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Claimed By Chaos

Page 17

by Abigail Graves

  “Thank you for that.” He said softly. “I say this in all seriousness, not to be boastful, but I am very well endowed and as you know, Giselle is a small woman. I have noticed that she is extremely… tight.” Alastair had to shift in his seat as Lucien wrestled with his composure. “I'm afraid I'll hurt her if I'm not careful. I don't know which position would be best when I… breach her.” Alastair could feel his shoulders tightening as he imagined the pain he might cause Giselle. Lucien appeared to give the matter great thought before he grinned.

  “Let her do it.” Lucien suggested. Alastair raised his brow, waiting for an explanation. “Have her on top and she can take as much of you, as quickly as she would like.” Lucien sat back, quite pleased with his advice. Alastair considered it and found it to be rather sound. He nodded as he relaxed.

  “Thank you. I think that would actually be the ideal solution.” Alastair took another swallow of his scotch and found his mind drifting, imagining, when Lucien cleared his throat and nudged him.

  “You might want to give some thought to the bedding, as you're not yet married. You’ll remember the difficulty Gilles faced after he… breached Elise.” A playful smile hung from Lucien’s lips but Alastair was troubled.

  “Do you think there will be a lot of blood?” Alastair whispered as he felt his own drain from his face. Lucien’s lips pulled back and he shook his head.

  “There's no way of knowing, I think. I haven't studied the matter myself but I believe all women are different. Gilles had to create an elaborate scene but Mirabelle barely blinked and there was almost nothing.” Lucien offered carefully. Alastair nodded despite being uncomfortable knowing that about his sister. “Perhaps you could take a coverlet from one of the unused rooms and dispose of it after, so that there isn't any evidence on your bedding.” Lucien suggested. Alastair was grateful for the advice. He hadn't considered that Giselle would bleed, he'd been so focused on her pain. He was once again disappointed at how effected his brain was.

  Both were content to remain in silence for several minutes until Lucien went to the sideboard and returned with the crystal decanter. He smiled mischievously.

  “I think that after this day, a drink or two won't suffice. And your lady’s playing seems to improve with scotch.” He teased as he poured another round. Alastair smiled as he raised his glass.

  An hour later, Alastair knew he and Lucien were thoroughly foxed. He rarely over imbibed but it seemed like the appropriate thing to do that afternoon.

  “I find it very disturbing, how stupid love has made me, Lucien. I’m a complete idiot!” He laughed as he slouched in his seat. I should sit like this every day. He decided as he crossed his legs clumsily. Lucien snorted and held up his glass.

  “In this moment, while you are drunk on love and very, very fine scotch, you are experiencing what it is like for the rest of us, very mortal men.” Lucien chuckled as he slapped Alastair’s knee. Alastair let his head flop in Lucien’s direction.

  “I used to feel sorry for you and Gilles, you were so at the mercy of your hearts and cocks. Now, I feel closer to the two of you than I ever have before. I can finally understand and sympathize.” Alastair made a sound that he was certain qualified as a giggle. Lucien exploded with laughter.

  “Because we’re idiots! And you… you just giggled, like an idiot!” Lucien gasped as he tried to catch his breath. “God, how I wish Gilles was here right now!” He slipped from his chair and was on his knees laughing. Alastair giggled again.

  “But I like it. I've always wished I was more like the two of you and we had more in common.” He admitted. For a moment, Lucien appeared serious.

  “No.” He used the chair to pull himself up until he was on his feet. He pointed at Alastair as he swayed. “You… you should never wish to be like us. You have a gift. If anything, you should wish we were more like you.” Lucien dropped back into his chair and poured the last of the scotch into their glasses. “I think this will hurt later.” He mused.

  “I wouldn't wish this on you, Lucien.” Alastair was suddenly overcome with emotion. He loved Lucien so much and the thought of him suffering as he did was very upsetting. “Sometimes, it's quite painful when people touch me and loud sounds and bright things hurt as well.” He whispered. For a moment Lucien looked sad, his eyes filled with tears and his lip trembled.

  “I had no idea. That's terrible!” He whispered. Lucien gulped his drink and then smiled. “But you've got a bloody large cock!” He raised his glass in salute. “I suppose that could make up for some of it.” He slurred and Alastair felt the obnoxious laugh itching in his throat and he sat up as he tried to stifle it.

  “Women do seem to enjoy it. If I'm honest, we are similarly endowed, I'm just a bit girthier.” He felt his brows pull together. “I don't think that's a word. Girthier. More girthful? See? I'm a complete simpleton.” Then, there was no way to stop the giggle. Lucien joined him and Alastair was certain they sounded like girls.

  “Well, then… congratulations to the both of us!” Lucien touched his glass to Alastair’s and they drank. Alastair felt a question tickling his brain and he was helpless to stop it.

  “I've never experimented with pain during sex. It always seemed counterintuitive. Do you enjoy getting beaten with a crop?” Alastair was surprised at Lucien’s emphatic nodding.

  “God, yes! Haven't you ever felt like you needed someone to punch you?” Lucien asked. Alastair considered for a moment and then nodded. “It's very similar. It's not something I'd want every day but now and then, it's… relaxing. Not in the moment, while Mirabelle is whipping me. That just heightens everything. But after, it's as if the tension has been worked out of me. I feel a little weak but in a good way. Purged. I feel purged.” Lucien decided and then drained his glass. He repeated the word “purged” several times. “Puuuuuurged. That's a strange word. Did I use that correctly?” Alastair stared for a few moments before he shrugged.

  “I suppose it makes sense. I wonder if I could benefit from that.” Alastair mused as he looked at the door. Lucien became serious again.

  “Do be careful. Giselle could get carried away and do some permanent damage. Or kill you.” Lucien kept his face straight for all of ten seconds before he fell apart. He laughed so hard he slid from the chair again and melted onto the floor. Alastair was lost as well. He was slouched in his chair, hugging his stomach as he giggled like a lunatic. Lucien grabbed Alastair’s leg and hugged it as if he was afraid he'd fall off the floor, still laughing uncontrollably.

  It was then that the study door opened and Mirabelle’s head peeked around it. Her jaw dropped as she swung it wide.

  “What in the… What did you two do?” She gasped. Alastair and Lucien looked up, Giselle was standing next to Mirabelle and both looked equally shocked. Both men attempted to look contrite for a moment before they roared with laughter. Lucien flopped onto his back and Alastair felt himself slipping out of his seat.

  “Mirabelle, my love! I think you should take me to bed. I doubt I'll be of any use to you this evening but if you don't move me now, I'm probably going to have to sleep here.” Lucien admitted. Mirabelle sighed and crossed the room.

  “Get up, I can't lift you!” She demanded and tugged on his arm. Once he was on his feet she began guiding him from the room. “It looks like it will be just the two of us at dinner.” Mirabelle said to Giselle as she angled Lucien through the door. Giselle laughed and nodded.

  “I think that sounds lovely!” Once Mirabelle and Lucien cleared the room, Giselle turned to Alastair and placed her hands on her hips. “Let’s get you upstairs as well.” She stated as she offered Alastair her hand. He took it and tugged, nearly pulling Giselle on top of him. She adjusted her feet and pulled again. “You're going to have to cooperate, or I'll leave you here.” She threatened.

  Alastair smiled dreamily and pushed himself up out of the chair. He teetered before Giselle as he lifted his hands to her face. He cradled her jaw with one hand as the other slid ar
ound her neck and pulled her closer. His lips descended and brushed hers. She sighed and opened for him as his tongue slid in and found hers. Alastair groaned lazily as his hand slid down her back until it cupped her bottom and he pulled her against him.

  “I think I'm going to have to have you soon.” He mumbled the words against her lips. “Not tonight. I'd make an absolute mess of it if I tried. But very soon. If that's alright?” He looked down at Giselle to find her eyes wide and blinking rapidly. She nodded when she realized he was waiting for approval. “Excellent! Do you think you could kill me with a riding crop?” He slurred. Giselle’s brows fell and her head jerked back.

  “I'm sure I could but I would never hurt you, Alastair.” She said softly and Alastair laughed.

  “What if I wanted you to hurt me?” He asked. Her head snapped up and she stared at him in confusion. “Lucien and Mirabelle keep a crop in the bedroom and apparently, he enjoys it. Says it’s relaxing.” His voice fell to a whisper as he realized they were in the hall. How did we get here? He wondered as he looked toward the stairs. Giselle smiled knowingly.

  “That is an entirely different matter. I suppose I could, if you truly wanted me to but I think that would be too overwhelming for you.” She said softly as she turned them down the hall. Alastair saw his door and admired how Giselle had made it appear. It was almost miraculous. We were just downstairs a moment ago. She’s very clever. Alastair decided.

  “You're probably correct. You're rather like a sorceress, did you know?” Alastair asked as the door swung open. “See? I didn't even see you turn the handle.” He couldn't feel his face but he was sure he was smiling. Giselle laughed as she guided him into the room.

  “Sit!” She commanded and Alastair felt her hands push his chest just before he felt the bed beneath him. Ha! There’s the ceiling! He was very impressed. A moment later, his boots and stockings were removed and she settled his feet onto the bed. He felt her unbuttoning his coat and waistcoat and his erection started to make its presence known. “Help me get these off of you.” Giselle ordered as she pulled Alastair upright. Once he was sitting he leaned toward her mouth. She pressed her lips against his as her hands slipped beneath his coat and pushed it from his shoulders. He shrugged out of it and looked down to see her peeling his waistcoat from him. His cock throbbed painfully.

  “Are you going to take off your clothes as well?” Alastair slurred as he reached for Giselle’s waist. She slapped his hands away and he pushed his lower lip out.

  “I don't have time, I have to hurry and dress for dinner and I doubt you're capable of much more than sleeping right now.” She explained as she tugged his cravat free. “I'll check on you after dinner.”

  “I’m going to make love to a sorceress.” Alastair mumbled as he hugged a pillow and shut his eyes.

  Chapter 32

  “Goodnight. I hope Lucien isn't too ill tomorrow.” Giselle said as she parted from Mirabelle at the top of the stairs. Mirabelle smiled as she shook her head.

  “It would serve him right. I can't imagine what got into them. I'll see you at breakfast.” She said as walked toward the ducal chambers.

  Giselle laughed softly as she walked down the hall towards her and Alastair’s rooms. She had enjoyed her afternoon and dinner with Mirabelle. She was open, humorous and full of energy. Giselle couldn't help but imagine that they would have a lot in common and could have been close friends if they had grown up together. Mirabelle seemed like a happier, less tarnished, more innocent version of herself. But Mirabelle had a life she could never aspire to, that she had no business fantasizing about. Determined not to dwell on things she couldn't have, Giselle decided to take advantage of the opportunities fate and a bottle of scotch had handed her.

  Once she was dressed for bed and her maid departed, Giselle peeked out of her door to make sure the hallway was clear before she slipped into Alastair’s room. She lit a single candle on the bedside table, casting a soft glow around the bed. Giselle slid the straps of her gown off of her shoulders and let it fall to the floor and crawled onto the bed.

  Alastair was sprawled upon his back, in the midst of a cloud of scotch fumes. Giselle threw her leg over him and sat astride his hips. She leaned forward and caressed his face as she teased his lips.

  “Alastair, darling?” She murmured as she traced his lips with her tongue. “I’m going to take advantage of you if you don’t wake up.” Giselle sucked on his bottom lip and she felt it pull as he smiled.

  “Have you come to cast your spell upon me, Circe?” He whispered groggily as his hand lazily brushed her thigh.

  Giselle laughed as she took Alastair’s face in her hands and slid her tongue into his mouth. He groaned as his tongue brushed against hers sluggishly and his hands gripped her thighs weakly. She felt his erection pushing against her womanhood through his breeches and she moaned in delight as she pressed against him. It was so tempting and it would have been so easy to free his cock and join with him but Giselle knew Alastair would be disappointed if he wasn't fully conscious their first time.

  Instead, she settled herself between his thighs and opened the buttons of his breeches. She licked her lips once his cock sprang free. It was so large and hard, Giselle could feel it throbbing in her hands as she began to stroke it. She kept her grip light, not wanting to scare Alastair awake. He moaned and mumbled something about a sorceress as his head tossed gently upon the pillow. Giselle waited until he relaxed before she squeezed him tighter and stroked faster.

  “Mmmm… thas soo gooood. You are a very niiice sorceressss.” He slurred as his hips started lifting from the bed. Giselle smiled wickedly as she lowered her shoulders.

  “You have no idea how nice.” She chuckled as she stilled her hand and ran her tongue up the length of his erection. He tasted slightly salty but mostly soapy with a hint of orange. She loved the taste of him and began licking him greedily. Alastair’s groans became more urgent and his head thrashed from side to side as his hips started rising faster.

  “Sssweet witch, what are you doing to me?” He whispered drowsily as his hands pulled at the bed clothes.

  “I’m learning.” Giselle whispered against his throbbing length before she caressed him with her lips. “Do you like that?” She asked.

  “God, yesss.” He sighed. He tried to lift his arms but they seemed too heavy. She let her lips cruise over the head of his cock and he moaned in delight.

  “And this?” Giselle let the heat of her breath wash over it before her lips closed around him. She took as much of his cock into her mouth as she could manage before she pulled back slowly, letting her lips and tongue stroke him. Alastair gasped desperately for breath as his head and shoulders came off the bed. Giselle lowered her head, repeating the gesture as her hand began tugging on the rest of his length.

  “Jesus, Giselle!” Alastair hissed. Suddenly awake, he managed to raise himself on one elbow and she felt a hand sliding through her hair, trying to find her face. Giselle increased the pressure of her lips and hand and Alastair cursed, then “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God…”

  She pulled her lips from him and flung her hair back so he could see her mouth upon him. Her eyes connected with his and she began lapping up the length of his erection until she got to the head. Giselle swirled her tongue around it before she wrapped her lips around him. Alastair’s eyes rolled back and his head fell onto the pillow. She mimicked the pressure and rhythm he had taught her when it was just her hands upon him, licking and sucking as she stroked him. She felt his hand upon her head, spasming as he resisted the urge to press her to him as his hips struggled to keep from thrusting. Giselle slid her hand between him and the bed and gripped his muscled flesh, motioning for him to move with her.

  “Oh, God, oh, Gooood… this is the best thing I’ve… It’s never felt like this!” Alastair became delirious, rocking his hips and moaning as her head and hands moved upon him. His back arched and he gritted his teeth while his legs shifted restlessly. “You have to stop soon!” He whispered urge
ntly as his breath hissed in and out. “It’s too much, I can’t control it!” Giselle ignored him and suckled harder, faster. His hand fisted in her hair. First, pressing her to him, then trying to pull her away. “Oh, God, it’s so good!” Alastair was thrashing beneath her. “Giselle, I can’t! You have to stop!” He was becoming desperate and his hands pulled at her hair and shoulders but he was too weak to move her. She felt his hands leave her as his body twisted and lifted from the bed. His gasps and pleas became muffled and his body seized an instant before Giselle felt his balls tighten and his cock pulse. She heard a smothered yell rip from Alastair’s throat just before a rush of hot fluid filled her mouth. His seed was softly sweet and salty and she greedily sucked it from him as he shuddered beneath her. “Enough, please!” He begged as he pushed against her shoulders.

  Giselle released Alastair and sat back on her heels. His hands were pressed against his face as his chest rose and fell rapidly. His body spasmed against the mattress a few times and he groaned in relief. Finally, he lowered his hands and blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light.

  “Are you alright?” Giselle whispered. He nodded and smiled.

  “Very alright. But I can’t move, you’ll have to come here.” Alastair said as he reached for her. She giggled as she crawled up his body until her face was above his. She felt his arms wrap around her and his hand slid up her back until it tangled in her hair and he pulled her lips to his. His tongue parted her lips and he angled his face and kissed her deeply. Giselle’s eyes flared when she felt his hand stroking her bottom. “Scoot higher, I want your breasts.” He ordered.

  “I think it would be better if you rested, Alastair. You can barely move.” She tried her best to sound stern as she did as he wished. She gasped as his hands closed around her breasts and his tongue flicked against her nipple.


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