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Devious Eyes (A Cane Novel Book 2)

Page 15

by Charlotte E Hart

  “More,” she says, hands gripping my hair as she tightens her legs further and leans back onto the wall. “Yes, more.”

  She can have as much as she wants.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Every touch from Nate is like a spark, ready to light and set off a detonation around me. It’s consuming.

  I feel all of his anger, all of his hurt and pain in the way he holds me hostage against the wall, how he keeps his lips from me, trying to make this an impersonal fuck instead of a reunion of lovers. He may think it’s working for him, but it’s not for me. I can still feel everything we did back on Bora. He’s punishing me with his body, but it touches my soul as something much stronger.

  “More,” I moan out, grabbing onto his hair and relaxing my body to his will.

  His hips dig deeper into my flesh, and every jolt drives me higher and higher. “Yes, more.” The pitch of my voice betrays how close I am to falling into oblivion. Every muscle in my body is strung taut, just waiting for the last touch to send me reeling. It’s exquisite, just as it always is with him.

  My stomach quivers and I pull Nate up to reach his mouth. I want to kiss him. No, I need to kiss him. I need to feel he’s as connected to this as I am.

  He doesn’t let me have his lips, but he does bite my neck, sending a pulse of lust through me as his cock hits me in just the right spot, triggering my climax.

  “Yes, yes…God, Nate.” I pant and hang on for dear life, knowing he’ll catch me as I fall.

  For this moment, nothing else matters between us. We don’t care. I don’t want to think about the chasm of problems waiting to challenge us. Right now, we’re back in our bubble. Just us.

  As my body comes around from the blistering sex, Nate loosens his grip and lets me slip to the floor. My legs shake like jelly as I bear weight on them and wish I could collapse onto the bed. He turns away from me, leaving me like he would if he were paying me. Like one of the sluts who were in here with him before me.

  The room is set up like a private suite—a large space with sofas and sectionals for entertaining, a bar, large television screen, and of course, a huge bed at the other end of the room. This room is designed for one thing and one thing only.

  As strength returns to my limbs, I push the dress from my shoulders and let it tumble from my body. My feet pad across to the bathroom where I jump in the shower, dousing myself under the hot water.

  Being in this room with Nate makes me feel cheap. Like he’s got what he came for. But that isn’t me. That isn’t us, and I need to look past the surroundings. We’ve found our way back to each other, and I’m going to hold onto that, regardless of how stupid this situation is, or how much pain may come from it.

  A robe hangs in the bathroom, and I cover myself in it before exiting to face the conversation I need to have with him. He’s sitting on one of the sofas, a glass of amber liquid in his hand.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Yeah? Like fuck we do.” He downs the rest of the glass and turns to me. “I don’t want to know why you lied, or why the hell you’re here with Marco.”

  “Please stop drinking. It will be easier if you’re not wasted.”

  “On who? You?” He snorts. “Sneaking out when I’m unconscious from drink is easier, Gabriella. I thought you’d want me wasted.”

  “If you’d stop being a baby for five minutes and talk to me, you’d find out why I had to leave.”

  “Gabriella Alves. Is that name meant to mean anything? Are you famous or something?”

  “No. I’m very inconspicuous.” I walk further towards him and take the bottle of scotch off the table, pouring it down the small sink at the bar.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Just sit and listen. That’s all I ask.”

  He stares, anger still filling his features, but does do as I’ve asked.

  I stay standing and run through some of the words I need to string together to explain all of this, because now we’re alone I can be the Gabby I was in Bora again. The same girl who lives under the layers of armour and protection I’ve built over the years. He might feel like he didn’t know who I was when we were together, but it’s the exact opposite. No one else knows who I am because I hide away behind what I do. I’ve let that dictate and define the person I am all my working life, but if I don’t have to play that game anymore, I won’t. It only serves to offer more loneliness, and that’s the one thing I don’t want to feel with him.

  I sigh and look around the room, checking all the obvious places I’d normally find a bug.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Checking. I’m assuming you have the room rigged. At least for audio?”

  He sneers, annoyance rolling from him as he reaches for his phone.

  “You didn’t care when we were fucking?” he mutters, his fingers furiously inputting something.

  “No.” I didn’t. But if I’m going to be honest with him, the information has to stay between us. “Besides, you barely gave me a chance to object.” He raises a brow at that and carries on doing something on his phone. “A little desperate, hey?” He doesn’t acknowledge my last point or offer any smile to my attempt at amusing. He just tosses his phone at the table beside him instead and slowly looks back at me, a bored expression all over his features.

  “Are they off? I’m trusting you.”

  He nods. That seems the only offer of trust I’m getting.

  “My name is Gabriella Alves. My brother is Andreas Alves.”

  “Again, those names mean shit to me.”

  “My brother was working on a deal that would see him as a partner to Marco Mortoni. Unfortunately, he needed some of the skills I have in order to pull that off.” I have no way of knowing how Nate will take this, so treading carefully is the safest path.

  “And exactly what skill is that? You a honey trap? Ready to fuck the partnering deal to secure funds?” Anger taints every word from his mouth, and it all stems from my actions. I left him. No explanation. And he’s hurting. He’s lashing out at me.

  He snorts, disgust pouring from his features.

  “No. I acquire certain items. Items that may or may not be readily available.”

  “Cut the crap, Gabby. I’m fucking bored and—”

  “Diamonds.” He frowns, annoyance coming straight at me still. “I trade in diamonds, Nate. And I steal particular items of value or interest to me. For fun mostly.”

  His frown deepens, eyes flicking away from me before he pulls in a long breath and starts to stand up.

  “You’re a thief.” It seems more like a statement rather than a question, anger still lacing his tone. I force my own eyes to remain level and not drop to the floor.

  “Yes.” It’s been my choice for a long time. I shouldn’t be ashamed of it, no matter what his reaction is.

  “A goddamn thief?”

  From his reaction, I can tell this isn’t going to go well. There’s only a split second to make a decision that I hope will get this conversation back on track. “I started out originally to impress my brother.” He turns his back on me. “Nate, please. Sit.”

  He scoffs and turns his head to the side, shaking it in what I feel is disbelief. I tuck my feet under me and sit on the far end of the sofa. “Let me explain this.” If he wants he can choose to look at me and behave like an adult. After what I have to say he’ll have two choices. Believe me and accept it.

  Or not.

  “Our parents died when I was very young. My brother looked after me, but he was too busy running his gangs and falling into trouble to notice me as soon as I could fend for myself. So, I started to do things that would get me noticed.”

  “Like what? How old were you, anyway?”

  I can hear he’s curious, but doubt laces his words as he moves to the other side of the sofa again, head still turned away from me.

  “I was twelve when I first worked up the courage. I picked a guy’s wallet in the street. I ran home to show Andreas, thinking he’d be pleased. Of cour
se, he was. He realised he could use an innocent looking girl to do his dirty work. Didn’t care that he was using me. The better I got, the less he saw me. I became a tool—a means to an end, rather than his little sister.” I sigh at the memory of it, annoyed with my childish self. “He is the only family I have, and I had nowhere else to go.” A smile pulls on my lips. “Until I became old enough and smart enough to choose for myself, that is.”

  “And diamonds?” He finally turns to look at me.

  “They were pretty. That’s how it started. I didn’t have anything special in my world. My first diamond was on a bracelet of a wealthy woman. It escalated quickly. Andreas was still using me, but I wanted to do things for myself. So, I researched. I learned until I built my own world around me. I grew into a very accomplished diamond thief right under my brother’s nose.” The story is sadder when I share it. When it was just my life, I could hide behind the front I built. But by setting it free and admitting it to Nate, I’ve made myself more vulnerable than ever.

  “I thought you said your brother uses you to expand his business.” Nate’s interest is piqued, and I capitalise.

  “He does. Over the years I’ve built up contacts all over the world, or rather, the key diamond trading areas of the world. Andreas knew I worked with diamonds. He just never knew the full extent of what I’d amassed over the years. I source the diamonds and provide the authentication for them to be sold without raising any suspicions. Andreas eventually found out, wanted a larger share of the drugs business he’s been running for Mortoni, and so offered him a way of expanding. This time as a partner.”

  “Marco wanted in on the diamonds?” Nate’s eyes squint as he looks at me, confused.

  “Yes. We arranged the first deal a few weeks ago, but something went wrong. I don’t know what happened. A third party showed up and got in the middle of the action. Guns were fired, and I’m pretty sure no one knew what was going on or who to trust.” My mind runs over the scene again, still confused. “Andreas ran, so I did, too.”

  “To Bora.”


  “You were hiding?”

  “Yes. I never stay long in any one place. It’s easier that way. And with the drop going wrong I chose there. It’s not a place I’d normally go.” I’d never been so anxious leaving a job. But then again, I’ve never been shot at before.

  “Is Gabriella even your real name?”

  “Yes, but I don’t often travel on that passport.”

  “For fuck's sake. This is real.” He stands and runs his hands through his hair.

  “I’ve never lied to you, Nate.”

  “No?” He scoffs, turning away from me.

  “No.” My voice rings out with the conviction I feel for Nate in my heart.

  He paces up and back, and I let him. His feet stop before he approaches me, looming over me as I force myself not to cower back into the cushions.

  “Was any of it real? Us? Or was I just a useful distraction to you.”

  I kneel up and risk wrapping my arms around his waist, needing to show him how real everything was—is—for me. “Everything between us was real. It’s about the only thing in my life that is.” He doesn’t push me away, so I continue to snake my arms around him, wishing he’d believe me and let this anger go.

  “I’m going to order food,” he mutters, removing my hands and stalking away.

  The sight of him leaving has me wondering if the fucking really was his form of punishment, or whether any of this means something to him, too.

  He snatches up a phone from the desk and speaks to someone, mumbling a few words that I choose not to pay attention to. Perhaps sharing with Nate was too much. My optimism from the island clouding my better judgement, or the fact that I’ve felt like hell since leaving him and I’d do just about anything to have us back in bed together with the real world locked outside the door.

  The adrenaline from earlier has fled my system, and I’m left feeling tired. So damn tired. I may have run to Bora to hide away, but I’ve never stopped running or looking over my shoulder. First my brother, then Mortoni. And now I can’t shake the feeling that I have a shadow or someone looking for me. It’s a gut feeling, and I’ve learned to listen to my gut.

  Nate nudges my arm as my eyes drop closed for a moment. So tired.

  “If you’re staying with me, you won’t be sleeping.” He looks at me, a world of softer emotions crossing his features for the first time, rather than the anger of moments ago.

  “So, what do you propose? You seem conflicted about what I had to say.”

  “You barge in here, kick my company out, and tell me you’re a thief?” He pinches his brow and sits back down, looking as tired as I feel. “Give me a fucking break, Gabby, if it takes me a minute to adjust. You fucking upped and left me. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” He scowls and looks me over again. “You going to explain why you played Houdini on me?”

  “I had to go, and I couldn’t tell you who I was or why I was leaving. My brother was in trouble, and I could help. As much as I may hate him, I had no choice. Plus, I thought you were an accountant. I didn’t want you mixed up in my world.”

  “The diamonds you wore to the casino—were they yours or did you acquire them?”

  “They were one of my favourite jobs.” Thinking back to that day can’t help but make me smile. “They’ve been mine for over three years.”

  “You work alone?”

  “Mostly. There’s been a time or two that I’ve worked with a team.” He doesn’t need to know about every job I took. He’s still getting over the shock of me being a criminal. Admitting I was part of a heist team that hit the Brussels airport a few years ago might be too much for him. I turn to face him. His body has softened, and I can tell he’s more interested than he wants to be. “But mostly it’s small jobs. Doing what I do hasn’t afforded me many friends. I haven’t really had time or the ability to live my own life. I wasn’t in Bora for a holiday as such.”

  “I guess I was the lucky son-of-a-bitch you happened upon then.”

  “Believe me, what I said at the beginning was exactly what I intended. I’ve not had a relationship for over seven years.” And even that would be a stretch of the imagination.

  We’ve managed to move closer along the sofa, our bodies pulling like magnets towards each other. “I didn’t mean to fall for the guy I agreed to a holiday fling with. Meeting you allowed me to be me for the first time in a long time. I know we had a connection, so don’t bullshit me now. I’m sorry I hurt you, but we never agreed that things had changed between us. I had to leave, Nate. Don’t you see that?”

  His eyes scrutinise me, as if he’s searching for the truth or hoping to catch me out on a lie. I’ve exposed myself, given him all the answers he’ll ever need from me. He knows more about me than anyone else on the planet. Another thought that makes me want to crumble after the last few weeks, but I’ve never crumbled. I may hide and lurk in the darkness, but my life has forged steel into my soul.

  There’s a knock at the door and Nate walks off to answer, leaving the tension thick between us. He places a large silver tray on the dining table. “You hungry?”


  “Then eat.”

  He seats himself and begins to unfold a crisp linen napkin, taking up his knife and fork. I watch for a moment, studying his body language. Tension pulls at his muscles, carving peaks and valleys over his back. I don’t know why, other than my information, but he’s frowning all the time, like he’s got something to say but won’t say it.

  The smell of something buttery sets my feet into action, and I take a chair next to him. A plate of poached scallops and some sort of risotto sits waiting for me. “It smells delicious.” I pick up my fork and dig into the soft grains.

  “I know you like seafood,” he grumbles between mouthfuls.

  “Nate, I know I hurt you. I’m sorry. Leaving is the last thing I want to do again, but I will if you’re going to stay pissed at me.”

  “I’m not pissed.”

  “Really? I call bullshit. Besides, who the fuck are you anyway? An accountant? Who owns a casino?” He sighs and takes a forkful of food.

  “So, you do know what Cane means.” It’s said with little emotion, just another statement of fact rather than information about who he is.

  “Well, Mortoni gave me a clue. Said this is a Cane casino. Pretty impressive for an accountant.” Despite my confessions, Nate stays silent, digging into his food again and ignoring my jibe. “Nate?” My appetite vanishes as I contemplate having to walk out on him once more. I can’t change who I am, nor will I.

  Not even for him.

  “You know, fuck you.” I stand, not able to take this one-sided conversation any longer. “If you won’t talk to me, I’m wasting my time.”

  My heart tightens in my chest, strangling the oxygen from my chest. I storm away from him, but hear plates crash to the floor as he catches my arm before I can escape.

  “We’re far from fucking finished here, Gabby.” He tugs me back against his chest, arms surrounding me as he leans in and steals a kiss I didn’t expect him to give. It’s a kiss that I’ll happily return time and time again, regardless of this atmosphere between us.

  The seconds slow until the moment we’re in feels like it could last a lifetime.

  “You’re not leaving. You’re not sleeping. And you will remember how I like you doing as you’re told.” Nate’s fingers run up my neck and through my hair, holding me to him. “Are we clear?” His nose rubs against mine, an affectionate gesture that melts my heart all over again.


  “Good, because I’m suddenly hungry for something other than this goddamn food.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  A thief. A goddamn thief.

  Of all the women I could have met.

  I shake my head again and stare at the roulette wheel, my hand spinning it around for some unknown reason. It’s quiet in here but for a few morning cleaners and staff wandering around. And vast. I’d forgotten that about this place. The peace is settling in some ways, calming after the endless mill of people who circulate normally. Or maybe it’s simply the thought that Gabby is still asleep in the Cane room behind me.


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