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Promises After Dark (After Dark Series, Book 3)

Page 17

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Fuck the police, Angel. They aren’t doing a goddamned thing! Do you want to keep living like this? Give the phone to Cole!” he demanded harshly. She was startled at his barking tone. She could hear him moving around his office, and his briefcase snapping shut; his voice was as cold as steel.

  Angel opened the door to the bedroom, rushing down the hall and down the stairs into the great room. Cole was on the floor, using the coffee table to hold his plate, and Sid and Wayne were both sitting on the leather furniture around it. They all glanced up at Angel as she rushed into the room, their faces concerned.

  “Cole, it’s Alex,” she said, holding out the phone to him. “He wants to talk to you. Swanson just called me on my other phone.”

  “Shit!” he muttered, shoving away from the coffee table and getting to his feet before reaching for the phone. He took it. “Hey, Alex.” He disappeared into the kitchen, listening to Alex on the other end of the phone. She stood fidgeting, and Wayne threw down his pizza.

  “What did he say? Anything about Bancroft?” he asked. They were both stoic, their expressions contrite.

  “He’s dead.” Angel was in shock, like she was out of body. Her heart hammered, but she was numb otherwise and sank to the couch. “I mean, Swanson didn’t mention he killed him exactly, but he said it was ‘too late.’”

  “Anything else?” Wayne asked.

  She shrugged, not because it meant nothing, but because she felt helpless, and what she was about to say was known among them. “He said he wants money, but I don’t think that’s his goal.”

  “No, we’ve seen his type. He wants blood,” Sid remarked.

  Cole hurried back into the room and began bellowing orders at the others. “Wayne, ask two of the guys outside to come into the house on your way out, but don’t tell them where you’re going.” He was carrying a handgun, and he shoved it into the front of his belt. “Take Sid, go to the airport, and rent an SUV. Use your personal credit card. Tinted windows and a GPS. Then meet us back here.”

  The two men left their meals unfinished and left without asking questions.

  Cole turned toward her. “Angel, call Becca. Tell her to pack a bag and have it ready. Then pack one yourself. Take things that don’t require much space and enough for at least two weeks. Take sensible shoes and warm clothes you can move in.”

  “What is Alex planning?” Angel asked. Based on the weak way the police were handling things, Angel was sure it was something.

  “I’m calling the police to see if they can track the call. Give me the phone the call came in on.” Cole dialed a number on his phone. Angel guessed he didn’t get Alex’s fuck-the-police directive. “Detective Samuels, please.” He looked up at Angel. “We may not be able to place it exactly, because he was using one of those disposable phones when he called Alex at the station. No doubt this is no different, but maybe we can find out what cell tower it was transmitted from.”

  Angel went to Alex’s room, retrieved her other phone, and handed it to Cole, who was in the middle of the call. He rattled off Angel’s phone number to the police officer he was speaking to. “No. Yes, she’s here. Okay. How long?”

  Angel sat, still as stone, as Cole spoke to the detective and gathered they would arrive shortly to take her statement. When he hung up the phone, Cole stood in front of her, and she looked up into his face. His whole body was tight and filled with tension.

  “I’m surprised Alex had you call the police. They’ll just fuck things up, won’t they?”

  “Probably.” He nodded. “But we have to cooperate with them or we’ll be accused of obstructing justice.” He put both hands on her upper arms and squeezed. “Call Becca, Angel. Then let Darian know you won’t be there on Friday night. Alex wants us to plant your car there, along with your assistant’s, but we don’t want either of you there, and have Darian run a file tape from a past airing so it appears you’re live. Unless Swanson listens to every show, he won’t pick up on it. It’s a shot to buy us some time. We’re all going on a little trip.”


  “Alex will meet us with the jet.”


  “Location to be determined.”

  “How does Mark Swanson know what we’re doing?” Angel was anxious and wringing her hands. “How does he know about Jillian’s party?”

  “I don’t know, but Alex is freaking the fuck out.”

  Angel’s head snapped up. “I’m freaking the fuck out, Cole! I don’t wig out, but I’ve never had a perpetrator I’m working with murder anyone before.”

  “Do you blame Alex? If he hadn’t destroyed his business—”

  “No!” She shook her head adamantly. “It’s my fault. If I would have let the tests stand, he would have gotten away with raping that young girl, but that’s it. Now you, Alex, Becca, and Jillian… everyone I care about, is at risk. Your family. Becca’s family. All because I couldn’t let it go.”

  “Alex didn’t let it go, either, Angel. He has been like a man possessed.”

  “But, because of me.”

  “You and Alex are so alike, and you both are stubborn as hell. You both do what’s right. Angel. You couldn’t have seen this coming.”

  “It’s my job to see sick creeps like Swanson for what they are.” She ran a weary hand through her long hair. “I suck.” She stood and began pacing.

  Cole’s lips pressed into a thin line. “You did see him for what he was. Isn’t that why you didn’t let it go?”

  Angel’s head snapped around to look at him. He was right. She nodded.

  “Can you please call Becca now? Just tell her you want to start your sleepover early, in case the phone is bugged. And pack your bag?”

  “Okay.” She nodded and walked back up the stairs to do his bidding.


  Fright & Flight

  Becca answered her phone on the third ring.


  “Hey, Becs. It’s me.” Angel could hear Jillian jabbering in the background, though it was getting late and she should be heading to bed soon. Angel wasn’t looking forward to this conversation.

  “Hey. No more, Jillian. You’ve had enough banana. Sorry. The last thing I need is her crapping in her pants at her party.”

  Angel couldn’t help but smile, amused at her friend’s lack of tact. Of course, they were like sisters, so it wasn’t the first or, Angel suspected, the last time. “Yes, that would be bad.” It would be equally bad to have that happen on the road. “Becca…” Angel paused, unsure how to say what she needed to say. “Cole is sending someone over to pick you and Bean up. I want to start our sleepover early. Can you pack some clothes, and I’ll have one of the guys pick you up?”

  “Um… now?”

  “Yes.” Angel closed her eyes, hoping she wouldn’t ask questions. She couldn’t tell Becca anything over the phone, per Cole’s instructions. “I’m just really excited, and I can’t decide how to wrap my gifts. I thought you could help.”

  “I have so much to do before tomorrow night.”

  “I know.” Angel’s voice took on a more desperate tone. It was so hard trying to get Becca to agree without spilling her guts. “Um, I’ll help, but I’m stuck out here in this big house alone. I just thought it would be fun.”

  “How horrible. Hanging out at your rich boyfriend’s mansion. You poor thing,” she joked.

  “Yes, I know, right? You can suffer with me. Just pack a bag. I don’t know how long Alex will be gone so bring a lot of stuff.”

  “Okay, I guess, if you promise to help me tomorrow. But, I can drive out. I don’t want to have to move the car seat. It’s a pain in the ass.”

  Angel saw the logic, and even more importantly, Cole could move the car seat to the rental behind the locked gates of Alex’s estate. It would be safer. “Okay, sure. I’ll text you the address. Then text me when you get close. Someone will meet you at the gate.”

  “Fort Knox, much?” Becca asked incredulously. “I can’t wait to see his pad. I bet it re
eks of money.”

  “Anga! Anga!” Jillian’s voice cried out happily in the background. “Talk to Anga!”

  “Angel, Jillian wants to talk to you, okay?”

  “Yes. Start packing, then.”

  “Okay.” Questions laced her voice. It was clear she knew this shit was weird, and thankfully, she didn’t require an immediate explanation. “Here she is.”

  “Anga!” Jillian’s exuberant voice exploded over the phone. “You comin’ over?”

  “Not tonight, sweetheart, but you and Mommy are going to have a few sleepovers with me, okay?”

  “Reedy? Yay! Can we make a tent with Zander?”

  Angel smiled, even as her heart constricted. “Zander is away on business, baby. But I know he loves to camp with you, so maybe when he gets back, okay?”


  “We’ll talk about it. Go help your mommy pack, okay? Bring some toys, some coloring books, and your crayons.”

  “Will you color?”

  “Of course, I’ll color. Go find Mommy and give her the phone, Bean.”

  Jillian didn’t reply into the phone, but Angel gathered she was running in search of Becca. “Mama! Anga want to color at her house! I want bing dat preencess book, kay?” Her little voice was excited.

  The sound of the phone apparently being fumbled around and dropped was followed by a dull thud when it landed on the carpet of Becca’s apartment. “Sorry. I’m getting stuff together. I’ll see you in a bit?”

  “Yes, and thanks for doing this on short notice. I’ll text the address as soon as I hang up.”

  “Sure. See you in a bit.”

  When Angel hung up, she went to find Cole. He was still in the living room, but alone, and pacing, back on the phone with Alex, from what she could gather.

  “I’ll have to get the locals involved to pull that off, Alex.” As Cole listened, he sensed her reentry into the room and met her eyes. “No, I get it. It makes sense. Don’t worry, Alex.”

  Her suspicions regarding the caller were confirmed.

  “Yeah, yeah, I will. Angel just came in. See ya.”

  Angel wanted to ask to speak to him, but Cole ended the call before she was able to ask.

  Time was moving slower than hell. Every minute felt like it passed in slow motion. Angel felt short of oxygen, as if she’d forgotten to breathe, and she gasped in a deep breath. “What did he say?”

  “He said to make arrangements for the ‘party’ to continue as usual—” he used two fingers to emphasize the word, “—and to get you the hell out of here.”

  Cole moved toward the kitchen. “I have to look something up online, so can you come in here so we can keep talking?” he asked, motioning for Angel to follow. “We have to paint the illusion that it’s all going on as planned tomorrow at the James’.” He sat down at the table near the patio door where his laptop was waiting. “There is a lot of logistical bullshit I have to arrange before we can leave. Wayne and Sid are getting a car, and we’ll leave sometime in the middle of the night. Hopefully, we’ll get you, Becca, and the kid out of town and out of danger. Alex said, and I agree, that we shouldn’t tell anyone other than Wayne and Sid what’s going down.”

  Angel pulled out one of the chairs and slowly sat down next to Cole, who started searching the Internet for something. “But, I thought background checks were done on all of the guys.”

  He glanced up through a frown, still hunched in front of the computer. “We did, but we can’t be too careful. Someone is feeding that prick information, and we don’t know who.”

  A chill skittered over Angel from head to toe, causing her skin to itch. She reached up and scratched her scalp with vigorous fingers. She tapped the surface of her thumbnail on her lip, her mind racing. If Swanson had a plant in Alex’s security team, any one of them could have been killed at any time. A deadly calm settled over her.

  “Can I help?”

  “Just get your stuff together for now. If you have any cash, bring it. Credit cards leave trails.”

  “We can stop at an ATM. I can get more.”

  “What’s your daily withdrawal limit?”

  “Five hundred, I think. I don’t ever push it, so I forget if it’s three or five.” Cole nodded silently, intent on the screen in front of him. “What are you doing now?”

  “Scouting locations.”

  “Ah. So something within 20-ish hours of here.”

  “Very good.”

  It would take Alex no less than fifteen hours to get back, if he left immediately. That was impossible, and Cole’s to-do list would delay their departure as well.

  “When you decide, how will you tell Alex where to meet us? He’ll be over the ocean for hours.”

  “He has something to do in Chicago before he catches up with us.”


  “I didn’t ask. Neither of us had time; he just told me what he needed from the team and me. We have to get moving, Angel. When Sid and Wayne get back I’ll brief them, but the others will be stationed to cover Becca’s folks and our parents.”

  “But…” She shook her head slowly. “If you don’t know if you can trust them, I don’t get it?” She wanted to know what was going on with Alex. It would drive her crazy wondering.

  “Wayne will be with one team and Sid with the other. That’s the only way we can keep an eye on them.”

  “You can’t do that. If they can bump off Bancroft, they can do the same to Sid or Wayne. It’s not safe.”

  Cole stopped what he was doing and looked Angel straight in the face. “Angel, let me worry about it. Don’t take this wrong, but seriously, I do not have time for twenty questions. They are both highly trained. When will Becca get here?”

  This prompt dismissal of Angel was indication he had a lot to do and not much time to do it. The walkie-talkie sitting next to Cole’s laptop came to life, and Cole put a finger to his mouth to shush any conversation between himself and Angel. “This is Avery. Over?”

  “The grounds are quiet.”

  Cole raised the device to his mouth and pressed a button with the same hand. “Good. You two can call it a night.”

  “Are you sure, sir? Wayne and Sid have not returned from their break. Should we wait for them?”

  It wasn’t a break, but obviously, that was what they’d been told. Angel’s brain tried to piece together Cole and Alex’s plan without much to go on.

  “No. They’ll be back soon, and the security systems are secure. I’ll see you back in the morning.”

  “Roger, that. Night.”

  Cole pulled up the security monitors that were tied in through his computer monitor and he watched the two of them clear the gates. “Angel, please go pack.” He’d asked her to do it three times, and this time his tone was stronger. Finally, she got up and left the room without the answers she needed.


  Angel left the door to Alex’s room open as she quickly wrapped Jillian’s gifts. If they were going to skip the party, then the least she could do was have some pretty presents for the little girl to open. She heard Becca and Jillian arrive when the front doorbell rang and then some talking filtered through the house. She couldn’t hear exactly what was said, just muted voices from the floor below as she opened one of Alex’s drawers. She didn’t have many clothes with her that weren’t suits and dresses, and she was sure he wouldn’t mind if she borrowed a couple pair of sweat pants and T-shirts.

  Really, she was packing them for him. She had little doubt he’d be so focused he’d have forgotten to stop home for appropriate clothing for wherever they were going, and he’d have nothing with him but suits and ties. She found a big duffel bag in his closet and wondered if she should take that or leave it for him, just in case. She found a pair of Alex’s Adidas on the closet floor and picked them up to shove them, unceremoniously, in the bottom of her own gym bag. The other things followed, as well as the two pair of yoga pants, her workout jacket, a T-shirt from the fitness center, and her cross trainers.

“Anga! Anga!” Jillian called happily before bursting into the room in front of Becca and tumbling into Angel’s arms when she stooped down to scoop her up.

  “Bean! I’m so happy to see you!” Jillian’s chubby arms encircled Angel’s neck tightly, and Angel hugged her as hard as she could without hurting her. “Mmmm! I missed you so much!”

  Jillian sat back in Angel’s arms. “Me, too. Mama said wez gonna have a sweepover!”

  Angel kissed the rosy cheek closest to her, reluctant to put the little girl down. She smelled of soap and baby shampoo, the ends of her curly hair still damp from her bath. She was dressed in fluffy pink-footed pajamas. “Yes, and what pretty pjs! I love pink!”

  Jillian’s eyes got big as she spied the two boxes with the beautiful organza bows. “Are those for my birfday?”

  “They are! How’d you get so smart?” Angel tickled Jillian’s ribs, and she let out a squeal.

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged her little shoulders. “Is this Zander’s room? It smells nice yike him.”

  Becca rolled her eyes and plopped down on the bed. “His whole house reeks of sexy mancave. I bet he didn’t have to beat you over your head to get you here, did he?” she asked sardonically, eyeing the open duffel bag that was now right next to her. “Looks like Angel is busy, sweets. Come sit by Mommy on this gigantic bed.” She held up her arms, and Jillian went easily from one woman to the other. “What’s going on? You didn’t invite us over here just to leave, did you? I mean, if you’re trying to set me up with Cole, that’s a bit extreme.”

  “Yes, I’m trying to set you up with Cole.” Becca’s head snapped up at her friend’s words.

  “Really?” Becca cocked her head to one side and smiled, lowering her voice. “Because he is completely doable.”

  “Yes, I will, but not tonight. I didn’t want to tell you on the phone, but something’s come up.”

  Jillian was lying next to Becca, and Angel cast a glance her way wondering if she’d be able to convey the seriousness of the situation in a way that wasn’t scary.


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