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Married to the Alien Admiral: Renascence Alliance Series Book 1

Page 15

by Alma Nilsson

  He moved his hand to touch her, and she did feel more at peace, she could not deny that. Nor that humans had a very similar story written by Plato, but she did not want to encourage him further in his Lost People fervor, so she said nothing.

  “Every day, I want this war to end, but at the same time continue forever so that I can keep you here with me and hope that you start to accept your destiny. However, I know it is a risk because every day, you learn more and are that much closer to escape. And if you do manage to escape, you may die, by my enemies’ hands or your people’s and then whatever our true destiny is will be passed on to others.” He looked at her seriously, “Kara, I want to live out our destiny.”

  She didn’t like it when he was so serious like this about things she could not believe. It scared her because she was worried; she might start believing him. She was quiet for a couple minutes and then said, “I don’t like the way you keep me locked away in your quarters. I need to exercise. I need to get out and do something else. If you want me to start believing that this is destiny, you need to begin to treat me better.”

  “Now you are being somewhat unreasonable. I have tried to give you some freedoms, and you have tried to escape. As for exercise, the only exercise we do onboard is swordplay, but there is no woman to teach you and women are not allowed, no that is not what I mean, it is just that there has never been a woman here, women have their own places.” It was difficult for him to explain his culture to her, and he always felt that he was completely inarticulate and only made it more confusing.

  “I don’t care. Let a man teach me then.” Kara realized she had said something wrong because Tir looked scandalized.

  “You don’t understand in the Alliance, men and women are not equal in the way that one role can be substituted for another. Everything is prescribed. A man could not teach you. It would go …” Kara interrupted him then.

  “Go against the gods, I know,” she looked at him then and tried to look desperate. “You are my husband. We are as close as two people can be. Surely, you can teach me how to use a sword. How can that go against the gods? Even the gods must understand that this is an extreme and unique circumstance.” She was looking at him thinking, Please do this for me. I am so bored all day every day, and I am going to become the woman in the yellow wallpaper if something doesn’t change.

  Tir thought about what Kara had requested for a couple of minutes, weighing out the pros and cons, “I’ll teach you. You must learn at some point anyway, and I can hardly bring a female teacher onboard, especially when we are still at war.”

  “One more battle and it’ll be over, especially now that Admiral Uikoly of the Jahay is gone.”

  “Thanks to you,” he wanted to give her credit where it was due. She had privately helped him strategize before the last battle, and it was because of her this war would soon be over. He was constantly impressed with her intelligence, but that also made him wary of giving her too many freedoms onboard because he worried about her escaping before she realized that they were meant to be together.

  She nodded. She had mixed emotions about what she had done, and she had hoped he would have given her more freedom after she handed the Jahay to him in the last battle. “I have always had to be creative, or else I would be dead. I would have thought you would have given me a bit more freedom after the last battle. That I could at least meet John regularly for the midday meal.”

  He ignored her suggestion as they had had that discussion many times. He changed the subject completely then, “How are your studies of Alliance hieroglyphs going?” He got out his communicator as he asked her the question and wrote a couple sentences and then showed it to her. This was a game they played frequently.

  Kara looked at the sentences and knew all the words but two, but read out the sentences in English anyway,

  Every day I am even more amazed by your intelligence. Now let’s go to the gymnasium and practice swordplay, which is something that I am good at.

  She looked up at him, “I don’t know those two words,” she pointed them to the small screen.

  “Gym and swordplay,” he replied. He was amazed at the speed she had conquered the Alliance written language, and he thought, Because they are the Lost People, it resonates with her to learn the language the gods gave to us. And then another thought occurred to him, Have humans been learning other languages in the galaxy because they are still looking for their true language, Alliance? Humans were the only species in the galaxy that had the ability to turn their universal translators on and off. The rest of the galaxy laughed at them for this, ‘Why in all the stars name would you want that?’ people always asked, but he looked at Kara now and wondered if this was why.

  Kara was beaming now at the thought of getting out and doing something new and something physical. She had not left his quarters in days. She got up from the table and said, “Let me change my clothes,” and went into the other room to put on her yoga clothes, tight black pants, and a pink tank top. She did not even care that she was going to be cold in such little clothing on the Alliance ship, which was kept at a cool 15C. He had consented to keep his quarters at 19C for her.

  When she walked out into the sitting-room, he took in her appearance, “Good.” Then he opened the door and escorted her to the officers’ gym, which was busy with half-naked grey officers. As they walked along the side, everyone stopped and saluted Tir. He acknowledged them and walked on with Kara behind him to a smaller room in the back. They went in. He began looking around the room for something.

  Kara just stood near the entrance and watched him. She suspected this must be a room for him alone. “Who do you usually practice with here?”

  “Doctor Siu, he is the best in the Alliance,” Tir said casually.

  “How do you know he is the best?”

  He looked at her and smiled, “Because we have frequent competitions in the Alliance.”

  “How do you rank?”

  “Not well enough that I would enter a competition, but I am standing here, so I have yet to lose a duel.”

  “And women?”

  “They also have competitions, but they are not for male spectators,” then he came over and handed her a heavy blunt sword. “Only women can compete, and only women and male slave artists can watch.”

  “Male slave artists? That is strange.”

  “It is rumored that a male slave artist for a year is the prize in the women’s competition, but only women know if that is true. It is forbidden to talk about these things with any man, even your husband.”

  “What is the men’s prize?” Alliance culture is so messed up. She thought as she asked the question.

  “Only the honor of winning.”

  She looked down at the sword and asked, “A practice sword?” As she tested it, she commented, “It’s a little heavy.”

  “It is a man’s practice sword; for obvious reasons, there is not a woman’s one onboard. But the weight difference is only a couple of kilos. I am sure you can manage. You are strong and in good physical condition. Hopefully, this will come naturally to you.” He watched her investigating the sword. He found her appearance now completely tantalizing.

  She was looking at the sword, wondering what it was composed of to look so brown and matt, when Tir suddenly came over and had his tongue in her mouth so sensually, she almost dropped the sword. She thought to herself, Surprisingly, a worn yoga outfit and practice sword is obviously a big turn-on for an Alliance man. His hands began to roam then, and she pushed him back a little, “Tir, we can do that later, right now I want to do something new. Teach me.”

  He looked at her swollen lips and ran his thumb over them, “You are right, but later. There is so much about you right now that is forbidden, and I cannot begin to explain it, but you will understand in time. All I can tell you is that you look irresistible to me, but I will do my best to teach you without becoming too distracted. Let’s begin now.” Tir took off his shirt and put it to the side, so now he looked the same as al
l his officers that they had passed on the way in. He quickly braided his long black hair in a perfect braid down his back, and she wondered then how many times in his life he had done that. He walked into the middle of the room with a practice sword for himself, and she followed. Then they stood across from each other, looking at each other eye to eye with no emotion for about half a minute. Kara thought to herself, And now you look enticing to me, but I will not be taken in by your charms when I have the chance to do something new. Just then, Kara had the feeling then again that she had done this with him before and she tried to shake it. She did not want to say anything because he would tell her it was the work of the gods and honestly, she just wanted to do something that was not having sex, talking about religion, learning Alliance or thinking about escape. So, she ignored the feeling and tried to focus.

  “Have you ever fought with a weapon like this before?” he asked her seriously.

  “No, I am from the 25th century.”

  He frowned at her, “Be serious, Kara. In the Alliance, we often resolve personal conflict by the sword. You are an Alliance citizen now, and you will be expected to do the same.”

  “Fine. I’m sorry I made fun of your culture, again. I’ve not used a sword no, but I’m no stranger to fighting with a weapon. I hope cheating is allowed?”

  He was still looking at her quite seriously, “This is the Alliance, not only is it allowed but expected. You’ll be dead if you attempt to follow some sense of honor. It’s funny. You should ask that, though, it never occurred to me that humans even knew what rules or honor were.”

  She gave him a fake smile, “Oh, we know the word, ‘rule’ means, we just don’t care. It’s difficult to think about rules and honor when you are the most disadvantaged civilization in the galaxy.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” he admitted. For centuries the Alliance had controlled the galaxy, and Tir never considered how less powerful civilizations felt about compromising their morals to maintain independence. He began instructing her then, beginning with how to stand and gave her some tips on simple movements. “Now I want you to move forward like this,” he showed her, and she did it well for someone who had never held a sword before.

  While she was practicing the simplest movements and stances, she asked, “How many duels have you been in Tir?”


  She waited for him to continue and was annoyed that he didn’t, “And all of these were to the death?”


  “Before me, had you ever talked to an off-worlder before?”

  “Of course, I have, many times. Why would you ask me that?”

  “Because whenever I ask you a question, you answer me as if I should already know.”

  He thought about this for a minute, and she hit him hard with her sword in his stomach while he was thinking. He looked at her with a feigned disapproving look, “All I can say in my defense is that you are the first person I have ever met who does not know all of this about me already or know about Alliance culture in the first place. I am not used to talking or having to explain either.” Then he looked at her seriously and said, “I have been in five duels to the death. Four were to protect my place as successor to the Emperor.”

  “And the other one?”

  “It was a private matter.”

  “I’m your wife,” she couldn’t believe she was using that again to get him to do something for her. Who am I? I am your wife. She smiled to herself at how absurd and barbaric it was. Then I could not control her mind and thought, That’s me, I am a wife barbarian with a sword now.

  “My sister was courting a man who treated her inappropriately. There were other options open to punish him, but he chose a duel. This, you must never speak of this to anyone.”

  “But surely people wondered why he died?”

  “In the Alliance, people die, and we don’t always know why.”

  Kara was shocked by his admission. She had always imagined the Alliance to be a place of transparency and rules that were followed. “And my female crew, what if they just die?”

  “You have my word that nothing will happen to them. I am not explaining this well. Don’t be anxious. Your crew is in no danger. We have very little crime in the Alliance, and the little crime we do have is all very personal. Women are treasured above all else in the Alliance. Your female crew are quite safe.”

  “You’re not assuring me with that answer.”

  He struck her lightly with his practice sword, “I apologize, but I can’t explain it any more than that. You must trust me. Now, let’s focus on this.”

  Kara brought her sword up again and resumed the same movements as before thinking about how vicious the Alliance must be that they legitimately solve issues through dueling to the death.

  After an hour of practicing movements and techniques she was beginning to falter, “I must stop now Tir, or else I will not be able to pick anything up tomorrow with this hand.”

  He stepped forward, took the practice sword out of her hand, and then put them both on the floor. Then he took her right wrist up to his mouth and lightly kissed it while he looked into her beautiful brown eyes.

  Kara found him so attractive now with his shirt off, and his hair pulled back as she had never seen it. She leaned into him as he kissed her wrist. She could see the desire in his green eyes and wondered if they could have sex here in his little private gym. His guards were not outside this door, and the door was not locked as far as she knew. She could still hear a lot of his men practicing outside. But she had to admit. She liked the excitement that any of them could walk in on them at any moment.

  Tir pulled slightly away from her and was looking into her eyes, deciding what to do. Apart of him wanted to take her now, but the door wasn’t locked and if he took the time to do that it might ruin this moment and he wanted to live out this fantasy. It was forbidden in the Alliance for men and women to spar together. Even more, to be in the same gymnasium. Her being here was one of the most popular fantasies played out with slave artists in the Alliance. But what made this even sexier for him was that this was real. She was here, dressed in athletic clothing and he saw her holding a sword for an hour. It was just too sexy, he finally decided, and he could not help himself.

  Kara reasoned that it was doubtful any of his men would walk in, and if they did, it would not be too shocking that they were having sex. As far as she understood from Sera, his crew were talking about their sex life anyway. Sera had told her it was mainly because she was human, and everyone was wondering if she really was going to become pregnant with a hybrid child.

  Tir was running his hands over her pink top now. He was making her nipples hard, and he was aroused by how they looked through the fabric of her shirt. After some minutes, he moved on to groping her breasts over her shirt while standing behind her. She was leaning back into him, and he thought, Yes, we are definitely going to do this. After many minutes of touching her breasts over the fabric, he then put his hands into her shirt to touch her breasts skin to skin. Now he knew that she was past any point of saying ‘let’s not do this here.’ She was grinding her hips against him, and he began attempting to remove her shirt, but after some futile attempts, he could not figure it out, there did not seem to be any buttons or clasps. So, he just scooped her breasts up, so they were held out into the open air with her shirt pulled down, just begging to be sucked. At this angle, he almost thought they looked bigger and fuller, which he found so sexy. He moved in front of her and began licking, sucking, lightly followed by a little bit of biting and pinching. She was making the most wonderful little sounds as a reaction. As he was still sucking on one her breasts, he moved his hand down to caress her sex over her tight pants. “You are so wet already,” then he slowly took down her pants and began kissing and sucking all around her stomach, thighs, and vulva. Then he made her turn around with her pants still around her knees, “Bend over Kara,” and began licking her rear and all around her anus.

  Kara had never had a man lick he
r there before, and she jumped from the sensation. The next thing she felt was Tir holding her steady by her thighs and then a smack on her bottom with one of his hands. She smiled with the sensation and could not help but say, “Please punish me Tir. I have been such a bad human.”

  Tir smiled and thought, My wife, has more fantasies than I do apparently. “Tell me what you have done.”

  Kara thought quickly about what would annoy him and tried to list them all, “I was disrespectful about the eating times,” he smacked her once, and she paused to see if there would be more and there wasn’t so then she tried to think of something worse. “I was disrespectful about your culture,” he smacked her a couple times then, but she wanted more. “I tried to get past the safeguards on your computer,” he smacked her a good ten times for that, and she was starting to feel good then.

  His finger was lightly circling her anus, waiting for her to say something more. He knew she was enjoying this new sensation. He knew about the computer, and of course, it had come as no surprise to him that she had tried. “Is there anything else?”

  Kara was trying to think. She felt his tone changed, did he know something real and was waiting for her to confess? She didn’t know. She had been alone too much; she could not read people anymore. She must have been quiet for a minute because he hit her again; this time, it was harder and then asked the question again. “I have had sex with Sera without you and didn’t tell you.”

  Tir rubbed her bottom then and said, “I know you have done that. There are guards at our door.” He knew she wanted more, but he was not going to give her what she wanted until she confessed more. “I can use the practice sword to make you tell me how you have been naughty.”

  Yes, do that, she thought excitedly. “Oh no, not that,” she said a bit overdramatic.


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