. “Trust me, you want him to keep up his strength, Sara. Pancakes will help.”

  The Norludian’s remark caught Sara in the act of handing a plate stacked high to Drania. She glared at Reutal. “And just what is that supposed to mean?”

  Reutal gave her a saucy grin. “Men fuck better if you feed them. Didn’t you know that?”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Drania passed the plate on to Jerden. “Here you go, big guy. Eat up.”

  An odd feeling bubbled up inside him and Jerden heard something he hadn’t heard in a very long time. His own laughter.

  Reutal howled with glee and even Zatlen was chuckling as Drania wiggled her ears suggestively. “And be sure to use lots of butter and syrup.”

  With a knowing wink at Drania, he stabbed three of the pancakes and plopped them on his plate. Laughing felt so good, Jerden didn’t stop to consider Sara’s feelings, but one glimpse of her standing stiffly in front of the stove with her back to the others proved that he should have. Working diligently and displaying no hint of mirth—suppressed, or otherwise—she was clearly not amused.

  He was about to tell her to lighten up when he remembered the waves of despair that had emanated from her during the night. No, getting Sara to lighten up with regard to him, or sex, or anything else, wouldn’t be easy, and the mere suggestion would probably have the opposite effect, something Jerden knew from his own experience. He’d been the recipient of loads of good advice in the weeks following Audrey’s murder, and he hadn’t heeded a single bit of it. How could he possibly tell her to relax when he could barely do it himself?

  That was changing, however. Putting a dollop of butter on top, he poured syrup all over the stack of pancakes. The first bite was a flavor explosion. So sweet, but not as sweet as the essence of a lady who desired him.

  “Good?” Drania asked, her round eyes gazing at him through thick lashes.

  “Very.” The second bite wasn’t nearly as intoxicating, but it was still quite tasty. Women, on the other hand, tasted better as their arousal escalated, and the flavor of a woman in the throes of orgasm was the ultimate taste sensation—nearly orgasmic in and of itself. Drania was definitely cute. She would be fun to fuck. He could hold her in his lap and drill his cock into her creamy pussy—his preferred method of intercourse with a Rutaran—fucking her until her ears lay flat with bliss. Too bad he couldn’t do it. She was probably hurt that her scent hadn’t aroused him. It should have. Perhaps not to the degree that a Terran’s could, but he should have been able to do something with her.

  Then he remembered that his habit of fucking any woman who expressed an interest was what had gotten Audrey killed and his own sexuality essentially destroyed. Perhaps Sara had the right idea after all; deny it until it died from neglect. Channel that energy into something else. He glanced around the room. It was a simple, country kitchen, but with touches in design and decor that were distinctly feminine—not the plain functional manner in which his own home was furnished. Lacy curtains framed the windows, baskets of flowering plants hung suspended from the ceiling, and painted landscapes adorned the creamy yellow walls. Then there were the horses she bred and trained. Romantic, elegant… Indeed, there was romance in her soul; it simply wasn’t directed toward men in general—or him in particular.

  But all that could be changed. He could show her, teach her…

  No, he couldn’t. Forget it. It’s gone, and she doesn’t want it anyway.

  Suddenly, the food lost its flavor and once again became just so much matter to stuff into his body to keep it alive. And for what? To sit around thinking about the old days when his life was one seemingly endless orgasm? Or to reminisce about the way in which every woman he touched sighed with pleasure as she sank into the peaceful serenity of laetralant delight?

  His life had been occupied with women’s desire for so long he was lost without it. What he needed now was a goal, a direction, a reason for living. Simply existing without purpose held no appeal for him whatsoever. He could make it his life’s work to show Sara what she’d been missing, but without a functioning cock, that task would be difficult, if not impossible.

  Jerden pushed his plate away, more than half of the food uneaten. He needed to be alone again. The chatter of conversation needled him sharply, reminding him that he didn’t belong there, wasn’t part of the group, and probably never would be.

  “That’s all you want?” Drania asked.

  Jerden nodded. “Guess I wasn’t as hungry as I thought.”

  “No problem. The dogs will eat it.” She took his plate and set it on the floor. As if on cue, a pack of dogs trotted into the kitchen. His dogs. So, they haven’t left me. The little rat-dog was crowded out and took up a position at Sara’s feet, apparently recognizing her as the source of the goodies. He’d forgotten that one was also part of his menagerie. The newest member, perhaps, but certainly one of his—unless she’d been Sara’s dog to begin with.

>   “That tiny one only showed up a few days ago. It isn’t your dog, is it?”

  He was speaking to Sara, but Drania answered him. “No. The black lab is the only one that lives here. The rest of them are yours.”

  “Sorry if they’ve caused any trouble. I guess they followed me.”

  Drania giggled. “Followed you? That’s putting it mildly. They’ve been camped out in Sara’s bedroom ever since you got here.”

  Jerden frowned. Only Cria had been at the bedside when he awoke. “They must’ve gone out during the night.” He felt like a worm. All the more reason for me to leave.

  Sara handed another stack of pancakes to Reutal, who passed them around the table. “They all left when I got ready for bed.” She shivered slightly. “It was a little spooky. Do you have some kind of power over them?”

  “I don’t know about that,” Jerden replied. “I’d never been around animals until I came here. They just started showing up. Guess word got out that I would feed them.”

  Sara shook her head. “It’s got to be more than just the food. I feed every stray that comes around, but there haven’t been many of them lately. They must like you better.”

  Her tone was neutral, but her tight-lipped smile conveyed a different message. The implication that Danuban also liked him better was quite clear—along with the fact that she didn’t care for the idea. Not that he blamed her for feeling resentful. In her place, he probably would have felt the same way. Maybe that was why she didn’t like him.

  And he was pretty sure she didn’t like him, which irked him more than he cared to admit. Even without a working cock, he could make her scream in ecstasy, but she probably wouldn’t give him the opportunity to try. He nearly growled in frustration.

  Perhaps sensing his annoyance, Cria gave him a nudge and looked up at him with knowing eyes. Get over it, she seemed to say. Either that or she was advising patience.

  He cocked an eyebrow at the big cat. Which is it?

  Cria turned and fixed her gaze on Sara, then blinked slowly. Patience.

  Patience? Most of his clients had waited a year or more for the appointment. He was used to women practically drooling with anticipation. None had ever required patience or encouragement. What could he possibly say that wouldn’t alienate her more?


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