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Breaking us Both 5: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

Page 3

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Oh shit, George has told her about the video.

  “You’d be better off at home sorting things out with that wife of yours,” Marion’s broad ass waddles up ahead of me and she leads me in to her kitchen-come-diner.

  I accept her offer of coffee and while she pours it, I rack my brains for what to say. She invites me to sit and we face each other across her breakfast bar.

  “I guess every couple goes through bad patches Marion,” I say eventually, looking at the back of my own hands “Everyone does things they later regret.” I’m struggling here; I don’t even know for sure what George has told her.

  “So why isn’t she here apologizing for herself? She send you to do her dirty work instead? Managed to get here earlier tonight in the first place though didn’t she? When she knew I wasn’t home.” her lips pucker tightly and she folds her arms aggressively across her chest.

  “I don’t follow Marion. I haven’t been home from work myself yet.”

  “But you must have known she was coming here?” Marion’s eyebrows rise.

  “Coming here? You mean Lily?” My stomach slackens. I think I might need the bathroom any second.

  “So you expect me to believe you don’t even know your wife was here earlier propositioning my husband? In my own home, while I was still at work.” Marion glares at me, nostrils flaring.

  “What are you talking about Marion?” my stomach vaults and for a split second I think I might lose control of my bowels.

  “I don’t understand what’s happened to Lily I really don’t Vaughn. I think it’s ever since she took on that fancy new job with that fancy new boss of hers. You need to talk to her.”

  “What the hell do you mean ‘propositioning your husband’?” I stare across the breakfast bar at her. My face is burning.

  “You’ll have to speak to her yourself if you want all the gory details Vaughn.” Her eyes have softened, she’s looking at me differently now, like she believes I know nothing about what happened. “But Lily came around here while she knew I was still at the garage finishing off the year end books.”

  “It was probably just some kind of misunderstanding Marion,” I say, opening up my palms at her and trying to look like I believe my own words.

  “Vaughn,” Marion sighs and slowly shakes her head, “Your pretty little wife came around here and tried to seduce my husband. Offered to have sex with him to be precise. Something to do with a video of her?” she tilts her head and raises her eyebrows at me, like she’s expecting some explanation.

  I look away to my hands.

  “All I know is that if my George wasn’t so loyal and such a gentleman you’d be a cuckold husband by now.” her chin lifts and she looks at me like she’s watching my reaction.

  I feel sick. Even after what Lily and Richmond both said, surely my wife wouldn’t have come here and done that? George and Marion are two of our oldest friends.

  I’m trying to clear my head, trying to focus.

  Marion’s eyes have narrowed as she looks at me.

  “I hope you were telling the truth when you said you knew nothing about this Vaughn,” she says slowly, “I wouldn’t like to think this is some sort of sick game you and her are playing. That you’ve come around here to try to do the same to me, to seduce me.” Marion leans back in her seat and curls her top lip at me.

  Fuck me. I have to force myself not to laugh in her face.

  I’m on my way home from Marion and George’s and still in a daze, when my phone rings. I answer it without checking the caller ID.

  “Ah Vaughn,” says Richmond and I can almost see his confident smile.

  “Richmond this is getting out of hand” I blurt.

  “Vaughn, take it easy. What’s the problem?”

  “What’s the problem? The problem is my wife propositioning my friends Richmond.”

  “Your friend George you mean?”

  “This has got to stop Richmond.”

  A car horn blares at me. Shit, focus on the road Vaughn. My fingers dig into the steering wheel as I swerve.

  “Steady Vaughn. Concentrate on your driving.” Richmond’s voice is so calm. My head feels like it could explode.

  “It’s too much Richmond. Surely you must see that? People we know seeing videos of Lily with you and Anthony, my wife propositioning one of our friends on your say so...” my voice trails away

  “And yet I’ve seen and heard you so aroused at the very idea of public shaming haven’t I Vaughn?”

  My face flushes in the dark at the memory. Kneeling at this man’s feet, the intensity of my sucking accelerating wildly as he promised to expose my cuckold status to the world. Mumbling my submissive fever into his groin.

  “Indeed, I’ve seen and heard you extremely excited when other men besides me have used that lovely young wife of yours haven’t I Vaughn?” If it wasn’t for the content of what he’s saying, his voice would sound reassuring.

  “It’s not as if we haven’t talked about these things in the past is it Vaughn? They’re important stages in the process of your complete humiliation. As indeed were the personal dossiers you compiled for me and which of course I embellished.”

  “But our friends Richmond...”

  “These activities may feel a little distressing, indeed overwhelming initially Vaughn. Simply because they involve acknowledging deeply hidden needs and desires that you’ve always had Vaughn.” he pauses, breathing steadily in my ear.

  “Trust me Vaughn; Lily needs this as much as you do. I’ve seen it very clearly in my one on one sessions with your wife. Ultimately this level of submission and shaming is cathartic. It’s what you’ve both always needed.”

  I grip the steering wheel, unable to offer any reply.

  “Vaughn; please don’t forget the basics. I own you and I own your wife. As such I don’t expect you to continue questioning my decisions.” His voice is firm, like there can be no doubt about what he’s saying.

  God help me, my cock is trying to stiffen in my pants.

  “So tell me anyhow Vaughn, how does it feel to know one of your best friends has had sex with your lovely wife?”

  “I didn’t say she had sex with him Richmond. I said she propositioned him,” I clear my throat.

  “No, you didn’t say Lily sucked George off in his house like I asked her to before his wife got home. Lily told me. She was in a bit of a state when she met me afterwards. I think your friend George might like things a little rougher than his appearance may suggest.”

  Chapter Six

  I rest my elbow on the dinner table at Lily’s parents’ house and hold my chin in my hand. Lily’s Mom Grace is still a pretty good-looking woman for her age. Maybe a little more lined since her husband’s illness I guess, but in her day she must have turned nearly as many heads as her daughter. Grace continues her tale about some distant cousin. Next to me Lily’s eyes have glazed over and on the other side of the table Lily’s Father looks like he’s asleep.

  Lily denied anything happened with George when she went round to see him. She said she was upset and George was just trying to console her when Marion found them. I don’t know who to believe and if Richmond is lying, then why? I’m going to talk to Lily about it again on the way back home.

  She wasn’t happy about us meeting up with her folks today. She says I shouldn’t have ‘gone behind her back’ to arrange it. I told her I thought it would do us good. That it would hopefully help us get some perspective on our own relationship I reminded her how long it’s been since we saw her Mom and Dad. In truth, I’m hoping that seeing them again might kind of shock her into some sort of a reality check about Richmond and about our marriage.

  As Grace continues talking, I look around the dining area of the familiar bungalow. It’s the same place Lily grew up in with her brother. That old sofa across the room is the same one Lily and I first made out on when she was just my girlfriend.

  My heart sinks as I think about that first time. Fumbling with the buttons on her jeans, hushing each o
ther as we giggled, trying not to wake her folks who were sleeping upstairs. Me looking down at Lily’s wide eyes, her bra pushed up over her bare breasts, pink nipples stiffening for me. Her faded blue jeans and white cotton panties around her ankles. Staring, unable to believe that someone as beautiful as that was waiting for me to take her.

  But then the frustration that first time as my cock shrivelled up with nerves. Until she said to me ‘It doesn’t matter Vaughn…it’s not important, there’ll be other times.”

  I look across to her sitting next to me now and she’s sipping her wine, nodding at her Mother’s tale. She’s still every bit as beautiful as she was back then. Shit; how did it all get to this? That lovely young girl, now my gorgeous wife, as obsessed with another man as she once was with me.

  “What about you Vaughn?” Grace says, snapping me out of my daydream, “Wouldn’t you like kids?”

  I shoot a glance at Lily and she’s blushing.

  “My daughter here seems to think it’s ‘too soon’ to be starting a family. I’ve told her, by the time I was her age I was carrying her and already had her brother hanging off my hip.”

  I don’t know where to look.

  “Leave the young ‘uns alone Grace,” Lily’s father speaks for the first time and then rises unsteadily from his seat at the table. “There’s plenty of time for them with that kind of thing. They’re still kids themselves.”

  “What do you know you old fool?” Grace tuts and turns her attention back on Lily as her husband collects up our dinner plates and cutlery.

  “The young ‘uns are going to be working a lot longer than our generation Grace. Thanks to the banks and the government’s insane money-printing.” Lily’s Father grunts, “Lily and Vaughn have to plan their futures a lot more carefully than we ever did.”

  “Let me help you with those Dad,” Lily pushes out her chair.

  My eyes rise to her round behind in her jeans. Even here, my cock throbs at the sight.

  “So how’s the new job going Lily?” Grace asks over her shoulder. At least the conversation has moved on from us having kids. What the hell would her Mom and Dad think if they knew the truth? If Lily did somehow fall pregnant while she’s on the pill, it would far more likely be Richmond’s or some other man’s than mine.

  “Don’t start all that again Vaughn,” Lily rolls her eyes and sighs once we’re home in front of the TV. “What choice did I have but to go around to George’s and talk to him?”

  “But I told you; George swore to me he wouldn’t mention the video to anyone else.” I’m whining at her, I know I’m whining.

  “Maybe I wanted to make sure myself,” she says, jabbing a finger at the TV remote. Her breasts quiver under her tight pink t-shirt.

  “Like I said Lily, Richmond told me something happened between you and George. And George isn’t answering any of my calls. “

  “He’s probably face down in some bar,” she frowns at the TV, ignoring my comment about Richmond.

  “I still get scared Lily,” my voice breaks as I try to take hold of one of her hands.

  “Scared of what?” she pauses channel-hopping at one of the music stations.

  “The feelings you and Richmond might have for each other I guess. Scared you might leave me,” I clear my throat.

  Her hand is in mine but she won’t look at me.

  “Vaughn how many times do I have to say this? He’s married.” she sighs, sounding exasperated.

  I study the profile of her face illuminated by the TV screen.

  “How about an early night?” I stroke her fingers, my caged cock pulsing for her despite my anxiety.

  “I’m trying to watch this,” she moves her hand out of mine.

  Alone in our bedroom I’m nervous I might be about to make a terrible mistake. But I really thought seeing her Mom and Dad again might have made Lily realize what she and I had, what we have.

  My heart is pounding. I want her to know we don’t always need to involve Richmond. I need to show her that a lot of the things we do with him could actually be done all by ourselves, as a couple. Shit, my head is so fucked up with everything.

  But I know she likes seeing me like this. I sit bare-chested on the edge of the bed, carefully easing the stocking up my shaved left leg. What if she’s shocked and repulsed by what she sees? I push the thought from my mind. It was Lily that bought this lingerie for me, her that wanted me to ‘just try them on’.

  I bend and fix both gossamer-thin dark stockings to the black suspender belt which compresses my waist. There’s something so horny about that compression. It’s like an additional restriction to my chastity, a further punishment on top of the humiliation of wearing these things.

  I dig out a pair of her black heels from her wardrobe. I’ve had a sneaky try of these before. Lily always says my feet are ‘quite small for a man’, so although these shoes don’t fit me, I can squeeze and force my stocking feet kind of into them.

  My calf muscles stretch. The sense of elevation and exposure is intense. It’s like I’m on a plinth or podium to be paraded.

  I study myself in the mirror. I look ridiculous with my feet crammed almost in to my wife’s heels. From certain angles, as I hobble in the shoes to turn, my legs don’t look too bad though. The black lace panties hold my chastity belt and balls nicely in place. My stomach is churning, my cock trying to stiffen in anticipation.

  I feel across the smooth, hairless skin of my ass with my palm. The flesh contrasts abruptly with the slightly rough fabric of the suspender straps.

  “Lily?” I’m calling downstairs. I don’t want to go down there because the curtains are open.

  “Can you come up here for a second?”

  My heart is thumping. Her footsteps sound on the stairs.

  “Jesus Vaughn!” Lily’s hand goes to her mouth

  “What do you think? They’re the ones you bought me,”

  “Obviously,” she mutters into her hand, her eyes wide at me.

  “We don’t need Richmond or anyone else to do this kind of thing with.” The words stick to my dry tongue. “I’ll dress up like this for you. I’ll stay in chastity as long as you want me to Lily. If that’s what you really want.” I try to take her hand.

  “What are you doing like that now?” she shrinks away from me.

  “But I thought this was what you wanted?” my face and ears are burning.

  “Not like this,” she waves around the room.

  “Lily I’m scared of what’s happening with you and Richmond. I think we should ease up on seeing him. At least for a while.”

  “And what exactly would we do for money if we didn’t have Richmond?” she crosses her arms over her breasts.

  “You’d get another job, especially now with your experience in that role in his business. And I’ll be getting more clients soon. We’ll be fine.”

  “I don’t want to cut back on seeing Richmond Vaughn.”

  “But can’t you see what’s happening to us Lily?” I say, my blood cooling with her words. I open up both my palms, conscious how ludicrous I must look trying to reason logically with my wife while I’m dressed like this.

  “That’s rich coming from you Vaughn. You haven’t forgotten it was you that went behind my back and introduced Richmond to me in the first have you?” her lips compress into a tight slash.

  “Of course not, no. But maybe the George thing and the video should be a warning about the danger with what we’ve been doing.” I grab at her arm as she tries to leave the room.

  “But I love him Vaughn, I love him.” She shouts, pulling her arm free.

  Chapter Seven

  “It’s Richmond,” my heart pounds as I recognize the headlamps fading to darkness on our driveway outside. “What’s he doing here?” I’m still trying to get my head around what she said about him last night. I mean, is it really possible for a woman to love two men at the same time?

  “I asked him to call,” Lily is up and off the sofa, almost running out to the hallway barefoo
t in her short dress.

  I call after her but she ignores me.

  Shit. Why has she asked him here? We have things we need to talk about and sort out together.

  I hear my wife’s girlish laughter in the hallway and the deep velvety tones of Richmond’s voice invading our home.

  “Good evening Vaughn,” He’s in the living room before I have time to think. Lily takes his order for a glass of red wine and he sits in an armchair without being invited.

  “How you’ve been Vaughn?” he crosses his legs and I wonder whether those tanned leather brogues are the same ones I’ve felt against my knees and between my legs when I’ve knelt for him.

  “Worried really Richmond,” I say, forcing my thoughts from the scene of my shame and onto what I know I must do now.

  “The more I’ve thought about it Richmond, involving our friends, some of our closest friends, it’s crossed a big red line.” I wring my hands on my lap, knowing my face must be coloring up. “And I think Lily may be getting emotionally involved,”

  “Not with George surely?” he’s ginning at me.

  “You know what I mean Richmond,”

  “Well from what I heard Vaughn, George didn’t seem too concerned about your friendship. Certainly not when he had your beautiful wife on her knees in his home,” Richmond has lowered his voice and he looks to the door.

  “Lily said nothing happened. But even if it did, I couldn’t really blame George.” I say, “Not if somehow you made Lily go to him and offer it on a plate. What man wouldn’t take it?”

  I’m not even certain why, but somehow, I’m trying to defend both my wife’s and George’s possible actions. It’s you who’s to blame Richmond. All you.

  “Lily’s not thinking straight because of her emotional involvement Richmond. None of this could have happened if that video hadn’t been posted could it?”

  Richmond raises an eyebrow at my direct question.

  “OK Vaughn. There’s really no need for that tone.” He toys with one of his ear lobes.

  “I just think we need to pare things back a little.” I mumble.


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