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Miss Kathleen's Scandalous Baron (Honorable Rogue Book 2)

Page 21

by Vikki Vaught

  Kathleen looked over at him in surprise. “But I want Mama to see her. She’s so adorable. If we don’t bring her, Mama will not see her for a year. My brother is a man of the world. He knew you were a rake. I don’t think this will overly surprise him. As far as Arianna goes, Matilda told me she was an angel on the trip here, which was much longer than the one to Overton Park will be. No, I don’t want to leave her here. She might forget me if we left her so soon.”

  Knowing he fought a losing battle, he gave in. “As you wish. We shall take her if it means that much to you, although, I doubt the child would forget you in a few days.”

  This child was already creating havoc in his life. Now it would probably be hard to convince her to leave the babe so they could go to Blythe’s house party. He would have to put his foot down. At least, it was a few weeks before they left for the party. Perhaps by then, the novelty of motherhood would wear off.

  “Oh, thank you,” Kathleen rattled on. “I can’t wait for Mama to see her. She’s such a delightful baby. Arianna is only a few months older than Anthony. They’ll be able to grow up together.”

  Now he grew concerned. His wife was fast becoming obsessed with the child. He had to take her mind off the babe. “I wondered if you would be interested in going for a ride along the shore tomorrow, as long as the weather is nice. It’s a gorgeous sight, watching dawn break on the beach.”

  She looked over at him with enthusiasm gleaming in her beautiful eyes. “What a wonderful idea. I would love to do that. I used to love to watch the sunrise over the bay. I would take long walks every morning, just communing with nature. You know what else I would like to do? Could we use your telescope on the balcony and do some stargazing? We never made it up to your rooftop in London.”

  “It would be my pleasure, my sweet. Since we’re through dining, we can go there now. We can enjoy the sunset, and then once the sun goes down, we’ll gaze at the stars until your heart’s content.”

  Thank God!

  I’ve gotten her mind off the child.

  It really amazed him that Kathleen had accepted an illegitimate child so easily. He would have expected her to be angry. Other than a few brief moments when he first told her about Arianna, she had immediately embraced the babe. He would never understand how a woman’s mind worked, and especially Kathleen’s.

  As the sun slipped below the horizon, painting the sky vivid shades of deepest gold and burnt orange, Andrew and Kathleen enjoyed a glass of wine while sitting on their balcony. Once the evening sky gave way to the beautiful, star-studded night, he pulled her to her feet.

  “Ready to do some stargazing? Let us see what the heavens have to offer, shall we?” With his arm around her waist, he guided her to his telescope. After he made a few adjustments and angled it just right, he said, “Take a look.”

  Kathleen looked into the instrument. “Oh, my, this is fantastic. I’ve never seen anything like this before. The stars look much closer and much brighter. Ooh, is that Plough in Ursa Major? I can see the outline of it so clearly.”

  Andrew loved hearing the excitement in Kathleen’s voice. As she looked through the scope, she kept pointing toward the sky. “It is, sweetness. In August we should be able to see Andromeda. You know, Dorsetshire is probably the best place in England for stargazing.”

  Looking over her shoulder, she gave him a dazzling smile. “I can believe it. Looking at the stars through your telescope is astonishing. Thank you for sharing this with me.”

  “We can do this anytime you want.”

  He placed his arms around her and nuzzled her neck, smelling the delicate floral soap she used to wash her hair. As he cradled her in his arms, a sense of rightness pervaded his soul. She turned in his arms and kissed him. As their lips met and explored, his loins tightened. He ran his tongue over her teeth and gums, reveling in the taste of her. He broke the intoxicating kiss and met her sultry gaze, getting lost in those green depths, as the moon illuminated her face.

  “Shall we take this inside? I want to fully explore every inch of you tonight.” He swept her up into his arms, carried her into his bedchamber, and showed her…exactly what he meant.


  As dawn broke across the sky, Kathleen rushed to the stables. She looked forward to their ride on the beach. When she reached the yard, Andrew had Artemis and the mare, Beauty, saddled. In no time, they were on the beach, as the magnificent hues of dark pink and gold painted the sky. “Oh, it’s beautiful. I’m so grateful you live close to the sea.”

  As they allowed their horses to meander along the shore, Andrew inhaled deeply. “Smell the air. It’s so different than London with its tang of salt and the sound of sea gulls flying overhead. I doubt I could live without the ocean nearby, or at least I would never want to try.”

  She met his gaze and smiled. “I would never want to be land locked either. The ocean calms my soul. Do you feel the same way?”

  “Definitely. I’m pleased we can share this together. Our marriage came to fruition because of the scandal, but as each day passes I see how well-matched we are, do you not agree?”

  The wind blew a tendril of hair across her face, and she attempted to tuck it behind her ear. “I do. We suit each other much better than I would have ever thought. Of course, I’m sure I’ll see a different side of you when you’re with your friends. Enough talking, I want to race. See that large rock beneath the cliff? Let’s see who can make it there first.”

  Then with a light tap on Beauty’s rump, she tore down the beach. Andrew started gaining on her. Determined to beat him, she dug in her heels. Urging Beauty on, she increased the pace and began to widen the gap. When she reached the rock, she pulled back on the reins and came to a stop as her husband reached the boulder and followed suit.

  Andrew laughed. “You cheated, although, you did win by a length. I never thought I would see the day when a woman could beat me. You do have the best seat I’ve ever seen in a female. Come, I shall race you back. This time I shan’t give you a head start!”

  Even without a lead, they arrived at their destination at the same time. They spent a pleasant hour racing back and forth until the sun rose high in the sky. Then they made their way back to the house. Andrew had a meeting with MacDonald, and she had to look over the menus with Mrs. Mundy.

  As soon as she could break away, she went upstairs to the nursery. When she arrived, Matilda had just finished feeding Arianna. Kathleen took her, then after changing her linen, she told the wet nurse she planned to take the babe outside.

  When she arrived in the garden, she spread out a blanket for Arianna. Kathleen took the rattle and shook it. The babe smiled with glee as she tried to grab it from her. She played with Arianna until the infant grew tired and fell asleep. Watching as the little darling rolled over and stuck her rump in the air, her heart jumped for joy. The babe really was such a beautiful child. A portrait of Andrew at the same age hung in the gallery, and the resemblance was remarkable.

  She’d always known she would enjoy motherhood. Before this sweet child came into her life, it had been a distant dream, now it was a reality and one she found intensely satisfying. She hoped for several more children in the coming years. She could think of no greater joy than teaching her little ones how to grow to be honorable adults. Arianna might not be a child of her body, but she had become the child of her heart. Even if she had a dozen children, she would always think of Arianna as her own.

  While Andrew doubted her decision and worried she would grow to resent this child, she never could. In this she was sure. Now, the other matter of his faithfulness tugged at her. After watching her brother suffer from his late wife’s infidelity, she could never tolerate it. She hoped Andrew meant it when he told her he would never be unfaithful. Time would tell.

  Over the next few days before they left to visit her family, she spent nearly every waking moment with Arianna, only seeing her husband at the evening meal. She didn’t know what was going on with Andrew. He seemed to be brooding ov
er something, and every time she mentioned his daughter, he changed the subject. He acted like he didn’t want to have anything to do with his own child. He hadn’t visited the nursery at all, and that worried her. After all, Arianna was his daughter.

  Andrew had told her that the babe would ride in the second carriage with Matilda when they left the next day for Overton Park. She had wanted Arianna and Matilda to ride with them, but no matter what she said, she couldn’t change his mind. At least the trip would only take one day. She didn’t want to be parted from her little darling for too long. Kathleen couldn’t wait to show the babe off to her family. Her mother was going to love the child.

  Andrew had the carriages ready to go by six o’clock the following morning. She still hadn’t convinced him to allow Arianna to ride with them. He even seemed to be resentful, and that made no sense at all. One would think he would be pleased that she had embraced his daughter so thoroughly. If she didn’t know better, she would think he was jealous of his own child.

  After five hours on the road, Andrew had the driver stop at the next coaching inn for a light repast. Once the carriage drew to a halt, he helped her descend. Then offering her his arm, led her into the inn. He asked the innkeeper for a room so she could freshen up. Kathleen had Matilda follow her upstairs, so the nurse could feed Arianna. Once they were settled, she went downstairs to eat luncheon with her husband.

  The innkeeper showed her to a private dining parlor. Andrew stood as she entered. “Please sit, my dear. The food should be here momentarily.”

  After she took her seat, she asked, “How much farther do we have to go?”

  After he took a sip of wine, he sat the glass down. “We should arrive by one o’clock. We’ve made excellent time. I do worry over how your brother will react when he learns of the babe. I wish you had agreed to leave her at home. I still think we should have waited until they returned in the fall before telling your family I have an illegitimate daughter.”

  “Alex will be fine,” she assured him. “He won’t hold this against you. In fact, he’ll respect you for making the honorable decision to raise her yourself. I’m sure many men would have given Matilda a cottage somewhere. They would have given the nurse enough money to take care of the child. Once that was dealt with, they would never bother to see if the child was cared for properly.”

  Andrew mused, “Part of me still wonders if that would have been the wiser decision.” Her ire shot up, but before she could speak her mind, he continued speaking. “I’ll not belabor the issue further. You have quite convinced me that you love the child. I accept defeat.”

  She hated to hear him say that. It was not a contest. It was about doing what was right for his daughter. Not wanting to argue, she let the subject drop.

  “As far as your brother’s attitude, I hope you’re right. I like Hawks, and since I’m investing in his shipping company, I would not want there to be any bad blood between us.”

  She again tried to reassure her husband that Alex was an open-minded person, but his tense expression told her he still worried. While her brother could be a hot head at times, he never stayed that way for long. He would quickly adjust to the news.

  As Andrew began to speak, she pulled her thoughts back. “I’m interested in seeing how he is managing Overton Park. From what I understand, it’s much larger than my estate. Your brother also looks after a half a dozen other properties scattered across England for his stepson, the young marquess. That must be a lot for him to handle, especially since he’s not used to it.”

  “It’s a big change for him,” she agreed. “Our property in Baltimore is barely twenty acres. I think I mentioned my grandfather. My mother inherited his house in Alexandria, but it’s in the city, so there’s no land involved.”

  “Then this must be even more of an undertaking than I had thought,” he asked, “How is he coping?”

  “The duke has helped Alex quite a bit,” she explained. “He’s advised my brother extensively on managing such a vast estate and the other properties as well. I actually think he enjoys the challenge.”

  Andrew relaxed against his chair. “Your brother is fortunate to have the duke as a friend and a business partner.”

  Before they could continue their discussion, the food arrived, bringing tantalizing aromas into the room. The steak and kidney pie with its rich brown gravy tasted delicious, and the apple pie served with the meal was almost as good as Mina’s. They made short work of the tasty fare and quickly appeased their appetites.

  Andrew stood. “Since we’re finished eating, it’s time to resume our journey.”

  Kathleen gave him an encouraging smile and asked, “Since Arianna has been fed, may she please ride in the carriage with us the rest of the way? We only have a couple more hours, and she will probably sleep part of the way. You haven’t spent any time with her this past week. It would give you the opportunity to remedy that. Please, it would mean so much to me.”

  Andrew rolled his eyes, but then shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “If it means that much to you, then all right, but if she starts to fuss, she’ll have to go back with Matilda.”

  Arianna was a sweet angel as they settled in for the rest of the trip. The babe even brought a smile to Andrew’s face as she played peek-a-boo with her.

  “Why don’t you hold her?”

  He shook his head. “Thank you, but I shall pass. I might make her cry.”

  Disappointed, Kathleen settled against the plush cushioned seat with Arianna in her arms and the child fell asleep. Andrew’s lack of interest in his daughter baffled her. How could he resist Arianna? His behavior had her concerned. Would he be as uninterested with any children they may have, or was it because of the circumstances surrounding Arianna’s birth?

  These questions plagued her. Although she normally didn’t avoid confrontations, Andrew worried so over what her brother was going to say regarding Arianna, she held her tongue. Perhaps that caused his distance. It had started when she insisted on bringing the babe. She would wait until they returned to the hall. If he still showed no interest in his daughter after this visit, then she would call him on his behavior.

  Shortly after one o’clock, the carriage pulled in front of Overton Park. Alex and Anissa came out to greet them, with Mama following close behind. Even the children came out to see them. When Kathleen stepped out of the carriage with Arianna in her arms, her family looked taken aback. She smiled. “It’s good to see everyone. Let me introduce you to my daughter, Arianna.”

  Everyone stood in stunned silence, but then her mother stepped forward. “What an adorable child. Kathleen. She can’t really be your daughter. Whose child is she?”

  With determination in her voice, she replied, “I may not have given birth to her, but I assure you she’s mine. Last week, Andrew discovered he was a father. Since I’m married to him, I’m now Arianna’s mama. Just be happy for me, because I’m ecstatic. Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Always the peacemaker, Anissa intervened. “She’s darling, Kathleen, and I’m sure you’re proud of her. My housekeeper will show you to your rooms. After you’ve had a chance to settle in and freshen up, come to the drawing room, and you can tell us how this happened.”


  While Andrew hurried through his ablutions, a full range of emotions coursed through his body. Anxiety had such a fierce hold on him, his skin grew clammy and his palms sweaty. He should have demanded they leave Arianna at home. He noticed how Hawks had looked when Kathleen mentioned the child belonged to him. His wife might think her brother would handle the news fine. He knew differently. The expression in her brother’s eyes told him she was wrong.

  After wiping the water from his face, he straightened the cravat that had a stranglehold on him and went to the drawing room. When he entered, Kathleen had Arianna on her lap and was telling Anissa what a brilliant child she was. The babe had taken over all Kathleen’s thought processes. What he couldn’t understand was why. She was so young he would never have expected her to
take to motherhood so well. He supposed he should be glad, but did she need to spend more time with the babe than she did with him?

  All this past week, she hadn’t spent any time with him. Although she seemed to enjoy their morning ride, she hadn’t gone with him again, and when they dined together, she talked of the child throughout the meal. He was the first to admit that Arianna was an adorable babe. Even he had to smile when he’d heard his daughter giggling as Kathleen played with her in the carriage.

  Well, whether he wanted to or not, it was time to face his brother-in-law. Gritting his teeth, he straightened his cuffs as he made his way across the drawing room. “Ah, Hawks, good to see you again. Are you still leaving for America on the seventeenth?”

  Hawks gave him a derisive look. “Yes. We need to talk.” Then he leaned in and hissed, “I told you what would happen if you did anything to hurt my sister. We’ll not discuss it here. After tea, we’ll go to my study, so you can give me the details. Now, let us join the ladies.”

  Andrew took a seat on the sofa by his wife and daughter. Anissa handed him a cup of tea, along with a plate of sandwiches. He wasn’t particularly hungry, with his stomach tied in knots over his upcoming meeting with Hawks. He let the conversation flow around him, nodding and commenting when necessary. Kathleen and her sister-in-law talked about the babies, comparing what the children were doing. Before he was ready, her brother suggested that Anissa take Kathleen and Arianna to the nursery, so she could see Anthony.

  After the ladies left the drawing room, Hawks motioned for him to follow him. His heart pumped so hard it felt as if it would burst from his chest. Andrew wasn’t afraid of what Hawks would do. He could hold his own against him in a fight, but Kathleen would be upset if he fought with her brother, even if Hawks started it.

  Once they entered the study, his brother-in-law pointed to a chair. “Take a seat, Billingsley.” Hawks moved around the desk and sat, then bellowed, “What the hell is going on?”


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