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Tease Me

Page 13

by Olivia Cunning

  She turned her head. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but soon she could see that they were alone. Unless the man behind the voice on the intercom was still observing them.

  “Put your fucking clothes on, Madison!”

  She attempted to roll onto her side, but she didn’t have enough energy to move, much less dress. And why was he yelling at her?

  “What’s going on? Are the cops busting the club or what?” Right before they’d arrived, he had warned her that a raid might happen.

  “I can’t believe you let them do that to you.”

  “Huh?” She lifted her head with considerable effort. “Let them do what?”

  Her mind was as numb as her body was. She couldn’t feel anything. Except her ass. God, she was sore back there. Someone had done a number on her. Not taken her the way she liked it. Not the way Adam did it. She doubted if she’d ever be able to sit on her butt again.

  “Anything they wanted,” he said.

  “Why are you so upset?” she said, her voice slurring as if she were drunk.

  “I don’t know, Madison. Maybe because I just watched my girlfriend get gangbanged and she loved every minute of it.”

  “You’re the one who brought me here,” she said, finding a reserve store of energy as her anger sparked to life. “You’re the one who always tells me I need to loosen up. Experience life. Live a little.”

  “You are unquestionably loose, and I think you’ve done quite enough living for one night,” he said. “We’re leaving now. Get dressed.”

  “I would love to,” she yelled, “but I can’t move my arms and legs!”

  His scowl was replaced with a look of concern. “Did one of them hurt you?”

  She shook her head as much as she was able, knowing that he didn’t want to hear her whine about how raw her ass felt. “Just exhaustion. I’ll recover.”

  “I’m sorry I brought you here,” he said, the temporary look of concern already gone, replaced by a scowl. He scraped the clothing from her back and slipped her panties over one of her trembling feet. She was uncomfortably wet between her legs, but she was suddenly too ashamed to draw attention to her discomfort.

  Her body would recover, but she wondered if her relationship with Adam would. Something had changed between them. She could feel it in the brusque way he shoved her into her clothes. The tenderness he usually showed her was lacking. His gaze was hard. And cold. He refused to look at her, to see her. He was back to shutting her out, the way he had when they’d first met. She couldn’t stand it.

  She lifted a weary arm to touch his face, but he jerked away, stumbling from the platform in his haste to find the exit. To escape her touch. Escape from her.

  “I’ll wait outside,” he said and before she could tell him not to bother, he was gone.

  Chapter Nine

  Adam took a deep breath and slammed his fist into a brick wall. He needed to get his shit together before Madison came out of the club, because he was seconds from losing everything he’d worked so hard to accomplish and he knew it.

  Would he ever be able to look at her again without remembering the hands of other men on her body? Would he ever scrub away the feel of her pussy tightening around his cock as two other men brought her to orgasm? Would he ever hear those sexy sounds she made without recalling that she made them even louder when some stranger had his dick up her ass?

  There was only one thing that ever made him forget how to feel. Forget how to care. Forget the pain of living and the fear of dying. One thing made it all go away.

  But he didn’t do that shit anymore. He knew if he slipped up—if he joined the guys snorting lines of coke off some woman’s bare ass on the bar or shot up heroin in the bathroom—it wouldn’t fix anything. Not really. For a few hours it might seem that his cares were gone and that bringing Madison to the club hadn’t been a huge mistake, but he knew the drugs’ effects would wear off and he’d need more of them to make those cares go away again. And then he’d need more and still more just to hold on to the illusion of that pain being chased away. And then he’d be back where he started, and he hated that place. Hated it even more than feeling this broken inside.

  So he had to get his shit together and fast. For her sake. But mostly for his own.

  He took a moment to count his blessings. Sometimes he felt as if he didn’t have many, but if he reflected on the positive things in his life, it made dealing with the negative a lot easier. He had his music and his bandmates who’d stuck with him through all the shit he’d put them through, and he had his drawing. And . . . and he had Madison.

  Madison. What the fuck was wrong with him? He couldn’t ruin one of the few good things going for him in a fit of jealous rage. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have said those things to her? How could he have left her there in the club, alone? He’d lost it because he hadn’t been able to handle her behaving the way he’d expected her to behave. The way he wanted her to behave. Or so he’d thought. Hell, he’d been planning and fantasizing about this scenario all week, prepping her for it for two days. Shit, he couldn’t take it out on her, because his expectations and the reality had been exactly what he thought he’d wanted. But his reaction to her brazenness was completely at odds with what he’d expected. If he’d been watching some other woman get that thoroughly fucked, he’d have thought it was the sexiest sight he’d ever seen. But it hadn’t been some other woman, it had been his woman. Why hadn’t he realized he wouldn’t be able to stand another man’s hands on her until it was too late? Maybe because he had expected her to draw a line. But she hadn’t. She’d crossed it without a shred of hesitation.


  And who did he have to blame for that? Himself.

  It was no wonder that everyone thought he was such a fuck-up. He kept proving them right over and over again, living up to their poor expectations of him. Everyone’s except Madison’s. She believed in him. She trusted him, trusted him to keep her safe. And he’d failed her. There was no telling what those men could have done to her when he’d fled.

  He went back inside and found her where he’d left her. She was lying on her back staring up at the ceiling, her expression completely blank. It was as if she were in some sort of trance.

  He sat beside her on the firm mattress—forcing himself not to think about everything that had happened in this very room not even half an hour ago—and touched her shoulder.

  She didn’t look at him, but she spoke. “What’s wrong with me? How could I have done that? How could I have liked it?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you,” he said. “You were supposed to like it. The scenario was designed specifically to give you pleasure.”

  “Then why do you hate me?” She closed her eyes, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably.

  “I don’t hate you,” he said. “I love you, and that’s why I reacted the way I did. Why I had to leave. I’ve done this sort of thing with dozens of other women. Not the chess board, but other games.”

  “Lovely to hear that,” she said dully.

  “And I enjoyed every minute of it,” he made himself continue. “But with you—”

  “You realized what an insatiable tramp you have for a girlfriend.”

  “That isn’t even close to the truth,” he said. “I couldn’t stand them touching you. Couldn’t stand knowing you could enjoy sex with someone besides me. Because . . .”

  She opened her eyes and shifted her gaze to his. “Because?”

  He took a deep breath. “Because you’re mine.” He stared at her, challenging her to deny his claim. Unquestionably relieved when she didn’t.

  “I am yours, Adam,” she said. “When they were touching me and—and doing stuff to me, I wasn’t really myself. I was playing the role of the queen.”

  “I think I knew that,” he said, “but it didn’t offer me any peace of mind. It made me sick to watch what they were doing. And even sicker that I didn’t stop them.”

  He hadn’t stopped them bec
ause she’d seemed to be enjoying it so much, and her mindless enjoyment that didn’t require his participation had pissed him off. Let them fuck her, he’d thought when he’d lost his erection and had to leave the game. I don’t care. He’d behaved like a petulant toddler and had left her alone with them. With all of them. They could have really hurt her. He wasn’t even sure what did happen because he didn’t watch, couldn’t, though Tony—who’d played the announcer—had assured him that no one had broken his one rule. No one besides him had claimed her pussy. Taken every other inch of her, maybe, but not that. Now he knew what a ridiculous stipulation that had been. Her pussy wasn’t the only part of her that was sacred to him. All of her was. And he’d brought her here, knowing what was going to happen. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “Does this mean we’re over?” she asked.

  He wondered why she thought she should take any of the blame for this. He forced a smile, hoping that by making light of the situation, that look of misery would be wiped from her beautiful face.

  “No, it doesn’t mean we’re over. It means we aren’t ever participating in another sex club orgy. I don’t care how desperate you get for cock.”

  “But we can participate in a regular orgy, right?” He could hear the laughter in her tone, or he might have gotten upset. “I mean, you know how desperate I get for cock. I need it twenty-four hours a day.”

  “I’ll do my best to satisfy your desperation,” he said, stroking her cheek.

  She laughed. And then she bit her lip. Her eyes welled up with tears, and he had to look away or the knot in his throat would strangle him.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m so sorry, Adam.”

  “Don’t be sorry—we all have our weaknesses. Mine are of a chemical nature. You just crave butt sex.”

  He couldn’t stand that she was hurting, that he was the cause of her trouble. He was pretty much always the cause of her trouble. But knowing that did not make him willing to give her up for her own good. She was stuck with him through thick and thin. He was selfish that way.

  “I don’t need the butt sex, Adam,” she said. “I just need you.”

  Did she mean that? She looked sincere, and he knew she was a terrible liar, so he let himself believe her. Because he needed to believe her. He pulled her into his arms, pretending he didn’t know why she flinched when her naked rear settled on his lap.

  “You have me,” he assured her as he stroked her soft hair and she nestled her face in the crook of his neck.

  “And you have me,” she said.

  He was counting on that. Because without her, his only happiness came in chemical form. And realizing how easily he could go back to his old ways scared the shit out of him.

  Chapter Ten

  Adam helped Madison out of the shower and wrapped her in a thick white towel before carrying her to the bed. The ride back to the hotel had been cursed with tortured silence. Neither of them would say something was wrong, but he was sure she felt the tension as much as he did.

  He dried her carefully and stared down at her in the dim light coming from the bathroom. Did she really love him? If she did, he could get through this. They could get through this together. But if she was just saying the words and going through the motions . . .

  He closed his eyes and spread kisses over her throat and collarbones. She didn’t protest as he sucked marks on her chest. Normally she didn’t let him do that, not where the hickeys might be visible. But maybe she let him do it tonight because she no longer had a job, so it didn’t matter if she had his marks all over her. Or maybe she realized how much he needed to claim every inch of her as his. To let people see it as much as he felt it.

  He wanted to erase all memories of those other men from her mind and from her body. He used his hand to guide himself into her warm, slick pussy and then tangled both hands in her hair, staring deeply into her eyes as he claimed her with slow, sensual strokes. Her lips parted, and her breathing quickened. Face flushed, she arched into him, her hands gripping his ass to encourage him to take her deeper. As her pleasure intensified, her eyes drifted closed, but he would have none of that. He tugged at her hair, pausing in his strokes to wait for her eyes to open again. When her gaze focused on him once more, he thrust into her, driving his length deep and churning his hips.

  As their bodies connected and their souls mingled, his pleasure raced toward its peak. Just before he lost himself, he pulled out. He needed more time to drive those other men away. Could she still feel their hands on her? Their mouths? Their dicks? He didn’t know if she could or not. But he could still see them. Every time he looked at her he saw them. And he had no one to blame for this particular stint in Hell but himself.


  His name on her sweet lips made his heart ache. He kissed a trail down her body, between her perfect breasts, down her quivering belly, and lower until his face was buried between her thighs. He teased her clit with his lips and tongue and the occasional sucking kiss until she cried out and her body quaked with release. He surged upward, claiming the remnants of her orgasm by fucking her clenching pussy until she was spent.

  “Oh God, Adam,” she said between gasps for breath. “That was amazing.”

  But he was far from finished. He pulled out again and shifted to pleasure her with his mouth once more. Each time he brought her to climax with his mouth, he rode out her storm, but he dared not stay inside her for long. He wasn’t ready to let her rest. Not until she came as hard as she’d come when that knight had settled up against her back and shoved his cock up her ass. He needed to make her come that hard all on his own. He had some strange personal vendetta against her orgasm. He needed to prove to her—or maybe to himself—that he was good enough to truly satisfy her. After several failed attempts to bring her to the peak he knew her body was capable of, he feared that she really did need double penetration to find true bliss.

  “Adam, you have to stop. I can’t take any more,” she said, clinging to his hair as he worked her clit with his mouth.

  Maybe she’d come so hard because he’d teased her mercilessly before they’d arrived at the club. Maybe that had been the difference. He slid a finger into her ass, knowing she was tender back there, but rather than protest, she begged for more.

  “Oh yes,” she groaned. “Deeper. Please.”

  He turned her on her side, with one of her legs around his waist, so he could more easily fill her with cock and fingers simultaneously. It wasn’t quite double penetration, but it was the best he could do without the assistance of sex toys. Or other men . . .


  Madison screamed when a particularly strong orgasm ripped through her. He didn’t think it had been quite as all-encompassing as the one she’d had at the sex club, but it was close. As he sought his own release, he promised himself he’d get her there next time. His climax built quickly, tearing a deep groan from him as he let go. He filled her with his body’s offering, fixed on the knowledge that none of those other men had experienced the bliss of her pussy or found release inside her. No other man’s cum had ever entered her body in her entire life. Only his.

  And when he could get hard again, he would forgo his usual condom to fuck her ass raw so he could fill her back passage with his cum as well.

  He sucked another mark on her shoulder. His possessiveness was confusing and completely overwhelming, but he couldn’t deny it existed. Madison was his, goddammit. He was not good at sharing. He rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. His. She had to be his. Had to be.

  The ring of his cellphone jerked him awake. He wasn’t sure when he’d fallen asleep, but the familiar ring tone—Bad to the Bone—was one he didn’t particularly want to hear. He leaned over the edge of the bed and pulled his phone out of his jeans pocket.

  “What happened?” Adam answered, his heart hammering anxiously in his chest. He knew he was supposed to hate his father. He had every reason to hate his father. But the stupid bastard was the only family he had and r
ushing him to the hospital last week had reminded Adam of how truly alone he’d be if the son of a bitch died on him.

  “I need more money,” Dad said in that naturally loud and gravelly voice of his.

  “I asked you not to call unless it was an emergency.” Adam’s initial panic was instantly replaced with annoyance.

  “Being out of gas three hundred miles from El Paso in the middle of a nowhere Texas desert is an emergency.”

  “Just use some of the extra money I already gave you.”

  Madison touched his shoulder and lifted her head to mouth, “Who is it?”

  “My dad,” Adam whispered.

  “I’m out of that money,” his dad said.

  “How can you be out of that money?” Sheezus. Adam had given him five thousand dollars to set up a shared house with his buddy Jose who lived in El Paso. He’d also given his father the use of one of the cars he owned but never drove.

  “I took Honey shopping.”

  Adam groaned inwardly. What was he doing with her again? “You took your ex shopping on my dime?”


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