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Cat Star 9 - Wildcat

Page 10

by Cheryl Brooks

  “I am not looking for him,” she muttered. If she told herself that enough, she might actually start believing it. Bonnie was right. Jerden on a horse was definitely a sight worth seeing, if only for the novelty. If nothing else, she’d like to know his secret for riding as well as he did without the benefit of clothing or tack.

  Arriving at the barn, she took Yusuf out of his stall and cross-tied him in the aisle. After a quick grooming session, she saddled him up and headed out to the arena. The dark gray Arab was nearly four years old and had shown promise from birth. Unfortunately, he’d been a bit of a behavior problem, or she would never have gelded him. She had to remind herself from time to time that not every horse of hers had significant breeding potential, but it bugged her to rule out the possibility.

  Still, most buyers of riding horses wanted geldings. They had the power of the male without the aggressiveness of a stud or the moodiness of a mare. But they weren’t without personality. Some were more willing than others. Some, like Yusuf, were simply a little crazy.

  With all the exuberance of youth, he fidgeted with the bit, wanting to run. Sara had worked hard trying to get him to relax and had finally managed to get him to canter from the walk—and on the correct lead—when the day really turned sour. She glanced up to see Nate Wolmack at the far end of the arena, his muscular arms draped over the top rail.

  Squinting against the sun while the breeze ruffled his blond locks, he nodded when he caught her eye. “That’s some pretty fancy riding, Sara.”

  Yeah, right. “Thanks.”

  “Heard that Zetithian was here again. Conked out in your bed too.”

  Sara gritted her teeth in annoyance. “He was sick, but he’s better now. He went home this morning.”

  “Sick, huh?” Nate snorted his skepticism. “I wouldn’t have thought that bastard would have to use such a weak ploy to get into a woman’s bed.”

  Sara had been riding toward Nate, but after his irritating comment, she asked Yusuf for a quick turn on the haunches and headed back in the other direction. He wants fancy riding, he’ll get fancy riding.

  Unfortunately, that was the extent of Yusuf’s cooperation for the day. He flat-out refused to canter on the opposite lead and gave a little kick to prove it. Sara tried again. One more kick. Settling for a shoulder-out at the trot, she nudged him into a leg yield, which he actually performed correctly, moving sideways as well as forward across the arena. Reaching the corner, she asked for a collected trot on the short end and then an extended trot as they turned down the long side. Yusuf, for once, gave it his all. Guess I just have to be pissed at Nate to get him to behave.

  She collected the trot again as she approached Nate, opting for a shoulder-in so she didn’t have to look at him, but switched to a shoulder-out as another thought occurred to her. “How did you know he was here?”

  Nate shrugged as she and Yusuf swept past. “I dunno. You know how it is. Word gets around.”

  Sara couldn’t imagine any of those people she’d actually told about Jerden’s “visit” spreading the word—much less telling Nate. Had he been spying on her? Her annoyance level tripled, spiced with a healthy measure of fear. The mere thought of Nate watching her made her nape prickle and her stomach twist into knots. Don’t draw undue attention to it, Sara. Just let it drop. Good advice if only she could follow it.

  She found herself wishing Jerden had stayed. A naked man coming out her door right about now should have been enough to convince Nate that he’d been outgunned. Sara pressed her lips together, suppressing a giggle. She’d never seen Nate’s dick, but she was willing to bet that Jerden’s would put it to shame.

  Oh, God. Now I’m thinking like a Norludian! She glanced at her watch. Yusuf’s workout had gone on long enough. She had other horses that needed riding. Dropping the reins, she let him stretch his neck and walk to cool down a bit. “Well, like I said. He went home this morning. No biggie.”

  Nate grimaced. “You start letting him hang around all the time and people will talk.”

  Why this could possibly matter to anyone was beyond Sara’s comprehension. “What, you think having Jerden drop by now and then will keep anyone from buying horses from me?”

  “Maybe not, but you know how it is. People like to gossip.”

  At the moment, the only one guilty of gossiping was Nate himself, but Sara chose not to point that out to him. “So?”

  “So, some men might get the idea that they can spend the night with you anytime they want.”

  She burst out laughing. “I doubt it. And just in case you’re wondering—though it’s really none of your business—he might have been in my bed, but he was unconscious the whole time. He only woke up this morning. Then he had breakfast and went home.” She thought it best not to mention that he’d mopped the floor. “Don’t make such a big deal out of it.”

  “I’m only thinking of your reputation. I wouldn’t want to see it ruined.”

  “My reputation? You sound like something straight out of the Dark Ages. What about you? Won’t people talk because you’ve been hanging around?”

  “That’s different. You and I share a common interest. We’re both horse breeders.”

  “And Jerden is my closest neighbor.” At the moment, she wished he was more than that. Perhaps she should claim to be Jerden’s lover. At least it might get Nate off her back—might even get Bonnie to stop trying to play matchmaker. Bonnie had been subtle about it, but this wasn’t the first time someone had tried to fix Sara up with a man. She knew the signs all too well.

  Then it occurred to her that if she and Jerden pretended to be romantically involved, it might satisfy all of those who wanted them to get together and also eliminate the pestering attentions of those who were trying to nab Jerden as a husband. Sara only had Nate to avoid, but Jerden had captured the fancy of quite a few ladies in the region, not the least of whom was Salan. Just because he didn’t get out much didn’t mean the local women didn’t know there was an unattached Zetithian living in the neighborhood. The gossip grapevine being what it was, they were bound to get wind of his recovery, too. Ulla probably wasn’t the only female visitor he’d had—especially since he rarely seemed to bother getting dressed.

  As she dismounted and headed toward the gate, Nate walked toward her, setting off the usual cold tightness in her chest, the worst she’d ever experienced. Suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to have Jerden near her—somehow she had an idea that his solid warmth would banish the chill that now permeated her being. Odd that she hadn’t felt that way when he’d actually been there.

  Perhaps it was Jerden’s reassurance that she had nothing to fear from him that made the difference. And, stupid me, I insisted that he leave. Jerden would be more than a match for Nate. He could get rid of Nate for her. Then she realized what the difference was between the two men. When Nate was there, she felt the need for Jerden’s… protection. But she certainly didn’t want Nate when Jerden was around.

  Oh, God, why does it have to be one or the other? Can’t they both just leave me be?

  Unlatching the gate, she led Yusuf out of the arena, intending to head straight for the barn. Zatlen would have the next horse ready for her, which meant that she wouldn’t be alone with Nate. She also considered yelling for Reutal and Drania. Reutal’s comments always irritated Nate. No, she didn’t need Jerden. She could handle this situation. She’d managed it before. She could do it again.

  Unfortunately, Nate was a little too quick for her and now stood between her and the barn. “I might be your closest neighbor soon.” His eyes raked up and down her body, intensifying the numbing cold in her heart. “I’ve got an offer in for the land behind your farm. Between the two of us we could have quite a spread.”

  “What makes you think I’d go into business with you? I’m perfectly happy with what I’ve got here.”

  “I’m not looking for a purely business partnership,
Sara.” He took a step closer. “I think we could be very happy together. I’d like the opportunity to prove it to you.”

  At that moment, he went from being simply annoying to downright frightening. He’d never been quite that close or quite so blatant, and her experience with Jerden had her feeling more vulnerable than usual. Sara’s knees began to wobble, and Yusuf chose that particular moment to give her a nudge from behind, sending her staggering toward Nate. He caught her in his arms. “You see? Even that horse thinks we should be together.”

  A scream bubbled up from her lungs but caught in her throat as Nate bent his head toward her. As his breath touched her face, her vision darkened and a buzzing sound filled her ears. In another moment, his lips covered hers, his tongue demanding entry. She struggled in his grasp, somehow finding the strength to push him away. Or attempted to. Sara was a strong woman, but Nate was taller and significantly stronger. His hand gripped the back of her head, holding her while he ravaged her mouth with his kiss. Growing weaker by the second, she heard the roar of distant thunder as her consciousness slipped away.

  Chapter 9

  Jerden may have left Sara’s house as she’d asked, but he had no intention of staying away for long. Something about her kept drawing him back, and it wasn’t just curiosity about her lack of scent. He rode back toward her barn, wishing he’d never left. Naturally long-sighted, when he saw the man he’d assumed was Nate standing in front of Sara, his irritation level skyrocketed. When she wound up in his arms, Jerden was about to vow never to set foot on Sara’s property ever again until he realized she wasn’t a willing participant. Was this why she’d been so afraid when he’d gotten too close to her himself? As if he understood the need for speed, Danuban surged forward across the open field. Jerden had sense enough to back off when a woman fought against him, but apparently this idiot didn’t know any better. Jerden was about to enlighten him in a way he wouldn’t soon forget.

  The stallion slid to a halt, and Jerden leaped to the ground. Snatching Sara into his arms, he gave her assailant a shove that sent him sprawling and fought the urge to sink his fangs into the man’s throat. Cria advanced slowly, her growl indicating that she would’ve liked to do the same.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Jerden snarled.

  “I just kissed her and she… fainted.”

  Jerden could barely contain his anger enough to speak. “And that’s all you did to her?” Sara was ghostly pale beneath her tan as he smoothed her hair back from her damp forehead. Even unconscious, she was beautiful. Just once, he would have liked to have held her when she was awake.

  “I’ve never touched her before this. I had no idea she would react that way.”

  “Well, now you know,” Jerden said bluntly. “I suggest you leave her alone.”

  Recovering quickly, Nate got to his feet with a mocking smile. “So, you are staking a claim on her. That’s funny, I wouldn’t think a decent woman would want anything to do with a fucking man-whore like you.”

  Reutal came running up the path from the main barn, his flippers slapping the bare dirt. “What’s going on?” he demanded, his eyes darting back and forth between the two men as though he didn’t know which of them he wanted to deck first.

  “This idiot kissed her,” Jerden said with a nod toward his adversary.

  “What does it take to get it through your thick skull, Nate?” Reutal snapped. “She doesn’t like you.”

  “She could have slapped the shit out of me if she didn’t like me,” Nate countered. “She didn’t have to faint.”

  “No one chooses to faint,” Reutal scolded. “You must’ve scared her to death. It’s all your fault.”

  Jerden had heard enough. “I’m taking her inside.”

  Reutal nodded. “Yes. Best to get her out of the sun.”

  As he strode toward the house holding Sara snuggly against his chest, he heard Nate say, “Doesn’t that barbarian ever wear pants?”

  Reutal barked a laugh. “Hey, if you had a dick like that, would you ever wear pants?”

  Jerden never heard Nate’s reply. He knew he should’ve stopped in the kitchen for some cold water to bring her around, but she felt so damn good in his arms, he hoped she’d be out for at least an hour. Heading straight for the bedroom, he put her on the bed and lay down beside her. With her head resting against his chest, he pressed a kiss to her temple, wishing he could hold her like this every night. A moment later he realized he was purring.

  Sleep on, Sara. I’ll keep you safe.

  Kissing her again, he paused to lick the side of her face. The taste of fear still lingered on her skin, but, as before, her underlying scent fascinated him. He longed to free her of the bonds that trapped her desire and held it prisoner. Wanted to feel her hands on his body, caressing him as he caressed her. Hearing her soft sighs and moans of pleasure would be like music to his ears. Wooing her would be slow and uncertain, but the end results would be glorious; he was certain of it. Unfortunately, thus far, they seemed to get along better when one of them was unconscious.

  Jerden wasn’t surprised that he felt this need, this compulsion to bring Sara back from the solitary hell where she kept her passions locked down with no hope of escape. After all, bringing women pleasure had been his whole life up until a few months ago. It was what he did—his calling—but there was more to it than that. He wanted to rescue her, be her knight in shining armor, her hero. He wanted her to be a lover, and not Nate’s lover or anyone else’s. He wanted her to be his lover.

  She wasn’t alone in feeling unloved. Jerden had been admired for his body, his looks, his sexual prowess, and his skill. If he’d ever been truly loved, he wasn’t aware of it. Women wanted the pleasure he could give them, but he’d never been loved for himself. Sara felt no desire for him, but friends had become lovers before this. Had he ever had a woman who was truly a friend? He wasn’t sure. Sex always got in the way.

  Sighing, he realized that the best way to keep her from getting nervous was to put on a pair of pants. The loincloth he’d worn on his first visit to her farm probably wasn’t enough. On Rhylos, he’d never worn anything. If he was out on the street, his nudity was good advertising, aside from the fact that clothing was optional everywhere on that world. Even so, he was pretty sure he had a pair of cutoff jeans somewhere. He vaguely remembered having worn them when he arrived on Terra Minor aboard his friend Dax’s starship, the Valorcry. The ship’s droid, Kots, had given them to him. Craving the feel of the sun on his back, he’d drawn the line at wearing a shirt, and he saw no need to start wearing one now. All he had to cover were his genitals. He smiled to himself, thinking that Drania might object when she couldn’t see his ass anymore.

  He liked Drania, but her needs weren’t the issue. Sara was the only one he needed to consider right now. Becoming a part of her life was his goal. Being her lover would be the reward.

  She raised roses and horses. He knew next to nothing about either of those things. But he would learn. He had lots of money and nothing to spend it on. He would ask her advice. Seek her out for her knowledge. She wouldn’t turn him away if he asked her which roses to plant or what horses to buy. She thought Danuban was fancy. He would find out what sort of horses to import—some that would knock her socks off and make her want to hang around his place. He’d build a stable and fences. He’d buy a computer and a speeder. He’d get out more. He’d do the research and the work. She was his nearest neighbor. Hell, he’d borrow eggs or flour from her if he had to.

  He’d become more sociable. He’d have a party. Invite her and all the neighbors to a cookout by the lake. Maybe Dax and Tarq could come. Even Onca, if he could be persuaded to take time off from the brothel. Bonnie and Lynx and their children would surely join the party. He’d even invite the milkmaid, Salan, who seemed to have the hots for him. He wouldn’t oblige her—couldn’t, in fact—but it wouldn’t kill him to be more… neighborly. He might even invite

  Somehow, some way, he and Sara would become buddies. Later, when she trusted him, he could take it to the next level.

  If he was lucky, his dick might even be back to normal by then.


  Soft laughter awakened her. Feeling heat and vibration, Sara opened her eyes to find Jerden gazing down at her with eyes that smiled. “I thought it would be best to let you wake up on your own, rather than throwing cold water in your face.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate that.” His warmth and purring soothed her for a moment—until she remembered why she’d fainted to begin with. “Where’s Nate?”

  “Don’t know and don’t particularly care.” Chuckling softly, he added, “He left pretty quickly. I think I scared him a little.”

  “I certainly hope so. He scared the shit out of me.” She paused, running a hand through her cropped curls. “He’s always rubbed me the wrong way, but he’s never gotten that close before. I… couldn’t take it.”

  Jerden gave her a squeeze, drawing attention to the fact that he had his arms around her. She made a conscious decision not to draw away from him, focusing on how it felt, rather than any past memories it might dredge up. She had to admit that his nearness felt… good. Funny how Jerden naked bothered her less than Nate fully clothed. Perhaps it’s because Jerden only mentioned kissing me and never actually tried it. Bonnie had also said he couldn’t function sexually anymore, which meant he was relatively safe. Odd that she’d hadn’t made that connection before.

  She’d been wishing for Jerden from the moment she spotted Nate. Had he heard her thoughts and come galloping to her rescue? Or had he simply happened upon the scene when he returned from his ride? Either way, she was very glad he hadn’t stayed home.

  “Looks like you could use a bodyguard. I’d be happy to volunteer.”

  She could hear the smile in his tone and knew he was teasing her, but he was probably fishing for an apology, too. And she owed him one. “Guess I shouldn’t have told you to get lost. Sorry about that.”


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