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The Line Between

Page 6

by Tamsyn Bester

  I laced my arm around her back, and pushed my other hand into her soft hair. Her response was immediate. Her body aligned with mine, and her hands slid up my arms, her nails digging into my biceps. I swallowed her moan, and sighed into her mouth when her tongue slowly danced with mine.

  It was dangerous. She was dangerous. But I couldn’t bring myself to care enough to stop.

  It ended too soon though. She pushed me away, breathless and wide-eyed.

  “Dane, you…we can’t…you shouldn’t have…”

  Her voice dragged me from my lust-induced stupor, and the stupidity of what I’d done hit me square in the chest. I was supposed to hate this girl, and fuck it I did, but the opportunity to taste her, to touch her, was more than I could handle. Hell, it was more than any man could handle when they were anywhere near her.

  “Fuck.” I pulled my hands through my hair. “That…I’m…”

  I was tongue-tied, unable to find the right words. Explaining myself out of this wasn’t possible.

  Remembering what Kennedy meant to me, and how she could interpret what I’d just done, stirred me into action. I left her against the wall, and walked away.

  I needed to find that fucking waitress.


  ** ** **

  “OKAY BOYS, RUN through the play one more time, then you can hit the showers.” The guys in front of me groaned. It was hot out and they were tired, I could see that, but we were two weeks away from a game against Auburn University’s Tigers, and I didn’t want us to be caught unprepared. Our Saturday morning practice had run a little longer, and it didn’t help that most of us were nursing hangovers after a wild night at Kolony.

  “Great job Winters. They’re looking good.” Coach Ford clipped me on the shoulder, and I turned to watch him head towards his office.

  “Thanks Coach,” I yelled back.

  As part of my attempt at ‘cleaning up my act’, my father had arranged an Assistant Coach position with Brighton University’s football team. I was already familiar with Coach Ford and his coaching philosophy, and had things turned out differently for me in my senior year of high school I would’ve been starting quarterback for his team. But a busted knee, and some torn ligaments ended that dream in one night, taking my scholarship with it. If it weren’t for my mother and her need to still take care of me, I’d be working to pay for school myself.

  A red Audi A1 pulled into the lot, and I was surprised when Jade hopped out. She turned towards the field, and when her eyes locked on me, she started stomping in my direction. Judging by the tight line of her lips, and the furrow of her perfectly shaped brows she was pissed. Great.

  I knew the exact moment her eyes landed on Reid. Her shoulders straightened, and her walk became a little more purposeful. It didn’t matter that there was football team in the middle of practice. She waltzed right into the center of all the chaos, and grabbed Reid by his helmet. The guys all stopped, and took notice.

  “What the fuck, Jade?” Reid’s face was contorted in anger, but Jade didn’t flinch.

  “We need to talk,” she replied. “Now.”

  “That’s not possible,” I said, raising my voice. “We’re in the middle of practice. You can wait until we’re done.”

  Jade scowled, folding her arms across her chest in defiance. With a shake of his head, Reid looked back at me, and let out an exasperated grunt as he dragged Jade away from the team. They were out of earshot, and Jade’s lips started moving too fast for me to catch anything comprehensible. It was when she threw her hands in the air, and hit Reid on his chest that I realized she was the angriest I’d ever seen her. Granted, she had always been a hellcat, and I was sure it had everything to do with her Spanish heritage, but this? I’d never seen this side of her. Ever.

  She got in Reid’s face, and stood toe-to-toe with him, even when he spoke harshly. They’d fought before, and most of the time it was fueled by repressed sexual tension, but this time it was different, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had something to do with it.

  After five minutes Jade stormed off back towards her car, and Reid shoulders collapsed. He rubbed his face, looking up at the sky.

  “Okay, boys. That’s enough for the day. Hit the showers,” I shouted. Reid cut his eyes in my direction, his jaw rigid. It wasn’t often that Reid got mad, but when he did, he had just cause. He walked towards me, and stopped less than a foot away.

  “What was that all about?” I asked.

  He regarded me carefully for a moment, and when he finally spoke, his voice was calm, but hard.

  “You know Dane, you are my brother in every way but blood. I’ve stood by you through everything, I supported you when you blew out your knee, and I watched you drink yourself into oblivion when Jewel died. But in all that time, I’ve never been disappointed in you. Until now.”

  A stone lodged itself in the pit of my stomach, and despite knowing the answer, I still asked, “What is this about?”

  “Kissing Kennedy at the club last night, and then fucking that waitress while Kennedy could here you in her room? Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with you Dane? It was Kennedy’s birthday, for crissake, that’s why I told you to stay away.”

  My face fell, and any residual annoyance I may have felt when Reid started his little ‘pep talk’ vanished.

  “Reid, I - ”

  He put his hand up, and cut me off. “Save it, man. I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses regarding that girl anymore. That shit you pulled last night is the lowest thing you have ever done, and I’m a little disgusted. Not even I would stoop to that level. Kennedy is the last person who deserves your bullshit, and you need to remember that she’s lost just as much as you have, if not more. This was just a step too far, and if you keep pushing, I’m going to lose Jade too. I can’t have that. Make a choice Dane, hate Kennedy quietly, or keep acting like a dick, and lose everyone that cares about you for good.”

  With a heavy breath, Reid walked past me, leaving me rooted to the ground. I hated the way his ‘speech’ affected me because it unearthed something I’d never felt towards Kennedy before.

  Guilt. Remorse. Contrition.

  As hard as it was to explain, Reid understood my feelings towards Kennedy, but what he didn’t know is that I had no idea how else to express how I felt about her. Fighting with her had always been the easiest, and until now Reid had never said anything.

  But maybe he had a point. Maybe he was right.

  I’d gone too far.



  ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON, I walked into our apartment, and found Jade on the sofa exactly how I’d left her earlier. She was still wearing her pajama’s - which consisted of light grey three-quarter sweats and a plain black tank - while munching on a bowl of Lucky Charms. Her hair was messily tied up on top of her head, and her black-rimmed glasses sat perched on her nose.

  “What’s cookin’ good lookin’,” I greeted, throwing my bag next to the door. I was exhausted, and an evening on the sofa with my best friend watching trashy television sounded like a perfect plan.

  “How was class?” Asked Jade.

  I shrugged, and dropped onto the sofa next to her. “It was okay. At least I had a total hottie sitting next to me in my English Lit class today, although I think he bats for the same team we do.”

  I’d met Grady a few times in my English Lit class, but it was the first time I’d had the chance to talk to him. He was gorgeous in that Abercrombie & Fitch kind of way, with his blond hair coifed perfectly to the side, and his light green eyes that were always smiling. He could have easily passed for a model, with his six-two frame and slender build, but what I liked about him was his easy sense of humor, and laid back attitude. I could really do with some of that in my life.

  “Oh, you totally have to invite him over when we do our Mexican night here again. I think a sexy gay guy would be the perfect addition to our little group, and far easier to deal with than the straight guys right now.”

  Jade sighed, and I knew what she meant. We’d both spent the entire weekend moping around after my birthday fiasco. It took me two days to grab my newest pair of big girl panties – theoretical of course - and move on after what had happened with Dane. Not only did he kiss me like I was the last meal he’d ever have, he then proceeded to screw someone as loudly as possible so that I could hear.

  Karma had pulled her best trick yet when it turned out that Dane’s room was next to mine, and the walls were anything but sound proof. The sad thing was that I’d been thinking about his kiss all night afterwards, I’d even touched my lips a few times when I’d remembered what his felt like. Sadly, the confusion, and desire had been doused with an ice-cold bucket of water when the noises from next door started up.

  I realized then that it was all a game to him. He was purposefully trying to mess with me, and after what sounded like orgasm number three for mystery girl, I felt sick. Literally.

  It was when my head was slung over the toilet seat that I’d decided never to have anything to do with Dane ever again. I was done with him, whatever that meant.

  “You and Reid still not talking?” I asked, snatching up Jades’ bowl of half-eaten cereal and taking a bite. She’d filled me in on what happened with Reid on Saturday morning, and I felt guilty because their friendship was suffering on account of Dane being a total dick. I appreciated Jades’ loyalty, but I never expected her to lay into Reid about what had happened the night of my birthday. It was between me, and Dane, and I wanted to keep it that way. Too bad Jade was as stubborn as I was, and after hearing what Dane had done, she immediately got involved.

  “He sent me a text,” she replied. “But I haven’t replied. I’m not sure I’m going to either.”

  I placed the now empty cereal bowl on our coffee table, and turned to face her. “You have no reason to ignore him, Jade. He’s been your best friend for too long for you to be pissy about a situation that has nothing to do with you two.”

  Jade’s head whipped in my direction, her perfectly shaped brows dipped in a frown. “Nothing to do with us? You’re one of my best friends, Kennedy, and what Dane did was so disgusting. I told Reid to keep Dane away from you on Friday night, so I blame him for all the shit Dane pulled.”

  “It’s not Reid’s fault,” I argued. I felt bad that he had to deal with Jades’ wrath when it wasn’t his fault. I didn’t blame him. It was all Dane, and his asshole-ish ways. “He can’t control what Dane does or doesn’t do.”

  “That might be true, but he’s been standing around while Dane treats you like shit for no goddamn reason, and in my books, that makes him just as guilty.”

  “Jade,” I groaned, feeling irritated with her rationalization. “You have to talk to him. I won’t allow you to drag my problems into your friendship with Reid. You know it’s stupid, and you love that boy too much to let it come between you.”

  For the most part Jade’s expression remained annoyed, but understanding sparked in her eyes. I knew she loved him, despite never having said it, and I knew how devastated she would be if Reid was no longer in her life. I couldn’t be responsible for that.

  “Just think about it, okay?” I pressed. “Reid must be going crazy. This is the longest the two of you have gone without some kind of talking.”

  Slumping back into the sofa, Jade stared up at the ceiling. “I’ll call him.”

  I smiled, and clapped my hands like an overzealous cheerleader. “Good. Now what are we doing for dinner?”

  I stood up, waited for Jade to respond, and quickly walked to my room to put my phone on charge. When I saw the most ridiculous bouquet of red roses on my desk, I froze. Jade must have been following me, because her front hit my back as soon as my feet stopped moving.

  “Oh that,” she muttered. “I forgot those came by for you while you were on campus.”

  “Who are they from?” I asked. It couldn’t have been my father, and as far as I knew I didn’t have a secret admirer.

  “I have no idea. They were delivered by a delivery boy from the flower shop, and I didn’t want to read the card.”

  I moved towards my desk, racking my brain trying to figure out who would send me such an exquisite bouquet for no rhyme or reason. I plucked the card from between the rose stems, and pulled it out of the envelope.

  I read over the note a second time, working through the uneven blend of emotions crashing inside my head. I was confused, and even a little surprised, but the feeling that reigned supreme was indignation.

  Most girls would have melted on the spot at his gesture, but I wasn’t most girls. I wasn’t some game that needed to be won or a conquest that needed to be overcome or defeated.

  “Never saw that coming,” murmured Jade.

  It only took me a moment to decide what I was going to do. I looked at Jade over my shoulder. “Can you please text Reid, and find out where they are?”

  “What are you going to do?” She asked, her voice laced with worry.

  “I’m going to give Dane Winters exactly what he deserves,” I replied. After eyeing me with suspicion, Jade grabbed her phone and it only took five minutes for Reid to reply. The goofy look on her face after seeing his name flash on the screen didn’t go unnoticed, but I reserved my comment, archiving it for a later date, preferably one that didn’t include knocking a certain asshole off his pedestal.

  “They’re in the Union,” said Jade.


  And it really was perfect. I’d planned on doing this wherever he was, but having an audience was even better.

  “You coming?” I asked, taking the ridiculous bouquet out of its vase.

  With a sigh, Jade replied, “No. I have a feeling this is something you need to do on your own. Besides, I’m sure Reid will fill me in.”

  I nodded once, walked out of our apartment and headed straight towards the student Union. It was a three story building, the bottom floor being the cafeteria, the second floor housing several campus stores, and the third was where the campus radio station had its studio. It was already 3p.m but the cafeteria was still bustling with activity.

  The glass doors shut behind me, and I searched the sea of faces until my gaze zeroed in on Dane. He was sat at a table with a group of bulked up meat heads who I could only assume was the football team. On his lap sat a leggy red head, her legs tangled with his, and her breasts pressed against his chest. My traitorous heart jumped, altering my regular heartbeat into something more turbulent. He looked hot. Not even I was too proud to notice.

  His grey V-neck t-shirt looked as if it was painted on, exhibiting the fine lines of his biceps, and his pecs. His hair was messy, his eyes bright with laughter. He looked comfortable, like an animal completely at ease in its own environment.

  Sadly, that wasn’t going to last much longer.

  I put one foot in front of the other, and strode towards Dane and his ‘peeps’. The roses he’d been so generous to buy me were perched on my arm, but as I got closer, I moved them and grasped onto the thick collection of stems with my hand.

  Reid saw me first. Uncertainty darted across his face, and he tapped Dane on the shoulder, alerting him of my presence. Our eyes met, and he stopped his groping session with Red long enough to register that my visit wasn’t at all a friendly one. His eyes bounced between mine, and the roses in my hand.

  “Kennedy,” he said, standing up. I stopped a foot in front of him, trying to calm my nerves. My empty hand was fisted against my thigh, and I could feel my nails digging into the flesh of my palm. Seeing Dane, being face-to-face with him, and standing so close only coaxed my anger.

  Time passed as we stared at each other and we paid no mind to the people around us who had suddenly grown quiet.

  I ended it with the first swing of my hand, hitting Dane in the chest with the bouquet. Collective gasps sounded around me, but I was too blinded by fury to care.

  “What the fuck, Kennedy!” Dane yelled, lifting his arms to shield his chest. I swung again, feeling a sick sense of
satisfaction when Dane flinched.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” I shouted between hits. Petals hit the floor, and the thwack of the stems echoed around us. “You are a disgusting human being, and a pathetic excuse of a man. I’m not one of your fucking groupies, and I’m not someone who can be bought with a bunch of overpriced fucking flowers.”

  “Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you?” He grunted, and stepped back. I matched his movement and moved forward.

  “What’s wrong with me?” I laughed harshly. It was empty, and yet still carried a sardonic tone. “What’s wrong with you? You told some random guy I’m a hooker when we were at Kolony, then you kissed me like you meant it, and to top it all off, you then took some trashy waitress home and fucked her all night knowing that I could hear it through the walls of my bedroom. So I’ll ask you again, Dane, what.” Wack. “Is.” Smack. “Wrong.” Thwack. “With you?”

  My chest heaved from exertion and my arm dropped to my side. Dane glared at me, his eyes hard and cold. His arms were red from where I’d continued to hit him, and I could make out a few welts from where the thorns had caught his skin. The cafeteria was completely soundless, save for my heavy breathing. Who knew hitting someone with a bouquet of roses was so damn tiring?

  “Kennedy.” My name came out of his mouth as a growl, but instead of being menacing, it made my skin prickle with carnal awareness.

  So not the time to be turned on, you idiot.

  “I suggest you turn your ass around and leave,” Dane continued, “before you make an even bigger spectacle of yourself.”

  With quivering muscles, I closed the gap between us, and looked up. “I’m not leaving until every single fucking person in the room knows what an asshole you are,” I replied. “I am done being your punching bag, and the ass of all your crude jokes. I let you get away with your childish bullshit in high school, but we aren’t in high school now, and I am not that girl anymore. I fucking hate you, Dane. You make me sick to my stomach and I swear to God, if you never speak to me again, it will be too soon.”


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