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Touch of Fire

Page 5

by J. E. Taylor

  Dimples appeared in his cheeks. “That was nothing.” He grabbed her bag and held the door open for her.

  The warmth of the small one-room cottage surprised her. It wasn’t your usual bachelor pad, although the big screen television contrasted with the tastefully decorated apartment. She glanced around at the tiny efficiency kitchen, the small living room and the bed—the large round bed in the far corner next to a door she guessed led to the bathroom. Soft Southwestern colors painted the walls and the fabrics, giving a cool contrast to the high-tech entertainment center. The entire apartment would fit into her parents’ living room.

  “It isn’t much, but it’s home.” He set her bag down next to the bathroom door and turned to her.

  “A round bed?” She raised an eyebrow.

  His cheeks turned crimson and he shrugged. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Sure. What do you have?” Lynn took a seat on the couch.

  “Beer, Mike’s, or orange juice,” he answered with the barren refrigerator open.

  “Mike’s, please.” She knew she shouldn’t drink, but after the day she had, she was entitled.

  He settled into the couch next to her, twisted the cap off and handed her a Mike’s Hard Lemonade. “So are you going to tell me what the deal is with that psycho?”

  Lynn sucked down half the bottle before she met his inquisitive stare. “I met him at school close to a year and a half ago. In the beginning, he was fine—normal, you know.” She took another sip. “But then about six months into the relationship, he started getting possessive and jealous of everything. My friends, my family, even my co-workers. It was weird, and every time I got close to saying to hell with it, he’d snap out of it and be himself again. Or so I thought. My friends started pulling away and begging off on anything that involved him. My parents never liked him, so my relationship with them kind of went south.”

  She picked at the corner of the label, and her hair blocked his view of her face. “I was pretty much isolated. My only real social interaction beyond classes and work was with him. Luckily, during Christmas break I ran into one of my best friends at the mall and found out exactly how sick the bastard was. She told me he threatened her, told her to stay away from me; otherwise, she’d get hurt.” She shivered and rubbed her arms. “I went straight to his place and found him screwing another girl and I told him he could go to hell.” Tears blurred her vision and she downed the rest of the drink. “He didn’t like that. He didn’t like that at all.”

  Jim cradled her chin in his palm and turned her so he could see her eyes. “What did he do to you?”

  “He hit me.” Her eyes lowered. She didn’t want to discuss her misadventures in the bedroom with this man. What she wanted was to erase those vile memories with something sweet and pure and carnal and all-consuming.

  His jaw tightened, and he inhaled. “Is that all he did?”

  She shook her head, unable to meet his fiery gaze. “No.”

  He plucked the empty cooler from her hand and walked to the sink, dropping the glass in the recycle bin underneath. He bent his head and leaned against the counter. “What else?”

  She stared at his tense form and when he turned, she recoiled further into the couch at the anger present in his features. His green eyes were hard with fury, and his fists clenched in tight balls by his side. Doubt crept under her skin and she licked her lips. Her eyes darted from him to the door; she mapped her escape route and her chances. Her heart banged in her chest, each beat pressed on her eyes and sent white flares in the corner of her vision.

  He blinked, relaxed his fists and rested his hip against the counter. “Lynn, I’d never do anything like that to you. But I’ll tell you right now, if I run into him again, he won’t get off so easy.” His chest rose with the infusion of air and he crossed to the couch to take the spot next to her.

  Instinctively, she moved away, almost flinching, and he leaned into the back of the couch, not attempting to bridge the distance between them.

  “Not all guys are like that.”

  “I know.” She reached for him and threaded her fingers through his. “I know.” This time she met his gaze and offered a smile.

  He unlaced his hand from hers. “I think I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”

  Her smile faded and she turned her eyes to her knees. The heat rose in her cheeks and tears formed, this time brimming. Bryan had ruined this too. Jim didn’t want damaged goods and really, she couldn’t blame him.

  “Hey.” He moved closer and pushed her hair out of the way. His thumbs stroked the tears from her cheeks. “What’s wrong?”

  “I get it.” She pulled her face out of his tender grip. “You don’t want damaged goods.”

  He knelt and waited until she met his gaze. “Is that what you think? That I don’t want you?”

  “I don’t blame you.”

  “Ah baby, that’s the furthest thing from the truth.” His hand caressed her cheek, clouding her mind.

  “Then why the couch comment?” She sniffled and wiped her face with her hands.

  “After what you’ve been through, I didn’t want to make any assumptions.”

  “I haven’t wanted anyone to touch me since...” Lynn blew a breath to steady her nerves. “Then you kissed me tonight and made me forget about everything.” She met his gaze. “But I’m not experienced, Jim.”

  His eyebrows scrunched together. “What do you mean?”

  “Before...before he...well, I hadn’t agreed to much.” She shifted on the couch.

  “Are you trying to tell me you’re a virgin?”

  She shook her head. “Not with what he did.”

  He sat back on his haunches. “You’ve never?” He waved toward the bed.

  “Not willingly. And up until I told him to fuck off, he was patient.” She laughed and studied her cuticles. “Now I know why. He was screwing just about anything that crossed his path.”

  “So just how far have you gone?”

  She raised her eyes to his and the hot rush of color tinged her cheeks.

  “Let me rephrase that. How far would you like me to go tonight?”

  Her mind reeled at the question, the possibilities endless, and the thought of his hands and mouth on her body stunted any logical thought. She leaned forward, kissed his waiting lips and fell into his arms. He picked her up, carried her across to the bed and laid her out under him, his mouth already satiating her with his sensual tongue dance.

  His hands explored her chest, gentle and teasing. His fingers rolled her hard nipples through them before he broke the kiss and worked his way down her neck. He peeled the shoulder straps of her dress off and unhooked the front clasp on her bra. The question in his eyes was clear and she nodded, reveling in the smile that formed on his lips before they trailed down her chest. He took each breast in his mouth and rolled his tongue around each nipple.

  His lips left trails of heat in their path, cooling to the point she shivered. Wetness lined her thighs and he peeled the dress off, leaving only her thong on. His fingers teased her lightly through the fabric and an impish grin formed—the challenge, the dare present in his eyes tempered by the question underneath.

  The slow crawl of his fingers under the hemline of her underwear created a burning desire that conflicted with her discomfort, the worry that he wouldn’t stop, that he would go too far.

  He arched an eyebrow. “May I?”

  “Yes.” The word whispered from her lips.

  He leaned forward and kissed her belly button. His tongue rolled in the crevice and created a delicious tingle through her abdomen.

  “Have you ever been licked?”

  A nervous laugh escaped her lips and she shook her head. No, she never had a man’s mouth buried in her pussy, and the thought of Jim’s tongue exploring her curves sent a rush of wetness, of anticipation. His hand traced through her underwear; the light touch created a throb, a need to wrap around his fingers and she trembled under the desire.

  He pressed his
mouth to her underwear to suck her clit through the thin fabric and she moaned. She ran her hand over the curve of his back. He turned toward her. “Is that what you want?” The mischievous light in his eyes was diluted by the question and when she nodded, he stripped her underwear. He licked, teased, plunged his tongue inside her wetness, bringing her to the brink.

  The sweet pleasure he created warmed her at first and then the heat took hold, saturating her body— building, cresting, overflowing.

  “Oh my God!” She arched into her first orgasm—she came for him, came in his mouth—and he sucked the juices from her. His tongue lapped her wet pussy and created tingling aftershocks before his fingers explored her with their gentle rhythm.

  Kisses lined her abdomen, her breasts, her neck and finally her mouth, while his hand continued the gentle and insistent penetration.

  Disappointment washed through Lynn like a tidal wave when he pulled his hand away and rolled onto his back, his chest rising and falling in quick bursts.

  She sat up, taking a moment to scan his half-naked form. Her eyes lingered on the hard shaft pressing against the fabric of his shorts before they returned to his face. “What’s wrong?”

  “If I don’t stop now...” He let the rest of the thought go unsaid and turned his desire-filled gaze in her direction.

  She stared at him. The internal debate raged, caught between wanting this man every way possible and the fear that Bryan instilled in her.

  “I don’t want to do something you’re not ready for.”

  She nodded, unable to speak because speaking would release the sob that suddenly welled up in her chest. The tears already blurred her vision and she shook to contain the torrent.

  His jaw tightened and he pressed his lips tight. “I swear if I ever get my hands on that son of a bitch, he’s a dead man.” The promise of violence in his eyes was enough to quell her shakes and she allowed him to pull her into his arms. Snuggling, he stroked her hair, setting butterfly kisses on her bare shoulder until the darkness overtook her.


  Lynn stood in the cottage for the first time in two weeks.

  Two weeks of suspended reality, of sensual nights that ended before they went too far, mimicking that of the first night.

  Two weeks and the police never found Bryan. They assumed he packed up and left, but she knew better. She had seen murder in his eyes and he didn’t back down from a fight. Not Bryan. He’d rather see her dead than with anyone else.

  Jim promised he’d be back in an hour and she anxiously waited for him to return, watching the beach, watching for any sign of danger.

  The thought of Bryan enacting his revenge pressed on her chest and restricted her breathing. The buzzer interrupted her mounting panic and she looked through the peep hole before opening the door.

  “Pack a bag. I’m taking you to Key Largo for the weekend.” Jim twirled his keys on his finger.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Do I look serious?”

  All tension evaporated and she laughed. She stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his lips. As always, the kiss lingered, turning into something that made her knees weak and her panties damp. She pulled away and disappeared into the bedroom. “What should I bring?” she called over her shoulder.

  He stepped into the doorway and leaned on the jam. “At least one dress for dinner at a nice restaurant. The cabana I rented is on a private beach, so it’s your call on whether you want to pack a bathing suit or not.” A devilish grin formed on his lips. “As for the rest of the time? Anything goes.”

  Lynn threw a couple of sundresses in, including the one she wore on her first date, along with her bathing suit and a couple pair of shorts and shirts. She closed the suitcase and he took it from her and deposited it in the trunk of his car.

  They arrived shortly before five. He kissed her and playfully ran his hand over her back as they walked to their rented cabana that bordered a small lagoon. Private, secluded, and romantic with candles lit throughout the cottage.

  Rose petals floated in the sink and bathtub, and soft music flowed through the air.

  Lynn turned to him and cocked her head.

  “All the rooms are decked out like this.”

  “And you know this how?”

  A sheepish grin formed. “I’ve been here before.”

  “Oh really?” She crossed her arms.

  “My uncle owns the place.”

  She raised her eyebrows and wiggled her index finger at him. “And here you had me thinking you brought all your girls here. You are bad!”

  He chuckled and dropped the suitcases on the racks at the side of the bedroom.

  “I think I’m gonna clean up before dinner.” She closed the bathroom door on his laughing eyes. Shaking her head, she sighed. It sure was romantic here. And that, coupled with the fact she wasn’t anywhere near her parents’ house, sent a thrill through her. She stripped her clothes and stepped into the warm shower.

  The shower curtain slid back; Jim smiled deviously at her and stepped over the threshold of the tub into the spray.

  “Jim, what in the...” Lynn turned toward him and his magnificent birthday suit. He put his finger on her lips, silencing her.

  No words were spoken. His arms pulled her against his chiseled chest; his lips crushed hers, crushed any protest that may lie behind them. The water evaporated on contact, the heat between the two steaming up the entire room. She moaned under his lips, under his touch; his hands wandered expertly over her body. They caressed, teased and created an inferno that begged to flash.

  He moved his lips down the line of her neck: nipping, licking, loving her flesh with each stroke of his mouth. He lingered on her breasts and paused to suck each nipple. His hands cupped her and then slid down her slick stomach. His kisses followed their path; he dropped to his knees and pushed her against the wall. He parted her first with his fingers, and then with his tongue. Each stroke on her clit sent spirals of heat through her body.

  She buried her hands in his wet hair and tilted her hips into his mouth. She relished the buildup, relished his perfect mouth and penetrating fingers, relished this slow, lazy seduction that brought her closer to the crest. “Oh God!”

  It sizzled through her and rippled every muscle. She clenched with the strength of the orgasm. “Oh my God!”

  He wrapped one of her legs over his shoulder and licked the liquid lining her pussy. Aftershocks shot through her with every stroke. His fingers were not enough to satiate the need pounding through her and she panted. The next orgasm built with the insistent flick of his tongue and she kept one hand entwined in his hair. The other pressed against the cool tile and searched for the hand rail to steady herself as she prepared for the next wave.

  She almost collapsed at the power of it. The hot rush masked her muscles seizing and the moan of ecstasy escaped her lips.

  He worked his way to her mouth and buried his fingers inside her, his movement controlled despite his heaving chest. “I want to make love to you,” his hoarse voice proclaimed. His eyes were delirious, begging without words.

  “Yes, oh God yes.” And suddenly his hand was no longer between her legs and an instant of disappointment filled her. She didn’t want this pleasure to end, this heaven he created. An instant later, she was in his arms and he carried her to the bed.

  “Are you sure?” he asked before he settled on top of her.

  His hard cock teased her, pressing against her wet pussy but not penetrating, not until she said yes. And oh, how she wanted him inside her! Breathless, she forced the yes from her chest and pulled him to her lips. Jim plunged deep into her, the first thrust bringing a flash of pleasure-tainted pain as he hit her g-spot and she moaned with the instant orgasm. The pain faded, replaced by a burning need, a need so strong she arched into his every thrust with the same bravado, the same urgency. He slowed down, took a deep breath and smiled at her.

  “You are so damn sweet.” He brought his cock out and she protested with a small n
oise that grew to a moan when he slammed his full length inside her. She came again, grabbing the sheets in her fists and writhing under him.

  “So sweet.” His emerald eyes were unable to look away from hers. He watched her, fascination mixing with passion. He repeated the slow, controlled grind until she arched, her head tilted back and her body strained to hold on, to ride the wave in fully.

  He wrapped his arms around her and rolled; he gave her control to set the pace. She took it with an abandon that surprised her. Alternating between riding him hard and fast, arching into every thrust of her hips while his hands or lips fondled her breasts and slowing down, drawing hip circles that elicited a groan underneath her kiss, their tongues danced in concert with their hearts.

  “Oh God, Jim!” She bent almost backwards and shuddered through the next orgasm until her muscles relaxed and she quickened her pace.

  His hands dropped to her waist and the sweat glistened on his forehead. His concentration, his power to keep from exploding waned and he drove deeper and harder, taking over despite her dominant position.

  Lynn met each of his thrusts with carnal desire, the moan increasing with each deep plunge. He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and sliding his full length inside. His explosion caused another blessed orgasm and she trembled from the force of it. She flopped on his chest once the tremors subsided. “My God,” she whispered and his arms wrapped around her.

  “I love you.” He kissed her wet shoulder.

  Lynn propped herself up on his chest and gazed into his eyes.


  Jim nodded. “What’d you think all this was for?”

  “I thought you were just trying to get me into bed.” She batted her eyes in jest.

  He burst out laughing. “That’s just a bonus.”

  She smiled and placed her ear to his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart and the rhythm of his breathing.

  “I’m not sure your parents are gonna be happy with me, though.”

  She lifted her head. “My parents?”

  His smile faded; he took a deep breath and nodded.


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