Married to the Alien Admiral: Renascence Alliance Series Book 1
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Kara was surprised that he even mentioned her ship at one point in criticism against one of his captains for letting her get so close as to do a bit of damage. She was even more surprised that he turned to her then and said, “That was well done, Captain. You have a brave crew considering had my Captain been faster to react to your maneuvers; you would not be sitting here with us now.”
Then, Tir talked about where they thought the Jahay might have regrouped to and what their strategy might be for the next battle and the rest of the war, which he hoped would be over soon. Then he looked at Kara and said, “Captain Kara, please show us where they have regrouped on the map.”
Kara looked up at him without expression, “I’m sorry they never told human ships where the rendezvous points were until it was sure we had survived the battle or reconnaissance mission.”
“I believe you that the Jahay would have kept this information from you. They realized for some time now that we would do everything we could not to harm humans. However, Captain, I know you aren’t the kind of woman who would wait for an alien species like the Jahay to tell you where to go and what to do. Now, where is the next rendezvous?”
Kara just looked at him. Of course, he was right. But she was not just going to give up.
“Captain, your doctor is still in our brig. Does that refresh your memory?”
Kara sighed. She was not going to let John be tortured over what he did not know. And it was obvious Tir would have this information from her either now or later, after real torture, so she decided to save them all the trouble. She looked at the small virtual console in front of her on the large conference room table and tried to figure out how to bring up the coordinates, but without her handheld translator she could not make out the Alliance written language. So, she stood, walked around the table, to the amusement of the Alliance men and pointed to the places on the large virtual map that were displayed.
Tir was pleased that she was clever enough to realize her situation and resign herself to it. He also had to admit, and he enjoyed watching her walk around the table in her tight red uniform. He still had his fantasy about her wearing that as foreplay. However, it unnerved him that his men were admiring her figure as well, and Tir was shocked by his own emotions. Jealousy was the most frowned upon emotion in Alliance culture. In the Alliance, everything and everyone shared according to their position.
Kara returned to her seat and Tir began making more plans with his captains. Surprisingly, Kara found that she was less cross with Tir the longer the meeting went on. She watched and listened to him discuss the progress of the war with his captains. His men seemed to respect him in a way that she found a bit cold, but she reasoned that it could just be their culture, Alliance people were not known for their warm personalities. Sitting in the meeting not being expected to participate again, she could just watch him. He was tall, even for an Alliance man and unlike many of the other men, who wore their hair in a braid or multiple braids, he always wore his loose or had in the last 48 hours, and she wondered if this was a status hairstyle, as everything in one’s appearance in the Alliance Empire was connected to rank.
Kara wondered what kind of culture the Alliance really was. There were so many rumors around the galaxy; it was difficult to know what was true and what was false. It was often said that the Alliance culture was brutal and archaic, especially in regards to honor and women. Kara did know for certain, that Alliance women rarely left the Alliance planets and were forbidden from serving in their military. So she looked at him now and wondered if he really would give her an Alliance ship once she gained his trust. She had no reason to doubt him. He had not lied to her yet, and if the Alliance needed human women and not as sex slaves, it was better to entice humans with what they wanted and needed in the galaxy, which was more technology. It occurred to her then that maybe that was the Alliance’s plan all along, to begin with, the women serving in the starships and have a kind of trickle-down effect to women on Earth who might even come freely to be wives in the Alliance. She had some friends back home that read a lot of old romance novels, and that would probably love to be married, even if it were to a grey-skinned man that lived on a cold and dark planet with strange religious beliefs.
Tir asked Kara a question then, and she almost missed it as she had been daydreaming about her friends at home, “Captain Kara, how many Class One Warships does the Jahay have in sector two?”
Kara looked at the virtual map between them all and found sector two by identifying the stars as she could not read the Alliance hieroglyphs. Kara closed her eyes, trying to remember the maps she had seen from their intercepted communication, “I believe only one, Admiral.”
“You are sure?”
“As sure as I can be for only seeing the information once three days ago.”
“Good enough.”
Tir was finishing his well-organized meeting now.
Kara was surprised that all his captains rose and bowed to him after he formally ended the meeting with a religious prayer. She stood but was not going to bow to him, although she could not deny that she was completely aroused that he did command so much respect from his men. Despite whatever rank he had been born into in his society, he definitely had earned this position of Admiral, which she was glad of. She could never have been with someone that was a fool. But then she reminded herself she probably could have escaped already if she had been forced to marry a fool.
Tir ended the meeting and then waited for everyone to leave. He sent his guards outside the door and then locked it. He walked directly over to Kara then and just began fervently kissing her.
Kara had not expected him to just come to her with so much desire, here in the conference room, only 30 seconds after he had just finished a meeting. But after a couple minutes of kissing each other, she did not care that they were in the conference room and his guards were right outside. His hands were on her hips, pushing her body against his, she could feel that he was aroused already, and his tongue was exploring every inch of her mouth. She knew this would be different than the sex they had had in his quarters, that this was fantasy sex. But she did not mind; she had thought he was so sexy while he talked about the battle that had brought them together and future strategies about crushing the Jahay. It was partly the Jahay fault for her position at the moment anyway.
Kara’s suspicions of Tir wanting to play out a fantasy were confirmed when he said, “Ever since I saw you in here yesterday, I wanted to do this. And watching you walk around the map with your fitted uniform and all my captain’s eyes on you was,” he struggled for the word, “intoxicating.” He would never admit to being jealous.
“If we do this,” she said between kisses, trying to sound like she could stop kissing him at any moment, “that this is your favor for letting me wear my uniform.”
“I know,” he said between kisses. “Why do you think I agreed so easily when you asked to take off the dress and put on your uniform?”
“This is what you thought of when I asked to change my clothing? This moment?”
“It was the first thing I thought of, yes. Then I considered how it would look to my men, and I decided the prize outweighed the embarrassment of my wife not wearing her jewelry the day after we married. Now come back here.”
Kara had scooted away a little in disbelief.
“Kara, I’m not a complete brute. Although I have never had a prisoner before, I’m trying to make this as civilized as possible.”
Kara looked into his green eyes, “I don’t think you can use the words ‘civilized’, ‘prisoner’ and ‘wife’ in the same sentence. But I will admit one thing; I love it when your hands are on me.” She could not help herself, her body wanted him so badly, although her mind was warning her against her physical desires, but Kara easily dismissed those warnings. Instead, she tried to wiggle off the table to better take off her uniform. “Wait, it’s better if I stand up,” she explained.
He frowned, thinking she wanted no part of this.
But instead of leaving him, she jumped down and commanded him, “Sit.”
Tir sat down in a chair as Kara stood in front of him, only about half a meter away. She was going to give him a little show. One of her hands on her uniform zipper, innocently playing with it and looked at him and said, “I heard the Alliance never took prisoners. What are you going to do with me then? I don’t want to die.”
Tir tried not to smile at her words, mocking what he had said to her just moments before. Of course, he was more than pleased she wanted to live out this fantasy as well, “What do you have to offer human?”
“Well?” she asked in a sultry voice, slowly begging to unzip her uniform. When she reached her belly button, she smiled up at him seductively and said, “I’ve never been with an alien before. Should I be scared? You know there are all these rumors about Alliance men in the galaxy, and I’m just a little human woman; we don’t mate outside our species.” She was running her index finger up and down the sliver of exposed skin from where she had unzipped her uniform.
Tir was surprised she said that and wanted to say something clever and sexy back, but his mind was blank, “Let’s take it slowly then, so you don’t get scared. Unzip the rest of your uniform.”
Kara looked at him and then slowly ran her hands seductively over her body before she began slowly unzipping her uniform further. When she had it all the way unzipped, she turned around and looked over her shoulder at him while she slowly worked it off her shoulders and then said, “I’ve never done this before kind of thing before. I feel so naughty.”
“You are the worst liar. If I weren’t enjoying this so much I would laugh,” he said quietly and heavily. He had the feeling that this was a show she had done many times before, And why not? She was so sexy in that uniform. “I give you permission to be as naughty as you want, Captain. Maybe it will help your situation here as my prisoner,” he said, playing along with the fantasy now.
Kara put her finger in her mouth then and looked at him, then took it out and said, “As naughty as I want, Admiral? You’ve no idea how wicked my mind can be.”
“As naughty as you want to be, my little human.”
Kara still had her back to Tir, she slowly pulled the rest of her uniform down and stepped out of it. She was crouched down seductively and then ran her hands slowly up the back of her legs over her bottom, skimming her hips, through her short, brown hair until her arms were high above her head. After a couple of seconds, she lowered her hands to rest on the back of her neck and looked back at him again. Then she ran her hands back down to her black lace underwear and began rubbing her rear. There were some bruises there. “As you can see, I have already been so naughty and adequately punished for it,” she said, referring to the small bruises and cuts on her body. Then she began pulling her underwear up to cause some friction against her clitoris and anus. Then she ran two fingers over her pulled underwear and said, “But I can’t help it. I’m just so naughty and need punishment from a big bad alien like you.”
“You’ll have to show me more bad behavior if that is what you want. So far, you’ve done nothing wrong here,” Tir was goading her.
She gave him a feigned look of confusion, “I’ll do my best.” Then she turned and put her hand down the front of her underwear and stroked herself while she bit her lip and looked at him with innocent eyes, “I’m so wet already thinking about having an alien penis inside of me. That is the extent of my naughtiness now. All the while you were talking to your men, I thought about your strength and your power. I wanted you to strip me down and take me in front of all of them,” she guessed from his reaction to his doctor watching yesterday, that this would also be an Alliance man’s fantasy.
Tir was impressed, “Keep touching yourself like that and I promise I’ll thrust into your vagina so hard you’ll never want to have sex with a human again. You’ll only desire Alliance men and only me.”
“Are you sure? I mean, how do you know? Have you ever been with a human? Maybe then you won’t like the way human women feel on the inside? We are so much warmer, maybe our vaginas become too wet” she said coming closer, “You know, we have all these curves,” she ran her hands down over her hips on to her bottom. “And we have breasts,” she touched her breasts over her bra until she could see that they were hard with arousal. “And we have hair, do you want to see?”
“I do want to see your nether hair,” he replied.
She gave him a coy look, “I’m too embarrassed. What if you don’t like it? I’ll be so desperate sex then, what will I do? I’ll have to use my fingers in an effort for release, and I know it won’t be enough.”
“I’ll like your hair. I promise.”
“You promise to still have sex with me? I need you inside of me. I’ve been so naughty. Throughout the whole meeting, I was looking at you, thinking about you, hoping that maybe you would find me attractive enough to have sex with.”
“I promise, I’ll still have sex with you. Show me the hair on your body. I want to see it and run my fingers through it. I want to feel your hair wet with your arousal.”
Kara slowly bent down in front of him again, and she was so close to where he was sitting, her rear almost touched his knees. She slowly pulled her underwear down, giving him a nice view of her bottom. Then she stood up slowly and turned around her hands over her vulva. Her head was down in feigned embarrassment.
Tir could not take much more of this. She was driving him crazy. He could smell her desire, “Show me. I promise I’ll still want to have sex with you. Show me your hair, human.”
Kara slowly moved her hands away, and once she did that, he pulled her to him and began kissing her passionately. Tir ripped off the bra and was sucking her nipples as if he had never seen them before. In no time he had her up on the conference table and was kissing her all while his finger was moving rhythmically over her clitoris in a way that he was finding worked for her here and now. Tir loved watching her and knew that she was close to coming. He whispered in her ear, “You are so wicked. I love running my fingers through this human hair. Be my naughty wife.”
“Barbarian,” she whispered breathlessly and then she came.
“I adore your face when I make you come. You are the goddess herself,” Tir whispered in her ear before he tore down his trousers. He entered her and was quickly and forcefully pumping into her.
Kara’s legs were on either side of him, and he was holding her back, enjoying the sight of her as he thrust into her again and again.
After some minutes, Tir flipped her over and held her hands behind her back, “You’re so wicked, I bet this is going to make you come again.” He knew that from this angle and her breasts pressed against the cold table, there was a chance he could make her come again, especially if he held her hands behind her back strongly.
Kara could not believe that he was pounding into her on the conference room table like this right after a meeting. She knew it was his arrogance, but then she thought, He is right, he is going to make me come again. She wondered if she would ever be able to leave if every day, they were going to have sex like this. Kara hated herself for enjoying this ecstasy so much and for not being able to turn him down. But then she told her conscience, Oh be quiet and enjoy this, you will escape soon enough.
Tir climaxed shortly after she did a second time and pulled out of her. Semen and her own wetness dripped from her empty vagina now. She sat up. He pulled up his trousers and then grabbed her uniform from the floor.
“No, I need to put on my underwear first,” she instructed him, and he handed her the black lace underwear. Kara put on her underwear to somewhat stop the flow of semen running down her legs, and then looked around for her bra which he had thrown in the heat of the moment. She jumped down and went across the room.
“Where are you going?”
She picked up her bra off the floor and held it up to him as an answer, but did not put it on as it had been ruined by him so kept it in her hand.
Tir brought her uniform over t
o her.
They had made a mess of sweat and sex on the table, “Should we make an effort to clean that up?” She did not know anything about Alliance housekeeping habits, but compared to her ship, everything was spotless. And had she done this in her own conference room she would put in a little effort to make it not look like what they had just done.
“No, a slave will do it.”
“Tir, it’s not like we spilled some water.”
“I don’t understand you. You’re my wife. Everyone onboard knows we are just married. For a culture that does not get married anymore, you can be very prude. I’ll send the slaves in to clean the table.”
“You keep slaves onboard?”
Tir looked at her and realized there was still so much she did not know about Alliance culture. “Of course, we always have slaves with us. I’ll explain it over the midday meal. Right now, I need to return you to our quarters because I’ve some actual work to do.” He could not help himself but ran his fingers through her hair as he looked into her big brown eyes. “Thank you for helping with the Jahay strategies.”
“How do you know I wasn’t lying?”
“Because I already knew where the rendezvous point was located from intelligence, I received this morning. You just confirmed it.” Then he smiled a little and added, “And we both know, you’re a terrible liar. And you’re not stupid, so I’m sure you only lie as a last resort and today wouldn’t have warranted that risk.”
They walked back to his quarters in silence, followed by his guards. His crew that they passed in the corridors bowed to him and looked at her curiously.
When they reached their quarters and Tir escorted her in, “All your possessions are here. I’ll do my best to keep you onboard the Refa with me as long as possible. Take your things and put them where you will. This is our space now.” He paused then considering and then finally said after a couple of minutes, “I’m guessing you are going to go through my things as soon as you’re alone, but to save you some time, I’ll tell you, there are swords in the bottom of my wardrobe. But don’t bother trying to use one to escape, if you’ve never have used a sword before. It’ll just be annoying, and I’ll not even punish you for it. Other than that, there is nothing else of interest to you in these quarters. I’ll be back soon.”