Diary of a Ninja Spy 2: The Shadow Returns (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy)

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Diary of a Ninja Spy 2: The Shadow Returns (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy) Page 2

by William Thomas

  “What do you want?!” I keep yelling.



  This dude looks angry…

  Chapter 6

  The Bamboo Dragon shoots a blast towards us!

  We both dive out of the way!

  Whoa – that was close.

  I sneak behind a computer desk but I can hear Agent Lightning and the Bamboo Dragon fighting each other. I look up and I see that Agent Lightning is in trouble. The Bamboo Dragon has her pinned against the wall trying to punch her.

  I need to do something!


  I bring out the axes that I have been training with and leap onto a table.

  “Hey Bamboo Dragon!” I yell.

  He turns towards me.

  “You suck!” I yell.

  Yep, that clearly wasn’t the best thing I could have yelled.

  “No, you suck,” the Bamboo Dragon replies.

  “You suck more!” I yell again.

  I pull out my ninja mask and slip it on.

  Action time!

  I jump from table to table towards the Bamboo Dragon.

  I am able to chop at it’s arms with my axes - but the Bamboo Dragon slaps me across the room!

  Agent Lightning leaps at the giant moving tree, and she is slapped aside as well!

  This dude is tough!

  While she is recovering on the floor, I make another charge at the Bamboo Dragon.

  Another unsuccessful attack!

  But as I am about to run away, it grabs hold of me!

  I take a hit in the back.

  It’s not fun being punched from behind.

  I grab the rear vision glasses I ‘borrowed’ from the experiment lab and put them on. Now I can see everything that is happening behind me.

  Every punch the Bamboo Dragon throws at me, I am able to dodge even though I’m facing the wrong way.


  Meanwhile, I can see Agent Lightning climbing to her feet. She jumps up and karate chops the Bamboo Dragon’s arm and it falls off!

  “My arm! My beautiful bamboo arm!”

  “What are you doing here, Stick Man?!” demands Agent Lightning.

  “I am here to destroy the Ninja Spy Agency!”

  “Why? Who are you working for?” Agent Lightning yells.

  But I want to ask some questions too.

  “What are your favorite board-games?” I yell.

  The Bamboo Dragon repeats itself, “I am here to destroy the Ninja Spy Agency!”

  “We won’t be able to defeat this guy unless we attack together,” I say to Agent Lightning.

  “Ahhhh. You are right. Let’s do this,” Agent Lightning agrees.

  We both attack.

  I leap up, jumping on his back, and I see a loose wire. I grab at it and yank it out.

  “He was a robot!” I yell.

  The giant robot falls to the ground lifeless.

  I did it!

  I saved the day!


  “Nice work, Dumb-Dumb,” says Agent Lightning.

  Wow, it is hard to get respect around here.

  “There is a name tag on the robot,” I say as I lean down. “Property of… oh no… the Evil Shadow!”

  Chapter 7

  “Who is the Evil Shadow?” asks Agent Lightning.

  “The Evil Shadow is your most dangerous nemesis. He has vowed to destroy the Ninja Spy Agency!” I continue, “He must have sent the robot to gather vital information about the Ninja Spy Agency from the control room.”

  “Ohhh, that Evil Shadow. Right, I know the one,” Agent Lightning says. “I usually work on small time thieves, not the big bosses.”

  “Well, I’ve meet this goon before. He is a few hundred years old and is cursed to destroy the Ninja Spy Agency. He is really dangerous. He had been destroying landmarks around the world for fun. And he really hates everything. Like everything. Even pizza! But I own a magical sword that can defeat him,” I explain to Agent Lightning.

  I’m really showing my strengths now!

  “Where is the sword?” asks Lightning.

  “Uh, I lost it somewhere. I’m not very tidy and I misplace things a lot,” I respond with disappointment.

  “Well, if this is his robot, he must be behind this intrusion. He will be held responsible for the gassing of our agents!”

  Suddenly a loud voice remarks from the door, “You will never hold me responsible, little agent!”

  It is the Evil Shadow!

  He is back! And I don’t have my sword this time!

  “Not you again,” I say.

  “How did you find us? Nobody knows our secret location!” asks Agent Lightning.

  “You foolish spies, you lead me straight to your HQ! I simply followed Blake around until you brought him in for training,” the Evil Shadow states.

  Agent Lightning gives me a dirty look as if to say this is my fault – but I’m not the one who led him here, that was Tekato!

  Agent Lightning doesn’t bother to talk anymore.

  She charges full pace at the Evil Shadow.

  A straight up assault on him!

  The Evil Shadow lifts his hands slowly and flicks a small piece of dust at Lightning. Instantly Agent Lightning starts sneezing uncontrollably.


  Wow, that looks like it is starting to hurt.


  “Dumb-Dumb help! Make it stop!” she sneezes out.

  “Calling me Dumb-Dumb is not going to get my help,” I reply.

  “Ha ha,” laughs the Evil Shadow. “Are you lovers having relationship trouble?”

  “We, AH-CHOO! are, AH-CHOO! NOT, AH-CHOO! LOVERS! AH-CHOO!” declares Lightning. Wow, she didn’t have to scream it. Surely she could do worse than me.

  “AH-CHOO! Do something!” begs Agent Lightning. “You cannot let him win! We must stop him! The world is at risk!”

  I was attracted to Agent Lightning up until this point. But now she is covered from head to toe in snot, I’m having second thoughts.


  Yuck. Seriously, there is so much snot, it is gross!

  And she still keeps calling me Dumb-Dumb.

  “Your move now, Blake,” the Evil Shadow shouts.

  At least he uses my name.

  “Bring it on!” I say as I slip on my ninja spy gloves.

  Chapter 8

  I dart across the room and make my way towards the Evil Shadow.

  Hopefully my attack will work out better than Agent Lightning’s attempt!

  With a few yards to go, I increase my speed. My plan is simple - run into him at a high speed. No arty ninja dancing, just a big, plain old bump.

  I press a button on the ninja gloves that says ‘Hammer.’ I don’t know what it does, but I’ll give anything a go.

  Suddenly a hammer head appears in place of my right glove!


  As I strike at the Evil Shadow, he darts to the side and the hammer hand smashes straight into the wall.

  I pull it out and press another button on my gloves - this one is labelled “Laser”. I hope this one is a powerful laser that cuts through my opponent!



  I was wrong about the laser button - it is a button for a disco strobe light.

  Great for entertaining but not great for battling the world’s meanest guy.

  But I make the most of the situation and dance my way to the Evil Shadow.

  Maybe we can have a dance-off to settle this?

  I smirk at him. He smiles back and then moves into an attacking stance. The dance-off looks like it is not going to happen today. Maybe another day.

  The Evil Shadow grabs me and easily throws me through a wall into another room.

  Ouch. That hurt.

  But I have landed in the spy gadget room!


  I can see the mind-reader hat that
Agent Lightning was using earlier! I put it on and run back towards the Evil Shadow through the hole in the wall.

  “What is that ridiculous looking helmet doing on your head?” asks the Evil Shadow.

  “Hey! What do you know about fashion? This is the latest trend, all the cool ninjas are wearing it,” I lie to him to cover up my brilliant secret weapon!

  Every move he makes, I’ll be able to counter it using the mind-reader.

  The Evil Shadow throws a left-hand punch and I easily counter it with a right-hand block.

  I knew that was coming.

  The Evil Shadow looks stunned.

  He delivers a kick towards my chest, but I knew he was going to do that, so I move back a step!

  Reading his mind again, I can tell that he is frustrated.

  I don’t even have to be good at fighting now! This invention could save me from completing all the vigorous training.

  I read his mind again - he is thinking about a three punch combo!

  He delivers but again, I am able to counter it.

  Now he is thinking about… dinner?

  He wants tacos for dinner. Wow, he is not focusing at all!

  I turn my body and set myself up for my final kick-butt finishing move.

  A quick scan of his thoughts and I know I’ve timed my move perfectly. As he lifts his guard, I strike at his chest.




  I’m on the ground?! What?! How?! Something hit me hard and I didn’t see it coming!

  As my eyes focus, I realize that it wasn’t the Evil Shadow that outsmarted me.

  It was the mob of wild kangaroos roaming the building!

  They just bounced straight through me.

  Worse still, they crushed my mind-reading helmet!

  As I get to my feet, I realize that the Evil Shadow has disappeared.

  Oh no.

  This is not good.

  I run over to Agent Lightning, “Are you ok? Where did he go?”

  “I’m fine now, I’ve sneezed all the snot out of me,” she replies.


  “The Evil Shadow ran into that office,” Agent Lightning continues.

  Together we bust in on the Evil Shadow in the next room – ready to fight!

  But he isn’t fighting.

  He is going through our files. That’s odd.

  “What are you looking for?” I ask.

  “The password!”

  “The password for what?”

  “For your computer system! Once I’m in the mainframe, I can shut down all the Ninja Spy Agency programs! Ha ha ha!”

  He really does have an evil laugh.

  “Ah ha! Here it is! The password!” rejoices the Evil Shadow as he reaches for the desk lamp. “The-evil-shadow-is-stupid? That’s not a very nice password,” he continues.

  “Why did you leave the password on a sticky note attached to a lamp?” I ask Agent Lightning. “That doesn’t seem very secure.”

  “Well, that was not my idea,” answers Agent Lightning.

  “Victory is mine at last!” the Evil Shadow declares.

  Chapter 9

  Agent Lightning and I chase the Evil Shadow back to the control room.

  “You can’t stop me, Blake! I’ve got enough information to break into your top secret computer files and corrupt your entire network!”

  “Don’t you dare!” yells Agent Lightning.

  I lean across to Lightning, “I have an idea. Keep him in the room until I give the signal. Watch this.”

  I press a button on my spy gloves and my finger turns into a screwdriver.

  I find the fuse box on the wall that powers the control room. I undo some screws and the power to the room goes out!

  He can’t corrupt the system if it is not on!

  I’ve done it!

  I stopped him!

  “Hey! Where is the power?! Turn that back on!” cries the Evil Shadow.

  “Lightning! Run towards the window!”

  Agent Lightning runs for the window as I enter the control room with my secret weapon - the Wee Bomb!


  I get a chance to use it!

  I throw the Wee Bomb to the Evil Shadow and he catches it!

  Ha ha, sucker!

  “What was that?” asks Agent Lightning.

  “The Wee Bomb – and it’s set to level MAXIMUM WEE! We need to get out of here ASAP! This is going to get ugly!”

  I grab Agent Lightning, push open the window, and jump out.

  “Aargh!” screams Lightning, “What are you doing?!”

  As we are falling towards the ground, I hit the buttons on my gloves and parachutes come out from my hands!

  Behind us there is a loud, squishy explosion!

  Boom! Splat!

  Yuck! Yuck. Yucky yuck.

  While we are gliding to safety, I can hear the Evil Ninja crying in embarrassment!


  Later that day…

  The Evil Ninja is now in the Ninja Spy Agency jail.

  Apparently that’s impossible to break out of.

  As the ninja spies wake up from the sleeping gas, they all seem a little shocked that I have saved the day. I don’t think they believe it, but luckily Agent Lightning is around to tell them what happened.

  “Well done, Blake! You did it!” says Tekato. “But did you really need to detonate the Wee Bomb inside? This will take weeks to clean up.”

  “At least now we can smell if the Evil Shadow is coming,” I reply.

  Tekato continues, “If you are interested, we have an assignment for you, Blake. We have been investigating the disappearance of our sacred spell books and-”

  “Sure,” I interrupt, “I’d love to help. But I really need to get to school this week. So if you haven’t solved it by Saturday, then I’ll do it!”

  “Hmmm…” Tekato thinks. “Yes, school is important. We’ll see you on Saturday.”

  Oh yeah.

  Another ninja weekend coming up!

  The End

  Also by William Thomas and Peter Patrick:

  Diary of a Ninja Spy

  In the Diary of a Super Spy series:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy 2: Attack of the Ninjas!

  Diary of a Super Spy 3: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy 4: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy 5: Evil Attack!




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