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Page 16

by Tory Richards

  “Me, too, but we don’t have time for that.”

  “We don’t have the money, either. Shit.” He looked back at me. “Maybe we can work out a deal with Wicked.”

  Jack snorted. “There’s no ‘we’, asshole. I’m just along for the ride, you’re the one who owes him money. You’ll be lucky if he takes her as payment for what you owe.”

  “I still can’t believe Clark wouldn’t take her for a grand. I know something big is going on tonight. He could have unloaded her right away, recouped his investment and more.”

  Jack shrugged. “Who knows what his reasons were.”

  I closed my eyes, wishing that I could close my ears. As long as I was trapped in this car there was no chance for escape.

  “I gotta take a piss.”

  Those words sent a shot of excitement through me. Unless they just pulled over to the side of the road, this could be the chance that I’d been waiting for. I moved slightly, stifling a moan as the stiffness of my aching muscles protested.

  “Gotta get gas anyway,” Daryl surprised me by adding.

  “With what money?” Jack scoffed.

  Daryl’s answering laugh held little humor. “I took Della’s debit card.” He sounded so proud of himself. “She won’t be needing it.”


  I knew that the chances of a successful escape doubled if both of them were out of the car. It wouldn’t be easy, since it was only a two-door car. I would have to move fast, somehow climb into the front seat and be out the door before either of them could make a move on me. And with a little luck, Daryl would stop at a busy station.

  I felt the car slow down and make a turn, all but holding my breath as Daryl pulled up against a pump and turned off the car. He turned toward Jack. “I’ll wait here while you take a leak. Then get gas.”

  “Yeah, probably not a good idea to leave our pretty passenger alone,” Jack greed, opening the door and exiting the vehicle.

  No! No! No! Shit! I hadn’t expected this. With dread, I watched Jack shut his door. What was I going to do now? My window of opportunity had suddenly narrowed. I lay there quietly, my mind swimming with possible escape scenarios. None of them excluded my having to get into the front seat for success. As the minutes ticked by, Daryl made a phone call.

  “Hey, Wicked, man, yeah I’m on my way‒” He was apparently cut off. “Ah, yeah, about the money. No, no, I don’t have it, but‒” A few seconds of silence followed. “Listen, man, if I was trying to get out of paying you I wouldn’t be coming‒” He muttered a swear word under his breath and grew quiet. I slowly uncurled from the floor and began to straighten up behind him so that he couldn’t see me. “I was hoping we could work out a deal, man. I have something you might be interested in.” I could hear the desperation in his tone.

  When I was high enough to see outside, I took in our surroundings. We were at a Circle K, but that was all I knew. There were restaurants and businesses all around, even a hospital across the street, but I wasn’t familiar with the area. Two other drivers had stopped to get gas, too. One was walking toward the store, staring down at something in his hand as he walked, the other was filling his jeep and talking to the woman that was hanging out of his passenger side window. I didn’t see Jack anywhere.

  Daryl was still talking to Wicked, although he was doing more listening than talking. He seemed to have forgotten all about me, and I decided that it was time to make a move. It would have to be quick and precise or I was screwed, because I was only going to get one chance. I sucked in several deep breaths to work up my courage and snuck up the back of Daryl’s seat, still not sure what I was going to do until the very moment that I was doing it. His head was bent forward slightly as he listened on his phone. That gave me an idea, and I moved swiftly, grabbing him by the back of the head and slamming him face first into the steering wheel. He went surprisingly easy, so I knew that I’d caught him by surprise.

  The thickening thud was music to my ears. His grunt barely registered as I crawled over the back of the seat and into the front. In the little time that it took, Daryl was already sitting back, slightly stunned from the impact, and reaching up for his bloody nose.

  “What the fuck … you bitch!”

  He began to turn toward me. I grabbed the phone that was still in his hand and smashed it against the side of his temple, reaching for the door handle with my other hand at the same time.

  “Son of a bitch!” I heard him swear again as he reached out blindly for me.

  Freedom was so close, and yet so far. I managed to avoid his hand by turning around on the seat and facing him. I kicked out to keep him away from me, practically falling backwards out of the car. I slid off the seat, my backside hitting the pavement with a jarring thud that sent pain ricocheting through my body. I cried out, hoping to get the attention of the man who’d just replaced the nozzle and was about to climb back into his jeep.


  “Get her!” Daryl yelled out.

  Who was he yelling at? I looked behind me to see Jack exiting the Circle K. When he saw what was happening he picked up his speed.

  I yelled again. “Someone help me!” I was unable to get to my feet because Daryl had a death grip around one of my ankles. “Help!” I glanced frantically at the man who was now inside his jeep. I could see the indecision in his eyes. He turned to his passenger, who’d become animated and was yelling something at him, which didn’t turn out so good for me. With a downward twist on his lips he started his vehicle and tore away from the gas pump without looking back.

  Are you kidding me? I screamed in frustration, watching them pull out into traffic. What was wrong with people? There was no one else around, and I began to kick out with growing panic, hoping to break free before Jack reached me. “Help me!” I screamed. I felt someone slide their arms under my armpits and begin to lift me, but when I glanced up to see Jack’s unsmiling face I let him pull me to my feet, and then I elbowed him as hard as I could in the gut.

  A loud oomph escaped him. I swung around and punched him as hard as I could in the face.

  “Get her in here!” Daryl screamed.

  Oh, hell no! There was no way I was getting back into the car. As Jack reached for me I kicked him in the groin, and then sprinted around him, making a mad dash for the door to the store. I nearly collided with a man who was exiting the store, ignoring the startled look on his face as I pushed my way past him and into the store. My gaze flew to the counter, where I met the slightly rounded eyes of the cashier. It was apparent that she’d been watching the whole thing through the window and didn’t know how to react. I nearly flew to the counter, grasping it as if it were a lifeline.

  “I’ve been kidnapped!” I said in a breathless voice. “Please, call the police!” I glanced nervously at the door and beyond, frightened that I was going to see Jack and Daryl coming after me. I almost sank to the floor with relief when Jack jumped into the Camaro and the car squealed away from the pump. “Oh my God! Oh my God!” Realizing that I’d really escaped, I let my legs collapse beneath me and I hit the floor, gasping for breath.

  I closed my eyes and leaned back against the counter, letting it sink in that I was actually free. Tears of relief escaped my eyes. I hoped that Daryl got what he deserved, that this Wicked biker he owed money to beat the shit out of him. No, that wasn’t good enough. I wanted him dead for what he’d done to Della. I wanted him dead for what he’d tried to do to me.

  “Do you still want me to call the police?” I heard the voice above me ask.

  What? She hadn’t called them yet? Was she dense? “Of‒” I stopped myself. My only concern in that moment was to get back to Della. Thinking of the possibility that she was still at my apartment, alone and afraid, hurting, I knew that I had to get back to her immediately. Getting the police involved would only complicate and prolong things, and I didn’t have the time or the want to answer a hundred questions right then. Besides, once they became involved with Della’s attack they would be after Daryl

  I made a decision. “No, no cops. Can I borrow your phone?” I got to my feet. She handed it to me and I dialed Stevie’s number.


  “Stevie, it’s me‒”

  “Oh my God, Ginger! Where are you? We’ve all been so worried, honey. Rebel, Vinny, people, are look‒”

  “I managed to get away,” I said, interrupting her. I couldn’t explain how it made me feel to know that Rebel was looking for me. It occurred to me that if they were looking for me, then they had to know about Della. My heart raced with hope. “Della‒”

  “She’s in the hospital, honey. Rebel found her.”

  Thank God! Everything drained out of me in that moment as relief overwhelmed me. “Is she okay?” Nothing else mattered at that point.

  I didn’t miss her slight hesitation before she said, “That pig did a lot of damage to her, but the doctors say that she will pull through. I’m here at the hospital with her now. Ginger‒” Stevie had lowered her voice as if she didn’t want to be overheard. “You didn’t call the police, did you? The boys want to handle this.”

  I had a good idea which ‘boys’ Stevie was referring to—Rebel and his friends, and maybe even Vinny. Vinny had spent a little time in prison once for handing out his own justice. He’d hunted down Stevie’s rapist and had turned him into a vegetable. That had been right before they’d become involved with each other.

  “No, I didn’t.” I was suddenly glad that I hadn’t. “Do you think someone can come get me? I’m at a Circle K across from some hospital.” I glanced at the quiet cashier. “Where am I?”


  “I know where you are,” Stevie remarked, overhearing the girl’s answer. “I used to live there. Stay put. Someone will be there.”

  “Not you, stay with Della. I don’t want her alone.”

  “Okay, honey.”

  We disconnected after that. I handed the phone back to the cashier, mustering up a smile that I didn’t feel inside. “Thanks.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  I knew that it was her attempt to find out what was going on. I nodded, praying that she let that be the end of her curiosity. I had no idea how long I’d have to wait, glancing out the door to see that a couple of the pumps were full. One vehicle was a construction truck full of men. The doors opened, and they all plowed out while one went to the pump. As they headed toward the door I tugged my boy shorts down as much as I could, feeling self-conscious in my lack of attire.

  “Follow me.” I didn’t question the cashier, following her to the back. “We have a tiny break room back here where you can wait for your friends.”

  “Thanks.” I glanced around at the pitiful lounge area. It was filthy, and there was trash lying everywhere. The table didn’t look like it had ever been cleaned.

  “No one cleans up after themselves, but at least it’s a place to sit and wait.”

  I smiled at her. “It’s perfect, thanks again.”

  Once she left I sank down into one of the chairs and released a long breath. My nerves were shot. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, and I was exhausted. The stress of the situation had caught up with me. I crossed my arms on the table top and lay my head down on them, hoping that I didn’t have long to wait before someone showed up.

  Chapter 20


  At some point I must have dozed off, because when I opened my eyes the room seemed darker than it had before. I jolted awake, opening my eyes and raising my head to see Rebel standing in the doorway. He’d come for me! I didn’t know how long he’d been standing there, watching me, but I got to my feet and rushed to him, throwing myself against his solid length. His arms came around me tightly, his hand clenching tightly in my hair as he crushed me against him. I was immediately engulfed with the familiar scent of leather and warm man, and the feeling of being safe.

  It was really over.

  “If I get my hands on him, he’s dead,” he muttered against my ear. I had no doubt that he meant what he said. “You hurt?”

  I shook my head and pulled back slightly to meet the churning emotions in his eyes. “I’m okay. How is it you’re here? I thought you had a job to do.” It felt so good to be in his strong arms. I didn’t want to leave.

  “It’s done. We had just finished up when I got Stevie’s message. I headed straight here.” His hands glided over me as if he was searching for injuries, or maybe trying to convince himself that I was real.

  “She told me Della is in the hospital. I need to go to her.”

  He nodded. “We’ll stop at your place first so you can get cleaned up. You might want to put some shoes on.”

  I laughed softly at that. I couldn’t help it. I knew that I looked a wreck. “And some clothes?”

  His gaze dropped down my body, turning hot. “You’ll never hear me complain about your lack of clothes, baby. But I think the hospital might draw the line if you show up in the little bit that you have on and no shoes.” He rested his forehead against mine. I wanted, needed, his kiss, but I was too afraid to take it. “You ready to get out of here?”


  Without warning he stepped away and removed his cut. Next he pulled off his t-shirt and handed it to me without a word. Smiling in the face of his consideration, I gratefully slipped it over my head as he slipped his cut back on. It was difficult not to stare at his defined abs and bulging biceps. Rebel’s amazing body drew my eyes there naturally.

  He took me by the hand. “Come on.”

  As he led me out to his bike, I noticed that another biker was parked next to Rebel’s, sitting on his bike, but I barely gave him a second look. It was obvious that he was waiting for us. The next thing I knew I was on the back of Rebel’s bike, holding on tightly as he took us onto the interstate. I kept my head down, my face against the back of his shoulder as the wind whipped over us. I closed my eyes. If it had been any other time and I would have enjoyed the thrill of being on the back of his bike, riding against the wind, going full throttle. In this moment I was just happy to be free and with Rebel. No matter what happened now, I knew that I could count on him to keep me safe.

  Every few minutes Rebel would reach down and cover my hands with one of his and give a squeeze, as if to reassure me that everything would be okay. It was an intimate gesture that made me wonder if he had feelings for me, deeper than just those of a man who was protecting someone who owed him money. Rebel wasn’t the kind of man who revealed his feelings. He was a hard man, not someone you’d want to cross, but definitely someone you would want on your side.

  I sensed that someone was moving up beside us and I opened my eyes, turning my head. Another biker had moved up next to us in the other lane. He and Rebel acknowledged one another with hand gestures, and then the biker dropped back slightly. Another one appeared on the other side of us, startling me, until I realized that they appeared to be friends of Rebel’s, as they, too, greeted each other in the same way. The first rider who’d been back at the gas station remained in the front, leading the way. I thought that they might leave us once we exited the interstate, but the three men flanked us the rest of the way home.

  Rebel came to a stop and turned off his bike, reaching back to help me off. He remained sitting, reaching deep into his pocket for something. His friends pulled up close and also shut their bikes down, remaining quiet yet observant as Rebel handed me a key.

  “I’ll wait for you here,” he explained.

  I took the key, my gaze moving over the three quiet men as they sat relaxed on their bikes. Their expressions were neutral, watchful, yet the look in their eyes seemed friendly enough. The one who’d been waiting for us outside the Circle K I recognized from the bar. He’d been there with Rebel and Jace. He was a brute of a man, his square-jawed face looked carved in stone. If I hadn’t been with Rebel I would have been frightened of him, of the air of quiet menace that he gave off. He was not someone I would want to encounter in a dark alley.

  I vag
uely wondered where Jace was. The other two bikers, while both big and handsome in their own rights, didn’t affect me in the least. I got the impression that they were waiting for me to leave so that they could talk. One lit a cigarette, while the other one crossed his arms and relaxed back on his seat.

  “Thank you.” I received the typical head nods of acknowledgement, and one even cracked a smile.


  Rebel’s softly spoken endearment drew my attention back to him. He nodded sharply in the direction of my apartment, the grin on his mouth softening his silent command. Wordlessly, I turned and walked away, conscious of the eyes following me until I’d unlocked my door and disappeared inside.



  I wasn’t the only one who watched Ginger walk away. It was hard not to with the expanse of creamy legs that was exposed beneath my t-shirt that she was wearing. The sexy swing of her shapely ass against the thin material was another bonus that drew my eyes to the enticing mounds. She was visually stimulating, but that wasn’t the only reason I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I wanted to make sure she got inside her apartment okay.

  “You got a pretty woman, brother.”

  I swung back to Tanner, grinning like a cocky bastard. “No arguments here,” I said. “Thanks for the security ride.”

  He shrugged. “We had just about reached the Kings clubhouse when Vinny called and told us that Ginger was free and you were on your way to get her. Didn’t take long for us to catch up to you.”

  “Word gets around fast.”

  “That’s what’s good about our world, brother,” Rod snorted. He was with the Sentinels. “We look out for each other. How’d she get away?”

  “We haven’t talked yet. Her priority is getting to the hospital to her friend.”

  “How is the woman?” Tanner asked with genuine concern. “She was beat pretty bad.”

  “Not sure about her condition.” My main concern had been in finding Ginger. “I appreciate your help. Now I just have to find that prick.”


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