Diary of a Ninja Spy 2: The Shadow Returns (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy)

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Diary of a Ninja Spy 2: The Shadow Returns (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy) Page 1

by William Thomas

  Where evil goes, the ninja will follow…

  Also by William Thomas and Peter Patrick:

  Diary of a Ninja Spy

  In the Diary of a Super Spy Series:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy 2: Attack of the Ninjas!

  Diary of a Super Spy 3: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy 4: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy 5: Evil Attack!

  Diary of a Ninja Spy 2: The Shadow Returns

  (Book 2)

  William Thomas

  Peter Patrick

  Copyright © 2016

  Published by Run Happy Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  Wow, this is unbelievable.

  Really unbelievable.

  If you had told me this was going to happen, I would have said, “No way! Get out! You’re joking! I don’t believe you!”

  My name is Blake Turner, and I have been recruited by the super awesome Ninja Spy Agency to become a real ninja spy.

  That’s right!

  A ninja spy!

  I don’t know much about ninja spies, but ninjas are cool and spies are cool, so combined they should be super cool!

  Last week, I defeated the worst evil ninja that has ever existed – a guy named the Evil Shadow. The Ninja Spy Agency saw this and offered to train me further. Naturally, this top secret organization believes I have something to offer and they are willing to help me become one of the best spies in the world!

  I was expecting the headquarters of the world’s most amazing spy organization to be a deep underground cave on a secret tropical island, miles away from prying eyes. But I was wrong - the headquarters are actually in my hometown.

  Just three doors away from my house!

  With a large neon sign!

  Beats me how I never saw it before.

  Tekato is my ninja mentor and he believes I have a special gift in the martial art of Ninjutsu. Today, he is going to show me around the Ninja Spy Agency HQ.

  HQ is short for headquarters, not Hamburger Quest. Although I would like a hamburger.

  Hmmm… hamburgers…

  But I hope I get to see some cool stuff in the Ninja Spy Agency. I’ve been here twenty minutes already, and I haven’t even been allowed in the front door yet. All I have done is fill in paperwork.

  Borrring, I may as well be at school.

  And I still have to go to that lame-o place too, even now that I’m going to be a spy.

  Mom said if I want to be a ninja spy, I can only do it after school and on my weekends. I’m not sure if Mom understands that evil doesn’t work to my school timetable.

  “Just a few more forms to fill in, Blake,” says Tekato as he hands me more paperwork.

  “More? I feel like I’ve being here for years doing this!” I say to Tekato. “I want to do the cool stuff.”

  “Hmmm,” Tekato sighs. “You have only filled in two forms, and now that I look at them… they don’t look correct either. Blake, I know you don’t live on Butt St, Uranus.”

  Ha, I’m hilarious.

  “Fill it in properly, Blake. Otherwise you won’t get past this desk,” says Tekato. “I’ve taken a risk inviting you here, so don’t disappoint me.”

  “Uhhh, fine.”

  I fill the form in properly so Mr. No Fun Ninja can let me in.

  And filling it in properly was well worth it.

  Walking into the old rundown house, I realize the inside is nothing like the outside. The inside is a state of the art, modern, secure fortress.

  Wow, this place is incredible!

  There are ninjas quickly darting down corridors and from room to room, all with a real purpose. They don’t pay attention to me at all, which is strange because I’m the only one not dressed in a scary black outfit.

  “Follow me Blake and I’ll show you around. This is the heart of our global operations,” Tekato tells me as we walk down the stairs to the underground section of HQ. He stops at a door, opens it, and shows me an enormous room with thousands of computers and agents working.

  It is so big that the ninja spies look like little dots!

  “Thousands of ninja spies are coordinated through our central control room. It is the heartbeat of everything we do. In here, we monitor every bad guy in the world. We have cameras everywhere so we can watch every move a bad guy makes.”

  “Including in the toilets? Because that would be weird.”

  “No Blake,” Tekato sighs. “We do not monitor them while they use the toilet.”

  “And so punching bad guys is still important, right?” I ask. I don’t want to sign up for a computer job – I can do that at school.

  “Yes Blake, punching bad guys is still important too,” replies Tekato.

  As we are walking down another long corridor, a group of huge kangaroos comes charging towards us!

  Tekato yanks me out of the way.

  “What was that?!” I exclaim.

  “They were part of an experimental ninja program. We thought that if we trained animals to help us, we could be more effective. The problem is that the NKP – the Ninja Kangaroos Program – didn’t work that well and now they just bounce around the building knocking things over,” answers Tekato. “The NAP didn’t work that well either.”

  “What was the NAP?”

  “Ninja Ant Program. We sent them out to capture someone but they got distracted by a picnic nearby. We ended up with lots of sandwiches and cake, so it was good for lunch. But if you see the kangaroos coming, make sure you get out of the way.”

  What have I gotten myself in for….?

  Chapter 2

  “Blake it is time for me to show you some of the features we have here at the Ninja Spy Agency. This area here is our gadget training and experiment zone,” Tekato says as he points into a room. Standing near the entrance is a young woman in a helmet.

  She is a good looking spy.

  A really good looking spy.

  Wow, she is gorgeous.

  “Agent Lightning is testing our mind-reader hat,” says Tekato.

  Mind-reader hat! What!?

  Suddenly, I look at Agent Lightning and she winks at me!

  She must have read my mind!

  Oh man, that is embarrassing.

  Argh, now I’m going bright red! I turn away from Agent Lightning in case she notices my blushing.

  “I want you to have these,” Tekato hands me a pair of black leather gloves. Not much of a gift considering all the cool gadgets I can see.

  The walls and tables are full of awesome looking equipment and I get a pair of gloves?

  Tekato senses my disappointment. “Gloves are one of the most important tools a spy can have. All the good spies wear gloves, they hide your fingerprints. And Blake, these gloves have a few hidden abilities.”

  “Like what?”

  “The time will come when you will need to press the buttons on your new gloves. But that time is not now.”

  I notice a man standing in the corner with his face to the wall.

  “What’s that guy doing?” I ask.

  “He is watching you,” says Tekato.

  “No way!” I say. “He is looking at the wall.”

  “Throw this at him,” commands Tekato as he hands me a ninja star.

  I haven’t thrown one of these before but I launch it straight at his back.

  As it is about to hit him, he moves out of its way!

  “Wow, how did he see that!?”

  “He is wearing rear vision glasses. They let you see what is behind you.”

  The ninja smiles and puts the glasses on the table. Sneaking across behind Tekato’s back, I swipe them. If I fail and get kicked out of the agency today, at least I will have a few souvenirs.

  “All of our ninja spies go through extensive gadget training. Our gadgets range from listening devices, smell bombs, ghost detectors, and anything else you can think of. And we have just invented the sonic Wee Bomb,” Tekato leads me towards the door.

  “What’s a sonic Wee Bomb?” I hope it is what it sounds like.

  “It is a very special type of bomb. Once you detonate it, it explodes and everyone near the bomb wets themselves.”

  “Ha ha! That’s awesome! Can I use it?” I ask.

  “No,” Tekato is firm. “It is in the gadget workshop having an extra feature added.”

  “Can I use any of these cool spy thingamajigs?”

  “We have lots of secret spy gear, but I’m not going to show you more until you complete training. Now follow me, I want to show you the dojo.”

  “The dojo?”

  “Yes. It is where we do all of our fight training.”

  Ohh yeaaah, awesome.

  Chapter 3




  The noise in the sparring room is really, really loud. Like so loud that I can barely hear myself think.

  I see a giant 12-foot tall ninja battling 12 one-foot tall ninjas.

  I see people being thrown in the air.

  I see ninjas flipping and flying across the room.

  And I see Agent Lightning staring at me.


  Think of boring non-girl thoughts!

  Cabbage, cabbage, cabbage, wow she is hot.


  Oh, it’s ok, she is not wearing the mind-reading hat now. She bows to me. I don’t want to seem rude so I bow back.


  Next thing I know, I’m lying on the ground seeing stars. Agent Lightning kicked me and then walked off without an explanation!

  Tekato cuts in, “In this room, if you return a bow it means you accept the challenge to a fight. Be careful who you bow in front of.”

  “What? I was just being polite,” I grumble as I get to my feet.

  “As you can see, this is where we practice our fighting skills.”

  “Awesome. Will you teach me how to fight like that?” I ask, pointing at a ninja who is using a hotdog as a deadly weapon.

  “You will learn, but not from me,” Tekato points towards a frail old man watching everyone from the middle of the room. “He will teach you.”

  “Him? Are you sure? He looks really old and weak. I could beat him with one arm tied behind my back while jumping on a pogo stick and eating a hamburger. The wind would probably blow him over.”

  Suddenly, the room falls dead silence.

  Not a sound.

  And everyone stares at me!

  Then they all step away from the old man!

  I feel like I’ve said something really stupid.

  The old, weary, weak man looks mad. How did he even hear what I said? He is 100 yards away!

  It’s probably because he has massive ears.

  I look at Tekato - surely he will clear this up.

  But even he is distancing himself from me!

  The old man walks slowly towards me.

  I look down in shame, trying not to make eye contact.

  “You think you can fight better than me, young man?” asks the old man with really stinky breath.

  “No sir,” I reply quietly.

  He stares at me for a while and then walks back to the center of the room. With a clap, the fights begin again.

  Wow, that was intense.

  Chapter 4

  We stand and watch the fighting for the next twenty minutes.

  I quickly realize that this isn’t a game for these ninja spies.

  This is a serious job.

  The old man claps his hands again and suddenly the room is empty.

  He stares at me and says, “You will address me as Sensei.”

  “Yes sir,” I reply in fear.

  “Sensei, you stupid boy,” he shouts.

  Wow, he is going to be fun to train with.


  I think I’d rather be at school.

  “Yes, Sensei.”

  “Before we start any training I must know how committed you are to the ideals of the Ninja Spy Agency.”

  “Yeah heaps… Sensei.”

  “Not with words, but with actions. I want you to take these weapons to the roof and hold them above your head for as long as possible. It will show me your level of discipline.”

  Ahhh, seems kinda stupid.

  I look at Tekato.

  “We will continue the tour later. It looks like your fight training has begun,” Tekato replies and then disappears out the door.

  “I will have an experienced agent watch over you. They will be your guide. Do not let them down. Go, stupid boy.”

  Wow, this fighting guru is not a nice guy. I turn around and Agent Lightning is standing next to me with a pair of axes. She is my mentor?! Aw, man.

  I take the axes and Agent Lightning leads me to the roof.

  Maybe this is my chance to impress her.

  “So, Agent Lightning, that’s a cool name. How did you get it?” I ask as we walk onto the roof. “Can you control lightning?”

  She doesn’t say a word.

  In fact, she has not said a word to me since we first met.

  Not one word.

  Maybe she can’t speak?

  “So… come here often?” I say to Agent Lightning.

  Nothing, not a word in response.

  The silent Agent Lightning leads me to the corner of the roof and motions me to lift the weapons.

  I stand still, holding the weapons above my head.

  Just waiting.

  Man, this training is not fun. I would rather be doing my homework.

  After about 20 seconds, which seems like forever, I see a lot of green smoke bellowing out of the doorway to the roof entry.

  It’s also bellowing out of the windows in the building.

  I look to Agent Lightning, she has noticed it as well.

  And she looks worried.

  This isn’t right.

  Chapter 5

  As we enter the headquarters, the smoke begins to clear.

  Boring training can wait.

  Sneaking around, I peep around the first corner.

  The corridors are full of ninja spies lying unconscious on the ground!

  And Agent Lightning looks scared!

  “Is it nap time?” I joke, hoping to lighten the mood.

  “No, you idiot,” replies Agent Lightning. Finally, she has said something to me! Although I could have done without the insult. “Why would everyone be asleep on the ground?”

  “It was a joke,” I’ve got to be sure that she does not think I’m an idiot. “The green gas must have knocked everyone out.”

  “You stay here. I’m going to find out what is going on. This is no accident - the Ninja Spy Agency has been attacked,” declares Agent Lightning.

  Wow, she just turned it up a notch.

  She went straight into mission mode.

  “I’ll go with you,” I say, offering a hand.

  “No, stay here. You are a Dumb-Dumb with no training. You will get hurt. Or worse, get me hurt.”

  “I’ll follow. And could you please not call me a Dumb-Dumb? My name is Blake,” I reply.

  “Not until you prove you are not a Dumb-Dumb. You shouldn’t be here, you have no talent,” Agent Lightning states firmly.

I kind of preferred when she wasn’t talking.

  “I’m coming and I’m putting on my ninja outfit!”

  “No, you are not!” snaps Agent Lightning. She pauses for a second, thinks, and continues calmly, “Yes Dumb-Dumb, put on the uniform, you can be my bait.”

  “Ahhhh… ok.”

  We move through HQ, looking into each room that we pass.

  It is the same scenario over and over - all the ninja spies are out cold!

  Agent Lightning and I run down a flight of stairs to see the next floor. Again, they have all been knocked out.

  Every room is the same.

  Hundreds of ninja spies lying on the floor.

  I move ahead of Agent Lightning and rush into the control room that Tekato showed me before.

  But it’s the same again, everyone on the floor!

  I spot movement at the far side of the room.

  “Hey Lightning,” I scream out. “Have a look at this!”

  Agent Lightning glares at me.

  “Oh no,” I whisper.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have yelled out.

  Lightning rushes in and stands beside me. “What are you yelling about Dumb… Dumb?”

  We both stare at the startled creature on the opposite side of the control room.

  “Is that meant to be here?” I whisper to Lightning.

  “Nuh ah,” she whispers.

  “Do you think it is friendly?”

  “Nuh ah,” she whispers again.

  The giant bamboo creature walks across the large floor while never taking his eyes off us.

  It’s time for me to act tough and impress Agent Lightning with my bravery.

  “Who are you?! Want do you want?!” I yell in my deepest voice.

  “I am the Bamboo Dragon!” it yells back.


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