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Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3)

Page 11

by Kahlen Aymes

  Alex pulled two duffel bags and a garment bag from the backseat of his Audi, silently watching Cole and Angel. He was pleased with Cole’s dedication to Angel, and it was obvious Angel was at ease with Cole and the situation. Jealousy tightened his gut at the thought of how much time Cole could spend with Angel, but he was thankful for his brother’s protection of her. Moving around the rear of the car, Angel took one bag from him, and he placed it gently over her shoulder.

  Alex glanced at Cole, but both of them in sunglasses prevented him from being able to read his eyes. He didn’t want to ask about Bancroft in front of Angel. He was confident Cole wouldn’t say anything specific until they were both in the locker room and out of earshot, and it could be very bad news. “Any sign of anything here?”

  “Nope. I’ve already been inside and did a sweep. Nothing at all suspicious.”

  “But you didn’t go into the women’s locker room, obviously,” Alex’s tone was cautious.

  “No, the place is pretty busy and so I wasn’t able to. I’m not sure how to handle that, Alex. We can ask one of the employees to go in, but I figure it’s clear if the women in there aren’t running out screaming. Honestly, I don’t expect Swanson to make a move in a crowded place like this. It’s too active for him to go unnoticed and too huge for him to get away if there was a commotion.”

  “He could be hiding somewhere. In one of the shower stalls, maybe.”

  “Becca knows practically everyone who comes to this club and there are cameras everywhere. She’d know if the creeper was here,” Angel interjected, her free hand reaching out to wrap around Alex’s bicep as they walked through the parking lot, her fingers gently squeezing the muscle in reassurance. “Plus, she knows what he looks like now,” she continued. Angel being an actual victim removed her professional obligation and the gag order. And, it’s been all over the news, so it was just about certain Swanson had lost any support system that remained after his stepdaughter’s rape when this latest attack was reported.

  “It might not be him. He could still have help,” Alex interjected.

  “Even though he’s broke?” Angel asked.

  “Who knows. Blood is thicker than water. The mob might still be helping him. We can’t take chances.”

  The sky was a pristine blue, cloudless, and the sun bright, the temperature slightly cool. Alex felt Angel shiver but wondered if it were the weather or fear that shuddered through her. He hated it. Fucking hated it.

  “There aren’t cameras in the locker rooms, Angel,” Cole murmured. By now, they were to the doors, and he was holding it open so Angel and Alex could precede him inside.

  Alex’s mouth was pressed into a thin line. “Maybe we should have skipped this today.”

  “It’ll be fine. Besides, I need to work out and I’m pretty sure you need to punch something.” Angel took his hand and threaded her fingers through his, trying to ease a little of his anxiety. “Right?” She smiled and took off her sunglasses. The club was well lit, but not nearly as bright as outside. Alex couldn’t argue. He was filled with tension.

  “Hi! Welcome to Bally Fitness!” A perky young woman, braids bobbing, dressed in a tight, hot pink sports bra and black spandex shorts, smiled at them, her eyes bouncing off Angel and toward the two men, her gaze appreciative. Angel smirked. She knew a lot of the trainers and instructors, but this one was new. Her skin was dark, with a slight orange tint. Angel speculated there were a lot more fake things about her besides her tan. Angel and Cole showed their membership cards and signed in. “What about you, sir?” She eyed Alex and bit her lip.

  Please, Angel thought. A little more obvious, maybe?

  “He’s my guest,” she said a little too sweetly. She widened her eyes and flashed a saccharine smile. “How much for a visitor pass?”

  Alex’s lips twitched at the sticky tone, and he couldn’t help a chuckle. She was jealous. If it weren’t for the other shit going on, he’d be downright giddy at Angel’s possessive tone.

  “Oh! Well, it’s free to try for a week. All you have to do is fill out this form.” She turned then placed a piece of paper and a pen on the desk and pushed it toward Alex.

  “Is that really necessary?” He glanced at her nametag that was sitting on her low cut shirt making sure her cleavage was overly exaggerated. “Alicia?”

  “I’m afraid so, Mr.?” The woman waited for him to fill in the blank, smiling brightly at him. “How am I going to get in touch to follow up if you don’t?”

  “Avery. Alex Avery.” He let go of Angel’s hand so he could pick up the pen, handing her the garment bag and setting the duffel on the floor.

  “I’m going to find Becca, okay, babe?” Angel tugged Alex’s arm to bring him lower so she could speak into his ear. He leaned down to hear her words, not quite a whisper, and got a whiff of her perfume. “Don’t let her bite off your dick. It’s mine.”

  Alex laughed softly, delighted by her boldness and sure she intended the counter girl to hear. In light of what was weighing them all down, he was pleased Angel was able to tease. It made him relax a little. He wrapped the fingers of his left hand around her forearm, gently jerking her closer, for both Angel’s benefit but also to reassure her by making a point in front of the other woman. His mouth pressed to hers briefly, but still taking her by surprise. “I’ll see you in a minute.” He released Angel and pulled the form forward to begin filling it in. “Cole.” Alex’s head nodded in Angel’s direction, silently telling him to go with Angel.

  “On it.” Cole reached for the bag she was holding then picked up her duffel bag and flung it over his shoulder with his.

  “I can carry something.” Angel glanced up at him as they walked further into the club.

  “I’ve got it. Where’s your friend?” His eyes scanned the club in front of them and left to right as they walked. He let Angel walk slightly in front of him so he would be at her back yet have a clear visual of what was in front of her.

  It was an impressive, upscale club, with a huge Olympic size pool, racquetball courts, basketball courts, a track that ran around the outside of the second level, several classrooms for spinning, Zumba, aerobics, and yoga, as well as a hundred machines for cardio, two weight rooms, machines and free weights. There were mats laid out, with the six bags hanging from the ceiling in the free weight room, with a ring off to one side. Off to the left, beyond the indoor pool, were tall windows with a clear view of the outside pool, complete with waterslides and what looked like an area for kids with more water toys, including a huge bucket that, when full, would tip over onto the children squealing below.

  “She should be getting out of a class and said she’d meet me at the locker rooms. They’re over here.” She pointed to a set of doors on the far wall, both together, one marked women and the other men. “You like her, don’t you?” She goaded knowingly as she poked him in the arm with a pointed finger. When he didn’t answer, Angel’s eyebrows shot up as she stared him down.

  There was a bench between the two doors they would be able to wait on. Cole set the bags down and waved Angel toward it, bristling. “I don’t have time to be interested in women right now. Have a seat.”

  Angel didn’t have time to sit, though, because Becca appeared on the stairs in front of them. “Hi!” she called as she rounded the corner and made her way down the last of the stairs.

  Cole and Angel turned toward her.

  “Is something up?” Becca’s blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and a sheen of sweat glistened on her face. She dabbed at her forehead with a towel that hung around her neck. She was fit, the muscles on her stomach defined and visible between her Capri yoga pants and lavender sports bra. “You don’t usually bring the muscle. At least, they don’t usually tag along inside the building.” Her blue eyes met Cole’s then flashed back to Angel’s. “What’s going on?”

  “Hey, Becca,” Cole said. “Nice to see you, again.”

  “You, too. Well?” she questioned Angel.

  “Maybe I just wanted to
work out.” Cole picked up Angel’s bag and handed it to her, unwilling to share.

  “What? Am I mentally challenged?” Becca looked at him pointedly with a slight shake of her head, but then spoke to her friend.

  “I don’t know? Are you?” he retorted.

  Becca huffed and turned to Angel. “Where’s your man?”

  “He’s getting drooled on by the babe at the counter.”

  Becca rolled her eyes and pushed open the door to the locker room. “You mean Tropicana Barbie? Bitch is practically radioactive. Every time she walks past me, I get third degree sunburn,” she said wryly. Angel chuckled, and Cole snorted sarcastically. “Come on, let’s put your stuff away.”

  Angel smirked then glanced back at Cole. “Becca usually starts me out on cardio for warm-up, so we’ll be upstairs first.”

  “Wait.” Cole commanded. “Becca, would you mind going in there and looking around?”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “What am I looking for?”

  “Cole, you said it yourself, this place is busy. He won’t be in there.”

  “Oh, that freak? In the girls’ locker room?” Becca questioned. “There’s a camera on these doors and security would be here in two seconds if a dude went in. Someone is always watching. Plus, the women in there would have a conniption fit, but sure, I’ll take a pass.”

  “Not just him. Anything that looks suspicious. Thanks.” Cole’s eyes roamed over Becca’s firm ass encased in black lycra as she turned away. Angel caught it.

  When her friend disappeared behind the door, Angel turned back to Cole. “No time, huh?” she teased. “Is it safe for her, if it’s not for me?”

  “He’s not targeting her. She’s an employee here, so no big deal for her to check things out without drawing attention to what she’s doing.”

  Just then, the door burst open and Becca’s blonde head popped out. “Nothing in here but the Red Hat Society. Twelve sets of flat-tire boobies and saddlebags. Interested?” Becca said wryly, but lowering her tone to close to a whisper. She smirked wickedly at Cole.

  He smiled back against his will, and their eyes met briefly as he waved Angel in through the door. Becca was spunky, in a similar way to Angel, and he liked it. She was beautiful, too; more girl-next-door, fresh-faced than Angel, but beautiful.

  Angel laughed and shoved Becca back through the door. “Tell Alex he owes me a fight.”

  “What?” Cole asked.

  “He doesn’t believe I can defend myself. So, I’m going to show him.” Amusement danced over her features, and Cole thought she was in an awfully good mood considering all that was going on. He wondered if Alex had told her about Bancroft’s disappearance, but in case he hadn’t, Cole wasn’t going to give her the perspective he thought she needed and risk pissing off his brother. “We have a bet.”

  “Sweet!” Becca exclaimed with a laugh bubbling up inside and spilling out. “Let’s get the warm-ups out of the way! Can’t wait to see my girl kick your brother’s perfect ass.”

  When the women disappeared into the locker room, Cole went to find Alex, glancing up at the ceiling and sweeping the room. There were many security cameras in the club, and it wasn’t likely anything would go down here. He found Alex walking toward him, alongside the glass wall and doors that surrounded the indoor pool and separated it from the rest of the facility. “Are you still alive? That chick looked ravenous.” Cole said. He tried to smile, but despite the jokes from before, he could tell Alex’s mood was surly.

  “Yeah,” Alex said abruptly. Cole realized that his brother didn’t even have to try with women, yet sometimes he barely noticed. Women couldn’t seem to help themselves falling all over him, though some were worse and more obvious than others. Becca’s description of the girl had echoed his own opinion of her. “How do things look?”

  “I don’t expect a disturbance. The place is pretty locked down,” Cole murmured as he and Alex entered the men’s locker room, already peeling off his shirt, to find an empty locker and throw it inside.

  “Agreed. I would’ve asked Alicia to check the membership register, but it’s unlikely Swanson or any of his goons would join using their real names.”

  “True. Don’t let Angel know you remember that girl’s name. She might be missing a brick or two, but she was hot.”

  Alex had his shirt mid-way off and paused, pulling his arms down so he could look at Cole. His shirt wrapped around his strong arms and his solid back bare. The reluctant smile that crossed his face indicated he might have noticed but was done thinking about it. Without answering, he finished removing his shirt and tossed it to join Cole’s in the same locker. He rummaged through the bottom of his bag for a combination padlock hiding there, before shoving it into the locker, pushing it shut with a clang, and locking it. He ran a hand through his hair as they exited the locker room. “Where are they?”

  “Cardio tier.”

  “Okay, let’s head up there.”

  “So what’s the plan? Did you tell Angel about Bancroft being missing?”

  “Yes.” Alex’s chest rose in a deep sigh. “Not in the way I wanted, but there was no easy way to tell her. I want to keep things as normal as possible and not give Swanson any clue that I’m the least bit spooked. So, I guess the plan is to work out, stop back at the house, get Max, and go to the folks for brunch.”

  “Have Mom and Dad met her already?”

  “Yeah. You should have seen Mom go all gooey over Angel the other night.” They climbed the stairs to the upper level together, both shirtless and the focus of several admiring stares as they passed. “Allison and Josh will be there, too. Angel can hang out with them while you and I figure things out and follow up with the team.”

  “But you’re still going to Sydney?”

  Alex shrugged. “I don’t want the folks agitated by any of this, so as long as you’re with Angel 24/7, I will. She wants to invite Becca and her little girl, Jillian, to be at the house, but I’ll leave Max with Mom and Dad.”

  “What the fuck? I don’t have enough to worry about?” Cole’s voice grew hard. “I need to be looking for Bancroft.”

  Alex knew Cole was right. He also knew he could try to convince Angel to go with him, but he did promise her and was certain, no matter what the degree of danger was or how much he protested, there was no way Angel would miss Jillian’s birthday.

  “The others can do that. I need you to be with Angel, Cole. I’ll be worried sick every second I’m gone.”

  Cole nodded. “I know.”

  “You know how stubborn Angel is. To get her to stay at my place, I had to make a deal. It was before this latest shit with Swanson and Bancroft or no way in hell it would be in play. Believe me, if I had my way, it would just be you two. Or better yet, she would be on the plane with me.”

  “Why isn’t she?”

  “She has a birthday party to attend.”

  “Since when did you make deals that weren’t work-related?”

  “Yeah, I know. A lot of things have changed.”

  “Obviously. Whose birthday is important enough to risk her safety?”

  “Becca’s little girl is turning three. That’s part of the reason why I agreed to allow them to stay at the house.”

  Cole sighed heavily and rubbed the back of his neck. “I get it, but try to convince her anyway.”

  Alex’s eyes scanned the huge room lined with one cardio machine after another. Rows upon rows of treadmills, elliptical machines, and bikes stretched in front of them at the top of the stairs, and Alex searched for the two women. They were on two treadmills along one wall, both of them running at a good pace. “I’d try, but it would just end in a fight. I have to pick my battles. I’d convince her if it were anyone other than that little girl. Angel adores her like she was her own child, and Bean would be heartbroken.”

  “Bean? Her name is Bean?”

  “Jillian. Bean is a nickname.”

  Soon both men were running on treadmills at a good vantage point from the women. Close enough
to keep an eye on them, but in a corner of the room so they could watch the entire scene easily as they worked out. Alex’s shoulders and neck were tight, and getting his blood pumping was helpful. Twenty minutes later, Angel zipped past his machine, followed by Becca.

  “Meet you in the ring, sexy,” she panted out between breaths and the heavy rise and fall of her chest.

  “You shouldn’t have left it all on the treadmill if you wanted a shot at the title,” Alex teased back. He didn’t want her to worry or be afraid and did his best to squash his anxiety and keep his apprehension about Bancroft from showing on his face. The team was on it, as well as the police, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it, so it was best just to try to take her focus off of it. “You can’t take me, little girl. You’ll just end up on the mat.”

  “Pfft!” Angel scoffed over her shoulder. “Hurry up!”

  He moved one foot then the other to the frame beside the moving belt, shut the machine off, and followed. “Are you sure you want to do this? I’ll have you under me in short order.” A sly grin slid across his mouth, flashing his white teeth as his eyes followed every move she made.

  Angel smiled back, her dark eyes sparkling, warmth spreading through her. No matter what was happening, there was no getting around how sexy Alex was or how he made her feel with his gentle teasing or his scorching glances. “Or, you might be the one who ends up on the bottom.”

  “There are worse places to be.” Alex winked with a cock of his head when she looked over her shoulder at him, just before she climbed in the ring. She began an exaggerated boxer’s dance around the ring, punching the air and waggling her eyebrows at Alex flirtatiously. He only chuckled. She looked amazing. Sexy and strong, with her hair tied up in a knot on top of her head. Her sports bra and tight spandex capris left little to his imagination, especially since his imagination had firsthand knowledge of what lay underneath. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Hey, now, let’s keep focus,” Becca admonished with a grin.

  Cole took up his position, leaning against the wall on the north side of the ring opposite the door to the room. It was clear to both Alex and Angel why he would pick that vantage point, and Becca moved to one of the corners of the ring to encourage her friend. “Come on, Angel. Give it to him good!”


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