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Daddy's Virgin Bride

Page 23

by Nikki Bella

  I felt him on top of me and then his manly steed was forging ahead between the lips of my wet hole. I was blooming like a flower and he was force feeding me those inches in one long and continuous stroke. The momentary discomfort was soon replaced by an overwhelming need to wrap my legs around his waist. He stopped all movement letting me adjust. It was only when I slapped my heels against his backside that he was fueled into action.

  “I knew it was going to be good, but I had no idea. Your body is so responsive and the way that you hold me in your tight embrace is hard to resist. I’m going to try and refrain from pounding you into the mattress and leave the imprint of both of our bodies in it for all time.” He wasn’t all about his pleasure and I admired the effort it took for him to stop the forward momentum from getting too much for him to handle.

  I scratched his chest, fingernails digging into his skin and leaving a profound mark like an animal attacking its prey. When I made contact with his nipples, his head shot back and there was a noticeable jump in his libido. I found his weakness and I capitalized on it by manipulating those tiny buds between my two fingers. The initial pain was enough to make him moan but then he growled like a caged animal. I felt like I was showing him something different he didn’t know about himself.

  “I want all of you and I don’t want you to hold anything back. I’ve waited long enough and I need to feel what all the fuss is about. You have no idea the stories I’ve heard some good and some vastly disappointing. You are in a league of your own and you should teach a lesson to those who have no idea what they’re doing. Women everywhere would thank you 100 times over.” I had him in the Venus flytrap of my sex, keeping him prisoner and making it almost impossible for him to pull back until only the head remained inside.

  “I can’t escape you.” He was a man of few words, but when he did speak it meant the world to me.

  I was lost in the pleasure and the euphoria was making me a willing victim. I heard his voice in its natural form and it didn’t register with anything more than a nagging tapping at my consciousness. The lights were out and I could hear how his body was coming in contact with my wide open legs. The smacking of our flesh was obscene and it was like gunshots going off with more in the chamber than one bullet.

  I had my hands over my head holding onto the headboard using it as leverage to keep us from flying right off the mattress and onto the floor. In our sexual inebriated state, I had a feeling any kind of injury would be met with very little to indicate any damage was done. We wouldn’t feel the bruises until morning and the way that his hands were squeezing my ass and pulling me towards him was like a never-ending roller-coaster of sexual emotions.

  “I’m not going to let you go and this is far too delicious to let come to an end.” I was feeling deeply before we met and getting this close had certainly been an eye opening experience.

  Our bodies were pressed together, sticking like glue and my nipples poked against his which was like a lightning rod between his legs. He climbed ever higher with his cock so hard it was able to cut through glass like a knife through butter.

  “I don’t want you to ever let me go and my proposition of teaching you more than just tonight stands.” I came again, but in the back of my mind, his name echoed like I was hearing it in the Grand Canyon.

  “Nicholas… Nicholas… Oh, my God… Nicholas…don’t stop.” I heard the words, but they made no sense until I felt him let go of the burden between his legs. The rising storm was captured and I easily took the brunt of the eye. The tremendous offering was like a heat seeking missile. The power of his hips drove into me during and then in the aftermath.

  I pulled the blindfold off while he was lying there looking at the ceiling with his hands over his eyes. This was the man who had made me yearn and my first time turned out to be something more than average. I had gotten a man who knew what they were doing, but also a man who had been a product of my fantasies for quite some time.

  He didn’t notice that I had taken off the blindfold and then suddenly, he was asleep. The man was exhausted and his depleted member didn’t look like it was going to rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

  I was a little startled by his identity and I made a rash decision by getting out of bed and dressing quickly. I could still feel him dripping down the inside of my thighs and clinging to the lips of my eager hole. I stopped at the door looking at my reflection in the mirror by the bathroom and I smiled for the first time.

  My hair was in disarray, my makeup smeared and this was going to be the dictionary meaning of taking that walk of shame. The only big difference was that my panties were left in my haphazard rush to get out the door.

  Chapter nine


  I awoke 3-hours later to find the bed empty and the blindfold lying beside me discarded. She left because she had figured out my deceit. I felt bad and she was probably judging me this way to Sunday. I had to find a way to tell her how much this meant to me and that my proposal was still on the table.

  This left me spent, completely drained of any energy with not even a single drop left to give anyone if they were to go looking for more. I didn’t stay there for very much longer and getting up, I reached for my phone and then stopped myself from making the mistake of calling her. It was more important to see her face to face. Nothing I could possibly say could make her forgive me for betraying her trust.

  The only thing which might overshadow my actions was the feeling of complete euphoria running through her veins. It was hopefully a drug which she would never be able to get out of her system without having me nearby for her fix.

  I called Jackson and I confided in him without naming names what had transpired. He didn’t say anything until I had finished my spiel and then I heard this awkward silence on the end of the line.

  “From what I gather, you knew who she was all the time and she had no idea that she was getting together with someone she considered a friend. You’re right about not calling her and I doubt that she would take your call especially when she saw who was on the caller ID. Go to her and plead your case before it’s too late. Don’t make the mistake of thinking it would be better for her to contact you than the other way around.” He was the voice of reason and I found wisdom in his words despite being a hypocrite.

  “Jackson, she’s something special, but I don’t want to do anything to ruin what she has with her family. I would only be the dirty little secret hidden away from the rest of the world. It would be in comparison to that toy chest that every woman has and doesn’t want their man to know about it.” Metaphorically, I was still flying and hadn’t come down from the ecstasy of being with a woman who had no preconceived notions.

  “I’m not in love with her, but I can’t seem to keep my hands to myself when I’m around her. There’s so much more that I can teach her if only she is willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. The blindfold was there for both of our protection and I was prepared to show myself after the deed was done. I just couldn’t keep my eyes open and this was when she probably took advantage of my vulnerable state.” I didn’t even want to think about how she had seen me for that first time when she took off the blindfold.

  The shock and devastation would have been the common reaction and getting her alone so that we could discuss this in private wasn’t going to be easy. I had to find some reason to walk into the lion’s den and the only thing coming to mind was a donation to her father’s campaign.

  “Don’t do anything drastic and maybe you should take a couple of days before you approach her again. Give her time to digest this new information and it’s the least that you can do after everything you’ve done. Make sure you don’t leave things be for too long and she may feel you did this because you wanted to have fun at her expense.” Jackson was good at dispensing advice but he wasn’t very good at following his own.

  “It might be better to let sleeping dogs lie and I didn’t do this to embarrass her. I’m not looking forward to the slap in the face or the eyes of
judgment. It’s not like I don’t deserve her criticism and scorn. I was in the wrong and I should have said something long before we consummated the deal.” I felt something was sticking in my throat and the guilt was choking me. I had to find a way to make things right or die trying.

  “You’re going to do what you want to and I may not be the one to talk to about this considering my views on monogamy. I think it’s a sin to be saddled with one person who doesn’t truly know who you are deep down inside. Don’t make the mistake I made when I settled for second best. I love her in my own way, but I can never be faithful to one woman. You and I differ in that regard and when you give your heart there’s no taking it back.” I had avoided making any such leap of faith desperate to keep locked up the pain I had suffered after ‘she’ left me.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I’m not going to find out until I go over there and face this like a man. I can’t let her think this meant nothing and I certainly don’t want to give her the impression this was meant to get into her pants.” I didn’t tell him this was her first time because I was sure that he would get a bit of a thrill hearing about how I had taken the virginity of an impressionable young girl on the cusp of womanhood.

  “We both know what you’re going to do and it’s built into your DNA. This is your one chance to show her how you feel without backing away from commitment. Do what I wouldn’t do in your shoes and make a grand gesture. Find out more about her and give her something meaningful from the heart. It’s not flowers and candy which will melt her heart and it’s something only you should know about her.” I was tempted to buy her a car, but that was for those guys who felt the girl on the side was this dirty little secret.

  “I know her better than her parents and I think I know where her passions lie. I don’t know how you can dispense this kind of advice and not be able to fix your own house. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. Your wife isn’t happy and I’ve known for quite some time things haven’t been going well.” He had never been able to keep it in his pants, but she had turned a blind eye to his dalliances. I didn’t know for sure, but I suspected that she had a pretty good idea that his interest in her was purely physical.

  I made a few phone calls and was finally able to procure what I was looking for. There was a reason for Samantha to walk on the wild side committing a different form of prostitution. She wasn’t selling her body to the night and she was being more discreet like some high-priced call girls. Hers was a one-time thing and Samantha would never consider doing this unless she had a damn good reason.

  I drove through the streets like a madman and I was lucky not to get pulled over by some overzealous cop trying to find his quota.

  I had the radio tuned to a hard rock station and I was reliving my youth like it was only yesterday. I got into a bit of trouble with the law, but my parents in their infinite wisdom had swept it underneath the rug. They gave me license to act out and I did so with a rebellious streak that had them both at their wit’s end.

  I called ahead and made an appointment with Steven through his publicist at his earliest convenience. Thankfully, he had an opening in his schedule, but it only came from mentioning a hefty donation to his campaign. Those dollar signs flashing in front of his eyes were enough to make him postpone what he had on his docket.

  I was holding my breath as I came to a stop in front of their door and I got out with my heart on my sleeve. I had entered into this contract thinking that I was the better of two evils and not quite realizing the effect I would have on Samantha by deceiving her like that.

  I approached the door, taking a hold of the knocker and banging it repeatedly with the echo keeping me off balance.

  I turned around and looked at the grounds and I saw a distinct difference from how they had downgraded to keep something in reserve. The lawn was the only thing being taken care of and the topiary designs of the hedges were becoming unruly.

  “My father is expecting you in the study, Nicholas.” This was the moment of truth and there was no backing out from sticking my head in the lion’s mouth. “I didn’t think that I was going to see you so soon after.” She made it sound like it was no big deal, but it could be just her way of trying to save face from the embarrassment.

  “I have to say that you’re taking it better than I expected. I thought for sure you were going to go into a rage screaming and yelling at me. It’s a little strange to see you not the least bit put off by what I did.” She looked at me quizzically and then she smiled before touching my shoulder in a reassuring gesture.

  “I’m sure you had your reasons.” It was clinical with no real feeling behind the words.

  “I have it coming to me and I don’t want to hold anything back because you think it’s going to hurt my feelings. Samantha, you deserve better and I hope that you can forgive your godfather.” I was falling on my sword and taking my punishment like a man.

  “You’re making too much out of this.” She was starting to get on my last nerve and I wanted to shake her. I was expecting a chilly reception, but that wasn’t what I was receiving.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I was desperate for her to see my point of view.

  “I’m a big girl and I really didn’t take it as any offense when you ran out on me during the dance. I don’t know why you’re taking it so seriously and I forgot about it soon after. You really are full of yourself and it wasn’t like I was going to run out after you to make a scene.” I was floored and she must’ve left without unveiling the secret of my identity. I thought for sure the discarded blindfold was her way of throwing it in my face. I never considered her need to keep things anonymous.

  Chapter Ten


  I was sitting there in awkward silence waiting for my father to make an appearance while at the same time watching Nicholas simmer in his own juices. He had no idea I knew he was Damon and I didn’t want to shine a light on it.

  “I’m sure that you have better things to do than to sit here with me. It’s a wonder you don’t have guys beating down your door to be with you. It’s not fair that your father is keeping you on a short leash thinking that something you are going to do is going to ruin his campaign for the governorship.” He was gauging me and the bait was cast, but I was not going to even give him a nibble.

  “I do have some prospects and don’t let my father hear me say this, but there is one who has captured my attention. I need to talk to somebody about this, but I don’t think it would be proper to do it here where the walls could have ears.” I wanted him to learn a valuable lesson and to make him feel like a victim.

  “I always thought that we had a special relationship, Samantha. You always come to me looking for advice to deal with your father’s mood swings. I know him better than anyone but sometimes he can be his own worst enemy. The fake smile he gives to the public is nothing compared to some of his tirades. It can’t be easy for you and your mother and I want you to know that I’m here for you when you need me.” He was obviously trying to make up for something he wanted to atone for.

  “I don’t know how my relationship would be with my father without you whispering into my ear like a little birdie. I had a bit of a crush on you growing up and I know it’s only a fantasy of a little girl. There’s no way that I could ever measure up to some of the pieces of candy you have been spending your time with. If you don’t mind me saying so, you could do a whole lot better than blond floozies.” I was putting him on the spot and seeing how he was going to respond to my query.

  “I would still like to be your confidant and you must know how fond I feel about you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you and your family. I couldn’t even imagine hurting any of you.” He was trying desperately to make up for betraying me and I was going to make him wish he wasn’t born. He was going to pay for sleeping with me even though he was the best I had ever had. I would have gladly done it again many times over just to feel his body up close and personal with mine.

p; “What would you suggest as a good way to make it up to me? I haven’t seen you in a long time and I would think that would mean you would have to go above and beyond. I’m not going to make any suggestions and I’m going to leave it up to you. I wouldn’t be opposed to a shopping spree, but I know how guys can sometimes feel bored.” I wasn’t going to make it easy on him and having him carry around my purse for a whole day was a good start.

  “I could see it as a gesture of good faith to buy you a new wardrobe for the summer season. You’re going to want to keep up with the Joneses and I could introduce you to some of the up and coming artists in the industry.” I was looking forward to making him jump through hoops, but my skin was still tingling from the way that he touched me inappropriate for my godfather.

  It was still delicious to taste his nectar on the tip of my tongue and I had no interest in being a honeybee going around finding the difference between him and others. I wanted a repeat performance and this was going be my campaign of seduction. I didn’t know if I could be manipulative, but what he had done had certainly raised the bar.

  “I hate the idea of having clothing out of date and out of fashion. My father doesn’t understand, but it would only be good for his image for me to stand as a role model to other girls. I will gladly take your invitation, but you never did take me for somebody that was fashion conscious.” The way that he moved against me was like we were made for one another and I could easily imagine him naked. It was my right as an ex-lover.

  “I’ve always been known to have a fashion sense and you might call it a guilty pleasure. I know what looks good on a woman and I don’t mind voicing my opinion. I want you ready to go in the morning and this is going to be a date for you to remember for the rest of your life. I have a few surprises up my sleeve including the aforementioned shopping spree with no limit on my black card.” I was going to put a dent in his credit score and I wasn’t going to feel guilty about it. It was a small price to pay considering how he had played this nasty game behind my back to get me into his bed.


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