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Loving the Enemy

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by M. E. Clayton

I arched a brow as I stepped in front of my wife. “You’d think the boys at their schools would get a clue,” I replied before placing a kiss on Ava’s temple. “Even Gideon’s getting in on the action and he’s only twelve. But that boy defends Brantley like he’s a grown man.”

  Ava shook her head. “It’s silly, but I couldn’t have asked for a better family for our girls,” she said.

  My stomach dropped like it always did when Ava expressed her gratefulness for our family and friends. She’s come a long way since those first days when we met, but the hate for her mother was always there in the black parts of my heart. It’ll never go away because Ava’s past will never disappear.

  I bent down and started placing kisses along her collarbone. Thank God for spaghetti-strap dresses. “Mmm, Ace,” she moaned.

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her to me. “God, I want to fuck you so badly, Kit,” I breathed against her soft skin.

  Her arms went around my neck. “As tempting as that sounds, and let me tell you, you’re rather tempting, I like my life, thank you, very much,” she quipped sarcastically.

  I laughed and stepped away from her. “Yeah,” I teased. “I can’t imagine the torture Ramsey would put us through for ruining this wedding.”

  Her brows shot up. “Torture? Ramsey Reed is not the torturing type. He’s the cold-swift-deadly type,” she disputed. “He’d kill us Mafia style.”

  I wisely kept my mouth shut, but I knew for a fact that Ramsey Reed was the torturing type. While Ava had put her demons behind her and had never looked back, I had ridden along for the ride when Ramsey had found that sonofabitch Peter Scranton, and I found out firsthand that Ramsey Reed had no problem with torturing.

  “Did Emerson suspect anything?” I asked, changing the subject.

  Ava’s beautiful face lit up. “No,” she grinned. “She really thought something was wrong with her credit card. The service clerk did the best acting job ever.” Before I could comment, Ava twirled around and asked, “How do I look?”

  What a fucking question.

  “You look like it might be worth orphaning our kids to fuck the shit out of you, baby,” I told her honestly. Ava smiled, and the punch to my gut was substantial.

  My wife was fucking beautiful both inside and out.

  “Well, as much as I’m tempted, that’d be hell on our headstones, and the kids would never be able to live it down,” she joked.

  “What if I promise not to mess up your hair or makeup?”

  I was lying.

  I’d totally mess up her hair and makeup.

  Ava snorted. “Yeah, right,” she huffed out. “I don’t think you’re capable of having sex without pulling on my hair.”

  I groaned. “Jesus Christ, woman,” I complained. “Do you have to go into details? I’m trying to be good here.”

  “This is you trying to be good?” she asked incredulously.

  “You have no idea, Ava,” I replied.

  Chapter 8

  Ava McIntire~

  I stared at my husband, and not for the first time, wondered how I ever got so lucky.

  It’s been twenty years, but I’ve never lost sight of how my life wouldn’t be what it was today if it had not been for Ace bulldozing his way into my life all those years ago.

  Ace did what I never thought anyone could do.

  He helped heal me.

  Those first few years together had been rough as I worked to put my demons behind me, but he had never faltered. He never bent. He took all my shit, dished it back, and built me a life I cherished every day.

  While I had gone to college, I had found my calling when I had gotten pregnant with Delaney, and even though I had gotten my degree, I had chosen to be a stay-at-home mom, and my life has been better than I deserved every day since then.

  “We’ll have plenty of time for sex after the wedding,” I told him, trying to put on the brakes, because if I’m going to be honest here, it was hard to resist Ace when he got that look in his amber-colored eyes.

  He pointed a finger at me. “You said it, not me,” he flung at me. “You better keep your word, Kit.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I swear, Ace, you act like you haven’t been sleeping next to me for the past twenty years.”

  His brows shot up and he looked offended. “If you think fucking you for twenty years is anywhere near enough for me, you are out of your goddamn mind, woman,” he declared. “Twenty more years isn’t going to cut it, either. I need at least another seventy years.”

  I cocked my head at him. “That would make us a hundred-and-eight-years-old, Ace. Do you seriously think you’re still going to be able to get it up at that age?”

  He lunged for me and I laughed as I side-stepped him. “I’ll show you getting it up,” he threatened.

  I threw my hands out to ward off his attack. “Okay, Okay,” I said, laughing. “You’re manly, and studly, and you’ll still be able to get it up with we’re a hundred and eight.”

  Ace stopped his advance and straightened to his full height. “You’re damn straight I will be able to,” he replied, with a grin on his face.

  My phone dinged, and I watched as he walked over to my purse, pulled it out, and walked over to hand it to me. Ace did a lot of little thoughtful things like that for me. For him, it was just how he loved me, but for me, it was a constant reminder of how much he really loved me.

  I slid my phone open and there was a message from Roselyn telling me that Emerson texted her letting her know she was here and up front.

  The smile on my face was from ear-to-ear. I looked up at Ace. “Emerson’s here!”

  Ace smiled back and I could tell that, regardless of his whining about not being able to seduce me, he was excited, too. “This is going to be one hell of a wedding,” he replied.

  As I shot Roselyn a quick text that I’d be right there, I told Ace, “It’s going to be perfect.”

  While Ace loved me with the fires of a million suns, what Emerson and Ramsey had was the stuff of legends. Dark fairy tales everywhere were attributed to Emerson and Ramsey’s love story.

  Ramsey Reed existed for nothing and no one other than his wife.

  She was literally the air he breathed, and we all knew it.

  Everyone knew it.

  I looked up from the phone and the tears were instant. “Ramsey really loves her, Ace,” I said, thinking out loud.

  He cocked his head at me and narrowed his eyes a bit, looking worried and a bit confused. “Is that not okay?”

  “It’s…it’s just overwhelming sometimes,” I answered. “Seeing him the way he is with her, it’s just…a lot sometimes.”

  Ace nodded. “I don’t pretend to understand the bond between them, but I do know it’s not one-sided. Emerson loves him just as deeply.”

  “And that’s why this is going to mean the world to Emerson,” I predicted.

  “Are you ready to do this?” he asked.

  I let out a deep breath. “Let’s get to it,” I replied.

  His face was all smiles when he said, “And I’m not forgetting about reception-sex, Kit.”

  I laughed. “Neither am I,” I said, throwing him a wink.

  Chapter 9

  Emerson Reed~

  It took almost an hour to sort out the credit card mess, come to find out, their system had a glitch of some sort and my card was fine, after all. However, the car service to Casa Romantica was complimentary, so that was something.

  When the car dropped me off, I had fired off a text to Roselyn letting her know I was here. She had sent me one back telling me to wait by the front desk for her, and I’ve been standing here, admiring what I could see of the place so far.

  After a few minutes of scoping out the place, I heard the clitter-clatter of high heels making their way towards me. I turned around and immediately felt super underdressed.

  What the hell kind of interview was this?

  As soon as the girls were close enough to hear me, I asked, “Why the hell are you guys
dressed like that?” I mean, don’t get me wrong. They all looked absolutely gorgeous, but it seemed a bit over the top.

  “We need you to come with us,” Ava said, instead of answering me.


  All three girls ignored me and tugged me towards the back of the reception area, down a hallway, and into a vacant visitor room.

  When I finally got a look at the room, I saw a stunning wedding dress hanging from a coat hook on the far right wall.

  What. The. Hell?

  “Someone better start talking,” I threatened as I whirled around on the three girls who used to be my best friends.

  Delaney had watery eyes. Ava had a huge smile on her face. And Roselyn’s tears were already falling. “This is your wedding, Emerson,” Roselyn whispered.

  I could feel my eyes bugging out of my head. “My what?”

  “Happy Anniversary!” Delaney clapped.



  “What are you guys talking about? My anniversary isn’t until next week,” I reminded them.

  Ava rolled her eyes. “Would you have come with us on the weekend of your anniversary, Em?”

  Okay. Good point.

  “What is this, seriously?”

  “Ramsey wanted to give you the wedding he never did,” Roselyn replied. “He’s been planning this for months.”

  I dropped.

  I dropped, and luckily there was chair nearby. I looked up at my friends, dazed and…emotional. “Ramsey planned a wedding? For me?”

  “He got a wedding planner, put the fear of God into her, and whalaa, here we are,” Delaney explained, her face all smiles.

  “I’m getting married?” I whispered to no one in particular.

  “The kids are all here, too,” Ava added, really making me spiral into an emotional meltdown.

  “My mom and Joseph have been handling them,” Roselyn said.

  My friends started to blur behind the tears forming in my eyes. “Ramsey planned a wedding?” I repeated. “He…he really planned a wedding for me?”

  “Oh, hell no,” Ava blurted out. “We are not delivering you to Ramsey a crying mess. I am not dying today. I promised Ace reception sex.”

  “What a coincidence,” Roselyn mumbled.

  “Okay, enough,” Delaney chimed in. “Let’s get this girl ready before Ramsey burns the place down.”

  The girls did my hair and makeup and got me into the beautiful white lace mermaid-style wedding dress. It was classy and exactly something I would have picked if I had the choice. I didn’t do flashy. I’ve never been that person.

  They hemmed and hawed the entire time they got me ready, but the entire time, all I could think about was that Ramsey planned a wedding for our twentieth wedding anniversary.

  I was pretty sure I was going to pass out.

  Chapter 10

  Ramsey Reed~

  I stood at the alter with Deke standing next to me, then Liam, and then Ace. The outdoor seating was filled with all our children and Roselyn’s mother and stepfather as the only other adults invited to share this day with me and Emerson. All the children were dressed for the occasion, with the boys all dressed in suits, and the girls all dressed in formal dresses.

  Looking around the place, I had no regrets about threatening the wedding planner. She did a wonderful job, and now all I had to do was wait for Emerson to come to me.

  The music started playing, and I, legit, felt like I couldn’t breathe. Emerson did that to me, though. She’s always done that to me.

  Everyone turned their heads as we saw movement and Ava looked beautiful walking down the aisle. So beautiful, in fact, I could hear Ace moan his emotions. She threw him a saucy wink and made her way to her position on the other side of the alter.

  Next, came Delaney, and I could actually hear Deke swallow his desire for her. She looked just as stunning as Ava had coming down the aisle. She smiled at Deke before taking her place next to Ava.

  Roselyn was making her way down the aisle, and I thought I was going to have to haul Liam back in line. He whispered his love for her, but when the kids laughed, he realized everyone could hear him. Roselyn mouthed it back before going to her rightful position as Maid of Honor. The music switched and everyone straightened to their feet and got serious. Even the priest.

  It was everything I could do to keep from dropping to my knees when Emerson appeared at the end of the aisle wearing the dress I had picked out for her.

  She looked magnificent.

  Emerson’s veil was covering her hair, baring her face, so even from where I stood, I could see tears quietly cascading down her stunning face. The love she had for me was covering every inch of her face, and I wanted to fucking run to her. Every step she took felt like a hundred.

  When she finally stood before me, her silver eyes were saying everything she was too choked up to vocalize. I took her hands in mine, and the entire place was silent, save for the occasional female sob, as the priest recited the original traditional vows I had insisted upon.

  It wasn’t until I placed the additional diamond studded anniversary band on Emerson’s finger that I spoke. I looked down at the woman who held my heart in her hands and asked, “The very first time I ever spoke to you, do you remember what I said?”

  Emerson closed her eyes briefly like she was reliving the memory. Looking back up at me, she said, “You asked me, ‘Do you actually think you belong here?’”

  “You do,” I told her. “You belong wherever I am standing, Emerson. You belong to me in a way I’ll never survive without you. I don’t care if that makes me weak. I don’t care if that makes me seem unhinged. It’s the truth.” Emerson was full-on crying now, but she still looked exquisite. “You belong to me in a way that I feel empty when you’re not around. Twenty years later, I still panic if I don’t know where you’re at or what you’re doing. You belong here, Emerson. You belong here with me, and I will never fucking let you go.”

  Emerson threw herself in my arms and I wrapped her tight as she cried into my chest. “I love you, Ramsey,” she sobbed against my tux. “I love you, so much. I love you. Forever.” I could hear the cheers, the tears, and the congratulations in the background, but all that mattered was this woman in my arms.

  I didn’t deserve Emerson. I never deserved Emerson. And I’ve lived with that fact residing in the back of my mind every day for the past twenty years. It didn’t matter how many times she told me she loved me. It didn’t matter that she gave me two beautiful kids. It didn’t matter that we were at our twentieth wedding anniversary. None of it erased the fact that I didn’t deserve her. Sure, I had her. But I didn’t deserve her.

  But I’ll never let her go.

  I pulled back and cradled her face in my hands. “I love you, Emerson,” I growled. “I love you so fucking much, baby. I will love you until the day I die, Emerson.” Her lips were trembling, but she gave me a smile. “Hell, I’m pretty sure I’m going to love you beyond that.”

  Her hands came up to wrap around my wrists as I held her face. “One day, you’re going to know just how much I love you, Ramsey.”

  I smirked. “I know you love me,” I countered. “I just know I don’t deserve it.”

  Emerson smiled through her tears. “But you do,” she whispered. “I was always meant to be yours.”


  And they lived happily ever after.

  The kids, too.

  The End.

  Author’s Final Note

  Thank you for everyone who fell so in love with Facing the Enemy that an entire series was created. I’m not sure where the inspiration for Facing the Enemy came from, but while writing the story, I knew one thing for certain; I didn’t want the female character to be weak or clueless. Emerson knew all the reasons she was drawn to Ramsey, and she made no excuses for them. Neither character hid their character flaws or denied that they could do with some serious counseling. That being said…

  There’s a fine line between a strong, confiden
t, dominating male…a strong, confident, brave female…and an actual abuser and victim.

  Please know that my intent when writing this book was never to hurt, embarrass, confuse, or offend anyone. Because both characters were so strong, I viewed the story as a serious battle of the wills and not a story of realistic verbal, emotional, and/or physical abuse. I tried to follow the same pattern with all the books in the series. However, Ava’s tale turned darker than the others, but I started to appreciate how she was more than just her reputation in Battling the Enemy.

  In Facing the Enemy, I wanted to highlight how not all of us are ignorant to the things that shape us growing up, and our lives can change based on whether we embrace the parts of our childhoods we’d rather forget, or if we own them and accept they happened, making us who we are.

  In Engaging the Enemy, I wanted to highlight the actual definition of shame, and how we deal with it. Do we feel shame because we’re really ashamed, or do we feel shame because society tells us we should? It is actually possible for someone to love us unconditionally even knowing everything about us.

  In Battling the Enemy, I wanted to highlight how a quiet, introvert personality can still be strong and formidable. Just because a person is quiet and chooses to keep to themselves, does not mean they are weak. Sometimes, we just need that one person who sees what no one else takes the time to see.

  In Provoking the Enemy, I wanted to highlight that people are too complex to have just one basic personality. It is possible to get swept up in what people think about us, but we are more than other people’s opinions. It’s our own self-opinion that matters.

  But as much as I loved bringing to life Ramsey, Liam, Deke, and Ace, I have to put emphasis on the heroines of the series, Emerson, Roselyn, Delaney, and Ava. They were all strong enough to handle the men because that’s how they had developed in my mind. However, I want to stress that, if you’re a strong woman handling your strong man, well, kudos to you (fist bump). But if you’re more on the sensitive side and your strong man’s actions start feeling more like abuse instead of foreplay, please, please, please analyze what you really feel and/or talk to someone about it.


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