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Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2)

Page 17

by Vikki Vaught

  The house was larger than her home in Baltimore, but not so big she couldn’t handle it. When the tour ended, she thanked Mrs. Elwood and returned to the parlor after finding a book to read in the library. She spent the rest of the morning trying to read with little success.

  Her mind kept going over what her brother’s reaction would be to the news. She dreaded having to tell him. Thank goodness Andrew would do most of the talking. Shortly before noon, Masters came in to let her know luncheon was laid out in the dining room.

  When Kathleen, entered, Andrew stood. “Good afternoon, my dear. Masters told me Mrs. Elwood showed you the house. What do you think?”

  He held out a chair for her and she took her seat. “It’s quite lovely. I love the morning room. I’m sure I shall spend much of my time there. It reminds me of the parlor at my home in Baltimore, comfortable and lived in. I’m surprised a bachelor’s residence has such a charming room.”

  “The reason it looks that way,” he explained, “is because no one has redecorated since my grandmother used it. That was her favorite room in the house. She passed away when I was twelve, and I’ve missed her every day since then. Although I didn’t see her often since she spent most of her time in London, she always had a kind word for me, and delicious treats. My father was a terrible disappointment to her.”

  Kathleen’s heart went out to him. At least he’d had someone in his life who had given him affection. “From what you’ve told me of your father, I can understand. It must be extremely difficult to see one’s child taking the wrong path. I’ve told you about my father’s parents. I also have many fond memories of my mother’s father. He was a judge with the Supreme Court. That’s the highest court in America.”

  “That must be where your brother inherited his desire for the law. It had to be difficult for him to turn his back on his chosen profession. You must tell me more about how your government functions. From what I’ve read, I find it fascinating. So different from the way we do things here.”

  “You should talk to Alex. He would be much better at explaining that.” Then remembering what they needed to do that afternoon, she informed him, “I sent a note round to Chilton House to let my family know we’re going to be in town this week. I think we should go see them as soon as possible. I dread having to tell Alex about Sir Malcom Hawks, but putting it off will not make it go away.”

  With the meal finished, he concurred, “I agree, better sooner than later. If you want to get your wrap and bonnet, I’ll meet you out front in fifteen minutes. I need to leave some work for my secretary to handle for me this afternoon, and then we can be on our way.”

  When they arrived at Chilton House, Georgia and Anissa were getting ready to take the children to the park. When Kathleen saw them, she went over and gave each of them a hug. “I’m glad I caught you before you left. By the sailboats in Melanie and Harry’s hands, I assume you’re taking them to the park. I had hoped to talk to my brother. Is he here?”

  “I’m sorry,” Anissa replied, “Alex and the duke are at the shipping office. We can send for him if it’s important.”

  Kathleen met Andrew’s gaze, and with a shake of her head, replied, “That will not be necessary. We can talk to him when he returns. Would you mind if I tagged along on your adventure to the park?”

  “We would love for you join us, would we not, children?” Anissa inquired.

  Melanie and Harry nodded their little heads and called out in unison, “Of course. Come on, Aunt Kathleen.”

  Andrew spoke up, “Since, you ladies are deserting me, I shall seek out my friends at my club.” Then walking over, her husband kissed her on the cheek and whispered, “We’ll speak to your brother upon his return.” Then speaking louder, he said, “I shall be on my way. I’ll return at four. Hopefully, the men will have returned by then.”

  After Andrew left, Kathleen accompanied Anissa and the children. She would have liked to have seen Alex so she could tell him the news, but it would have to wait. She refused to allow it to dampen her time with the rest of her family. She spent a delightful hour playing with Melanie and Harry. When they returned to the house, her mother went to the drawing room and she went with Anissa, while she fed Anthony. Part of her believed it was frivolous to be talking to her sister-in-law regarding her concerns, but she needed answers. “When you’re through, I would like to talk to you privately. I have a few questions I would like to ask.”

  Anissa switched Anthony to her other breast. Looking curious, she said, “I shall be finished in a few minutes.” Once the babe fell asleep, Anissa put him in his crib, and they went to her sitting room. After they took a seat on the sofa, her friend asked, “Now, what did you want to discuss?”

  Kathleen’s heart skipped. Embarrassed over what she wanted to ask, but desperate for answers, she plunged in. “Oh, this is so hard.” Then rushing her speech, “Anissa, am I wanton because I enjoy, uh, my husband’s…umm, lovemaking?” She felt herself blush to the roots of her hair and lowered her face.

  Her sister-in-law reached over and touched her hand. “Kathleen, I’m going to tell you something I couldn’t share with you before. You know I was carrying Anthony before your brother and I were married. Alex and I allowed passion to sweep us away, and I asked myself the same question. Do you know what I realized? That couldn’t have happened if I hadn’t already been in love with your brother. When you love someone, it’s natural to want to be with them in an intimate way. It doesn’t mean you are wanton. It means you’re a healthy young woman with passionate feelings for your husband.”

  Kathleen sighed as the weight on her shoulders lifted. At least this was something she would not need to worry over. “Thank you for being open with me. I would never want to be a strumpet like Alex’s first wife. When you told me physical love was beautiful, I had no idea what it felt like. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? Will it always feel like this?”

  “It will get even better as your feelings for your husband deepen. At least that’s the way it’s been for me with Alex. The longer I’m married to him, the more I love him. Relax and enjoy this time together. Life is meant to be enjoyed. I believe God fashioned us in such a way to give pleasure to each other. He would not have given us desire if he didn’t want us to act on it.”

  Kathleen laughed. “You’ve relieved my mind, although, if it gets any better I don’t know if I can tolerate it.”

  Anissa smiled. “Oh, I think you shall manage that quite well. Now, let us go join Georgia. I’m sure she’s wondering where we are.”

  Kathleen spent the next hour enjoying her time with her mother and Anissa. They told her how much her husband must love her if he was willing to put off his plans so she could have this next week with them. The men arrived within minutes of each other.

  The duchess ordered tea, and after they ate, Kathleen asked, “Alex. Can you spare some time to talk to me? Andrew found some interesting information I would like to share with you.”

  With his brows drawn together in a frown, he asked, “Now, what information would that be?”

  This wasn’t something to discuss in front of everyone. Her brother would be furious once he found out. “I would prefer to tell you, in private.”

  “Now, I’m most curious,” he answered. “I’m sure Barrington will not mind if we use the library. Shall we go there?”

  “By all means,” the duke assured them, “you’re welcome to use it.”

  Alex led the way and once they entered and took their seats, he stated, “Now, would you tell me what is so important you couldn’t discuss it in front of the others?”

  Andrew spoke, “I shall explain.” Then he filled Alex in on what they had learned. Kathleen waited after Andrew stopped speaking. Her brother’s face wore an incredulous expression, his mouth hung slightly ajar.

  She squirmed in her seat as her brother continued to stare, then he exclaimed, “My God! Please tell me this is a joke.”

  Sweat broke out on her forehead. He reacted exactly as she had expected he
would. “I’m afraid we’re not joking. It’s real.”

  Her brother stood and placed his big hands on the desk, then glared at them. “There’s no way I would want this. Kathleen, why did you not leave well enough alone?”

  “I’m sorry,” she pleaded, “I never dreamed this would happen. But, Alex, there’s a fortune involved. Would that not make this a bit more palatable?”

  He slammed his fist against the desk. “I don’t care how much money is involved. I do not want it.”

  Andrew rose from his chair and took a step forward. “There’s no reason to raise your voice. This is not Kathleen’s fault. I suggest we discuss this like rational adults. I understand this isn’t something you want, but think about what this could mean to your son.”

  Alex resumed his seat and rubbed his hand across his face. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I don’t blame my sister. Although, this is not something I would ever want. While my opinion regarding titles has changed over the past year, I don’t want one.”

  “You may not,” Andrew replied, “but how will your son feel when he grows up? You spend the majority of the year here. Your son will attend school in this country. He is as much English as American. How will your wife feel? There’s more involved than how this affects you.”

  Her brother slumped in his chair and groaned. “I need more information. I want to see this evidence your solicitor found, Billingsley.”

  “I can arrange a meeting with him tomorrow morning.”

  “Let me know the time, and I’ll be there.” Then he met Kathleen’s gaze. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. This is a lot to take in. I would appreciate it if you would keep this to yourself at present. While I will discuss this with my wife, I’ll decide when to tell Ma and our brother. We need to return to the drawing room. I’m sure everyone is wondering why we’ve stayed absent so long.”

  When they joined the others, Alex didn’t give anything away, so Kathleen followed his lead. Fortunately, Anissa and the duchess had brought their children down, and they claimed everyone’s attention.

  Once they were in his phaeton, Andrew sighed. “Well, my dear, you were right. Your brother didn’t take this news well at all. I hope he’ll see this differently once he’s discussed it with his wife. At least he will have all the details after he talks to my solicitor.”

  “I agree. My brother always reacts first, then once he thinks it over, he calms down. In that, we’re much alike. I’m sure he’ll take into consideration what this will mean to his children.” Then thinking she needed to change the subject, she asked, “Do you think we could invite John to dinner tomorrow? It will give you an opportunity to become better acquainted with him, and me the chance to spend some time with him before he leaves on Friday.”

  When they pulled in front of the house, Andrew’s tiger ran around and calmed the horses. While her husband assisted her from the carriage, he replied, “We don’t have any commitments tomorrow, so please, ask him.”

  Andrew escorted her into the house and Kathleen went upstairs to get ready. She decided that worrying over her brother’s reaction would not benefit anyone. At least he knew about Sir Malcom Hawks and the future inheritance. It would be up to Alex to decide how he wanted to handle it.

  While dressing, she remembered that in the heightened emotions last night, she’d forgotten to give Andrew his wedding present. She hoped he liked it, especially since he’d complained when his old pocket watch stopped working.

  Glancing over at the clock, she slipped his gift into her reticule and headed downstairs. Andrew waited for her in the drawing room. “Good evening, sweetness. You look lovely in that gold dinner gown. It brings out the golden specks in your beautiful green eyes. Masters has announced dinner. Shall we go find out what marvelous creations Chef Marcel has for us?”


  By the time Andrew seated her in the dining room, Kathleen felt slightly winded, as if she’d run all the way from the other room. Although, it wasn’t exertion affecting her. Every time he touched her or drew near, it left her that way.

  Once the footman served the first course and left the room, she looked over at him. With so much happening she had not mentioned her problem from that morning. “I have a bit of a dilemma, my lord. Chef Marcel writes his menus in French. While I have some knowledge of the language, I can’t read it. I can barely converse. I don’t want to embarrass you. What should I do?”

  He furrowed his brow. “Hmm. Chef Marcel normally writes the menus in English. Mrs. Elwood certainly doesn’t read French. He can be troublesome at times. He was probably testing you. Don’t be worried that you can’t read French. While I do, it’s not without a struggle. Be straightforward when dealing with the staff. In the end, they will respect you for it.”

  She would inform Chef Marcel the next day that she wanted the menus in English going forward. As Andrew stated, directness would be the best way to handle the situation. She could never have kept up the charade by pretending she could read French, nor did she want to do that. Making sure she ran the household efficiently was much more important than her pride.

  “I should have realized he was testing me, especially since Mrs. Elwood doesn’t read French either. Do you think she was testing me as well?”

  He shrugged. “Probably. My mother hired Mrs. Elwood when I set up my household six years ago. Knowing her, she probably sent a message asking the housekeeper to make things difficult for you. They’ve always been on friendly terms in the past. I’ll meet with Mrs. Elwood in the morning and make it clear that she owes her loyalty to me, hence to you, not my mother. While I’ve had no complaint in her management, if she gives you anymore problems, we shall let her go and find someone else.”

  Goodness, she didn’t want anyone to lose their position. Others on staff might become resentful if they thought their jobs were in jeopardy. “Perhaps we could talk to her together. Present a unified front. I will let her know I don’t want her to lose her position, however, I do expect her to cooperate with me.”

  He nodded. “That’s probably a good idea. We’ll both meet with her in the morning.”

  During the rest of the meal her husband told her a few additional things regarding Grainger Hall. It sounded so lovely, she was anxious to see it for herself. Of course, she was still glad she would have this week with her family, even though their talk with Alex had been stressful. Of course, that was to be expected, considering the revelation.

  As they rose from the table, Andrew told her, “I think I’m in the mood for some music this evening. This afternoon proved to be anything but relaxing. Shall we adjourn to the music room?”

  While she could play the pianoforte, she was far from proficient. She doubted she would know anything Andrew would want to sing. Oh, dear, she would muddle through some way. When they entered the room, Kathleen froze. On a chair in front of a music stand lay a violin case. She itched to run over and peek inside.

  She pointed to the case. “This wasn’t in here this morning.”

  He grinned at her. “Why don’t you go take a look?”

  She rushed over and carefully opened the case, not wanting to harm what she hoped was inside. The most exquisite violin she’d ever seen was nestled inside the velvet lining. “Ooh, it’s beautiful. Do you think I could play it?”

  “Well I hope I didn’t buy it just so we could admire it.” He chuckled, then smiled broadly. “You did tell me you played, correct?”

  His thoughtfulness amazed her. Placing a trembling hand to her mouth, she whispered, “Is this really for me?”

  “It’s your wedding present. Since your instrument is still in America, I assumed you missed playing. Do you like it?”

  Kathleen threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. “It’s wonderful. I shall treasure it forever. This is a much better violin than the one I have at home.”

  “Go ahead. Try it out.”

  Picking it up, Kathleen admired the sheen of the highly polished wood. She set her gorgeous new instrumen
t in its case, then picked up the bow and tenderly applied some rosin. She couldn’t wait to draw it across the strings. Lifting the violin, she fitted it in the crook between her neck and shoulder. It fit perfectly, as if designed for her personal use. She raised the bow and drew it across the strings and the most heavenly sound came from it. Drawing from her memory, she began playing one of her favorite ballads. The notes vibrating from the violin were glorious. She had never realized how different music could sound from a highly crafted, quality instrument. Letting the music sweep her away, she played several more of her favorite songs.

  When the final piece drew to the end, and the last note lingered in the air, Andrew started applauding. “You play magnificently. I’m glad you like it.”

  “Thank you so much. I have regretted not having mine with me ever so much. At home, I played every day. But, you shouldn’t have gotten it for me. I’m sure it was frightfully expensive.”

  “Hearing the beautiful music you make on it is worth every coin.”

  Then remembering her gift for him, she laid her wonderful new instrument in the case, then reached in her reticule and pulled it out. “This is for you. It’s your wedding present. I hope you like it.”

  He accepted the wrapped box. When he opened it up, he pulled out the pocket watch and looked at her. “Kathleen. This is excellent. Mine broke the other day. This is much nicer than my old one.”

  “Turn it over.”

  When he read the inscription, he smiled. “I shall proudly use this for many years to come. I’ll be the envy of all my friends. None of them have a pocket watch this fine.” Then laughing, he added, “Now I understand why you had your reticule with you. I thought that was strange.” Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her close and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t we retire for the evening? I want to show you how much I truly appreciate my new pocket watch.”


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