The Invisible History of the Human Race

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The Invisible History of the Human Race Page 43

by Christine Kenneally

  Navigenics, 308

  Nazi Ancestral Proof, The (Ehrenreich), 66, 69, 71–74, 81–82

  Nazi Germany, 25, 65, 66–82, 126, 148–49, 234, 238

  concentration camps in, 68–69, 75,

  79, 149

  eugenics in, 71–73, 75–76, 80–82

  Kristallnacht in, 149

  Lebensborn clinics in, 76–80

  Nuremberg trials and, 75, 78, 80

  Neanderthals, 209, 252–55

  skin color and, 285

  Netherlands, 192, 305

  Newcastle, 175–76

  New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS), 30, 34, 36, 45

  Newton, Ephraim, 23

  New South Wales, 86, 99, 102, 104

  New York Review of Books, 23–24

  New York Times, 73, 80, 82, 182, 239

  New Zealand, 32, 138

  Niall of the Nine Hostages, 195–96

  Niue, 117

  Noakes, David, 138

  North America, 249

  North Korea, 93

  Norway, 203–6

  Nunn, Nathan, 141–46, 150–51,

  152–53, 156

  Nuremberg trials, 75, 78, 80

  Obama, Barack, 39–40, 122

  Obama, Barack, Sr., 39

  Obama, Michelle, 39, 40

  O’Donnell, Turlough, 196

  “one drop” rule, 60

  1000 Genomes Project, 317–18

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 53,

  59, 183

  Orkney, 159–61, 164, 166–67, 169, 172, 176–77, 261–62

  orphans, 85–92, 124

  Oxford Ancestors, 179–80, 182

  Pääbo, Svante, 252, 254

  Pakistan, 181

  palatal torus, 273, 279

  palimpsests, 264

  pangenesis, 53–54

  Pardo, Juan, 272

  Parkinson’s disease, 306


  Girls’ Training School, 89–90

  Returned & Services League,

  17–19, 22

  Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 60, 75–76

  path dependency, 12–13

  Patterson, Glynis McHargue, 199–200

  Patterson, Nick, 219, 257

  pedigree collapse, 220

  pedigrees, 36, 37, 62, 129, 217

  Personal Genome Project (PGP), 316

  pheromones, 259

  physical traits, see traits

  Picts, 167, 169, 177, 213

  Pierre: or, The Ambiguities (Melville), 42

  Pinker, Steven, 316–17

  Pires, Tomé, 256

  plagues, 158

  Black Death, 147–48, 149, 151, 180

  Plato, 49

  plow, 152–53

  Plowden, Alison, 286

  pogroms, 147, 148, 149

  Ponkapoag Indians, 35–36

  poor, 60

  Popenoe, Paul, 62–64, 65

  population structure, 162–64

  presentism, 29, 31, 187

  pride, 23, 24

  primates, 20

  principal components analysis (PCA), 167

  privacy laws, 88–89

  Promethease, 207

  proteins, 291

  Punch, John, 40

  purity, 60

  racial, see racial purity

  Pygmies, 255

  Quebec, 133–35

  Quoidbach, Jordi, 28–29, 33

  QWERTY keyboard, 12

  race, 236–39, 241, 311

  ancestry and, 239, 263

  defining, 238

  facial recognition and, 283–84

  genome and, 236–38

  marriage laws and, 269–70

  “one drop” rule and, 60

  personalized, 263

  triracial groups, 271

  racial purity, 60, 65, 71

  Nazi Germany and, 67, 72–74

  racism, 233–34, 235, 238

  Grant and, 56, 58

  radioactive waste, 120–21

  Ralph, Peter, 213–14, 216–17, 220, 222

  records, 87, 91, 92, 110, 111–38

  in Australia, 88, 91–92, 135–38

  birth certificates, 87, 88–89

  in Canada, 133–35

  census data, 41, 47, 128–29, 133

  in China, 94–96, 127

  destruction of, 92–93

  Domesday Book, 118–20

  genealogy companies and, see genealogy companies

  in Iceland, 120, 132–33

  of institutionalized children, 87–92

  in Ireland, 106, 107, 118

  in Italy, 116

  in Niue, 117

  preservation methods and, 117–22

  privacy laws and, 88–89

  Reed, Paul, 45

  Reich, David, 249–50, 252, 253

  Republic, The (Plato), 49

  Returned & Service’s League, Parramatta, Australia, 17–19, 22

  Revolutionary War, 40–41, 43

  Rh factor, 162–63

  rice-growing cultures, 153–54

  Robinson, Mark, 168–74, 176–78

  Robinson, Thomas, 179–83

  Roman Britain, 170–73

  Romans, 36, 59, 169, 170, 172, 213,

  222, 295

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 56

  Roots (Haley), 47–48

  Roth, Wendy, 25–26, 27, 131–32,


  Rymanów, 25

  Saguenay, 134

  St. Anne’s College, Oxford, 161

  Salem witch trials, 35

  Saltonstall, Leverett, 39, 41

  Samaritans, 295–96

  diseases in, 296, 299–300

  San Francisco earthquake, 118

  Sanghera, Sathnam, 20

  Sarkar, Gudrun, 78–79

  Saxons, 168–74, 177

  Schurer, Kevin, 128–29

  Science, 233

  Scotland, 169

  clans in, 187–91

  Orkney, 159–61, 164, 166–67, 169, 172, 176–77

  surnames in, 192–93

  Scott, Richard, 277

  Searching for My Source (Borjigin), 93

  seeing, 259

  senses, 259

  September 11 terrorist attacks, 115, 156–57

  Seven Up, 136

  sexual selection, 283

  Shakespeare, William, 121–22, 267, 320

  Shapira, Emmanuel, 298

  Sheedy, Leonie, 91

  sheep, 49–51, 59, 107

  shifting cultivation, 152

  Shriver, Mark, 284

  Siberia, 249, 250, 254, 277

  sickle-cell anemia, 302

  single nucleotide polymorphisms, xi

  skin color, 284–85

  Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 67

  slavery, 40, 41, 47, 92, 139–46, 151, 157, 158, 256–57, 260

  betrayal and distrust and, 143–46, 150–51

  economies and, 142–43, 145

  genome and, 260

  slime mold, 290, 291

  smelling, 259

  Smith, Joseph, 46, 113

  SNPedia, 207

  social institutions, 157

  Society of Colonial Wars, 56

  Society of the Cincinnati, 41, 44

  Somalia, 32

  Somersby, Horatio Gates, 45

  Sorenson, James LeVoy, 203–6, 223–24

  Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation (SMGF), 206–7, 232

  Spenser, Edmund, 272–73

  Spiro, Jonathan Peter, 56

  starch, 25

  sterilization, 64, 72, 75

  Stürmer, 149

  surnames, 191–99

  in England, 192–99

  in Ireland, 192, 198–99, 200–201

  in Mongolia, 93, 191–92

  patronymic, 192

  Ryan, 198

  Smith, 197, 198, 199

  Y chromosomes and, 193–98, 200–201

  Švencionys, Lithuania, 25

  Sykes, Bryan, 179

  Tabellini, Guido, 156, 223

  TallBear, Kim, 233–34

  Tasmania, 96–97, 99–105, 107–8

  Founders and Survivors and, 135–38

  Tasmania’s Convicts (Alexander), 101

  taste, 259

  Tay-Sachs disease, 297–99, 301

  technology, 152

  invention of plow, 152–53

  in preservation of records, 118–22

  teeth, 278

  shovel, 273, 277–278, 279, 211

  “This Be the Verse” (Larkin), 139

  Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings:

  An American Controversy

  (Gordon-Reed), 226

  Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, 227

  Thomas Woodson Family Association,

  228, 229

  Thurmond, Strom, 24, 124

  Times (London), 20, 138, 182

  Tinkham, Lydia, 35

  Toba, Indonesia, 248

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 102

  traits, 161–62, 278, 303, 311

  dental, 273, 277–78, 279

  eye color, 278, 285

  facial, 279–81, 282–84

  height, 278, 303–4

  in Ireland, 282

  in Melungeons, 273, 277

  Mendelian, 278

  in Native Americans, 282

  palatal torus, 273, 279

  polygenic, 278

  skin color, 284–85

  Trinity College Dublin, 195

  Trojan horses, 31

  trust, 154, 156, 157

  distrust in Africa, 143–46, 150–51, 156

  economies and, 144–45, 156

  in Italy, 156

  Turkey, 192

  Twain, Mark, 179

  23andMe, 207, 210, 212, 217, 306–7, 308, 310, 316–17

  twins, x, 8

  studies of, x, 54

  Umbrella (Self), 30

  U.S. News & World Report, 229

  U.S.–Venezuela Collaborative Research Project, 288

  Utah, 205–6

  Van Diemen’s Land, 2, 96–97, 98, 100, 104, 109, 136

  Verkler, Jay, 114–16, 122–23

  Vikings, 2, 10, 172, 176, 177, 193–95, 221, 261–62, 318

  vitamin D, 284, 285

  Voigtländer, Nico, 148–50

  volcano in Toba, Indonesia, 248

  Vonnegut, Kurt, 67

  Voth, Hans-Joachim, 148–50

  Wagner, Jennifer, 244–45

  Walking Toward the Sunset (Winkler), 273

  Walters, Barbara, 7

  Wantchekon, Leonard, 143–46,

  150–51, 157

  warfarin, 306

  Washington-Williams, Essie Mae,

  24, 124

  Wayles, Martha, 225, 227, 238

  Watson, James, 161

  Webster, Daniel, 46

  Webster, Thomas, 46

  Weider, Johann Michael, 66

  Weil, François, 39–46

  Wellcome Trust Case Control

  Consortium, 164

  Wellcome Trust Centre for Human

  Genetics, 161

  Wesorts, 271

  West, John, 105

  Westerinen, Julia Jefferson, 232

  Western, educated, industrialized,

  rich, and democratic (WEIRD) societies, 30

  Western cultures, Eastern cultures compared with, 153–54

  Westray, 159–61, 176–77

  Wexler, Nancy, 288–89

  wheat-growing cultures, 153–54

  “Where To?” (Heinlein), 111, 126

  Wild, Ed, 293

  Williams, Sloan, 229–32

  Williams, Zoe, 20

  William the Conqueror, 118

  Winkler, Wayne, 267–69, 271, 273, 275

  Wirral, 193–95

  Wisdom of Sirach, 34

  Witherspoon, D. J., 237

  Wixon, Clarence, 35

  Wixon, Clinton, 35


  beliefs about differences between men and, 152–53

  parents’-country-of-origin effect on, 154–56

  in workforce, 153, 155, 157

  Wood, Gordon S., 226

  Woodson, Byron, 231

  Woodson, Lewis, 230

  Woodson, Thomas, 225, 227–31

  Woodson family, 228–33

  Woodward, Scott, 203–7, 223–24

  World Value Survey, 152

  World War I, 148, 260

  World War II, 25, 65, 67, 105, 113, 116, 148, 260

  Wozniak, Steve, 310

  Würzburg, 148, 149

  X chromosomes, 184, 201, 202, 216, 257

  Y chromosomes, 163, 178, 184–86, 199, 200, 202, 204–7, 216, 221, 257, 261

  copying mistakes in, 185

  of Genghis Khan, 180–82, 195

  of Hemings and Jefferson, 226–33

  in Ireland, 195–96, 198, 200–201, 282

  of MacLaren clan, 189–91

  of Niall, 195–96

  passing down of, 184–85, 193

  of Robinson, 179–83

  surnames and, 193–98, 200–201

  Zinn, Howard, 85

  * All names in Roth’s study are pseudonyms.




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