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Page 15

by A L Fogerty

  "You can share my room," Sid said, reaching out to squeeze Kayla's hand.

  She looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye and nodded. The party spent the day resting and ordered another big meal at dinner. They watched movies on the TV, chatted out on the balcony, and took turns in the shower and laundering their underclothes.

  Kayla walked out of the bathroom in Sid's bedroom in a bathrobe, her hair in a towel. He sat on the end of the bed, pulling off his shoes. Her fresh clean face gleamed in the warm lamplight. She walked barefoot across the lushly carpeted floor and sat beside him. He reached out to her and cupped her face in his hand then pulled her toward him. He caressed her lips with his, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. The neck of her robe slipped over her shoulder, and he caressed her smooth, damp skin.

  Sid gently pushed the robe away, revealing her right breast. Her tanned skin looked like milk and honey and was just as sweet. His calloused fingers slid over her chest, and he held her breast in his hand. He rolled her nipple between his fingers, eliciting a soft gasp from her lips. Her kisses grew urgent as her body opened to his touch. He pulled her robe open, and she lay down on the bed. He ran his hand up and down her curvy form. Then his palm drifted over her hip, down her thigh, and between her legs.

  He felt the damp heat of her need against his palm. The scent of her desire filled the air, and he groaned. His wolf came to the surface. His teeth sharpened. He pulled his shirt over his head and glided down her body, dragging his tongue over her skin, gooseflesh rising along the path. He dipped between her legs and gripped her thighs with his massive hands. His hunger for her was unstoppable. He lapped at the soft yielding center of her, her nectar tasting like ambrosia from the gods. His tongue dipped deeper, and Kayla ran her fingers through his hair and over his broad shoulders, gasping for more.

  The taste of her made his body quiver and harden. He slid deeper, pressing harder. Kayla arched her back. He held her tightly, sensing how close to release she was. He wanted to see, taste, and smell her release. It gave him a sense of majesty to feel her like this. He slipped two thick wet fingers inside her, caressing her inner need. Her body jerked and spasmed, clenching around him. She groaned deep in her throat as she came like the goddess she was.

  Chapter 33

  The feeling of Sid's hands on her thighs sent a quiver down Kayla's spine. She gasped and shook as he crawled over her on the bed and settled between her legs. She hugged his shoulders, needing him like the parched earth needed the rain. She'd been so worried that she would never see him again, but the moment they entered hell, she'd felt him in the very depths of her being and known he was close—so very close.

  "Never leave me again," she whispered, kissing his lips.

  "That is my intention," he said before claiming her mouth with his.

  They consumed each other, her need for him fully met by his need for her. He pressed his manhood to her center and slowly entered her with a grace that only Sid could bring her. He was her strong and sturdy warrior, lover, and friend. She gasped as he slid inside, her body responding as if a light switch had been turned on. He sank deep into her core, pulling out the fragments of longing so deep and rich they could not be denied. He plunged to the base, filling her completely. Her mouth dropped open, and a silent moan played on her lips. How she needed him.

  He thrust with all the strength and intensity of his powerful being. She groaned at the impact, running her hands down his back and over his thighs. Sid was a gentle, beautiful lover, and it did not negate the strength or intensity of his desire. He brought her to climax after climax. The moment drifted into eternity, and she was taken away from all of the stress, pain, and torment she'd been experiencing. In Sid's powerful arms, Kayla was given sweet reprieve from the conquest and worry.

  He growled, his sharp teeth descending in his mouth. He gripped her neck, holding her with a mating bite. As her body responded with a mind-shattering orgasm, she bit him back, and they came together in that moment of shared bliss and passion.

  They held on for a long moment, unwilling to let go. Finally, they released each other, falling back into the afterglow of their lovemaking. Sid and Kayla caught their breath, staring at the dim lights dancing on the ceiling. Neither spoke, as no words were needed in that moment, just the knowledge that they were together and that their love would carry them through whatever trials lay ahead.

  Kayla fell asleep in Sid's arms, the most comfortable and secure she'd felt in the weeks since they'd left the compound. When she woke and opened her eyes, his face was the first thing she saw. She smiled with contentment. She didn't move or try to wake him but just watched him intently until he stirred and his eyes opened. He took a deep breath, smiled, and kissed her forehead.

  "Good morning, my sweet goddess," he said. "I haven't slept that well in so long. It was wonderful to be together. Such a relief after all these weeks of worry. I wish we could stay like this forever and all the beauty in this world was real—and I wish Oksana was with us and we didn't have to keep fighting the darkness. I know that's not possible, but at least we've had these brief moments together to rest and recover our strength before we face whatever lies ahead. Together, we can overcome anything. I have no doubt that we'll soon return home with our daughter and our family will finally get to live the life we deserve."

  They rose slowly and joined the others in the living room. Jagger had already ordered them breakfast, and the party was preparing to leave. Kayla wished she could have one more night of rest and comfort, but they had to keep moving. They had to bring their daughter home.

  They packed their things, rested and refreshed from the night of comfort. Kayla held Sid's hand as they rode the elevator down to the ground floor of the hotel. The doorman hailed a cab, and the party climbed inside.

  "Where to?" the driver asked.

  "The closest train station," Felix told him.

  The driver took them to the station, and Gloria paid him. The party stood in the train terminal, looking at the many destinations on the screen.

  "Which one do we choose?" Kayla asked Felix.

  "It's hard to say," he said, inspecting all the options. Sid studied the map, and Kayla watched him, wondering what he was thinking.

  "I think we should just take it to the end of the line," Sid said.

  "Then we get tickets to the end of the line," Kayla said.

  They walked to the ticket counter and purchased their tickets. After an hour of waiting, their train boarded, and they all climbed inside. Since Sid and Gloria had robbed the bank, they had plenty of money for the best car on the train, and the party rode in comfort. They had several sleeping cars for the long journey. Gloria and Malik had a car to themselves, while Kayla shared one with Sid and Felix. Riddick, Jagger, and Quinn had a car of their own.

  Kayla rested her head on Sid's shoulder as she gazed out the window. The landscape rushed past as they charged away, moving from coastal city to desert and then to forest. Kayla longed to be in the forest again with Bane at her side and her bow at the ready.

  The day drifted into night, and the group pulled out the beds to sleep. Kayla lay between Sid and Felix as the train slowly rocked underneath her. The movement should have been soothing, but instead, she found it jarring. She couldn't sleep late into the night, and as Sid and Felix's breathing grew even and slow, she tossed and turned, not finding rest. The light of the moon glowed down through the window and illuminated the car.

  Felix turned toward her, his eyes open and questioning. "Are you okay?"

  "I can't sleep."

  "Neither can I. This train is one of the strangest things I've ever experienced."

  "Where do you think it will stop?" The light of the moon flickered through the window, casting shadows on his face.

  "If we're lucky, it will take us to the next level."

  "I wish I could sleep," Kayla said. "I need my rest.”

  "About what happened in the cavern…"

  "You don't have to say anything."<
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  "But I do. I don't think that I have ever felt so guilty in my life." He took her hand in his.

  "I know exactly what it's like," Kayla said. "You couldn't control it."

  "But I could have tried harder," Felix said.

  "As could I. If I'd tried harder to help you and had done more, none of us would be here now. But I didn't. So if you are guilty, then so am I."

  "I didn't mean to suggest…"

  "I know you didn't, Felix. But we're in the same boat. We had the same experience, one that no one else here has had. You want me to absolve you. What can I do?"

  "That's not what I want," Felix said.

  "What is it you want?"

  "I don't know. I just want a way to alleviate the guilt."

  "I don't know if it ever goes away. I know mine hasn't."

  "Kayla," he said, gripping her hand harder, "you have nothing to feel guilty about."

  "Let's not talk about it anymore," she said, moving into his arms. He held her against his chest and stroked her hair. Tears formed in her eyes, and she held them back. She tried not to let him notice, but it was useless.

  He kissed the top of her head and cooed, "It's all right. We'll find her. This is not your fault."

  She sniffled and looked up at him, her face wet with tears. He kissed her gently and held her close, letting her cry. Sid, still sleeping, kept a comforting arm around her. When her tears had run dry, she fell asleep against Felix's chest.

  In the morning, she woke to the bright sun shining through the window, piercing her eyes with its glare. She blinked awake and squinted into the light. Climbing over Felix, she stepped onto the floor and gazed out the window. Bane stirred and sat by her side. The train was charging along the coast. A pink-and-yellow sea roiled under a low stormy sky. Rain pelted the glass, and a sense of foreboding filled Kayla's chest. Felix and Sid rolled out of bed, asking where they were.

  "I don't know, but it doesn't look very auspicious."

  Sid peered out the window and scratched his head. "No, it doesn't."

  Several minutes later, the train came to a stop at the station, and the attendants traveled from car to car, telling people they were at the end of the line.

  "I guess this is it," Kayla said, grabbing her things from where she'd stored them.

  "Let's hope we find what we're looking for," Sid said.

  They hurried out of their cars to exit the train. The entire party stepped out onto the platform of the station in a small coastal town. Seagulls squawked overhead, and rain beat down on the roof over the platform. The party turned to the ticket counter and considered the destination options.

  "If you want to continue your journey," said the woman behind the counter, "you can buy tickets to a ship that's leaving today. It will take you across the sea."

  "What's across the sea?" Kayla asked.

  "Everything that you're looking for. At least, that's what I've heard. I've never been there."

  "Why not?"

  A shadow washed over her eyes. "Because I have to stay here.”

  "We'll get tickets for the ship," Kayla said, taking out money to pay their fare.

  The party made their way down to the docks.

  "I feel like we're going around in circles.” Jagger gripped his sword, grumbling as always.

  "The ship is arriving in five minutes," the man at the pier said. "Be ready to board.”

  The ship docked in and dropped anchor. A walkway rolled out, and several passengers disembarked. A crewman announced that it was time to board, and they gave a steward on deck their tickets. He directed them to their rooms below deck.

  "You're lucky you're on the ship,” the ticket taker said.

  "Why?" Kayla asked.

  "It's the lucky ones who get to go where you're going. It means you’re going to stay.”

  "Come on, Kayla," Sid said, taking her hand. "I think we're on the right track."

  She followed Sid to their rooms. Once they'd settled in, the ship left port and traveled out to sea.

  "There is a buffet being served for lunch.” Felix read over the brochure that had been left on the table.

  "We should go. I'm starving," Kayla said.

  They met the rest of the party on the deck and started toward the banquet hall. The ship was charging through the stormy sea, and colossal storm clouds raged in the distance. Kayla squinted at them, never having seen anything like them before. They whirled in a circular pattern on the horizon.

  "Looks like we're headed right into the storm," Sid said.

  "Maybe that's the portal.” Kayla wrapped her arm around him.

  The rest of the party stopped and stared as the clouds grew closer. The other people on the boat seemed not to notice the swirling mass and walked happily into the banquet hall. Kayla and her party couldn't tear their eyes from the sight. They stood on the deck until they were within yards of the clouds. Kayla thought the ship would change course, but it didn't.

  "It is a portal," Gloria said, her voice rising with fear. "I can feel it."

  Kayla reached out to her mates, and everyone held hands as the ship sailed right into the storm. It moved through the portal so smoothly that it was almost as if nothing had happened, but when it came out on the other side, they were in a completely new land. The sea was pitch-black, and the sky was too. No stars or moon glowed above. The blackness of night clung to the sea like a blanket.

  "What is this place?" Kayla whispered.

  "It's a deep layer of hell," Felix said.

  "Did any of your maps tell you about that?" Jagger said, pointing to the shore. A dark tower rose up from the cliff face like a knife slicing into the sky. Violent black water roiled under the tower, smashing against the rocks.

  "It's the dark lord's tower," Felix said.

  "How do you know?" Kayla asked.

  "I saw an illustration of it in the literature. I brought a copy of it. I'll show you." Felix rummaged through his bag and produced an illustration of the exact same tower.

  "We were supposed to be moving into the second level of hell," Kayla said. "You said the dark lord lived in the deepest level."

  "I did. He does.”

  "Seems we had a bit of a detour, folks,” the steward said. "You all are going to be disembarking at the next stop before we move on."

  "Us?" Kayla asked.

  "You. Orders of the boss.”

  "Are we ready for this?" Quinn asked.

  Jagger grimaced. "We'd better be."

  Chapter 34

  The ship pulled into the harbor, docking near the pier. The only passengers at the exit ramp were Kayla and her crew. Her heart trembled, and Bane licked her shaking hand. Quinn reached out and gripped her shoulder. Their eyes met, and their shared gaze offered her a small level of comfort. But she needed so much more in this trying moment.

  The exit ramp descended, and the captain watched them all disembark. “Good luck to you. You’re going to need it."

  A hot flood of terror permeated Kayla’s blood, and she looked around for a means of escape, but there was nowhere to go. The only path available was the one leading her directly into the dark lord’s tower. They walked down the exit ramp. The murky waters roiled below them from the remains of the storm. Black clouds billowed above the craggy rocks where the dark, foreboding fortress rose into the inky sky. Kayla’s heart was racing as she searched for her angelic power. She needed it now more than ever. But she couldn’t find it.

  “I don’t think I can do this.” Her feet felt glued to the earth as she stared up at the fortress. "I can’t find my magic.”

  “It will come to you. It always does.” Quinn took her hand.

  “What if it doesn’t? What if it’s gone?"

  "We are all here with you. You don’t have to face it alone,” Quinn said, holding her hand more tightly.

  “We’re in this together.” Jagger stepped to her side.

  Everyone gathered around her, offering words of encouragement and support. Sid put his hand on her shoulder and
looked her in the eye. "We’re all here for you. Never forget. Reach out to me when in doubt, and I will lend you my strength.”

  They continued up the rocky path, each step more treacherous than the last. Kayla knew she was going to encounter fears she'd been avoiding. She would have no choice but to face them now. She had come so far, yet as she walked into the belly of night, she knew she had not come far enough. She searched her body and soul for the source of her power, the gift of her true father, but try as she might, she couldn't find it.

  “How will I face the dark king without my light?" she asked as she stumbled at the edge of the rocky cliff.

  Tears streamed from her eyes. Her heart was like a frantic bird. There were no answers, and there was no rest, only her will, which consumed everything inside her. Her love was her strength. Even without access to the power of her light, the power of her heart remained. She was not alone at the edge of destruction—she'd had the loves of her life by her side all along. In the trembling grip of her wild fears, she knew that she could not fail. She had already succeeded. Her love was what mattered. And even if the dark lord destroyed them all with his bitter vengeance, she still knew what love was and what it meant to be willing to sacrifice everything for it. Evil could never win against the truth. It could never win against the love shining in her heart—her love for her child, her mates, the world, and everyone in it. She'd already won, no matter what lay ahead.

  They made it to the top of the stairs, where a drawbridge descended from the gates of the fortress. It creaked like breaking bones. The sound crawled up her skin like a rash until the bridge finally came to rest before them. The party looked at each other, the weight of their fate becoming heavier as seconds passed.

  “What are we waiting for? We have a daughter to rescue." Jagger took the first step onto the bridge, and the others followed one after the next.

  “If something happens, I'll portal us out,” Gloria whispered.

  Kayla nodded, grateful that Gloria and Malik had stayed with them on this journey even after all the times she'd told everyone she wanted to go it alone. No one had ever left her unless they could not go on, like Mackenzie and Willa. Kayla thought of her dear friends and was comforted in knowing they were safe and secure back at the compound, away from all of this. But the rest of them had no such luck. They had to face the demon lord head-on.


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