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Apocalypse Assassins: The Complete Series

Page 60

by D. Laine

  I lay on a hard metallic table meant for examining large animals. Dogs’ anatomy posters lined the wall above my head, and an IV cart stood on flimsy legs beside me. The room was small, and bordered by a cheap partition on two opposing sides.

  Though I couldn’t see beyond the walls, I heard someone snoring nearby. Probably Ewing. A soft orange glow bled around the gaps in the partition behind me, indicating that someone had left us with a trace of light for the night.

  I didn’t remember falling asleep, but the stiffness in my back and neck, and the tingling in my arm that Thea currently used as a pillow, suggested I had slept for a while. Since no Watchers had plagued me this time, I felt refreshed. Much better than I had felt in weeks—which was something considering I had been all but dead when they brought me in here.

  I craned my neck to find the bag suspended above my head, and attached to my arm by a plastic tube, empty. Using my teeth, I pulled the needle out to free myself of the IV. A small drop of blood bubbled up in its absence, forcing me to look away quickly.

  Beside me, Thea shifted and nuzzled closer. Her arm swung over my chest and I intertwined my fingers with hers where they rested above my heart.

  Her face pressed against my side and she mumbled, “You’re awake.”

  “Your snoring must have woken me up.”

  She lifted her head with a soft snort and a faint smile on her lips. “I don’t snore.”

  “How would you know? You’re sleeping,” I teased. “I’m the one who has to put up with it. And don’t you dare tell me that your ex told you so because that will piss me off.” I softened the order with a flirty wink. Because I was only half serious.

  Thea’s gaze drifted over my face, finally settling on my mouth. With a growing smile, she pressed her warm lips to mine. Far too quickly, she was gone. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  A breathy snort shot out of mouth. “Please. That was nothing.”

  “You could have died.”

  “I’ve almost died plenty of times.”


  “I told you I have more lives than a cat.”

  Giving up, she dropped her forehead to my shoulder with a small shake of her head. Her voice, when she finally spoke, sounded tired and exasperated. “But how many do you have left?”

  Staring at the ceiling, I stroked her hair several times before working up as honest of an answer as I could give her. “Enough to get the job done.”

  Her head lifted and she pinned me to the bed with her gaze. “You better have a spare one, because that life is the one you’re going to spend with me after this is all over. Understood?”

  My lips spread into a lopsided grin. “You sure are bossy at times. That was you I heard cursing Lucifer out, wasn’t it?”

  “It worked, didn’t it?”

  “I guess it did. If you scared him into giving up, I have no chance, do I?”

  “No.” She shook her head once before pinning me with a determined look. “Promise me.”

  “What? To keep a spare life lying around? I’ll do my best.”

  Her gaze turned severe—into something I now recognized. “Tell me you’re not going to do something stupid. Promise me you won’t.”

  This was no joke to her, but a small smile still curved my lips as I wrapped a wayward strand of long, dark hair around my finger. “I can promise you that I’ll try—”

  “Dylan,” she hissed.

  “I know what you’re asking, and I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what you want me to say, because I can’t make promises I might not be able to keep.”

  “You can keep this one,” she insisted. “It’s easy. You don’t let them win. Don’t let them—”

  “Who are you talking about here?” I scooted up on the bed until I could rest my shoulders on the wall behind me, bringing me eye level with Thea. “The Watchers? Or Lucifer’s army? Who exactly are you suggesting I not let win?”

  Her eyes glistened in the faint light, and she said nothing. But seeing a sheen of unshed tears in my girlfriend’s eyes did weird, unfamiliar things to my stomach, and I already felt my tough guy shell giving way to my inner pussy-whipped alter ego.

  I tugged her closer, sighing heavily. “If there’s a way to end this with neither of them gaining any more ground, then we’re going to find it and we’re going to finish this once and for all. But if there’s not . . .”

  “Either way, I lose you,” she murmured, seemingly to herself, as she stared down her nose at nothing. “If Lucifer wins, we’re all dead. If the Watchers win, you won’t be you anymore.”

  “And you’re expendable to them,” I reminded her. “So yes, I can promise you that I am going to do everything in my power to find a way to end this without letting the Watchers win. But that might still require me to do something you consider stupid.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried to give me a grave look. The laugh bubbling up her throat, threatening to fracture her resolve, made it look anything but. “You’re impossible at times.”

  “I know.” I settled against the wall with a shrug. “Yet you still fell in love with me.”

  She shrugged. “You’re easy to look at and you make me laugh. I guess I’m easy to please.”

  Quickly finding an opportunity to shift this in a dirty direction, I grinned. “You sure are. It’s been a while since I’ve had the honor of pleasing you. What do you say we fix that?”

  “You are so sure of yourself.”

  “You like it. Just admit that’s why you love me.”

  She tapped a finger to her chin in mock consideration, an impish smile spreading across her face. “I don’t know. My options are pretty limited these days. I think that might be it.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I snatched her around the waist before she could dodge me. A breathy moan caught in her throat when I tugged her onto my lap. If there was any lingering concern that my dick had suffered from frostbite, I laid that worry to rest right then.

  It might have been throbbing, but it wasn’t from the harsh elements I had faced a few hours ago. Nor did it have that worrisome “shrinkage” problem some guys complained about when they got cold. I didn’t think it possible, but I swore it swelled even more the instant Thea pressed against me.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s it. My God, that feels good.” She threw her head back with a throaty sigh, and I knew I had her.

  “Not even He can make your toes curl like I can.” Gripping her hips, I moved her against me. “Need me to remind you?”

  “Can’t.” Her fingers dug into my shoulders, her responsive body at war with reasoning.

  My reasoning was long gone. “I most certainly can. I think I’ve proven that plenty of times. I’m pretty sure I’m batting in the nine-hundreds by now.”

  “Not here.” She pressed a hand to my chest, willing me to put a stop to whatever this was leading to. Because she couldn’t. Because she wanted it as much as I did.

  I glanced at the thin partition separating us from the others. Considering my sister was one of many easily within earshot, I kind of understood what Thea was worried about. The hot and wild sex I wanted may not be an option, but we could still have some fun.

  “You can be quiet, can’t you?” I teased. We both knew the answer to that question.

  She tried to shoot me another scathing look. Rocking my hips into hers at the precise moment she rolled against me forced her eyes to squeeze shut and her head to roll back. I took full advantage of the opportunity she gave me, and slipped my hands beneath her shirt.

  I didn’t really know who these guys were that rescued us. They might be pricks, but right now, I really appreciated their choice of clothing. Thea’s thin, oversized shirt allowed me plenty of room to maneuver her hindering bra out of the way of my greedy hands. My thumbs promptly smoothed over her perky tits, and she jerked against me, somehow settling into an even better position on my lap.

  All the important parts were aligned. Considering I was rocking commando right now, the thin pants I wor
e left little to the imagination. The friction was better than I ever thought possible with clothes in the way.

  Whatever thrummed between Thea and me right now had taken on a tangibly raw sensation—a thousand times hotter and a thousand times better than my wildest dreams. No one could hold a candle to her, and no one ever would.

  My fingers dug into her waist with a dominating grip as she shimmied against me. Her arms trembled as they slid around my neck, and I knew her toes were going to start curling in about five seconds. Too bad I couldn’t see them, because it was hot as hell to watch.

  Instead, I focused on her face. Her lips were pinched shut in a desperate attempt to keep quiet, though some sexy little noises found their way out anyway. I touched my lips to hers, torn between swallowing her gasps and moans, and wanting to watch her.

  Her eyes were on me, glazed and hooded, and I decided I wanted to keep it that way. Her smooth lips slid over mine with every rock of her hips. I watched her intently right up until the moment she fell apart with a full body shudder and a sharp gasp.

  My mouth smashed against hers a split second too late, but I wasn’t complaining because simply watching her had been nearly enough to get me off. I was right there, and getting closer with every shift of our hips.

  I kissed her harder, deeper, seeking any kind of release I could get if it couldn’t be from good old-fashioned sex. One hand tightened around her waist to guide her where I wanted her. The other entangled in her hair. My fingers pressed into her scalp as I held her to me fiercely, kissing her with a demanding force of tongue and teeth and crushing lips. Nothing about it was sweet.

  I was so focused on the goal just out of my reach, I didn’t notice when she shifted. But I definitely noticed when her hand slipped past the elastic holding my pants up. Her fingers curled around me, shooting the hot and twisted ball of fire building in my gut straight toward the finish line.

  Her touch felt so good I almost hated for it to end so soon, but damn, there was no holding back. I somehow kissed her even harder as the warm wave of bliss began to zing through me.

  And then a bucket a cold water crashed over my head.

  Not literally, but it might as well have been.



  A heart-attack inducing combination of distress and regret.

  And a ripple of something that felt a little like a prayer for some earmuffs.

  I dropped both hands, abruptly releasing Thea from my hold. She pulled back, brows furrowed and eyes searching. I stared at the partition over her shoulder, unable to meet her gaze.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered. “I thought you were—”

  “I was. Close.” I pressed my lips together and grumbled, “So fucking close.”

  “Then what’s the problem?” Thea’s chin tipped down as the harpoon in my pants deflated like a popped balloon.

  “Sadie.” I tapped one finger to my head. “Apparently we woke her up.”

  Thea’s hand slowly drifted out of my pants and pressed against my chest. Her other hand moved to her face. I still couldn’t look at her, so I had no idea what horrified reaction she was having to this unfortunate and ill-timed news.

  Then she snorted. Not a dainty little noise that could sometimes be confused for a sneeze, either, but a full out snort. Her body shook—no longer from the remnants of ecstasy I had successfully given her—but from a case of the giggles.

  She was fucking laughing, while I already felt the first hint of a bad case of blue balls settling in. My sister wallowed in guilt from wherever she lay nearby. It didn’t help me feel any better.



  I held my freshly washed shirt up in front of me, inspecting it with critical eyes. I had almost forgotten its original color—dark-blue. It had been a disgusting blend of gray marred with brown smudges for a long time. I brought it to my nose for a quick sniff, and found the scent pleasant. Sort of like the smell of a fresh rain on a hot blacktop.

  Feeling foolish, I shook my head. “When did I turn into such a cavewoman?”

  It wasn’t like I had never smelled fabric softener before. But it had been a long time. One of those things I thought I would never experience again.

  I pulled the thin material that I had slept in over my head, and promptly replaced it with my old and trusted blue shirt. Seconds later, my pants followed and I felt a little bit more like myself.

  Only cleaner.

  Moments later, the cardboard thin partition separating me from Sadie slid back, and she entered my “room” with a timid smile. “Nice of them to wash our stuff.”

  “Very nice. I only hope the pleasantries continue.” I folded the temporary rags and left them in a neat pile on the table. The lady that had brought us our belongings hadn’t given us any instructions beyond getting dressed, but I wanted to show my gratitude.

  Whoever these people were, they had saved our lives last night, but one thing I had learned about this apocalyptic world was that nothing was ever what it seemed. My guard would be up until I got some answers.

  “So anyway . . .” Sadie picked at a string dangling from her shirt sleeve. “I’m sorry about last night.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” I tried to give her a look that portrayed my sincerity, but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

  For one, it was a little funny. Two, it was hard not to smile after last night.

  Sadie rolled her eyes and lowered her voice to a hush. “Dylan doesn’t seem to agree.”

  “Dylan will get over it.”

  Like clockwork, his voice cut through the partition behind me. “No, I won’t.”

  Ignoring him, I gave Sadie a tight-lipped grin. “He’s just a little frustrated. He’ll be fine.”

  “A little frustrated?” The partition snapped open behind me, and Dylan’s presence filled the small space. His breath fanned the back of my neck, hot and heavy. “You’re not the one who woke up with a purple dick this morning.”

  Sadie’s nose wrinkled as her eyes darted over my shoulder. “Ew.”

  I turned around and got an eyeful of taut skin over smooth muscle. Dylan’s newly cleaned shirt was balled up in his hand, and he didn’t appear to be in any hurry to put it on.

  Not that I was complaining. Lifting my gaze to his face, I grimaced. “I’m sorry. I kind of owe you now.”

  “Kind of?” He shook his head. “No, you really owe me. And it’s going to be awesome when I collect.”

  I didn’t know what exactly he had in mind, but I couldn’t help but look forward to it. Whenever we found the chance. Last night had been unplanned and unexpected, and I didn’t anticipate a repeat anytime soon. No matter how strongly Dylan insisted.

  His attention suddenly shifted in Sadie’s general direction. “And you . . .”

  “You know what? I don’t really want to look at you right now either,” Sadie snapped. “Waking up to find myself in my brother’s head while he’s having sex wasn’t exactly the highlight of my life. I want to forget it as much as you do. Trust me.”

  “Wait a minute.” I spun around, finger raised in the air. “We weren’t—”

  The partition behind Sadie opened, and Jake wandered in, smoothing down the front of his shirt with a smile. He noticed the three of us obviously in the middle of something, and stopped. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” I replied quickly.

  Jake’s eyes darted to Dylan. “Everything okay?”

  “Not yet, but it will be soon.” Dylan glanced at me with a wink.

  No combination of words had ever filled me with so much nervous anticipation. My toes nearly curled right there on the floor. Which was wrong for so many reasons—primarily the presence of my brother, who darted a puzzled look between the three of us before giving up on uncovering the meaning behind our secrecy.

  “Whatever.” Jake shrugged. “Someone needs to tell me what happened yesterday. How did we end up here? And where exactly are we?”

  “We don�
��t know where we are yet,” I answered. “And to answer the rest of your questions . . .” I walked straight up to Jake and swatted him on the arm. Hard. “Don’t you ever do that to me again!”

  “Dammit, Thea. What the hell . . .” He trailed off when my attack transitioned into a hug, and he was forced to squeeze me back. Chin resting on the top of my head, he asked, “What was that all about?”

  “You wouldn’t get up and your heart almost stopped and it would have if Lucifer hadn’t listened to me and whoever these people are didn’t come along to rescue us and—”

  “Whoa. Wait a minute.” Jake held me out at arm’s length. “What?”

  “You would have died if—”

  “Not that. Lucifer. He did what?”

  I shrugged. “He . . . stopped the snow.”

  “It was the weirdest thing.” Dylan chuckled. “She just started yelling, and basically called him a pussy.”

  “And the snow just stopped?” Jake asked.

  I nodded. “Then I think tags found us . . . or I dreamt that part . . . but these Army guys came along. I heard them talking. They didn’t know if you were going to pull through. Your heart almost stopped before they got you warmed up, and they were worried you might lose a few toes.” Jake glanced at his boots with furrowed brows, forcing me to add, “Obviously, you’re still all intact.”

  He looked up with a nod. “And everyone else?”

  “We all made it,” Sadie answered.

  Right on cue, Ewing and Robbie stepped around the partition to join us. Both were freshly dressed in their familiar all-black clothing like Sadie. Together, the three of them looked like a gang of modern day mobsters . . . or ninjas. I couldn’t decide.

  “First thing on the agenda”—Ewing yanked on his tattered winter coat—“I want my weapons back.”

  “They took yours too?” Sadie asked.

  “I think they took all of them,” Robbie answered.

  Ewing nodded. “I didn’t care so much when I thought I was going to die, but it pisses me off now.”

  “There’s no reason to get all bent out of shape yet.” Dylan’s demanding voice commanded everyone’s attention.


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