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Page 17

by Harper Sloan

  "Come on. Scoot back," I demand, patting the bed next to me.

  He gripes and complains but still sits by me.

  I reach down and place my hand against his hip. He jumps slightly but still doesn't meet my eyes. It isn't until my hand has moved to rest right above his stump that his head snaps to the side and his eyes take mine.

  "The next time I see even an ounce of shame darkening those sexy, black eyes of yours, Maddox, I'm going to smack your ass until it's pink."

  His jaw drops, but I keep going.

  "And then, if you still act like this part of you that I love is something you should hate, I'll punish you every time. You think that I don't love every inch of this magnificent body? Oh, you are so wrong. This part of you that you feel shame in is something I look at with pride. You, my brave, brave man, are a hero and it's time you started wearing that title with pride. Be as proud of yourself as I am. Maybe I should just start keeping myself from you until you see just how much I mean this."

  I go to move my hand to my sex and his eyes flash for a second before his strong hand grips my wrist--softly but with enough pressure to show me that he means business.

  "If you think you're going to keep that sweet goddamn cunt from me, then you've got another thing coming, Emersyn." His voice rushes through me, and I have to shift my hips when my arousal becomes too much. "You don't keep your body from me...ever. Understand?"

  "I'll do what I have to do," I sass back.

  "Emersyn," he growls.

  "I don't think so, mister! You aren't going to go all sexy, growling alpha on me. You heard what I said. Now calm your cock down and take the over-the-top caveman down a peg or two. You still think of your imperfections as something to be ashamed of?"

  He scowls, but answers, "No, Emmy, I don't. But that doesn't mean I have to fucking like them."

  "That's where you're wrong, big boy." With a smile, I run my hand over his hardened skin. He shivers, but I know he isn't cold. "You'll fucking like them, because your woman fucking loves them."

  "I should wash your mouth out with soap and then spank your ass."

  "I would enjoy that too much."

  He groans and drops his head back with a loud thump against the headboard. "I don't hate it, okay? You are the only person who has ever even touched me like this besides someone medically responsible to. I'm working on the rest. I don't hide it from you and you have to know that, months ago, I would still be keeping it covered whenever I knew your eyes could take sight of it."

  "I get that. But it's time to stop playing in the dark, baby."

  "Meaning?" he barks.

  "Ugh, you are so frustrating. Meaning that, tomorrow, when we go to family dinner, I want you in shorts."

  His eyes go from hard to shocked within seconds. "It's fucking winter!" he snarls.

  "I don't give a crap if you're headed to the North Pole. Shorts, Maddox. It's time to toss that ridiculous fear that others will judge you out the damn window."

  "That damn sass," he drones.

  "You love that damn sass," I retort.

  "You're damn fucking right I do."

  Then he shows me just how much he loves that damn sass. It isn't until hours later, when our bodies are still covered with a light layer of sweat, that I allow myself one huge mental victory dance.

  Chapter 32--Emmy

  Greg and Melissa's house is full-out chaos when we arrive. Babies are crying everywhere. Cohen and Sway are running around the lower level of their house with underwear on their heads and capes flapping behind them. Dee is lying on the loveseat because she hasn't stopped throwing up for, what she calls 'an eternity.' Izzy rolls her eyes from the chair where she's nursing Danielle, their month-old baby.

  "Don't you roll your eyes at me, Izzy Reid! Just give me a second to get up and I'm going to kick your ass." Dee tries to stand but then holds her hand over her mouth with wide eyes.

  "I'm guessing this means she's about to blow chunks all over the place?" I laugh.

  Her eyes water with the effort it takes her to push aside her sickness. And then she locks her hormonal-driven fury on me. "Emmy! Don't even start with me. I can't wait for you to be throwing up every two seconds!"

  Maddox goes solid next to me as he helps me walk into the house. I look up and try to figure out what he's thinking, but his face is completely void of emotion. Whatever. I'll pick it out of him later.

  "Don't tell her that," Chelcie scolds, walking into the room with Zac sleeping against her chest. "It isn't that bad. Plus, it's worth it." She smiles at Zac and sits down next to Dee.

  The movement is obviously not what her stomach needed because she jumps up and runs to the bathroom.

  Once we stop laughing, I move to my side and drop down onto the couch. I wait for Maddox to sit next to me, but when I look over, he's still standing where I left him. His eyes are darting around the room with worry.

  "Why don't you head out to the backyard, Mad?" Melissa asks from the doorway. "The guys doing that macho thing you all do when you stand around a grill and grunt." She laughs and gives him a quick hug.

  He looks around the room for a second before making his way past the girls and outside. I keep my eyes on them and wait to see when they notice. None of them watch as he walks by even though his shorts give him no way to hide the one thing he feels shame over. Well, this certainly is going better than I thought. I know he was worried there would be some big gasp and fanfare, but he should have known our friends a little better than that.

  "Hey!" a small voice screams from the kitchen. "Look, Dilbert! Maddox Locke is a transformer! MOMMY! I wanna be a transformer just like Maddox Locke!" Cohen comes rushing into the room, crashing into the wall when his socks don't let him stop. Then he jumps off the floor with a big, toothy grin. "Mommy, did you see?! It's soooo cool!"

  I don't breathe, afraid of how this is going to play out. I want to rush to Maddox and make sure that he's okay, but I know that wouldn't help. He needs to learn to get past this one all on his own.

  "Yeah, Co, I saw," she laughs. "You can't be a transformer though." His little face falls and she rushes on. "Baby boy, you can't just decide to be a transformer. Only special people get that honor and only God can pick them. But you know what? That means that Maddox is an even bigger superhero. He's is a transformer because he saved people."

  My eyes prickle and I listen as Melissa gives a child version of why my big, strong man is a hero.

  As they continue to talk about how 'cool' Maddox is, I use that time to look at the faces of the others in the room. Dee still looks a little green, but like the others, she has a small smile on her face.

  One thing lacking on all of their faces, though, is shock.

  When Cohen leaves the room, I direct my question to the room at large. "How long have you guys known?"

  "Uh, maybe about a month after I met him," Izzy starts. "His jeans had gotten stuck and were folded in the back."

  "Took about six months for me. He was sitting and had his leg crossed over... I guess it pushed the hem up. I don't know," Melissa states indifferently.

  "He fell--well, to be honest, I knocked his ass over--one day and saw it. He knows that I know," Dee states, trying to keep her sickness from taking over. I watch her suck in a few deep breaths before she looks back at me with a shrug.

  "I can't remember when I found out. I figured he didn't want to talk about it since it wasn't common knowledge," Chelcie says with a smile.

  "I can't believe you guys never told me," I fuss.

  "Seriously, Em. I think we all just figured, when he was ready, we would know. Or whatever," Dee says.

  "Well you could have made my job a little easier!" I snap.

  "What changed his mind?" Izzy asks with a frown.

  "He was ready. He just needed a little push." I cross my arms and smile brightly at my closest friends. "Now bring me a baby," I demand.

  Two seconds later, little Lyndsie is in my arms and I sigh with contentment.

r />   Dinner went off without a hitch. I knew it would, even if I was a little worried about what would happen if we had some sort of weird reaction. Cohen was the icebreaker we needed, and by the time we get home, Maddox's mood is even lighter.

  He's just one more baby step closer to being free of the things that haunt him. I know he might not like the talk I have planned for tonight, but it's time, and after seeing him take this last step tonight, I know he's ready.



  He looks over at me from the other side of the couch with a grin.

  "Can we talk about something?"

  He mutes the television and turns his attention back to me. "What's up, Em?" He takes a deep breath, and I know he's thinking the worst.

  "Come here first," I request, patting the cushion next to me.

  He places his iPad down on the coffee table and moves over. Then, much to my surprise, he lifts me off the couch and places my ass in his lap. I loop my arms around his neck and give him a soft kiss. His body visibly relaxes some at that.

  "Calm down, baby," I whisper against his cheek before giving him another kiss.

  "I think it's safe to say that I'm not going to like whatever we're going to talk about, so forgive me if I can't just calm down, Em."

  "Right. Well, maybe I'll surprise you?"

  He just chuckles and pulls me closer.

  "I want to go to Texas." There. I said it. It's out there. Now, he can just accept it.

  Yeah, right. Ugh, I shouldn't have blurted that out.

  "You what?" he thunders.

  "Okay--I'll admit that I should have led up to that."

  "You fucking think?"

  "Hey! I don't know what you're getting pissed about, Maddox. I haven't even explained myself." I go to bring my arms down from around his neck, but he quickly moves to hold them in place.

  His face moves close and his nose touches mine. "Why in the hell do you want to go to Texas, Em?"

  "Because it's time," I state calmly. I hold his gaze, and after what feels like the longest time, he drops his forehead to mine.

  "I don't want you near them, Em. I don't want you close enough for them to get their claws into you."

  There. Now he's said it--the one thing I know was still holding him back.

  He's afraid that, if I get near his family--that 'temptation of power,' he calls it--and their evil, it might suck me in.

  My heart breaks for him.

  "Talk to me. Please. Tell me what's going through your head."

  He doesn't speak, his forehead still against mine.

  "Maddox, baby?" I press.

  "I'm terrified, Emmy. I am downright terrified that they could hurt you."

  "I'm a lot tougher than you're giving me credit for here, Maddox."

  "I know you are, but they're... Jesus. I don't even know how to explain it." He pulls back and looks into my eyes. "This is important to you?"

  "Very." I don't say anything else. I let his eyes study my own and wait.

  "You want that box in hell, yeah?"

  I nod my head.

  "All right. Let's get you fixed up and then we'll head to Texas. I don't think I need to go this far to let that go, but I'm willing to give it a try. But, Em? The second--and I mean the very second--that I think that you're in danger, we are fucking gone."

  I smile huge. My-face-hurts huge. He just shakes his head and gives me a deep kiss.

  Chapter 33--Maddox--Four Months Later

  I walk hand in hand with Emmy through the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Her smile keeps me from falling apart. I'm a mix of dread, trepidation, and anger. Just being back in this state has my skin crawling. It's like every year that I've been gone, pushed myself to forget, is just gone in a giant wash.

  I've come so far, and I think that, deep down, I'm worried more that this trip will be one giant setback.


  I look down at her, my angel--and the reason I'm even able to be here right now--and scowl.

  "Stop what, woman?"

  "Stop worrying. I got your back." She lifts one tiny fist up and waits for me to give her a bump.

  I roll my eyes, but give her what she wants.

  "Plus, if things get tough, you can always transform and go all Autobot on their asses." She lets out a loud laugh and I just shake my head.

  Ever since the night she demanded I wear shorts, I haven't hidden myself from anyone. I expected to feel their pity or maybe for them to stare, but no one acted any differently. I get questions from Cohen, but that's it. The guys don't bring it up, but they know how big that moment was.

  This is the last speed bump that stands in my way--in our way--of the future we deserve. Especially now that her parents and that motherfucker, Shawn, are taken care of.

  Shawn, may he rot in fucking hell, didn't last a month in jail. He made enemies quickly, and one beautiful morning, his body was found in his cell.

  I took Emmy out to dinner that night to celebrate. Well, she didn't know that was why, but I did. It felt fucking good to know that, while I was taking my girl to dinner, her laughter and smiles warming my heart, the bastard who'd tried to take her from me was rotting six feet deep.

  Her parents took a little more time. She doesn't talk about them and I know it's all part of her one-step-forward-without-looking-back approach, but not me. Hell fucking no. I wasn't going to sit back and let them continue to live some twisted life. They needed to pay for what they had done to her. So she might not have talked--but I did.

  It took four months after we left for all of my planning to come to fruition. That club had to go first. It really was a shame that a homeless man happened to throw his cigarette next to the building when a pile of gasoline-soaked rags had been carelessly thrown there.

  With Syn gone, it was only a matter of time.

  I didn't think they would last that long without their moneymaker, but it was two weeks before I was able to get them for prostitution of minors. I can rest easy knowing that there isn't a chance in hell they'll touch my girl now.

  When I asked her the other night if she wanted to talk about them, she simply said no. She only wanted to know one thing--if they could get to her again. I gave her one hell of a kiss and reassured her that they would never be able to touch any part of her life again. She doesn't want details, but I know she feels the relief of knowing that.

  With her family taken care of, all that is left is mine. I just hope that I can feel the same satisfaction as I do now when we fly out of here tomorrow night.

  The drive to the hotel doesn't take long. My family's estate is about thirty minutes away. I'm close enough that it won't take long to get there but far enough away that I can't feel their vile vortex sucking me in. Fuck, my skin is still crawling.

  I drop our shared suitcase on the floor and turn to where she's putting her purse down and checking her phone. She's been texting Melissa since we landed to keep her updated. She asked me if she could tell her what wouldn't break my trust but enough that she could have someone to be there to confide in. I don't want her to feel like she has to keep this all in and on herself. The guys all know, so even though I didn't want Melissa to know just how fucked up my life was, I agreed that she needed someone to talk to about it all. Especially knowing that this weekend is most likely going to be one big fuck-up.

  I hear her toss her phone on the table and look up to see her full lips smirking at me. Her hands fisted at her hips and pure mischief is in her eyes.

  " about you stop standing there worrying like an old lady and come fuck your woman."

  God, I love this girl.

  "You getting sassy with me, Emersyn?" I question while stalking over to where she's standing.

  She doesn't flinch. Instead, she stands up straighter and raises her eyebrows.

  "Oh, I'm sassing you all right. Planning on doing something about it? Or maybe I need to just go take a nice, long bath and take care of myself?"

  "Like fucking hell," I grumble.
Then I bend, grasp her hips, and toss her onto the bed.

  She laughs before snapping her mouth shut when she sees my eyes.

  "You want me to fuck you?"

  She nods, licking her lips.

  "You want me to pink your sweet ass?"

  Her eyes go bright with lust and she nods again.

  "And what if I refuse?"

  "You wouldn't," she gasps, rolling and coming up on her knees. "Well, then, I will go take a nice. Long. Shower!"

  "Oh I damn well would if you think you can still threaten to take your pussy from me."

  "Oh come on, Mad! I was just joking!"

  I slowly pull my belt from my jeans. Her eyes shoot down and widen. My lips turn up when I see the desire--the craving--taking hold of her. Walking over to the edge of the bed, I bend the belt and slap it against my palm. She jumps at the sound and gulps.

  "You need to stop threatening to take that sweet pussy from me, Em. I don't like thinking about not having your sweet juices coating my cock or running down my chin when I eat you. I don't like the thought of my fingers not fucking you hard while you beg for my cock. So let me ask you again... If I refuse?"

  She whimpers.

  "Emersyn. If I refuse to fuck you?"

  She gulps audibly again and lets out a shaky breath. "Then I guess I'm going to have to wait until you're ready, master, to fuck me."

  "Don't get snippy, Emersyn. It doesn't suit you. And remember this: I'm not your fucking master. I don't want to control you. Everything I do to your body is so that you feel pleasure. I don't spank your ass for any other reason but to make your fucking body electric with want. When my hand comes down and your cunt weeps with your cream all because what I'm doing to you turns you on that much--baby, you have no idea what that does to me. I want to share your pleasure, and the thought of you taking one second of that from me so that you can come at your own hand... Well, that's just not fucking acceptable."

  "Maddox, please shut up and either eat me or fuck me. I don't care, but please just take me."

  Her nipples are poking through her thin blouse. Her eyes are hooded and her chest is moving fast--her full tits calling for my mouth.

  "Get naked."

  She doesn't pause at my command. Her shirt and bra are all but ripped off before she scrambles to her feet and stands before me. She gives me a heated glance before shoving her jeans and panties down. Then she stands tall and waits.


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