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Page 33

by Jackie Collins

  She found herself responding with a sexual zeal she hadn’t felt in a long time. He tasted of cigarette smoke and booze and forbidden excitement, and she wanted him desperately.

  After a few feverish minutes, he ripped off her bra, breaking the clasp. Her breasts tumbled free as he pushed her up against the kitchen counter, raising her hips so that she was half sitting, tearing at her panties until they too were history. Her skirt was around her waist, her sweater around her neck, the rest of her exposed to his probing eyes.

  With one hand he untied his towel, letting it drop to the floor. With the other he crushed her breasts together, playing with her nipples.

  Then he put his cock between her legs, pausing for a moment before plunging in.

  She let out a scream of pleasurable pain. Aiden might be thin, but he made up for it in other places.

  And finally they were into a wild ride that lasted for a very long time. And after that . . . sleep. A deeply satisfying sleep.

  • •

  “I can’t remember ever being more content,” Lara said with a big smile. They sat in bed, trays in front of them, having recently finished a delicious dinner.

  “Yeah,” Joey said. “Mrs. C’s cookin’ does it for me every time.”

  “Will you stop!” she said, laughing. “You know exactly what I mean. The two of us . . . here together . . . nobody to bother us. It’s like being in our own little world.”

  “You’re right,” he said. “Truth is, I’ve never been happier either. Who needs to go out?”

  “We’re so alike,” she said, sighing contentedly.

  “Yeah, two loners wanderin’ around lost—then we got lucky an’ found each other. Right?”

  “You said it, Joey.”

  He grinned. “An’ now . . .”

  “We’re together.”

  “Like you said—soul mates.” Along beat. “In fact . . .”

  “Yes, Joey?”

  “You ready to hear my great idea?”

  “What is it?” she asked with an indulgent smile. “Dinner in bed for two?”

  “No, smart ass.”

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Well . . .” he paused before plunging ahead. “I kinda had this crazy thought that when you finish the movie, we should take off an’—you know—kinda get married.”


  “Yeah, that’s what people in love do, y’know.”

  She regarded him for a long, silent moment. “They do?” she finally managed, filled with mixed emotions.

  “You an’ me, somewhere quiet, where no one can find us. What’d’you say, baby?”

  She hesitated for only a second, and then she realized how right it all was. “I say . . . whatever you want, Joey. Whatever makes you happy.”

  “No,” he responded, staring at the most beautiful woman in the world. “Whatever makes you happy. I love you, Lara, an’ I’m gonna make you happier than you ever imagined possible.”

  And then they kissed—a long, deep soul kiss. And Lara knew she was making the right decision. They truly belonged together, and they always would.



  THE MYSTERY VOICE HAD DELIVERED. Yes, Alison Sewell knew she finally had a friend, someone she could trust.

  The voice on the phone had told her exactly where to go to get the pictures of Lara Ivory that nobody else would have: a seedy hotel room overlooking the alley where Revenge was shooting the next day. A hotel room booked and paid for in the name of Mrs. Smith. All Alison had to do was to go there with her cameras and telephoto lenses and wait.

  “If I get the pictures you say I will,” Alison had said. “And I sell ’em to the tabs, what d’you get out of it?”

  “Satisfaction,” the mystery voice had replied.

  All had come to pass. Alison had done exactly as instructed, and sure enough, she was center stage for the rape scene, with an unobstructed view of the action.

  God! She could hardly shoot fast enough as the scene progressed. SnapSnap, as Lara was shoved to the ground; zoom in for close-up as Aiden Sean ripped off her bra; automatic reflex—five shots a second—as they spread her legs and ripped off her panties.

  Alison was breathing hard. These were the pictures a photographer of her caliber dreamed about! Naked celebrities fetched top price—especially a celebrity who was supposed to be so sweet and nice. Lara Ivory. Miss Incorruptible. Well, look at you now, bitch. That’ll teach you to cross Alison Sewell.

  By the time she was finished, Alison was drenched with sweat. She hurriedly packed up her equipment and raced home, anxious to see what treasures her camera had brought her.

  When she viewed the results she was in heaven. The photographs were so raunchy, so bad, so sellable . . .

  Lara Ivory exposed for everyone to see.

  Revenge was sweet as pie.

  And this was just the start.



  WHEN LARA REPORTED FOR WORK the next day, Mick started jumping all over her, spewing forth compliments. “Couldn’t’ve asked for more,” he said enthusiastically, pushing his heavy glasses back on his nose. “That was some freakin’ kick-ass performance.”

  “I’m so glad it’s over,” she said crisply. “It was quite an ordeal, but I think we got it.”

  “You bet we did,” he crowed. “Thanks to you.”

  “Do I get to shoot someone today?” she asked calmly, quite confident that when the gun was in her hands she could handle it.

  “Lara!” Mick exclaimed. “What happened to you?”

  “Oh, I can be tough too,” she said with a wicked grin.

  He grinned back. “Oooh, baby, I get off when you’re bad.”

  “Then I’ll try to be bad more often,” she said, still smiling.

  “We brought in a weapons expert for the scene today,” Mick said. “He’ll show you how to handle a gun.”

  “Joey already did that.”

  “Nothin’ like expert advice.”

  “If you insist,” she said, heading for the makeup trailer, unable to stop thinking about Joey. Last night they’d decided that as soon as the movie was finished, they’d take off and get married. He’d made her promise not to mention it to anyone—which wasn’t easy, because she wanted to tell the world. But he’d convinced her it was the only way if they didn’t want a circus.

  She hugged the secret to herself and couldn’t stop smiling.

  • •

  Mick was already setting up the first shot when Nikki arrived, later than usual. “What happened to you?” he said cheerfully. “You’re usually the early chick bird on set.”

  “I, uh . . . had a restless night,” she replied, wondering if it was written all over her face that what had actually happened was that she’d had great sex with Aiden and then overslept “Uh . . . Mick, do you know anything about anyone shooting photos yesterday?”

  “No press allowed. Remember?”

  “I heard a rumor someone might have gotten shots of Lara.”

  “No way.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “On my set?” Mick said, arms flailing wildly. “They would’ve been spotted and shot on the spot.”

  “I guess you’re right,” she said uncertainly. “Is Lara here yet?”

  “In makeup.”

  She headed for the makeup trailer, expecting to find Lara in a bad mood. But to her surprise, Lara was smiling and chatting to the makeup woman, looking amazing as usual, in spite of yesterday’s ordeal.

  “Hi,” Nikki said, not quite sure they were friends after yesterday’s blowup.

  “Morning,” Lara responded amiably.

  “You look great.”

  “I feel sensational. Now that the rape scene’s over I can relax. This was a tough shoot, Nik. But I’m sure it’s all going to be worth it.”

  “You bet.” A pause. “Uh, is Joey around?”

  “He’ll be in at noon. Why?”

  “I was out of line yesterday, thought I’d apolog

  Lara nodded her agreement. “Truth is you both behaved badly,” she said.

  “I know, I know,” Nikki admitted. “And I’m sorry. It’s just that it hasn’t been easy, what with Richard obsessing over you, plus my problems with Summer—which I won’t even get into.”

  “More problems?”

  Nikki glanced at the makeup woman diligently doing her job. “Uh . . . I’ll tell you later.”

  “How about lunch?” Lara suggested, feeling that maybe she’d been neglecting their friendship.

  “Just the two of us?”


  “I’d like that.”

  “So would I,” Lara responded warmly. “It seems we never get a chance to talk anymore.”

  Nikki leaned over, impulsively kissing her on the cheek. “You’re my best friend,” she said. “We’ll always stick together, huh?”

  Lara nodded. “Of course we will, Nik.” And she wished she could confide her secret.

  • •

  The weapons expert was a beefy ex-cop who turned to mush in Lara’s presence. He had difficulty explaining what she had to do, because her closeness rendered him speechless. She was gentle with him, knowing the effect she had on most men. Mick thought it was hilarious.

  “Don’t you dare embarrass him,” she said sternly. “He’s so sweet.”

  “Sweet, my ass!” Mick guffawed. “He’s a big, old, hairy pisser who’d jump you soon as look at you!”

  Gingerly she held the gun—and didn’t feel a thing. No bad memories today. Little Lara Ann was safely tucked away in the back of her mind. No visual images of blood and gore and torn flesh . . .

  When Joey arrived they embraced, completely oblivious that everyone was watching them.

  “I booked the airline tickets,” he said, close to her ear. “Under assumed names. We leave the morning after you wrap.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait a couple of days?”

  “For what? We gotta do it fast, babe.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Tahiti. I heard about a place where nobody’ll bother us.”

  For a moment she felt a frisson of anxiety. “You’re sure we’re not rushing into this?”

  “Do you feel as if we’re rushin’?”


  “Then why’re you givin’ me a hard time?”

  She smiled softly. “I never give you a hard time.” And she gazed into his eyes and knew they were doing the right thing.

  “That’s what I like about you,” he said. “That and your sexy body.”

  “Hmm . . . right back at you.”

  They both laughed.

  “You wait until I get you alone on a tropical island,” he said in a low voice, nuzzling her neck. “I’m gonna make love to you like you’ve never been made love to before.”

  “You are?” she said, her voice husky with desire.

  “Bet on it.” A beat. “In fact, if we go to your trailer right now . . .”

  “Uh . . . Joey, I promised I’d have lunch with Nikki today. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Don’t wanna have sex with me, huh?” he teased. “Already takin’ me for granted.”

  “It’s just that Nikki needs to talk.”

  “As long as you don’t plan on telling her.”

  She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. “As if I would.”

  He was pissed, although he didn’t show it. Nikki had too strong a hold over Lara. Now that he’d made the final commitment he wanted her all to himself with no outside influences.

  Still, only a few more days of filming, then she’d be all his, and there’d be nobody around to get in their way.

  • •

  “I can’t believe you threw Richard out,” Lara said, pushing her fork around a bowl of cottage cheese and fruit. “The two of you seemed so happy.”

  “I can’t believe it either,” Nikki replied. “But I always harbored the philosophy that if he screwed around on me, I’d do it back to him.”

  Lara shook her head sadly. “And I thought the three of us would always be such good friends.”

  “I’ll be honest,” Nikki said, picking at a salad. “Maybe I could have dealt with his infidelity. The thing I couldn’t deal with was his obsession with you.”

  “He doesn’t have an obsession with me/’ Lara said, stubbornly refusing to admit what everyone else seemed to know.

  “Oh yes he does,” Nikki insisted. “I truly believe that if I hadn’t asked you to be in Revenge, he wouldn’t have gotten like this.”

  “Could be he’s jealous,” Lara said sagely.

  “Of what?” Nikki snorted.

  “Well . . . Richard makes big, expensive Hollywood movies. Revenge is a small, low-budget film—something he’ll never get an opportunity to do again. Perhaps, deep down, he’d welcome the chance.”

  “Who, Richard?” Nikki said derisively. “He loves the fame and glory. Big budgets are his life. Surely you know that?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “The only thing he’s jealous of is your relationship with Joey.”

  “Well . . . he’d better learn to accept it if he wants to stay friends.”

  “I don’t get it.” Nikki sighed. “Men and their dicks. Is there no way they can keep them zipped up?”

  “You knew Richard was a risk going in,” Lara said.

  “True,” Nikki agreed. “If he screwed around on you, what made me think I had a chance?” She laughed ruefully. “Dumb me. I guess my ego told me I was different.”

  “At least you didn’t catch him in the act.”

  “Small compensation,” she said, sipping a glass of apple juice. “Anyway, the good news is I had fun with Aiden last night.”

  “At last!” Lara exclaimed with a smile. “Someone not old enough to be your father!”

  “Yeah,” Nikki said wryly. “Better I should be with a reformed druggie.”

  “As long as he’s reformed.”

  “He tells me he is. Who knows? I’m not planning on sticking around long enough to find out.”

  “So,” Lara said, reaching for her sunglasses. “What’s going on with Summer?”

  “It’s complicated,” Nikki said, not quite sure how much to reveal. “Well . . .” she hesitated a moment before plunging ahead. “Aiden told me he saw her in a club one night, coming on to Mick. Obviously it was before Mick knew who she was.”

  “Coming on in what way?”

  “How can I put this? She wasn’t just flirting. Apparently Mick told Aiden she gave him a blow job in the back of his limo.” Nikki sighed, as if she couldn’t quite believe it herself. “Isn’t that nice? Fifteen-year-old girl and crazed director. My director.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Aiden wouldn’t lie. Mick must’ve gone into shock when he came to my house for dinner and discovered who she was.”

  “Did you talk to her?” Lara asked.

  “I sent her back to Chicago. Sheldon’s in charge, it’s not for me to get into.”

  “Yes, it is,” Lara said forcefully, remembering her own miserable teenage years. “If you can’t talk to her, at least fill Sheldon in. She needs guidance.”

  “He’d throw a fit.”

  “Don’t let it go, Nik. She’s only fifteen.”

  “I know, I know, I’ve got to deal with it. Actually—there’s more.”

  Lara sighed. “What now?”

  “Nothing happened, but she came on to Aiden, too.” A long beat. “I thought I’d bring her back here at Christmas, spend time with her then.”

  “How can you do that if you’re with Aiden?” Lara asked, frowning. “What if this is the start of something you don’t want to stop? That’ll make Summer feel really uncomfortable—knowing he’s probably told you.”

  Nikki shook her head. “It’s not going anywhere with Aiden.”

  “How do you know?”

  “ ’Cause we’re too different.”

  “Could be a challenge.”

��ve had enough challenges to last a lifetime.” Nikki sighed, pushing her plate away. “Anyway,” she continued, “enough about me. How’s your big romance?”

  Lara’s face lit up. “Joey’s wonderful,” she said dreamily. “He makes me feel secure. In fact . . . he makes me feel like I’ve never felt before.”

  “Great sex’ll do it every time!”

  “Don’t you ever think about anything else?”

  “Not if I can help it!” Another long pause. “Y’know, since Joey’s obviously a keeper, isn’t it time you found out more about him?”

  “Why?” Lara said defensively. “What he did before me has nothing to do with us.”

  “I know that. But surely a person’s background is important?”

  “No,” Lara said firmly. “The past is exactly that. I know everything I need to know about Joey.”

  And Nikki knew it was time to shut up.

  • •

  Much to Summer’s disgust, Chicago was caught in a cold spell. Every time she ventured outdoors she was assaulted by strong winds and sleeting rain. It was bad enough on school days—but weekends, too? Not that I have anywhere to go, she thought, staring glumly out of her bedroom window, watching the relentless rain dribbling down the windowpane, wishing she was still in sunny L.A.

  She’d been home almost a month, and back in school a week, which was the drag of all time, because she didn’t belong anymore, she was way ahead of everyone. I’ve had a sex experience with a movie star, she wanted to yell at the boys who came chasing after her. Get lost, you retarded little dicks!

  The only good thing was that since she’d been back, her father hadn’t touched her. Rachel kept him so busy that he didn’t have time for his nocturnal visits, or maybe he was backing off now that she was old enough to complain.

  Not that she ever had complained. Who would she tell? Her absentee mother, who obviously didn’t care? Her stepmother, Rachel? No way.

  Her sixteenth birthday was coming up, and Rachel had offered to throw her a party. She wasn’t sure if she wanted one. Who would she invite? The geeks from school? None of them would be Aiden Sean or Norman Barton—so what was the point?

  The night with Norman and Tina remained vivid in her mind. Norman had been so sweet and full of fun. And on top of having a good time, she’d actually gotten paid!


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