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Devious Eyes (A Cane Novel Book 2)

Page 6

by Charlotte E Hart

  “Stay still,” I snap out, grabbing at her wrists and levering my weight flatter on her. She calms a little, hips still twisting but her body beginning to settle as she pants out. “I want to see you the first time. Watch you.” Her wrists flex under my hands, enough so that I ease off them and slide my fingers over her skin instead. “I like watching, like seeing the moment.” She smiles a little, a dirty lilt making her tongue roam across her lips.

  “Kiss me when you do it,” she says, her hips rising into mine. I half halt my dick, trying to stop whatever feeling she’s trying to achieve. “Wrap your arm under me, Nate, and kiss me like we’ve done this forever.” She moves her own hands, threading them through my hair and staring up into my eyes. It’s a fucking moment I’ll never forget, more so than the slap, because those deep brown eyes tear through me. They show me something that isn’t meant for Cane. Warmth. Love. Some sense of damn honesty that has no place on this beach. And before I know what I’ve done, I’ve pulled her up to me, dick breaching her at the same time as my tongue.

  We both moan through our lips, desperate to taste something I’ve forgotten how to give, and her legs wrapping around me only pushes us further into whatever the hell this is becoming. She clings on like her life depends on it, deepening our fucking into something only the most privileged deserve.

  I pull back, letting my dick shove deeper into her so I can watch her writhe under it, be distant, see her reactions and learn everything there is to learn for my own selfish reasons. But I’m drawn down again by my own thoughts, unable to stay away from those lips.

  Fucking lost.


  Chapter Seven

  The sweat from our joined bodies trickles down around my throat and trails down my back. It doesn’t stir me, though. I’m perfectly cocooned with Nate passed out to the side, water lapping against our toes.

  I set up the afternoon to see if the spark I felt last night was real. The moment I set eyes on him pumping his own cock in the sea, I knew sex would be involved today. The intensity and overwhelming need to be close to this man is a shock, though.

  My stomach chooses this moment to alert me to the need for food and makes a repulsive howl.

  “Was that your stomach? Jesus, woman.”

  “I’m blaming you. I didn’t bring you here for sex. I wanted food.”

  “Did you hell.” He looks me over, running a hand across my thigh. “You coerced me into fucking. Nothing to do with food.” My mouth curves upwards. Hardly coerced. He smirks. “And then I warned you. Once we started, I wasn’t going to stop.” He kisses the corner of my shoulder before pressing up and sitting back on his heels.

  My eyes rake over his toned body before they reach his semi-hard cock. My lip slips between my teeth as I think about all the fun we could have back at the bungalow where there’s a bed.

  “Let’s eat.” I stand, avoiding his molten eyes, and walk over to the small table laid with a selection of fresh fish, fruit and other island delicacies.

  “Are you going to put your clothes back on?” he asks, surprise in his tone.

  “No. You’ve seen me naked. There’s nobody here.” I cast a glance over my shoulder and find Nate still on his knees, staring after me. It’s the sexiest vision I’ve ever seen, and my heart gives a thump of appreciation.

  “Gabby, you’re killing me.” He hangs his head while the chords of muscles pop along his arms.

  “Not yet I’m not. We’ll see about that later.” I wag my eyebrows at him and take a seat before grabbing a bottle of water from the cooler to the side. The ice water quenches my thirst. My legs cross at the ankle, and I fold my arms, pushing my boobs up, and wait for him.

  “Fuck.” His curse isn’t low enough not to be heard, but I’m enjoying his discomfort.

  “Come on.”

  He grabs his trunks before joining me at the table and taking the water bottle I’ve already opened, downing it before he offers me a platter of tuna carpaccio and cut vegetables. I fill my plate. I really have neglected my stomach.

  We eat in companionable silence for a few minutes. In between mouthfuls, I try to study Nate. His brows are drawn close, and I can almost hear the calculator in his brain adding everything up. That’s not what this is about. Not for me, anyway.

  Getting lost in someone else with no worries or concerns is as perfect as the island destination we’re on. There’s something about Nate that makes me want to change my usual MO. I’ve been so lonely, I hadn’t realised how starved for companionship I’ve become. No harm in indulging now I’ve found someone packaged up as deliciously as Nate. And being around someone else is a damn sight safer than staying holstered in my room.

  “How long have I got you to myself before the ski is back for us?” Nate doesn’t raise his eyes from the food.

  “A couple of hours. But don’t get any other plans, Mister. I might have designs on you myself when we get back to the bungalow.”

  “Now, who’s being presumptuous?” He finally breaks his staring contest with the food and looks me in the eye. Confusion swirls beneath those luscious eyes like he’s trying to work out the sum I’ve just given him.

  “I figured you’re a safe bet considering you’ve already fucked me senseless on the beach.”

  “After last night, I’m surprised. There was a part of me that thought you might be one big fucking tease.”

  “No. Just one of my rules.”

  “One of many?”

  “Maybe.” I take a mouthful of vegetables and enjoy the playfulness between us.

  This wasn’t an accident. Nate is right. It was planned. Having someone to share my day with is such a simple thing, but I seem to have forgotten the pleasure in it.

  Maybe I never knew it in the first place.

  After we’ve eaten the food, we lie out on the beach, soaking up the sun and waiting for our ride back. He’s quiet beside me, but the silence between us is heavy with questions. It’s like I can hear the wheels of Nate’s mind going over everything between us, but the familiar sound of the high-pitched jet skis soon disturb our relaxation. My eyes snap to the horizon the way Manuel should be coming in. It’s only a few moments before they come into view and the waving hand assures me these are the guides from the resort and not anyone more sinister. Our private island retreat is over.

  Having my arms wrapped around Nate’s body certainly feels good.

  He insisted on being the one in the driving seat on our way back, and I couldn’t argue. Not this time. My breasts are pressed firmly against his back as we skip over the water, and I take the opportunity to cling closer to him, enjoying everything about the position.

  As we head closer to the resort, the maze of bungalows comes back into view. I spot mine, the furthest away on the last path. Nate slows down and comes to a stop outside the bungalow across the way from mine.

  The one that houses my diamonds.

  “Why are we stopping?” Panic rises in my chest. He knows. No, I’m being stupid. He won’t have seen them, and there’s no way he’d have linked them to me. I take a deep breath.

  “Because I’m in charge now. And I want you in my bed. Jump off.”

  I follow his command and land on the deck. The bungalow has the same layout as mine. Luxurious, no expense spared. I cast my eyes around now I can see in the light of day, but my eyes stop on the bamboo vases for a brief second.

  Nate’s hands run down my shoulders and turn my body to face him.

  The open plan layout gives me the opportunity to eye up the bed. Wide, soft, perfect to be messed with.

  “You are dangerously sexy in this,” he says, running his fingers around the outline of my bikini top. “But I prefer to see you naked.” The contact drops, and he walks past me to go inside. My breath stutters out of my mouth as I try to figure out his game and watch him sit in the chair in the corner of the bedroom.

  “Hey, what’s up with the cold shoulder?” The frost in my voice quickly melts when he looks at me. Lust. Pure and simple. And i
t burns for me.

  “I told you. I prefer to see you naked. You were more than happy to parade in front of me at lunch. Now I want you to parade in front of me while I decide on all the things I want you to do to yourself before I take you again. And again. And again.”


  My pussy flutters in response to his words and I open my mouth to draw in a breath. If he wants me naked, he can have me naked.

  I pull the string and loosen the tie around my back before teasing them to the side, lifting it over my head and tossing it in his direction, stripper style. My hips shimmy as my fingers teaser the bikini briefs over my hips until they drop to the floor. I take a step back until my calves hit the bed, and I fall down onto the plushness, leaning back and widening my legs just a fraction, waiting for my next instruction.

  “See, dangerously sexy. Push back on the bed, open your legs and play with yourself. I want to see your fingers run all over that soft skin of yours, Gabby. Make me jealous of your fingers.”

  I can count on my hand the number of men I’ve slept with over the last few years. None—not one—held me as enthralled as Nate does now. His voice. The sexy look in his eyes, the need burning under the surface is enough for me to do just about anything he might ask of me tonight. After all, it’s only ten days, and then we say good-bye.

  My body relaxes back on the bed, and I drop my legs to the side, thankful that I’ve kept up with at least some of my yoga exercises over the years. The tremble in my hand is faint as I ease my fingers across my hip and between my legs.

  Nate’s body leans in, his weight rocking forward the closer I get to my pussy. His eyes hone in on my flesh, and I tease, just a fraction before I give in to the pleasure and let my finger swipe through my swollen flesh.

  “Hmmm.” We both moan as my head tips back. I’m slick, coating myself as I move my hand back and forth. The pad of my finger rubs over my clit, sparking a lightning storm across my body.

  “In. Put your fingers inside you. Make me want to feel your pussy squeeze my dick again.” His voice is hypnotic, and I do exactly as he says.

  My fingers press inside, and I stretch myself as I push deeper. My legs drop to the side, needing more. Desperate for more. One isn’t enough. Nate stretched me, filled me, and I want to feel that again.

  Three fingers, back and forth. Back and forth.

  I fall back on the bed, unable to keep eye contact with Nate while keeping up his instruction. My other hand works the contours of my body, and I pull at my nipples trying to generate the same passion that Nate did when he sucked them into his mouth.

  “Tease yourself. Don’t make yourself come. That’s for me. Not you.”

  I continue to pleasure myself. It’s nothing like the times I’ve used my fingers to get off. That’s for relief. This is full-bodied, hot passion. Everything that falls from his lips makes me feel sexy, as if it’s an aphrodisiac in itself.

  “I can see you glisten. You’re so fucking ready.”

  “Yes,” I moan, on the edge between wanting to make myself come and following his instruction.

  “You want me inside? Want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, god, please.”

  “Then hold that fucking orgasm off.” My eyes widen at his tone, head lifting to look at him. “Do as you’re told.”

  “I can’t control my orgasm. If you want to make me come, fuck me now.”

  Nate’s fingers grip tightly around my ankles as he stretches my legs to the side, a slight huff coming from his mouth. His tongue swipes at my core and flicks my clit, sending my pulse racing, and causing all the muscles of my body to contract at once.

  “Sí, sí, sí,” I scream, my hips jutting off the bed against his tongue. The feeling shocks my core, lighting up my body until I crash back onto the bed again.

  Abruptly, he steps away, and I watch as he licks his lips like he’s just enjoyed his dessert.

  “Better?” he says, a little happiness in his voice. “Now you’ll amuse me. I like to watch, and that pussy is fucking delicious. Fuck yourself. I’m not ready to indulge you with my dick again yet.”

  “You’d rather watch me finger myself than fuck me?” I can’t lift my head off the bed; I’m still seeing stars from my orgasm.

  Nothing else is said for a while as I lounge back, eyes closed and enjoying the moment. My fingers pull gently across my core, aftershocks continuing to flutter my senses. It’s so calm and quiet, just the sound of his breathing relaxing me further.

  “You’re not doing as you’re told, Gabby.”

  Oh. I smile and lift my head slightly to gaze at him between my legs.

  “Do it yourself or I’ll push something in there you won’t like.” His mouth quirks, a strange look glancing his features, which only increases the allure. “I’m a twisted fuck given half a chance.”

  My brow arches, amused. “Holidays are about fun, right?”

  He stands and walks away from me, peeling his shorts from him as he goes. I brace up on my elbows and watch the firm ass and shoulders move, my tongue rolling over my lips at the sight, until he grabs the fruit basket and turns back to me. “You want some fun, Gabby?” What’s he talking about? The basket lands at my side, fruit tumbling out of it onto the bed. “Choose something.”


  “Choose. Orange?” he picks it up and squeezes until it flattens slightly, juice spilling out. “Or maybe you’re a banana type of girl. Are you?” He cannot be serious. He smirks a little as he lifts the yellow object that is not going anywhere near me and leans in.

  “I’m not doing that.” He hovers, no contrition about what he’s suggesting. I’m shocked, mouth parted at his expression as he stares.

  “Use your hands quicker then.” He leans away after a few beats and waits, the banana still in his unconventional fingers. “You need a countdown?”

  Wow, he really means it. I stare in return, wholly uncomfortable with the idea but oddly turned on by this vision of twisted. Still, I’m not doing it.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  The speed of his movement has me braced back on the bed, his weight holding me in place before I know what’s hit me. “I’m always serious, Gabby. Accountants are like that.”

  I gasp and squirm, unsure what’s coming next. There’s a glint in his eye. It’s dirty, dangerous almost, and something I’m only beginning to understand about him. He smiles slowly, somehow tempting me into the forbidden. “You’re gonna put those pretty fingers between your legs and do as you’re told, sweetheart.”

  Oh god. When he talks like that, I’ll do what I’m told.


  Chapter Eight

  Minutes merge to hours, hours into days, my mind forgetting the outside world around us as they do. She’s on my mind all the time, nothing else affecting how I behave or what I do. It’s kinda nice, relaxed. All I’m interested in is her smile, her laughter, and the way she moves as we amble aimlessly. I guess there might be reality out there somewhere, hovering in the background and waiting for us to return to it, but for now, I’m content to simply freefall into whatever this is becoming.

  With her by my side.

  I stare up into the sky, watching nothing but air and sun through the tint on my glasses as I dry off from my swim. A week we’ve been here now, and I’ve never been with someone like her before. She’s intriguing to me. Fresh air in the middle of what my life has always been. Maybe it’s the climate, or the fact that I’m on holiday with no restrictions, but she seems to have a way about her. A way that makes me check my own thoughts. And, much as I’m trying to deny it, I adore the whispered mutterings she makes, all of it in Spanish as if she’s trying to hide her feelings from me, pretend none of this is real. It isn’t, I guess, but it is for now.

  I snort at myself in amusement. I’m like a new me with her, a version of myself that I’d passed off as unusable in society. We’ve walked beaches, gazed at sunsets, lost ourselves in midnight talks and fallen into the unknown together. They�
��re all things that should make me cynical, make me revert to the type of man I’ve become. But every word from her has me sighing out rather than holding in the next pent up breath, reaching for her hand rather than keeping myself away. I can feel it in my fingers now, their balance offset for the lack of hers mingling with them.

  It’s all strange, comforting in its own way, regardless of the contrast in those sensations, making me remember life before business. Times when Quinn and I used to laugh about the normal and mundane, Josh joining in. Boys being boys. Brothers being brothers for no other reason than to enjoy each other and screw around. It’s all so new to me, even if it is a memory I’ve always wanted to have.

  Never thought I’d find it, though.

  Never thought a Cane deserved it.

  The idea makes me gaze at her as she comes out of the water towards me, long darkly tanned legs climbing the steps up to the villa, hands grabbing at the rails as her breasts bounce. I take a pull on my smoke and look over the top of my sunglasses.

  “Are you going to move from there at all today?” she asks, pushing her wet hair back. I’m not moving anywhere. I’m happy lounging on this sunbed, falling into this ‘just being’ revelation. It’s new. Interesting.


  “You’ll lose those abs.” She smiles and wanders past me, reaching for some melon on the way and biting down. I tip my head over my shoulder and watch her ass go into the rooms, then look down at my stomach and smile. These abs can have a damn break for a while. I’ve spent my entire life making sure I look like this, living up to the expectation that comes with my family.

  Screw it.

  “You haven’t complained about them so far.”

  She comes back out onto the deck, naked, and then spreads her legs to sit herself across me, her fingers wandering immediately.

  “But then I’m not the girl who will be looking at them forever, am I?” She leans back so I have a fine view of her pussy. “I was thinking of whatever wife eventually comes your way.”


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