Book Read Free

The Garden

Page 13

by Amy Sparling

  When he gets here, I make him sit at my desk while I tell him, because this seems like something you should be sitting down to hear. Belle stands next to me, nodding along as I talk.

  “So… what do you think?” I say after revealing my plan.

  “Where are you going to sleep?”

  I shrug. “On the ground, I guess. We’re bringing blankets.”

  Declan shakes his head. “No, that won’t work.”

  Fear rockets through me. Is he going to forbid me to stay here? He’s the head gardener, after all. He could rat me out in a heartbeat. “Declan, please,” I start, but he holds up his hand.

  “You’re not sleeping on the ground. I have a tent in my dorm. I used to be in the camping club.”

  I crinkle my nose. “There’s a camping club?”

  He laughs. “Not anymore. Turns out the Shelfbrooke elite don’t really care for sleeping in tents out in the wilderness. But I still have all my camping gear in my dorm. I have a tent, some solar powered lights, and a camp stove. I’ll bring it to the garden.”

  “So you’re okay with this?” I ask, peering at him as if I could somehow tell if he’s lying.

  Declan nods. “Let’s see... I either let my girlfriend get taken away to another continent against her will, or I help her stay here with me.” He lifts his hands, palms up as if weighing the options. “It’s a pretty easy choice, Sophia.”

  “Did you just call her your girlfriend?” Belle squeals.

  Declan’s dark blue eyes widen. “I guess I did?”

  I walk forward and wrap my arms around him. “Thank you.”

  “Wait,” Belle says. “Are you thanking him for the girlfriend comment, or for helping us out?”

  “Um… both?” I feel my cheeks blush, and then look over at Declan and his cheeks are also turning pink. We both grin at each other like idiots, and Belle makes a fake gagging sound. I don’t care. Let her make fun of us. Right now I’m happy and I’m going to hold onto that feeling for as long as I can. My day started out with a terrifying trip to the office and it’s ending with a gorgeous, caring boyfriend, and a plan to take my life back into my own hands.

  “Okay so…” Declan stands and presses his hands together. “I’ll go get the camping gear and set it up in the garden. Do you want to meet me there later? Say, after dinner?”

  “And a shower,” Belle says. “Dinner and a shower and one final goodbye to my dear, precious, central air conditioning.”

  “I have solar powered fans,” Declan says.

  Belle cringes. “That is so not the same!”

  I reach up and hug Declan—my new boyfriend—and then place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Thank you,” I say softly.

  He winks. “Anything for you.”

  Once he’s gone, and Belle has locked the door behind him, she turns to me and says,

  “This is crazy, you know that right?”

  I shrug. “So what? Life is full of crazy things. But at least I get to choose this one.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It’s the second day.

  Belle and I have settled in nicely at our little garden retreat, which is what we’ve been calling it. We have pillows and tons of blankets and Declan’s awesome tent which we’ve decorated with fairy lights. In the day time, we tend to the garden and read books and hang out under the beautiful spring sky. We have an ice chest full of snacks and drinks and Declan sneaks us meals from the dining hall. Last night wasn’t nearly as weird as I’d thought it would be. The gardens are peaceful in the quiet, chilly air. And no one can find us in this hidden garden, so there was nothing to be afraid of. Belle and I had talked about my plans for when this is all over. Graduating Shelfbrooke, and going to college, and maybe sticking around here with her and my aunt. It all seems like so many decisions to make a once. Right now I just want to get through these few days until my birthday.

  When the car arrived to pick me up yesterday and I wasn’t there, nothing much happened for a while. I had been anxiously waiting for something, but I guess the driver only stayed a few minutes and then left when I didn’t show up. It wasn’t until today—a whole day later—that my mom must have realized I never got on my flight, and she’s called me three times.

  My phone rings again.

  “You should probably answer it,” Belle says. She has a pile of pink flowers at her feet and she’s tying them into a flower crown. “Just get it over with.”

  I sigh and answer the phone. “Hi, Mom.”

  “Sophia! Where are you?” Wow, she actually sounds… concerned? Worried?

  “I’m fine. I’m at school.”

  “What happened? Why aren’t you here?”

  “I told you I’m not going. I’m staying in school and graduating.”

  “You are absolutely not. I will come there and drag you out of your dorm kicking and screaming if that’s what it takes.”

  “No offense, Mom, but I’d love to see you try.”

  My mom is silent for a very long time. I almost ask if she’s still there, but then she draws in a breath. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  “It’s not difficult, Mom. It’s very, very simple. You made me enroll at a school and I’m here and I’m staying. I’m going to finish what I started, and then I’m going to run my life the way I want to.”

  “You better think twice about what you just said,” Mom snaps. “What you are threatening is very serious.”

  “It is serious,” I say with a nod. “It’s my future. And I’m choosing to live it the way I want to.”

  “Your future won’t be very fun if I take back your trust fund.”

  There it is. The ultimate threat. The one thing that keeps all my friends in line back in Malibu when it comes to their parents. They always stray, always get in trouble, but the threat of losing it all will bring them back home in a split second. This time, however, I don’t think it’s going to work for me. I think of my aunt, and of a life I could make for myself based off happiness, not money.

  “I don’t need a trust fund, Mom.”

  “You think you mean that but you don’t,” Mom says, not sounding the least bit concerned, which only makes me more set in my decision. “You have forty-eight hours to get on a plane or your trust fund is gone.”

  “No,” I say, feeling more confident even in all the uncertainty that lies in my future. “I have forty-eight hours until I’m a legal adult.”

  Mom hangs up the phone.

  My heart is racing, and I’m a teensy bit freaked out, but I’m also proud of myself. I’m standing my guard. I’m doing what’s right. Deep down in my heart I know if I don’t stand up to my parents now, I’ll end up letting them control me forever.

  “What happened?” Belle asks.

  I tell her everything. She watches in fascination, her jaw hanging open the whole time. “You’re really just going to give up everything?”

  I shrug. “Money isn’t everything.”

  She smiles. “My mom will be proud of you.”

  “That’s good, because she’s probably the only family member who will come to my graduation.”

  Aunt Kate must have some kind of mind reading capabilities, because Belle’s phone rings, her mom’s picture appearing on the screen. “Hello?” she says.

  I can hear Aunt Kate frantically talking on the other end of the line. She asks where we are, where Belle is, and then where I am all at the same time. I guess she doesn’t realize that’s just three different ways to ask the same question.

  “We’re fine,” Belle says. She puts the phone on speaker, and I also try to reassure her that we’re fine. She says my mom is livid and has sent Charlie down to find me, only to realize my dorm is empty. The administration doesn’t know where I am because I haven’t signed out anywhere, and it’s spring break so it’s not like I’m required in classes.

  I decide to tell my aunt what’s going on. I leave out no details, and she listens completely before speaking.

  “I’m proud of you, Sophia.”r />
  That’s all she says.

  Belle bites her bottom lip and leans toward the phone. “You’re not mad?”

  “As long as you’re safe, I’m not mad. And honestly, Sophia, I think you’re doing the right thing.”

  She doesn’t have to explain herself. I know the hidden meaning behind her words has everything to do with my parents and not with me being a rebellious teenager. “Are you sure you’re safe?”

  “Yes,” I say. “We’re still on campus. We’re just… hiding.”

  She chuckles. “Okay. Don’t get into trouble. I expect you two to be back in your dorm in two days. And then I’ll take you to a birthday dinner.”

  I grin. “Thanks Aunt Kate.”

  Solar powered lights cast a beautiful glow on the garden walls as the sun sets on our third day of this secret campout adventure. Declan’s laptop plays our favorite Netflix comedy while we sit around eating pizza. Declan is the kind of guy I just like being around. I never get bored with him. It never feels weird. I’m not sure what our future holds, but I really hope we stay together. One of these days, I’ll have to talk to him about it, but right now I just want to go with the flow. What we have is magical, and sweet, and fun. I don’t want to ruin it by wondering what comes next.

  Declan smells like cedar and something sweet, like cinnamon, as he sits next to me on the blankets we’ve spread out in the center of the garden. I lean against his chest, breathing him in and loving every second of being next to him.

  “Are you going to tell us what’s in that box?” I ask after the TV show is over and the credits roll on the computer. Earlier when Declan brought us dinner, he also brought a large box that’s been sitting unopened for hours.

  He glances at it and then gives me the cutest look. “Not yet.”

  “Why can’t it be opened now?” I ask, gazing up at him while my head rests on his chest. “Is it some nerdy camping thing?”

  He chuckles. “Nope.”

  Belle yawns. “You’ll have to open it without me. I think I’m going to bed.”

  I turn on my phone to check the time. It’s about fifteen minutes until midnight. “Goodnight.”

  “You sure you can’t stay awake a little bit longer?” Declan asks her. “I don’t want you to miss the surprise.”

  Belle shakes her head. “I have a pretty good idea of what it is. I’ll see it in the morning.” With one more yawn, she disappears into the tent and zips it closed.

  “How does Belle know what’s in the box and I don’t?” I say, pointing an accusing finger at him.

  Declan shrugs. “She doesn’t know. She’s guessing. I’m surprised you haven’t guessed it.”

  “How would I guess something that’s totally random?” I ask.

  Declan kisses the top of my head and then turns back to the computer screen, which has started playing the next episode. “Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  I’m falling asleep on his shoulder when Declan whispers my name. “Wake up.”

  My eyes flit open and I yawn, stretching as I sit up on the blanket. The moonlight glows overhead. “Are you leaving? What time is it?”

  “It’s midnight,” Declan says. “Which means it’s time to open the box.”

  “Midnight?” Then I realize the significance behind the time. “It’s my birthday”

  I’m free. I made it four days and now my parents can’t force me to leave.

  “Yep,” Declan says. He gets up and goes to the mysterious box. Inside, he pulls out a square white cardboard box.

  I clap my hands together, recognizing the pink sticker label on the box. “You got me a cake! You are seriously the best boyfriend ever.”

  “I try,” he says, handing me a plastic fork.

  The cake is made of white icing that’s covered in green and pink and purple icing flowers. Declan clearly had it custom made just for me, in a garden theme. “This is beautiful,” I say, stabbing my fork in the corner to take a bite. “Thank you so much.”

  “There’s… something more,” he says with a nervous lilt in his voice. He reaches into the box and retrieves a much smaller box. Blue, with a silver ribbon tied around it.

  My teeth dig into my bottom lip. “You got me a present…”

  “I hope it’s not weird,” he says, looking more anxious than I’ve ever seen him. “I know we haven’t been together long but… you’re special to me, Sophia.”

  With that, I know that whatever gift is inside here, I will cherish it forever. I open the box, and glance up at Declan. He’s watching me nervously, which only makes me like him more.

  “How did you get this?” I ask, picking up the beautiful silver necklace. It has a shiny silver charm that sparkles under the fairy lights. It’s a key. A perfect replica of the real garden key, only it’s small enough to be a necklace pendant.

  “I had it custom made,” he says, reaching out for the chain. “May I?”

  I turn to the side and pull my hair back, letting him fasten the jewelry around my neck. My fingers wrap around the little key. “I love it,” I whisper.

  “Happy birthday,” Declan says, kissing me gently on the lips.

  I close my eyes and kiss him back. And I know two things: I will never ever take off this necklace. And this is the best birthday ever.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Home sweet home,” Belle chimes as we enter our dorm room after four days of being pretend runaways. I mean, I guess we were kind of real runaways but it didn’t feel like it. The outdoors is beautiful and I love our secret garden more than anything, but I’m happy to be home. We’re coming home winners, as far as I’m concerned. I stuck it out, I’m an official adult, and I get to stay here until graduation. I might have lost a ton of money, but I’m slowly coming to terms with that.

  It’s early in the morning on my birthday, and I barely slept at all last night after Declan left. I keep reaching up and feeling my necklace, unable to hide my smile. I took the cake home and Belle and I plan on eating some for breakfast. I set the cake on my desk and then lug my backpack and suitcase into the closet and drop them on the floor. I’ll clean out everything later. For now, I just want a nice hot shower, some cake, and a nap.

  “Happy Birthday,” Belle says. She’s holding out a present wrapped in purple polka dot paper. Her smile reaches all the way across her face.

  “Belle! You didn’t need to get me anything.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re my cousin and my bestie. I wanted to get you something.”

  My birthdays over the years have always been a big deal. As a kid, my parents would rent out some massive ballroom and fill it with princess stuff, a white horse, bounce houses, and more. As a teenager, my parents would let me rent out the coolest night club and invite all my friends and have a big dance party with mock-tails and lots of Justin Bieber music. The last few years have been kind of a contest between my Malibu friends and me as we all try to outdo each other with extravagant parties.

  But this year, I’m celebrating with my boyfriend and my cousin on the campus of our school. I think this is my favorite birthday celebration yet.

  I pull off the wrapping paper, revealing a shipping box. She’s blacked over the label with a marker so I can’t tell which company she ordered from, which makes it all the more mysterious. Inside the box, I pull out something bubble-wrapped. It looks a lot like a laptop cover. The kind that snaps over the top and bottom of it to protect it.

  And that’s exactly what it is. I bite my lip to hold back the tears as I reveal the custom photo laptop case Belle has ordered for me. I don’t know when she took this picture, or how she took it because it’s so stunning, it’s basically professional quality. It’s a photo of my garden.

  “It’s so you’ll always remember it, you know, after you’ve graduated.”

  I press the laptop case to my chest and hug it. “I love it so much, thank you.” Then I give her a coy grin. “But what makes you think I’m leaving?”

  She blinks. “We have to leave
. You said it yourself. We can’t stay in these dorms forever.”

  “I know but… I don’t want to leave this town. I’m thinking of asking Aunt Kate if I can move in with you guys after graduation. And maybe go to college around here.”


  I nod.

  Belle grins. “We do have a spare bedroom.”

  “Do you think Aunt Kate would mind?”

  “Are you kidding? She’d love it.”

  I take a deep breath. There are still a few weeks of school left. Still time to figure stuff out. I’m way behind on finding colleges, because for most of my senior year, I figured I’d just grow up and be a rich heiress with no education needed. But now I want college. I want a career I love, maybe even one in botany. I could be a florist. Or a landscaper. Maybe Declan and I could start our own company and take back the job from the contractor Shelfbrooke hired. A deep blush creeps into my cheeks at the thought.

  It’s way too early to be picturing my life with Declan, but it’s fun to do it anyway.

  “Whoa,” Belle says, staring at her phone. “I just checked my school email and my Knight Watch…”

  “What is it?” I reach for my phone.

  “The dean is looking for you.”

  Chills race across my neck. I load my school email and see several messages, from Ms. Beverly at the front desk and then one from Dean Thomas himself. I click on it, not sure what to expect. It’s not like I’ve ever met the man before.

  Dear Ms. Brass,

  Please visit me during my office hours at your earliest convenience.


  Dean Thomas

  Belle reads over my shoulder. “Whoa.”

  “That sounds bad.” I look up at her. “Is that bad? It’s bad.”

  “It’s probably not good,” Belle agrees.

  “I wonder if I’m expelled?”

  “Maybe he has a birthday present for you,” she says, trying and failing at making a joke. My heart is pounding too hard to laugh right now.


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