, 207, 210, 212
deCODEme, 316
Family Tree DNA, 179, 182, 189–90, 207–12, 217, 232
Oxford Ancestors, 179–80, 182
23andMe, 207, 210, 212, 217, 306–7, 308, 310, 316–17
doctors, 51–52
documents, see records
Dodecad, 207
Doggerland, 168
Domesday Book, 118–20
Donnelly, Peter, 161–62, 164, 166, 167, 174–75
Dons, 160, 164
Dor Yeshorim, 300–301
Dromgoole, Will Allen, 270–71
drug reactions, 306
Duke, Marshall, 115
Dunham, Stanley Ann, 39, 122
Dyson, Esther, 317
earwax, 278
Eastern cultures, Western cultures compared with, 153–54
economies, 129
culture and, 157
history and, 156–57
slavery and, 142–43, 145
trust and, 144–45, 156
Ehrenreich, Eric, 66, 69, 71–74, 81–82, 149
Einheitsfamilienstammbuch, 66–67, 69,
73, 80
Elhaik, Eran, 239–42
Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 187
Ellis, Joseph J., 227
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 42, 158
end of history illusion, 29
England, surnames in, 192–99
epigenetics, 305
“Epilogue” (Lowell), 17
equality and egalitarianism, 46, 55
Equiano, Olaudah, 139, 140, 143
Erc, King, 187
Erlich, Yaniv, 131
ethnicity, 239
see also race
eugenics, 54–55, 61–62, 64–65, 81–82, 113, 126, 238
Grant and, 59–61, 64, 75–76
marriage counseling and, 63, 65
in Nazi Germany, 71–73, 75–76,
Popenoe and, 62–64, 65
sterilization and, 64, 72, 75
Eugenics Records Office (ERO), 62, 64
Eugenics Society of America, 61
Europe, 96, 213–14, 219, 222, 249, 318
Native American genomes and, 249–50
evolution, 12, 53, 65, 70, 159, 259
eugenics and, 60
natural selection in, 258–59
eye color, 278, 285
Facebook, 127
facial characteristics, 279–81, 282–83
judgments about ancestry based on, 283–84
factor V, 306
Faerie Queene, The (Spenser), 272–73
family history, see genealogy
Family History Centers, 115–16, 206
Family Search, 114–17
family-systems therapy, 138
Family Tree DNA, 179, 182, 189–90, 207–12, 217, 232
Family Trees: A History of Genealogy in America (Weil), 39
famine, 158, 258, 305
in Ireland, 106, 107, 137, 257
Farmer, John, 44
farming, see agriculture
Faroe Islands, 318
Farrar, John, 39
Farrell, Elizabeth, 27–28
feelings, see ideas and feelings
Feldman, Marcus, 247, 248, 251, 255–57, 259, 295–97, 300, 303
Fergus Mor, King, 187
Fernandez, Raquel, 154–55, 157
Finding Your Roots, 211
Findlay, Cassandra, 130
FindMyPast, 81, 128–29
Fisher, Mary, 38
Fisher, R. A., 165
Fitter Family competitions, 61
flu, 260
Fogli, Alessandra, 154–55, 157
Fortune, 44
Foster, Eugene, 226–29, 231, 232
founder effect, 297, 301
Founders and Survivors, 135–38
Fowle, John, 37
Fox, Dixon Ryan, 45
fragile X syndrome, 300
France, 51
Frank, Anne, 122, 123
Franklin, Benjamin, 37–38, 184
Franklin, Robert, 38
Franklin, Rosalind, 161
Franklin, Thomas, 38, 184
Franklin, William, 184
French Canadians, 298
Galton, Francis, 54–55, 107, 234, 303
Garma festival, 281–82, 283
Gates, Bill, 7, 310
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 211, 282
Gausemeier, Bernd, 72
gay marriage, 123–24
gender inequality, 152–53, 154
Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New England, A (Farmer), 44
Genealogical Society of Utah, 46
genealogical tree, 220, 221
genetic tree vs., 218–19
genealogy(ies) (family history), 19–33, 69–71, 81–82, 108–9, 263
African, 32
Asian, 31–32, 243
biology connected to, 48
collective, 131–32
in colonial America, 37–41
counterfeit, 45
criticism of and aversion to, 19–23, 32–33, 41–45, 216, 219
heraldry and, 44–45
history of, 34–48
Maori, 32
moral and religious imperatives of, 46
and people’s responses to DNA testing, 242–44
records of, see records
social history and, 176
triggers for investigating, 29–30
genealogy companies, 126, 127–28, 130–31, 17, 40, 81, 92, 124–30, 206–7, 130, 131, 135
FindMyPast, 81, 128–29
see also DNA testing companies
genealogy expos, 125
Genealogy Roadshow, 211
genes, x, xi, 6–9, 14, 22, 201–2
alleles of, xi, 317
amount of influence of, 303–4
APOE, 308, 317
BRCA, 305
candidate studies of, 162
discovery of, 161
F5, 306
in genomes of many creatures, 290–91
HEXA, 297, 298, 299
huntingtin, 289–93, 299, 304
Hox, 290–91
influences on, 8, 279, 304
MC1R, 284–85
multigenerational effects of, 305
population structure and, 162–64
proteins produced by, 291
senses and, 259
silencing of, 292
traits and, see traits
Genes, Peoples, and Languages (Cavalli-Sforza), 235
genetic disorders, see diseases
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination
Act, 318
genetic mutations, 258, 297, 298, 304, 318
BRCA, 305
de novo point, 304
endogamous marriage and, 296
F5, 306
fragile X syndrome, 300
recessive, 296–99
see also diseases
genetics, first use of term, 53
genetics companies, see DNA testing companies
genetic tree vs. genealogical tree, 218–19
Genghis Khan, 93, 180–82, 192, 195, 256, 130, 131, 135
Genographic Project, 207, 233–34, 239–42
genome(s), 3, 7, 8, 13, 162–64, 186, 202, 205, 210, 214, 245, 257–58, 260, 290
African, 254–55
ancient, 252–53
Australian, 250
bottlenecks and, 247–48, 250–51, 260
r /> British history and, 164–68, 171–77
Bushman, 256
dissolving of, 219
fine-structure analysis of, 165
first sequencing of, 161
history and, 260–61
locations on, xi
Neanderthal, 252–54
race and, 236–38
slave trade and, 260
as tree, 241–42
twins and, x
Gercke, Achim, 71–72
German Society for Racial Hygiene, 70
German immigrants, 156
Germany, 147, 148
see also Nazi Germany
Getchell, Ivy, 89–90
Gilbert, Daniel, 28–29, 33
goats, 262
Godfrey Webster, 137
Golden, Robert, 229
Golden Dawn, 82
Google, 127
Gordon-Reed, Annette, 226
Gorgass, Ruthild, 80
Goss, Leanne, 137
Granite Mountain Records Vault, 111–17, 122–24
Grant, Madison, 55–61, 62, 64, 234
African Americans and, 59–60
Benga and, 57–58
eugenics and, 59–61, 64, 75–76
immigration and, 58–59
Greece, 82
Green, Robert, 307–8, 310
Greenspan, Bennett, 182, 207–10
group identity, 23
Groves, Colin, 252
Guardian, 20, 30
Guineas, 271
Gulkula, 281
Gulumbulu, 281
Haley, Alex, 47–48
Hayden, Michael, 291
HDBuzz, 293
health, 285, 309
see also diseases
hearing, 259
Heidenreich, Gisela, 76–80, 81, 138
height, 278, 303–4
Heinlein, Robert, 111, 126
Helicobacter pylori, 261
Hemings, Eston, 227, 228, 231, 232, 233
Hemings, Madison, 227, 231, 232, 233
Hemings, Sally, 124, 225–33, 238, 257
Henn, Brenna, 303
heraldry, 44–45
hérédité, 51, 53
heredity, 49–53, 65, 69–71
Bakewell and, 49–51, 53
breeding and, see breeding
Darwin and, 54
eugenics and, see eugenics
Galton and, 54
Mendel and, 52–53, 54, 60, 61, 62
HEXA gene, 297, 298, 299
Highland Games, 186–87, 189, 199
Himmler, Heinrich, 76, 77, 78, 234
historical figures, descendants of, 183
history, 158, 213, 246–64
of Britain, 168–74
in DNA, 159–78
economies and, 156–57
genome and, 260–61
human origins and exodus from Africa, 234, 246–48, 250–52, 255, 284, 303
History Channel, 273
Hitler, Adolf, 60, 68, 69, 72–75, 79,
122, 234
nephews of, 183
T4 program created by, 75
Hoff, Karla, 314–15
Holocaust, 65, 106–7, 122, 234
Homestead Act, 47
Hox gene, 290–91
human cloning, 7, 8
Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP), 234–36, 239, 240
Human Genome Project, 237, 241
Hung, James, 32
hunter-gatherers, 253, 255, 259
huntingtin gene, 289–93, 299, 304
Huntington, George, 288
Huntington’s disease, 286–95, 299, 306, 307, 308, 318
Iceland, 120, 132–33
surnames in, 192
ideas and feelings, 139–58
trust, see trust
illegitimacies, 200, 201
immigrants, 58–59, 61
community closeness and, 156
and parents’-country-of-origin effect on women, 154–56
and reproduction of old values, 154–55
India, 173
caste system in, 314–15
social change in, 315
Indonesia, 249
volcano in, 248
Ingimund, 193–95
intergenerational self, 115
International Atomic Energy Agency, 120
International Visible Trait Genetics Consortium, 280
Internet, 127, 128
Interpretome, 207
IQ84 (Murakami), 246
Ireland, 2, 27, 118, 156, 167, 169, 257, 298
famine in, 106, 107, 137, 257
physical traits in, 282
surnames in, 192, 198–99, 200–201
Y chromosomes in, 195–96, 198, 200–201, 282
Irish Americans, 156
Irish Blood Transfusion Service, 163
Íslendingabók, 132–33
Israel, 251, 300
Issues, 271
Italy, 116, 172, 222–23
trust in, 156
James IV, King, 188
Japan, 65
Jefferson, Martha Wayles, 225, 227, 238
Jefferson, Thomas, 41–42, 225, 234, 238
Hemings’ relationship with, and descendants, 124, 225–33, 257
Jewish Influence and the German Universities, The, 71–72
Jews, 23, 25, 68, 71–73, 74, 164,
209, 243
anti-Semitism and, 71, 73, 137–50
Black Death and, 147–48, 149
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and, 122, 123
Holocaust and, 65, 106–7, 122, 234
medieval pogroms and, 147, 148,
in Nazi Germany, see Nazi Germany
premarital genetic testing and, 300–301
Samaritans and, 295
World War I and, 148
Jobs, Steve, 310
Jones, Dan, 124–25, 126, 127, 130
Justo Doria, Antonio, 288
Kabre, 141
Kayser, Manfred, 280–81
Kennedy, N. Brent, 272, 273, 275–76
Keynes, John Maynard, 183
Keynes, Laura, 183
Khan, Razib, 319
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 320
Kinnear, 2, 98
Kiryat Luza, 295
Kitcher, Philip, 267
Klocke, Friedrich von, 81–82
Koelle, Sigismund, 141, 143
Kong Demao, 32
Kong Xiangxian, 32
Labuda, Damian, 133–35
Lambert, David Allen, 30, 34–36, 43
Lander, Eric, 227
Larkin, Philip, 139
laser discs, 119–20, 121
Leopold II, King, 57
Leslie, Stephen, 161–69, 172, 174–76,
178, 187
Lewontin, Richard, 23–24, 236–37
lice, 261
Lightning, 27
Lincoln, Abraham, 35
linkage disequilibrium, 256
Linnaeus, Carl, 189
lipid catabolism, 254
Lives to Come, The: The Genetic Revolution and Human Possibilities (Kitcher), 267
Lorenz, Ottokar, 69–70
Lorn Mor, King, 187
Lowell, Robert, 17
lupus, 254
Lutz, Balthazar, 66
MacLaren, Donald, 187–89, 191
MacLaren clan, 187–91
Maori culture, 32
Mao Tse-tung, 93, 94
Marks, Jonathan, 233
Marlboro Historical Society, 23
ugh, 1st Duke of
(John Churchill), 20
Marlow, Samuel, 137
counseling for, 63, 65
cousin, 220, 296–97, 298, 301–2
genetic testing before, 300–302
interracial, 269–69
Samaritan, 296
same-sex, 123–24
uncle-niece, 302
Mauch, Alfons, 66, 68
Mauch, Elisabeth, 66
Mauch, Joe, 66–69, 80–81, 105
Mauch, Jürgen, 66
Mauch, Maria Lutz, 66, 68
Mayflower, 44, 131
McCalman, Janet, 135–36
McCarthy, Gavan, 120–21
McCormick, Michael, ix
McGrath, Ann, 98, 108–10
McHarg/Mchargue YDNA Project, 199
McHarge, Anne, 199–200
McLaren, Bob, 189–91, 200
McLoughlin, Garry, 136–37
McLoughlin, Michael, 136–37
medical community, 51, 70
Meir, Golda, 1
Melungeons, 267–79
African Americans and, 271, 276
diseases and, 273
Native Americans and, 277–78
physical traits in, 273, 277
Melungeons, The: The Resurrection of a Proud People (Kennedy), 272
Melungeons Yesterday and Today
(Bible), 268
Melville, Allan, 42
Melville, Herman, 42
Mendel, Gregor, 52–53, 54, 60, 61, 62
Mendelian diseases, 295, 303, 306,
307, 311
Huntington’s disease, 286–95, 299, 306, 307, 308, 318
Mendelian traits, 278
Mexico, pandemics in, 260
Meyer, Leo Joseph, 90–91, 92
Meyer, Maisie Aileen, 90–91, 92
Meyer, Geoff, 85–86, 90–92, 124
Miami Herald, 182
mice, 259, 261–62, 292, 305
Midnight Oil, 1
migrations, 129, 131, 135, 177, 248
milk drinking, 258, 259
missing heritability, 304
mitochondria, 186, 257
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 163, 186, 201, 206, 207, 216, 221, 253, 257
Mongol Empire, 180–81, 255
Mongolia, 95
surnames in, 93, 191–92
monkeys, 20
Moore, Carolyn, 229
Moore, CeCe, 211–12
Moritzburg Castle, 56
Mormon Church, see Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
multiple sclerosis, 306, 307
Murakami, Haruki, 246
Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, 166
names, 191
see also surnames
Napp, Cyril, 52
National Geographic, Genographic Project of, 207, 233–34, 239–42
National Security Agency (NSA), 127
Native Americans, 71, 199, 206, 242,
249, 271
European genomes and, 249–50
Melungeons and, 277–78
physical traits in, 282
natural selection, 258–59
Nature, 228–29
The Invisible History of the Human Race Page 42