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All The Broken People (The Dread Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Jonathan Yanez

  Seconds. Taylor had seconds to prepare those on the street below her before chaos ensued.

  “The Dread are in the compound!” Taylor touched down to the ground and shouted to those all around her. “Freed slave or former guard, we’re all human now! The Dread won’t differentiate between you. We have to fight together if we are going to have any kind of chance to survive!”

  Reluctant nods were returned to her from both groups.

  “The bank!” a female guard bleeding from her nose said, already running. “It’s the best chance we have.”

  There was no time to argue. Already the frontrunners of the infected were hot on Lu’s heels.

  “Go!” Taylor ordered the group in front of her. “Take as many weapons as you can find and fortify the bank.”

  Everyone jumped into action. For the time being humanity worked as one.

  “What about you?” Melissa asked.

  “She’ll be fine,” Cidney said. “She’s Taylor Hart.”

  Chapter 16

  Lu skidded to a stop next to her. “You look horrible,” he said, eyeing the fleeing humans entering the bank’s doors. “You should try getting more sleep. A solid eight hours will do wonders.”

  “You don’t look so good yourself,” Taylor said with a smile. “Is that gray in your hair?”

  “All joking aside, watch out for that friend of yours. If he grabs you you’re going to age at an inhuman pace.”

  Taylor opened her mouth to ask what he meant by that, there was no time, the Dread were already in front of them. Taylor annihilated the first few with the devastating power from her hands. Rancid, dark blood flew through the air as she obliterated bone and muscle.

  Lu stood beside her tearing apart his victim with his bare hands. Although he had lost his saber over the course of the night he was just as deadly. Picking up his foes and throwing them back, breaking skulls with single strikes, or shattering kneecaps, he knew what he was doing.

  Hands grabbed for her as Taylor lifted herself once again into the air. Flying would have been much better but levitation was what she had to work with at the moment.

  She was able to lift herself far enough skyward to remain out of the groping ocean of hands. A few of the Dread became overeager and launched themselves at her. These were met with strikes from either Taylor’s fists or explosions from her hands.

  There were so many of the Dread she knew attempting to stop them before they reached the bank doors was pointless. She said a silent prayer that the slaves and guards would unite at least for the time being and concentrate on the immediate threat the Dread posed.

  “Back!” Taylor shouted to Lu, who stood in the middle of a circle of Dread corpses. “They’ll need us at the bank!”

  “Go, I’m right behind you!” Lu grabbed a Dread that was trying to run past him. He tore the man’s throat out and launched himself into a trio of Dread infected humans wearing fast food uniforms.

  Confident that he could handle himself, Taylor lowered to the ground. It was clear now that neither she nor Lu was the Dread’s main target. Whether by strategic analysis or trained reflex, the Dread knew to attack the weaker members of the group.

  Taylor ran alongside the herd of Dread, striking out left and right to blast bodies back. Teeth and nails met her skin here and there. She felt no pain. Her skin turned any attack into a minor inconvenience.

  She reached the bank steps at the same time as the bulk of the horde. All around the perimeter of the bank doors men and women, slave and guard, stood shoulder to shoulder.

  This is how it should be, Taylor thought. This is how it has to be if humanity is going to survive.

  The moment was gone as soon as it came. Too few firearms were used by the defenders as the wall of Dread crashed against them. Despite dozens of their own falling victim to the bank defenders, they broke through the hastily strewn defenses. In seconds the pack of raving lunatics was inside the bank doors.

  There was pure chaos in every direction. Although the interior of the bank had been prepared for World War Three, all the bulwarks were facing the vault door instead of the entrance.

  More human life was being lost by the minute. In such a confined space with so many combatants the death toll would be astronomical.

  “Out,” Taylor said, bringing her hands to bear on a section of the bank wall. It was made of brick and wood and wouldn’t pose a problem for her. Her hands felt warm as they discharged a brilliant explosion of bright white light. The wall exploded outward creating a giant exit. “Get out of the bank. Fight them from a distance.”

  Those close enough to hear her over the cacophony of noise passed the word along to the rest. Soon slaves and guards were making their way out of the bank to fight in the streets and lawns of the compound.

  A Dread jumped on Taylor’s back, grinding its bloody teeth on her shoulder. She lifted the woman with a single hand and flung her against the bank floor so violently the body broke and floor cracked.

  “Taylor!” Melissa said coming to a stop beside her. She was breathless, holding her left hand protectively against her chest. “Frank and Cidney are trapped near the front door!”

  “I’ll get them,” Taylor said, already pushing past the crowed of those trying to exit. “Go, get to high ground.”

  She pushed past allies and blasted Dread on her march toward the front entrance. Once she got there, Taylor’s heart plummeted in her chest.


  The monster formerly known as Jason Waters had cornered Frank and Cidney. The two were caught between the outside of the bank wall and a pile of dead bodies. Frank stood in front of Cidney holding a rifle by the barrel. Although the weapon was empty, he swung the firearm with all the force he could muster. Jason batted the rifle aside as if it were nothing more than a nuisance.

  A heavy hand bashed against the left side of Frank’s body and sent him flying over the pile of dead bodies. From the sound of the strike Taylor knew something was broken, there could be no doubt.

  She redoubled her efforts to reach her friends as the beast extended a hand toward Cidney.

  The girl stood with a straight back and determination in her eyes that would give pause to the most brutal warrior.

  “I’m sorry,” Cidney said with nothing but sincerity written across her face. “I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry we couldn’t save you. You didn’t deserve this.”

  Taylor finally reached Cidney, pushing the girl behind her. She was close enough to Jason to touch him. Cidney’s words had temporarily halted his progress.

  Taylor used the brief interim to get a better look at the being that had at one time been her friend. He was hunched over, hairless, with thick muscles and long arms. His appearance was closer to a gorilla than a human. Black liquid was smeared across his midsection. To Taylor’s surprise Lu’s saber sat at the epicenter of the bleeding, the blade wedged deep into Jason’s stomach.

  Recognition was in his red eyes as Jason stared past Taylor at Cidney. Something came from deep inside his chest. It sounded like words only a syllable short of meaning something.

  His eyes moved from Cidney to Taylor and his lips pulled back in a snarl. The words came again, this time Taylor was able to make them out. “Kill me.”

  “No, Jason, no,” Taylor said, struggling to come up with a solution appropriate for the moment. “If you can understand me then you can fight this. We can find a cure. We’ll find a way.”

  As quickly as sanity had entered his red eyes, it was gone. The same look of madness the Dread bestowed on its members returned with a vengeance. With a cry Jason lunged forward. Bullying past Taylor he grabbed Cidney in his long arms.

  As soon as his hands made contact with the young girl she began to change. In front of Taylor’s very eyes Cidney’s ten your old features aged. Each passing millisecond was draining life from the girl.

  Taylor raised both her hands preparing herself for what she knew had to be done. A hundred memories flashed in front of her eyes. The many ti
mes she worked with Jason at Lazarus Pharmaceuticals, first over the phone then in person. His good nature, the way he smiled at everyone, always eager to help. How he had been one of the few to stick up for her. How he was one of the only people she would call a friend.

  With a scream to voice how unfair the world was to so many Taylor sent twin beams of energy out of her hands. The beams struck Jason, breaking his grip on Cidney and pinning him against the bank wall.

  Taylor gritted her teeth and allowed the beam to tear her friend apart. The last thing she saw before Jason was completely annihilated was a look of peace cross his face. It could have been her imagination but she thought she saw a smile pass over his twisted features before his smoking sludge-like corpse fell to the ground.

  Shaking, Taylor collapsed next to Cidney. The girl hadn’t moved since she’d been freed from Jason’s grip. A clammy sweat broke across Taylor’s brow. She lifted Cidney’s limp body into her arms. The face that looked back at her was one of a young woman. Gone were her round features and childlike build.

  A breath lifted Cidney’s chest and lowered it, sending a wave of relief through Taylor’s heart. “Hang in there,” she said, holding Cidney close. “I’ve got you now. Hang in there, kiddo, I’m here.”


  Taylor wasn’t sure if she was on her knees holding Cidney for seconds or minutes. The noise of violence all around her muted, and all she could hear was the rhythmic breathing of Cidney’s lungs.

  A hand on her shoulder jolted her out of her protective vigil.

  Lu barely dodged Taylor’s fist as her reflexes sent a punch to his head.

  “Wow, wow, wow, Glow Hands,” Lu said, taking a step back then crouching down to Taylor’s height. “It’s me. The last of the Dread are being killed now. Against all odds we’ve beat them back. How are you? You hurt?”

  “No. It’s Cidney, Jason got to her.”

  Lu reached out a tentative hand to push Cidney’s hair from her sleeping face. “I see. She’s breathing. She’ll be fine, Taylor.”

  “How do you know that?” Taylor spat with more venom than she intended. “Jason got to her even after you warned me. I should have stopped him. I—”

  “Stop!” Lu roared. The ferocity of his voice gave Taylor pause. “Would have, should have, could have. They’re all a waste of time. The Taylor I know did everything she could and that’s that. And I know Cidney will be fine because the same thing happened to me when Jason touched me. My Elite gene brought my youth back. Even when I was feeling his effects it didn’t kill me. It looks like you broke his hold on her quickly enough. Cidney only lost a few years.”

  Taylor reexamined Cidney’s face. She was older, but she held the look of a young woman in her mid to late teens. Only a few years had been stolen from her. Maybe Lu had a point.

  “We need to get her somewhere safe,” Taylor said. She lifted Cidney gently from the floor. “A house.”

  “Right,” Lu said. He motioned her to a building close by. “In there. Look after her. I’ll take care of things in the compound.”

  “I’m fine too in case anyone was wondering,” Frank said, emerging from behind a pile of dead bodies. He was bleeding from his scalp and limping but appeared whole otherwise. “Took a blow to my skull and probably fractured something but don’t worry about old Frank. I guess I—”

  Frank’s words died in his throat as he saw the new version of Cidney, Taylor was carrying.

  Lu motioned with his chin toward Taylor. “You should go with them. You’re not going to do anyone any good limping around all over the place.”

  Frank nodded dumbly, hobbling his way to Taylor’s side.

  Taylor knew she should be worried about more than just taking care of Cidney. There was an entire compound of people who needed her help, but for the moment her mind was blank. All she could do was make sure Cidney was safe and cared for.

  Taylor and Frank made their way to one of the many pristine houses inside the compound. A long driveway ended at a deep porch and closed front door. Taylor cradled Cidney with one hand against her chest and tried the lock. It was bolted shut.

  “We could try another,” Frank volunteered. “I could hold her if you want while you find an open house.”

  “I got it,” Taylor said. She forced the door open, splintering the door jamb.

  Inside, the house was welcoming and warm, so very different than the brutal world in which they lived.


  “You’re not doing anyone any good here. Go get some food and a shower. I’ll come and get you when she wakes up,” Melissa said with a tired smile. “She’s going to be okay. Because of what you did she’s going to make it.”

  Taylor rubbed her red eyes. It was true. She could smell herself. A mix of sweat and dirt was already assaulting her nose. Hunger was something she was too overwhelmed for at the moment.

  “How long has it been?” Taylor asked. “How long have I been here?”

  “About eight hours,” Melissa said, placing a reassuring hand on Taylor’s right shoulder. “Lu secured the walls. He’s making sure the slaves and guards don’t turn on each other.”

  Taylor nodded dumbly. She took in Cidney’s sleeping form in front of her for the thousandth time. Taylor was horrible at estimating the age of children and teens. As far as she could guess Jason had stolen somewhere close to six years of her young friend’s life. Cidney was sixteen, or around that age. She was still sleeping, her breath coming in and out strong and constant.

  “Come get me the minute she opens her eyes,” Taylor said, rising.

  “I will,” Melissa said exchanging places with her. “Get some rest.”

  Taylor took one last look at her sleeping friend. Rest was the last thing she wanted now. She would sleep when she was dead. There was too much to be done.

  Stepping out onto the porch, Taylor squinted against the bright rays of the midday sun. All around her the compound was a graveyard. Bodies of both human and Dread were strewn across the ground like they had been sprinkled there by a giant shaker.

  A rogue thought entered her mind and she began walking down the street, picking her footing amongst the strewn carnage of the battle. The sun heated the stink of death, sending an odor to her nose that overpowered even her own stench.

  Freed slaves and guards alike walked amongst the dead. Some crouched and cried over loved ones, others too shocked over the last day’s events to process what to do next. Taylor knew she needed to help bring order to the scene. She had something to do first.

  The house she had been tortured in by Dr. Spear appeared in front of her. Taylor walked through the front door and to the spot where she had blasted Valery when the woman began drilling her for bone marrow. Amongst the wreckage Taylor confirmed her suspicions. There was no body. Valery had managed to escape during the conflict with the Dread.

  “You need to sleep,” Lu said behind her. “You’re no good to anyone like this.”

  The fog that draped her mind in fatigue told her Lu was right, the need for so much to be done refused to listen. “I’ll get sleep later. I—”

  “No,” Lu said, crossing his arms. “You’re going to go into one of these back rooms right now and sleep. I’ll bring you some food then you can take the weight of the world back on your shoulders.”

  “She’s gone,” Taylor said, looking Lu in the eye. Anger washed over her like a boiling wave of fury. “Jason’s dead, Cidney’s lost years of her life, Valery Spear has escaped, and you want me to sleep?”

  “Believe it or not, there are capable people here that can handle things for a few hours while you get yourself together. Dr. Spear will still be out there when you wake up. Although I’m a lot of things, Taylor, a leader isn’t one of them. These people will listen to you. They need you at your best.”

  Lu motioned with an outstretched hand to a hall that led deeper into the house. “Sleep, eat, and for God’s sake take a shower. That last one, if not for yourself, then for the rest of us. The compound is safe for the t
ime being. When you wake up we’ll tackle the mountain of problems we have.”

  Taylor stood staring at him. The very fact she was having a hard time focusing on what to say proved his point.

  “And stop looking at me like I care,” Lu said with a scowl. “Because I don’t.”

  “Well, your not caring about things is starting to make you look like you do,” Taylor said with a tired smile. Finally giving into the thought of sleep she turned her back and left in search for a bed.

  The first room on her left was the master bedroom complete with a queen size bed and an adjacent bathroom. Sleep came for her as soon as her brain registered she had fallen on the comforter, and with it a dream.


  “You’ve done an incredible job, Taylor Hart,” a woman’s voice said from somewhere in the fog that rose from around her bed. “You are exactly what this world needs.”

  Taylor sat bolt upright. A line of saliva ran down her mouth. She wiped it away with the back of her sleeve. A thin layer of mist was rising from the carpeted floor in the room. A woman stood dressed in a white robe. She was tall with raven black hair. She looked out the window into a world of night.

  “Who are you?” Taylor asked. In the back of her mind she knew she should worry. A sense of calm surrounded the strange woman stayed her panic. “What do you want?”

  “I’m the Messenger. I’ve come to you in your dreams once before although you do not remember that meeting. You will remember our exchange when you wake this time.” The woman turned to look at Taylor, a smile on her lips. “Why I am here is a bit more complicated. You have been through so much and so much more has yet to transpire before you are finished. Go to the Vault. There you will find answers.”

  “What’s inside?” Taylor asked. “Why was Cole so worried something would get out?”


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