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A Taste of Blood and Roses

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by David Niall Wilson

  "Forgive me, father," he prayed, "but I have no answer for this one, now named Mary, and she is sorely beset. Your enemy controls her, but her heart is pure. Give me the strength, lead my steps, for I love her, and I would not see her, or any other, suffer."

  Thunder echoed from the hills, lightning flashed, and still he prayed. No space remained in his father's heart for those cast out, no redemption was theirs. Jesus knew, and yet he prayed, for his heart was pure, and he bore no grudge against any who would be saved, no matter their sin. No answers were forthcoming, and he was forced to rise, finally, descending the mountain with heavy heart.

  On the horizon, far from shore, he saw the boat with his disciples, his children. He stepped onto the surface of the water, walking slowly after the retreating sails, as waves slapped his legs and stung his cuts with their chill caress.

  * * *

  Judas 13:29

  29 During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus came to the boat, walking upon the lake. 30 Seeing this, the disciples were terrified. "It is a ghost," they said, crying out in fear.

  31 But Jesus said to them: "Take courage, it is I! Do not be afraid."

  32 "Lord," cried Peter, "If it is you, tell me to come to you on the water."

  33 "Come," he said.

  34 Then Peter left the boat, walking on the water toward Jesus. 35 Seeing the wind and the splashing of the waves, he became frightened, and began to sink. 36 Crying out, he said, "Lord, save me!"

  37 Jesus reached out his hand, pulling him from the waves, and said, "Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" 38 And when they climbed into the boat the wind died down. 39 Then those who were in the boat worshipped him saying, "Truly you are the son of God."

  40 Then Judas, still confused over the woman, Mary, asked, "Lord, why do you consort with a woman plagued by demons? Shall you not cleanse the world of darkness?"

  41 Jesus looked at him and spoke a parable: "If you take a candle and light it in the darkness, it can be seen for many miles. 42 Light the same candle in the sun's rays, and it pales to nothing. 43 I am sent to show the path to my father's lost sheep. She is among them. 44 I say to you, only in the last days shall evil and darkness be washed away, for in their very darkness, they glorify the light of the heavens."

  45 So saying, he fell silent, and spoke to no man as long as they were upon the boat."

  * * *

  Judas 15:20

  20 About eight days after saying this, Jesus took Peter, John, and James with him and went onto a mountain to pray.

  21 As he prayed, the appearance of his face changed and his clothing became bright, like a flash of lightning. 22 Two men, Elijah and Moses, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. 23 They spoke of his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem. 24 They spoke as well of the temptress, Mary, whose soul Jesus would save. 25 There were looks of sadness on the faces of his companions, then, for they knew the father's heart was hardened to the fallen, and they feared now for his son. 26 They had no answer for him, though they bid him not to fear.

  27 Peter and his companions were very sleepy, but when they became fully awake, they saw his glory, and the two men standing with him. 28 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said, "Lord, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. (He knew not what he said.)[ ]29 While he spoke, a cloud appeared, enveloping them all, and they were afraid. 30 A voice came from the cloud, saying, "This is my son, whom I have chosen. Heed his words." 32 When the voice had spoken, the cloud dispersed, and they were alone with Jesus, who had tears in his eyes.

  33 The apostles decided to keep this to themselves, and told no one what they had seen, or heard, at that time.

  * * *

  Judas 17:1

  1 A man named Lazarus was sick. He was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. This Mary, whose brother Lazarus now lay sick, was the same who had poured perfume on the Lord and washed his feet with her hair. 2 The sisters sent word to Jesus saying, "Lord, one you love is dying."

  3 "This sickness shall not end in death," Jesus said, "No; it is for God's glory, so that God's son may be glorified by it." 4 Jesus loved Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, yet upon hearing the nature of the illness; he waited two days before going to them. 5 There were reports that Lazarus bore strange punctures on his throat, and his pallor was deathly and pale. 6 Then he said to his disciples, "Let us go back to Judea."

  7 But Rabbi," they said, "a short while ago the Jews tried to stone you, and yet you are going back there?"

  8 "There are twelve hours of daylight," Jesus answered, "a man who walks by daylight will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light. It is when he walks by night that he stumbles, for he has no light."

  9 After saying this, he went on to explain. "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, I go to awaken him."

  10 His disciples replied, "Lord, if he sleeps, he will get better." 11 Jesus spoke of death, but they did not understand.

  12 Then he said plainly, "Lazarus is dead, and for your sake, I am glad I was not there, so that your faith may grow. 13 Let us go to him, for the darkness from which he must awaken is of my own creation, and there is another there whom I seek."

  14 Then Thomas said, "Come, let us follow that we may die with him."

  * * *

  When the word of Jesus' return reached the sisters, Martha hurried out to meet him. Mary, deep in mourning, would not leave the house. She babbled of dark, shadowed women, and blood, and many feared she was either mad, or possessed of demons.

  "Lord," Martha pleaded, as she arrived at his side, "If you had been here, I know my brother would not have died. Even now, I know, whatever you ask, God shall give it to you." Jesus saddened, doubting this in his heart, but he answered, "Your brother shall rise again."

  Martha answered, "I know he will rise in the last days, at the resurrection."

  Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies. Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

  "Yes Lord," she replied, falling to her knees and brushing his legs with her hair, eyes wide. "I believe you are The Christ, son of God, who has come to the earth as a man."

  "Where is your sister, Mary?" He asked.

  "I will send her to you, Lord," Martha answered, rising. "She is mad with grief, speaking of demons and shadows and afraid to walk, even in daylight."

  "I shall comfort her," he said, seating himself on a stone to wait. "Send her to me."

  Martha rushed back to her sister's side with Jesus' message, hope blooming in her heart. She had lost her brother already. She did not wish to lose Mary as well.

  When Mary heard that Jesus had come, she rose, as though frightened, and ran from the house, much to Martha's shock. Several of the others there, believing Mary was going to Lazarus's tomb to mourn, followed a short distance behind.

  Mary's breath came in short gasps, and the sharp stones of the road cut into her feet as she ran. Every three or four paces she looked over her shoulder, eyes wide with fear, searching the pockets of shadow surrounding the trail. Her heart pounded wildly in her breast, threatening to burst from her skin. Stumbling into the grouped disciples, she staggered to Jesus, falling to the ground at his feet, sobbing.

  Reaching down, Jesus took her by the hands and raised her to face him. "What is wrong, Mary?" He asked, searching her tear-stained face. Her entire body trembled, like that of a frightened colt, ready to bolt and run.

  "Lord," she choked out, dragging huge gulps of air into her lungs, "Lord, my brother has been killed by a demon!"

  Jesus showed no doubt, only asked what she meant, and she answered, "She came in the night. I saw her twice, a woman wearing only a cloak of shadows. She drank of his blood, Lord, leaving him weaker with each visit. She had fangs. Lord, I am frightened for my brother's soul!"

  "Take me to where you have laid him," Jesus said, "and fear not

  When they reached the place, a cave which had been sealed by the placement of a very large stone, Jesus looked upon it and wept. The people who had followed Mary in her flight saw this and said, "See how Jesus loved him?"

  But Jesus cried only a little for Lazarus. His heart was heavy with the knowledge of who was responsible, with the weight of another soul. The face of the temptress, Mary, haunted his thoughts, her fate haunted his tears. He turned to Mary, Lazarus's sister.

  "Have them remove the stone, daughter," he said.

  "But Lord," she protested, eyes wide, "it has been four days! Already the smell of rot will be upon him...why must we do this?"

  And Jesus, weary of heart, replied, "Did I not tell you that, if you believed, you would witness my father's glory? Open the tomb."

  * * *

  Judas 18:39

  39 So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, in all things you hear me. I say this not for myself, but for those standing here, that they may believe you have sent me."

  40 When he had said this, Jesus called out in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth." 41 The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped in strips of linen, and a cloth binding his face.

  42 Jesus said, "Take off the grave clothes, and let him go."

  * * *

  And Lazarus, staggering in the sunlight, came forth from his tomb. The wind billowed his stringy hair about his head, and his eyes glowed with the light of hunger. Facing Jesus, he removed the shroud from his face, revealing the white, pale skin beneath. When he smiled, all present shuddered and backed away. His teeth, glistening in the light, were pointed, like those of a serpent. "Son of man," he called, "you have granted me that I may walk again, though the price is great. Why must I suffer so?"

  And Jesus, speaking slowly and clearly, answered. "When the last days come, your soul shall be remembered. Know that I am with you, go in peace." "I will go, but in hunger, not peace," the dead man snarled, glaring about at those assembled in hatred. Then there was a flash of mist, pungent with the cloying scent of open graves and death, and when it cleared, Lazarus was gone. Only the empty tomb remained.

  Jesus, weeping openly again, pulled the sisters, Martha and Mary, to his side and comforted them, wiping the fear from their hearts with his touch. Gesturing to his disciples, he bid them stay with the crowd, and he went off after Lazarus.

  He found the dead man in the shadows of an old well. "Lazarus," he called out, "come to me!" Unable to resist, the dead man complied. "What now, Son of Man," he called out in fear. "Have you come to kill the evil you have created, now that they have seen? Was it only a show for their benefit, the casting aside of my soul?"

  The words cut deeply, and Jesus' voice trembled as he answered. He knew that what he was about to do was not a part of his father's plan. He could not help his heart, though, and was unable to witness Lazarus's suffering.

  "Come to me, Lazarus," he said, tilting his head to one side, "for I have promised that you will live, and I know of your hunger and she who brought it upon you. Feed you from the blood of the Son of Man, and be renewed. Fear not, I shall not die, for it is not yet my time."

  Lazarus gazed in wonder, backing away at first, but the temptation to sate his need was too great, and the power of Jesus' voice compelled him. Drawing near, he leapt wildly, sinking his fangs deeply into flesh and causing Jesus to stagger, moaning from the pain. Despite the agony, Jesus stood quietly, and moments later, Lazarus stopped, stumbling backward to collapse on the sand.

  Recovering quickly, and causing his own wounds to heal, Jesus gathered Lazarus into his arms and returned the way he had come. The man he carried, no longer pale, breathed easily. Lazarus lived, though the spark in Jesus' eyes was a bit dimmer, and his steps slightly uneven. Delivering Lazarus to his sisters, he said, "Take him home, for he must rest. I have cast forth his demon, and he is whole. Now I, too, must rest."

  Seeing that Lazarus' teeth were those of a normal man, and that he slept peacefully, the crowd murmured in wonder, and rushed to spread the news of what he had done.

  As the crowds left them, Jesus called aside his disciple, Judas Iscariot, and spoke to him alone.

  "Go to the village," he said, "find the woman, Mary of Magdalene, and bring her to me."

  "But Lord," Judas said, frightened for his master, "she has followed us, and where she goes, evil goes as well. Why must I bring her here?"

  "She loves me, as do you, Judas," Jesus replied. "Her evil is my burden. Go quickly, for I must see her in the darkness. Do not tell the others, for I would not put my own weight upon their hearts."

  Casting aside his fear as best as possible, Judas went into the village. The other disciples, knowing that Judas carried the purse, assumed that he went to purchase food, and asked no questions. Darkness was falling swiftly, chilling the air and silencing the sounds of life. Judas' heart hammered wildly, and his footsteps quickened. It was nearly the ninth hour when he came across Mary, seated in a garden and watching the night -- as though expecting him.

  "Hello, Judas," she called out, beckoning him closer.

  "Why are you abroad, alone, on such a night? Has your master no use for you?"

  "He has sent me for you, Lady, though I know not why," Judas replied. Her presence drew him like a magnet, calling out to his senses. His skin heated, and he blushed.

  "Do you fear me, Judas?" She asked, no smile in her eyes.

  "Lady, I do," he replied, avoiding her eyes. "Will you come? He is waiting."

  "If he calls I will come," she answered, rising with a rustle of linen that melted Judas' loins. "But I tell you Judas, for my sake he risks everything, and I am saddened, for I, too, love him."

  "I pray thee, Mary," Judas burst out, spinning to brave the depths of her eyes, "do not come. Stay away from him. I fear for him, and I fear you."

  She smiled then, but he felt no trace of sincere emotion from her heart. He froze in shock at the hunger of her gaze, the misery so obvious in the expression of her face. It was bitter, overwhelming, threatening to swallow him. Then she averted her eyes, and she began walking. He could only follow.

  When they were near to where Jesus lay, he bid her wait, and, entering the camp, he came to his master and spoke. "She has come, Lord; I have left her just beyond the camp."

  "It is good," Jesus replied, rising. "Tell any who asks that I am in the desert, praying. Do not fear for me, Judas, for I have said, it is not yet my time. Fear instead for Mary, for I am not certain of her fate."

  And Jesus walked into the shadows, leaving Judas alone to kneel and pray.

  She waited for him in shadows, watching him approach with hooded eyes. His steps were firm and steady, and a glow encased his features. She trembled as she felt the brush of his nearness, cowering deeper into the blackness.

  "Mary," he commanded, stopping and staring unerringly into the darkness, "come forth, for the time is upon us that I must begin to bear your burden."

  She wanted to break free, to run, but she was his to command, and she could not. He stood, arms wide, waiting, and he beckoned her forth. She came, haltingly at first, then rushing--blowing across the sand like a dark wind, and they embraced.

  "I will take from you your hunger," he whispered, cupping her face in his hands and staring into her eyes in love, "and you shall have a part of what is mine, that you may be saved."

  "You cannot know what he will do! Your father will not be pleased!" She pleaded with him, even as he directed her, placing her lips to his throat and caressing her teeth with his skin.

  "My father's will be done," he said, eyes brimming with trapped emotion, "I will not allow any to suffer. Drink, Mary, for the hour is late, and my days here are now few."

  And the hunger swept aside her objections as he spoke. She plunged her fangs deep, drank richly of his lifeblood, weeping as she fed, and he moaned from the pain, yet caressed her hair softly, eyes closed in prayer.

  Watching from nearby, Judas shrank away in horror. Rushin
g to the camp, he looked about wildly for his weapons, waking the others in his frantic haste.

  "What is it?" Peter asked, grabbing his arm. "Where is our Lord?"

  "He is in the desert!" Judas cried, "beset by a demon! We must go to him!"

  And they all rushed out then, some only partially clothed, bearing swords and spears. Judas led them quickly through the shadows to where he had seen Jesus and Mary. When they arrived, however, they found only their Lord, seated, head bowed in prayer.

  "Master," Peter cried, "Judas said that you were beset by a demon, so we have come to you!" Looking up, eyes very tired and voice weak, Jesus answered. "There is no demon here, but I am weary. Lead me to the camp, for I must rest."

  Eyes full of wonder, for they had never seen their Lord in such a state, they raised him between them and carried him to his bed, where he fell asleep immediately. In the shadows behind them, weeping, yet marveling at her near-human skin and the peace in her heart, Mary watched them go. Turning, she ran back to the village. The night swallowed her quickly, and the desert was once more still.

  * * *

  Judas 21:1

  1 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron valley. 2 On the other side was an olive grove, and Jesus and his disciples entered it.

  3 Judas, sent to the village for food, met with the woman, Mary of Magdalene, and was delayed in coming to the grove. 4 As he neared the place, he saw Peter in conference with several armed men. 5 The soldiers, accompanied by officials from the Priests and Pharisees, entered the grove just after Judas, who bore a message from Mary. 6 Kissing his master on the cheek, he whispered the words he had been given. 7 Then the soldiers stepped forward and the disciples grew silent.[ ]8 "Who is it you seek?" Jesus asked, knowing all that would come to pass.

  9 "Jesus of Nazareth," they replied.

  10 "I am he," Jesus said.


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