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Claimed By Chaos

Page 11

by Abigail Graves

  Giselle gasped for air and her nerves exploded. Alastair held her tight against him as she flew apart. He kissed her neck gently as she melted against him. She felt his heart pounding against her back as his erection pressed against her bottom. Giselle turned her face to his and saw that his jaw twitched and his eyes were closed.

  “We could go back to your room.” She whispered. Alastair shook his head. “Or I could turn around and you could take me on this swing.” Giselle licked his jaw and he groaned. “All you have to do is open your breeches.” She purred.

  “Oh, Jesus!” He gasped and his head fell against her shoulder. His breathing was labored and she felt him quake. After a moment he shook his head and looked up at her. His eyes were tortured. She saw what his control was costing him. “No. Not yet.” His voice was strained. She nodded and slid from the seat and turned.

  Giselle cradled his face and pressed her lips to his. Her tongue slid between his lips and she kissed him slowly, gently, trying to sooth him. His arms closed around her and he sighed into her as he pressed her against him. They remained for several minutes until Alastair raised his head.

  “It's almost time for lunch, we should go back.” He whispered. Giselle smiled and held out her hand. He stepped around the swing and let her lead him. They held hands and remained close until they were within sight of the house.

  “You must be starving, you missed breakfast.” Giselle said softly as she searched his face. His eyes remained on the ground as he shook his head.

  “I don't want to eat. I want you.” His voice was low and hard. Heat washed over her and she felt her legs shake. She stopped and he turned. His face was so rigid, his eyes hungry when they met hers.

  “You have to eat.” She breathed. He looked over her shoulder and his gaze became unfocused.

  “I think I could wait until tonight, until you let me taste you again.” Alastair looked down at her and she felt herself sway toward him. She shook her head and swatted his arm.

  “You will not!” She ordered. “You're no good to me if you're too weak.” Giselle teased. He shrugged and turned back toward the house. She followed.

  “I like that the last thing I drank was you.” He said softly. He strode up the steps swiftly and she stared at his back. Alastair pulled the door open and looked at her expectantly. Giselle picked up her skirts and hurried up the terrace steps and through the door.

  “It will be the last you get until you’ve eaten.” She promised. He frowned as he pulled the door closed. Giselle turned and swept from the room, a wicked smile shaped her lips as she approached the dining room.

  She was pleased to see that her threat worked. Alastair cleared his plate and gestured, silently requesting her approval before it was taken away. Giselle smiled and nodded her head. When she looked up she found that Lucien was watching them, his brow was raised and he looked curious. Alastair ignored him and she pretended not to notice.

  Chapter 20

  “A letter and a delivery have arrived for you, Sir Alastair.” Hendrick announced as he lowered the salver towards Alastair.

  Everyone was in the sitting room and dinner was to be served shortly. Giselle was comforted to see that she wasn’t the only person that leaned forward as Alastair read the letter. He placed it inside his coat and looked up as he rose from his seat.

  “We can discuss this after dinner. If you’ll excuse me, I need to tend to another matter. It should only take a few minutes.” With that, he strode from the room. Mirabelle’s mouth twisted and she tiptoed to the door and peeked out.

  “He’s going toward the kitchens. What sort of delivery would he get that would require he go there?” She was attempting to whisper but Giselle would be surprised if Alastair couldn’t hear her. From the kitchens. Lucien shook his head.

  “Come and sit, sweetheart. I’m sure he’ll explain, if he wants us to know.”

  “But what if he doesn’t? I think I should follow him. Or, Giselle could!” Mirabelle turned and looked at Giselle expectantly. “You can sneak after him and report whatever it is you see. It should be easy enough for you.”

  Giselle looked to Lucien for help. As curious as she was, she wasn’t going to start sneaking around Winthorpe, spying on Alastair. Lucien looked at Mirabelle sternly and shook his head.

  “No one is going after Alastair. At least not anyone with manners.” He teased. Mirabelle pouted as she took her seat next to Lucien.

  “Everyone has secrets while I’m just plain old Mirabelle and get left out of all the fun.” She sighed dramatically. Lucien looked at her pointedly as he raised her hand to his lips.

  “As I am privy to most of your secrets, I can assure you that you are anything but plain, my love.” His voice was low and the glance they exchanged was heated. Giselle was sure they had forgotten her and she began to examine the sleeve of her dress closely. Thankfully, Lucien remembered and cleared his throat as he looked across the room at Giselle. “I’m sorry, what were we discussing?”

  “Secrets.” Mirabelle said a bit too loudly. Giselle grinned as she took a sip of her wine. She considered the irony of the conversation. Mirabelle wished for more secrets and danger and Giselle couldn't help but envy the scene she had just witnessed. Mirabelle and Lucien were so close and had few secrets. Their life was so comfortable and uncomplicated, they were so well suited, obviously happy and deeply in love. And it was secrets that would keep Giselle from having what they had.

  “Secrets are rarely good and those that live with them are rarely happy.” Giselle said softly. She knew it was a very revealing statement and she regretted it almost as soon as she said it. Lucien’s eyes narrowed and Mirabelle sucked in a silent breath. Her head tilted and she stared at Giselle. She was about to say something when Alastair returned. He crossed the room and took his seat across from Giselle’s. Mirabelle shook her head softly and turned her focus to Alastair.

  “What was all of that about?” She asked sweetly. Alastair’s face was blank as he took a drink from his glass.

  “If I had wanted you to know, I would have invited you to come with me or I would not have returned empty handed.” He explained. Mirabelle cut her eyes at him.

  “I find it hard to believe we were raised by the same mother. The disparity of our manners is shameful.” She declared. Alastair nodded in agreement.

  “Indeed. Your lack of any is appalling. What sort of hostess would ask a guest to spy on another guest?” He returned. Mirabelle’s eyes flared and she gasped indignantly.

  “When one’s guests are actual spies and one’s own brother and being sneaky, it is perfectly acceptable.” She argued as she looked to Lucien for support. He quickly looked down at his glass and became absorbed in it’s contents. Mirabelle rolled her eyes and looked back at Alastair.

  “I’m sure that’s a rule in some etiquette book. Not that I imagine you’ve ever bothered with one.” Alastair said dryly. Mirabelle crossed her arms.

  “I could write an entire book on etiquette.”

  “I’m sure. Mirabelle Haviland’s Guide To Terrorizing Friends And Family And Tree Climbing, it would be wildly popular.” Alastair raised his glass in mock salute. Giselle had to cover her mouth to stop the laugh that threatened while Lucien made no effort to stifle his. He stood and laughed heartily as he saw Hendrick approach to announce dinner.

  “As you can see, my contacts from the War Office have returned four names of lords that provided and lost ships during the war. I can’t place the seal in any of their hands yet.” Alastair said as he stood over the note he had placed on Lucien’s desk for everyone to study. Lucien shook his head as he looked over the names.

  “None of these will be easy to sell to the House of Lords. Particularly Ridgeworth and Weering. They won’t want to try any of them but those two in particular will create a lot of resistance.” Lucien said as he frowned at the list.

  “What are your instincts telling you?” Alastair asked. Lucien tapped his finger on the paper.

  “Definitely not Ridgewort
h and I doubt strongly that Everton would. Weering or Clayton.” He looked up at Alastair. Alastair nodded and looked across the room. His eyes flickered and bounced for a moment before he returned to the letter.

  “I’ll have my investigator focus on Weering and Clayton’s finances. It will save us a lot of time. I’ll send word first thing tomorrow but I anticipate that it will take him at least a week.” Alastair said as he looked around the room. Giselle bit her lip as she stared at the letter. She’d done a lot with much less information in the past. Two names were a child’s game.

  “We should go back. It won’t take me more than a few days to search two homes and find the proof we need.” She looked at Alastair and Lucien. Both were shaking their heads.

  “You need to have a lot more than this before you break into these homes, Giselle.” Lucien said as he pointed to the list. “If you’re caught, this won’t be enough. Not to mention, if you are caught prowling around the homes of a marquess or an earl, the scandal would be catastrophic.” Alastair nodded in agreement.

  “And it would give away our entire investigation. The last traitor would be gone the next day. Keep in mind, whoever this is, he has ships at his disposal.” Alastair’s eyes searched Giselle’s. She was tempted to argue that she wouldn’t get caught but she had promised to be cautious and find evidence first.

  “We could at least go back and start watching them. I need to learn my way around London and the ton.” She found more hesitation from Alastair and Lucien.

  “You won’t be able to sneeze in London right now without making the gossip sheets. Everywhere you go, you’re going to be surrounded by people just waiting to see who and what you’re looking at.” Lucien advised. Giselle felt her temper simmering. Alastair was watching her closely.

  “Give it a little time to settle. Gilles will keep us updated about the gossip and traffic at Spencer Place. Hopefully, we’ll be able to move around easily enough together once we’ve established that we’re engaged but it’s going to be rough in the beginning.” Alastair picked up the note and tossed it into the fire. Giselle watched it curl and glow before it turned to ash. She sighed in exasperation.

  “All my life, my name has been a curse. The only time I was free of it was when I was someone else, in France. Now, it’s like a weight around my neck.” She complained as she started to pace. It made her crazy, knowing she had two strong candidates that she couldn't investigate. Meanwhile, she was being teased and tempted with things that she couldn't have at Winthorpe. Lucien looked at her, his eyes were sympathetic and he smiled gently.

  “You have to start looking at your name as an asset, Giselle. I was able to move about freely within the ton and get close to high ranking noblemen that were traitors or associating with traitors. My name gave me access to areas most people would not have. You’ll be able to open almost any door in London, just give it time.” Lucien smiled reassuringly and Giselle couldn’t help but feel the tension ease within her. She nodded and settled into a seat.

  “Very well, we’ll wait for more information and give the ton more time to settle.” She couldn’t help but smile as she watched Alastair and Lucien relax.

  “Marvelous!” Mirabelle announced. “Now, do you think you could tell us about this delivery?” She asked as she stared at Alastair. Alastair returned her stare for a few moments before he blinked and turned to refill his drink.

  “No.” He said as he poured the scotch. Her eyes flared and she looked to Lucien who shrugged as he crossed the room to take the seat next to her on the couch. He put an arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Have I ever told you about the time Lord Gasden and I released a flock of geese in his mother’s music room?” Lucien offered in a gallant attempt to distract Mirabelle. She turned and looked at him as if had lost his mind. He raised a brow and she swatted him playfully as she laughed.

  “They are referred to as a gaggle, not a flock, Lucien. And I believe there must be at least five.” Mirabelle corrected. Alastair nodded as he sat.

  “Unless they are in flight, then they are a skein.” Alastair added.

  “So they are, thank you. There were nine. The amount of feathers was fantastic.” Lucien exaggerated. Mirabelle snorted.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t fantastic. Anyone would guess that nine panicked geese would leave pillows worth of feathers. Fantastic would imply that you were up to your ears in feathers.” Mirabelle argued. Giselle felt her lips curving and Lucien winked at her. If his intent was to distract Mirabelle by arguing semantics, he was doing an excellent job. “And you know how angry I am with Eric. He hasn’t visited his mother in years and the poor old dear has not been well. And he’s the only family she has. I don’t understand why he is never in London. What could possibly keep him in Cornwall or wherever it is that he lives now?” She lamented. Alastair’s brows pulled together and Lucien shook his head.

  “Eric is often in Town, I believe he lives there almost exclusively. I see him regularly at White’s.” Lucien said as Alastair nodded. Mirabelle gasped.

  “I only assumed that he was always away because he never calls on Lady Gasden! How could he be so callous? There’s no excuse for him to go so long without calling on her if he's always in Town!” Mirabelle was almost seething. “Has he explained his behavior to either of you?” She looked to Lucien and Alastair.

  “As it is none of my business and never asked, no.” Lucien said. Alastair shrugged his shoulders.

  “I assumed he avoided her because she’s a miserable old tartar, as we all do.” He mumbled. Mirabelle’s mouth hung open.

  “She is not! I think she’s lovely. And she’s lonely, Alastair!” Mirabelle argued. Lucien rubbed her arm soothingly.

  “Your sister has a soft spot for Lady Gasden because she sees much of herself in the old dragon. She’s afraid the family will send her into exile when she’s old and unbearable.” Lucien explained. Alastair’s eyes became unfocused as he considered. A moment later he nodded thoughtfully.

  “I do believe she’s correct. I estimate she has approximately twenty more years before we send her away.” Alastair said. A moment later he shifted to the right, dodging a biscuit that flew past his ear. “See. It’s behavior like that that will cause you to become an outcast.” He frowned as he brushed crumbs from his shoulder.

  Giselle was helpless to stop that laughter that burst from her. She clapped her hand over her mouth but it was too late. It didn’t help that she looked at Lucien and he was shaking and turning red as he tried to maintain his composure.

  Chapter 21

  Alastair went to great pains to have everything ready before Giselle slipped into his room. He pulled her aside after dinner and told her to wait until the clock struck the eleventh hour and he excused himself a half hour prior. In his room, he found the tray he requested waiting for him. Twenty chocolates rested under a napkin and he smiled as he placed it on the bed. Alastair stripped down to his shirt and trousers and poured himself a drink before sitting to watch the door. The twenty minutes that followed were excruciating.

  When Giselle finally opened the door he was tightly wound. He forced himself to remain still, to appear relaxed as his eyes swept over her. She'd left her peignoir and slippers and was dressed only in a transparent nightgown. Alastair felt his body harden as he lifted his glass to his lips. She smiled as she drifted toward him and stepped between his legs.

  “You've been very mysterious tonight.” Giselle said as she reached for his glass. She finished it and set it on the table. Alastair rose and tilted her chin so he could press his lips to hers. They were warm and tasted like scotch. He was about to pull her to him and lose himself in her mouth when he remembered his plan. He lifted his head and grinned.

  “I have a surprise.” He said softly as his thumb brushed against her lower lip. Giselle's smile was brilliant and it filled his chest with warmth. He had another moment of shock when he took her hand in his, feeling her palm pressed against his made his arm tingle. Alastair ignored it as he
led her to the bed. He sat and lifted the tray and watched as Giselle inhaled rapturously.

  “Is that…?” She whispered excitedly. Alastair pulled the napkin away and her eyes lit up as she danced giddily. He was momentarily mesmerized by the bouncing of her breasts against the sheer fabric of her gown. She crawled on the bed and reached for the tray. Alastair slapped her hand and pulled the tray back. Giselle's mouth hung open briefly before her lips formed a pout.

  “I'm sorry, mademoiselle. This is not free chocolate.” He announced as he plucked a piece from the tray. Her eyes narrowed as they followed it. “You will have to earn each piece.”

  “Earn?” She smiled, her mind obviously focused on a more physical transaction. “What would you like me to do?” She crawled toward him sensually. He shook his head.

  “Not do, darling.” He informed her. “You can earn these by answering questions.” He smiled as her brows pulled together and her lips pushed out.

  “More questions!” She whined. “I'm rather tired of talking about myself.” She sat back on her heels and crossed her arms. Alastair considered the chocolate between his fingers and shrugged before he popped it into his mouth. Giselle gasped as she watched him chew.

  “It’s very good.” Alastair murmured after he swallowed. He leaned forward. “Would you like to taste?” He whispered as he offered his lips. She licked hers as she set her hands on the bed and stretched forward. Her tongue swept along his lips before sliding in to find his. Giselle moaned in delight at the soft, rich flavor that coated his mouth. She kissed him hungrily and his eye flared as she sucked his tongue into her mouth greedily. When she sat back it took him a moment to catch his breath.

  “That was… well…” Alastair cleared his throat and picked up another piece. “Would you like one? Though I must confess, I wouldn't mind doing that again.” He teased. Giselle smiled and presented her palm.

  “Your first question.” She replied. He sighed in not quite mock disappointment. He decided on an easy question to start with.


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