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Jasper: Book 2 War & Piece Chronicles

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  Chapter Six


  As I closed my office door, I smelled coffee and heard soft music. Daisy must need both to do her work.

  I’d heard that Reese had a romantic dinner with her, though he had been warned. Reese’s personality was that of the welcome wagon. He’d been shot down by Tegan, Kai’s wife, when she first arrived on the island, and now he was attempting seduction with Daisy. The truth was he wasn’t very skilled. That man would always desire a deeper connection. I had always sensed it, even when we shared women. Kai always had more input sexually than Reese ever did. He would never be content until he was tied down with a wife and a litter of children. The thought nauseated me.

  “Fady,” I inquired as I pressed the intercom. “Let Reese know I want to see him right away, and bring me a cup of tea, would you?”

  “Right away on both,” she quickly replied.

  I knew I shouldn’t have done it. Almost two years ago, the new rules had been put in place regarding any sexual activity involving employees. Of course, those rules were primarily established for Reese and me. I chose to ignore them when Fady made her needs apparent. Besides, she was a British import, which made her all the more desirable. And I, being a man requiring a certain type of woman, took her up on her offer. She was young, attractive, and readily available. She also enjoyed various sexual games, as well as anal. Normally, I would never have stayed in an affair this long, but Fady and I had come to an understanding in the beginning. No ties. We satisfied each other’s lust and needs for certain carnal tastes.

  True, Fady was my assistant, but I’d made sure that our liaison was only known to Reese. We had left Kai out of the loop because, since he’d gotten married, he was more resolute in his ways. I could still remember Kai’s tone when we agreed to the new principals of behavior. He would be less than thrilled that I’d blatantly ignored that statute and had been for six months. Reese didn’t say anything about my disregard of the rules. He had his own assistant to contend with—Miss Mabel, as I called her because she reminded me of the pony my sister used to have.

  Eventually, I knew Ms. Jones would probably need one. Maybe a boy toy? Men could be secretarial. I haughtily chuckled, considering Daisy’s expression when I saddled her with a young, attractive, and well-built personal assistant. I suddenly found the idea less amusing when I envisioned them together in arousing detail.

  My eyes rolled when I thought of how the country bumpkin would react to certain sexual proclivities. Anal sex was an acquired taste, and Fady fulfilled that penchant. She always appeared up to the challenge to engage in new activities.

  Somehow, I couldn’t see Ms. Jones hopping on that bandwagon. She seemed more like the “missionary” type. I needed to cross-examine Reese and see if he’d slept with her. The rules were set in place for him. I could handle my own. I’d never gotten emotionally invested with my partners. Fady and I hardly spoke outside of the bedroom. In truth, I had nothing to give, other than sexual pleasure. The only people I truly cared about were my older sister and her child.

  “What is it, Jasper? Since someone doesn’t want to do his share, I have clients all day,” Reese announced, breaking my train of thought. He carefully sipped from a large mug as he sat on my leather sofa.

  Just then, Fady walked in with my cup of tea. Without actual words, conversation passed between us. I nodded as she handed me the beverage. I noticed Reese’s eyes dart back and forth as she left, a crooked smile emerging.

  “I thought perhaps we should revisit our conversation pertaining to the guidelines of executive employees and sexual activity.”

  Reese chuckled. “I don’t think I’m the one that needs a revision. I’m not the man having abundant sex with the same woman. Kudos, Fady is hot as hell but a little too tightly wound for my taste,” he mused.

  “We have mutual preferences. Plus, she’s a Brit, so there’s that.” I cleared my throat as I continued, sweeping my secretarial indiscretion under the rug. “I’m concerned because you had a rather romantic dinner with Ms. Jones after we discussed why having sex with anyone who is corporate—or, for that fact, any employee—would not be in our best interests. Damn, Reese, you get too involved. You’re always the one who expects more, and when it doesn’t happen, you’re hurt. Believe it or not, I am looking out for you, and I’m rather ticked off that you turned a deaf ear to what we talked about yesterday and chose to have dinner with Ms. Jones anyway. I don’t understand this incessant need to put yourself out there, only to be shot down.”

  “Look, Jasper, it was only a picnic, quite benign. She seemed a little out of her element, and I thought a nice meal would make her feel at home and allow us to get to know each other.”

  I shook my head and took a sip of tea. “When it comes to new women on St. Willis, nothing you do is benign. You always have a plan. I spoke to a few of our personnel, and there was a little more than a basket involved. Seriously, window dressings and torches? What? Did you tear the idea out of a bodice-ripping novel?

  “I worry about you. You always hunger for more. I was hoping you’d be more like me, but it’s obvious it’s Kai you take after. You can’t go chasing after every newbie that shows up.” I paused, then expelled a large exhale. “If love is meant to be, it will find you. You can’t force it, and honestly, it makes you look pathetic.”

  Reese appeared taken aback by my assessment. “What the hell do you know? You’ve never loved anybody, except maybe yourself.”

  I stood facing away from him, staring out the window. “You and Kai are always making assumptions.” I heard the ticking of my watch as I let a minute go by. “Many years ago, I had love and was very much loved. I learned then that the heart is very fragile and emotions can destroy everything. I’ve spent years perfecting the art of…”

  “Perfecting the art of being a soulless bastard.”

  Last time I pour my feelings out to you. “Obviously, you aren’t hearing a word I say.”

  “I get it. Not to worry. As usual, I was rejected. Daisy Jones isn’t interested in anything but friendship. I’m not surprised, since any woman I’m interested in only wants to be my friend. I’m beginning to think there’s something wrong with me.”

  I walked over to Reese and sat. “You’re fine, but your actions say needy. It’s as though you’re wearing a sign that states you’ll always want more. Women will always desire you, but don’t confuse desire with commitment. They are not mutually exclusive. You, my boy, are a valued commodity sex wise.” I chuckled. “Don’t be in such a rush to be claimed. Being single has a lot of worth. Enjoy it.”

  “I’m tired of being alone. I want the white picket fence—”

  I snorted as I held my hand up to stop him. “Really? Now you just sound like a vagina. You sure Ms. Jones didn’t pocket your balls in that basket?”

  “Very funny. You know she’s not even divorced yet, and I get the feeling her husband is very dangerous. I think she probably took this job to get away from him. Besides, she wasn’t keen on the age difference.”

  “Did you truly want her?” I asked, observing his expression.

  “Yes. Maybe. I don’t know. I feel alone. I just want someone to care about.”

  No, you don’t. “Don’t be in such a rush to be fastened to a ball and chain. We’ll be having a much different conversation after that has happened. I have a feeling you’ll be begging me for a lock pick.”

  “I doubt it,” Reese announced, standing. “Always inspiring when you and I have a heart-to-heart.”

  I watched him swallow the last of his coffee and walk out of my office. Now I had two concerns, him and Ms. Jones. Reese was right in his assumption that I was a soulless bastard. It wasn’t something I had aspired to become, but it rather crept into the dark edges of my soul. And if Ms. Jones thought her husband to be dangerous and he did indeed show up, the man had no idea how menacing I could be. Because behind this cold smile was a man who had been a part of something so heinous that it had stolen everything from me an
d left me with nothing but a desolate heart and the desire to inflict pain on those who deserved it.

  Chapter Seven


  I yawned as I settled in and began the tedious hours of forensic accounting. I had four more years of records to get through. I was on the third cup of coffee, hoping the memories of my nightmares would shrug off. The bed I’d slept in was luxurious, but even though I knew the penthouse was secure, I’d broken out in a cold sweat twice in the middle of the night. Memories of my mama and Maynard’s threats had plagued my dreams.

  Fear was strangling me. I knew I was safe and my husband would never find me. I was sure there were many agents on the mainland, securing the airport and the sea. Hell, I had Reese, and if anyone appeared ominous, Mr. Kendrick was right next door. His height was intimidating, as was his attitude, and his accent… I imagined even when he said fuck you, it scared the shit out of everyone. I snickered to myself. Yes, Jasper Kendrick was a plate of fried peach pies. You wished you could take a bite, but you knew the calories weren’t worth it. He was anything but sugary and flaky. He was more like a tall, icy glass of milk. You wanted to drink it, but you were lactose intolerant.

  The truth was I liked having his prissy ass next door. It made me feel secure knowing he was around. Whether he would protect me if it came to that, I hadn’t a clue.

  I’d heard talking earlier, but now it was quiet as I listened with my ear against the wall. Why did this man fascinate me? Reese was the one that was obviously intrigued with me. He was attractive as heck and willing. But he was young, and I had no interest in anything but a roll in the hay. He wanted more. He was very kind, and hurting him was not on my agenda.

  I had skipped breakfast, so when lunch came around, I was starving. I had a high metabolism, which was how I ate like a horse and never gained an ounce. My only hope was the kitchen offered more than health food. I knew there wouldn’t be any grits or chicken and waffles, so I settled on a club sandwich and sweet potato fries. They said they would deliver it, but I needed some fresh air and to stretch my legs, so I opted to pick it up myself.

  I grasped my clutch and headed out the door, running straight into Jasper. My purse dumped out on the floor as the bags he was carrying hit the carpet.

  “Every time we meet, Ms. Jones, you appear to drop things,” he observed.

  My face heated as I bent to pick up my belongings in frustration.

  Jasper reached down to grab the bags he’d dropped. “And still such a wonderful view.”

  “And as usual, you’re still a jerk. Could you maybe grab my lip-gloss before it rolls down the hall?”

  He chuckled. “Well, since you asked so politely.”

  I watched him reach out with his free arm and pinch the tube of gloss.

  “Thanks. I’m on my way out…”

  He handed me one of the white bags.

  I peeked inside and saw my sandwich and fries. “I was going to get this. How’d you know?”

  “I was getting mine and saw your ticket, so I waited. It was the least I could do after our introduction.” He started walking away.

  “Wait. Since you were nice enough to bring me food, you wanna have lunch together? Technically, it’d be a working hour since I’d love to ask you some questions. You know, pick your brain?”

  Jasper looked down at me, confusion riddling his face. “You want to eat with me? I sense an ulterior motive.”

  This man could read me. It was annoying as hell. “Well, I don’t know anyone yet.”

  “I beg to differ. You know Reese, and I’d say fairly well.”

  “Okay, never you mind. I obviously made a mistake by asking. You’re one of those men who likes to control everything around you. Whatever. Sorry I asked.”

  “Once in a while, I do enjoy a dominant woman. Let’s have lunch together, and you can ask me anything.”

  I blinked several times before I followed him to his office. It was huge, as if it were the penthouse of offices. Lots of leather and glass. No pictures or knick-knacks. It lacked that personal touch and appeared as cold as he was.

  He grabbed two bottles of water from his mini fridge before we sat on the sofa. “So what is it you wanted to ask, Ms. Jones?”

  “Well, for one, could you call me Daisy? I’m not one of those feminists. You’re allowed to call me by my first name.”

  “Just being respectful.”

  I choked on a fry as I snorted. “One thing I’m sure of is respectful is not a term you’re familiar with. I mean, you commented on my ass just yesterday.”

  He grinned sardonically. “You have me there, but I was being honest, and, Daisy, you do have a very nice arse.”

  Our knees touched when he spoke, and I suddenly felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. I put space between us because the attraction was too strong. But his enormous stature made me feel safe, and I wanted to cling to that.

  I put the other half of my sandwich back into the bag because each bite was tasteless. “Well, what I wanted to ask was about the accounting. I’m through the first year, and it appears you were skilled at keeping the books. The numbers are immaculate. I couldn’t find an error anywhere.”

  Jasper put his food down. “You’ll find, Ms. Jo—Daisy, that I am skilled at everything, including the bookkeeping.”

  I blinked several times and wet my lips. “That remains to be seen.”

  I watched as one brow languidly arched. “Is that an offer of intent?” he asked before he took a large bite. “Because if it is, I do have a proposal for you. Reese filled me in on some of your husband woes. I can help you with that. Remember, I’m a man of many talents.”

  A shiver crawled up my spine as he spoke.

  “Tell me, did your husband do this to you?” he asked as he pulled back my hair from my face. I had covered the bruises well, but if you looked close, there was discoloration.

  I felt humiliated because I’d let Maynard hurt me and now the cat was out of the bag. I’d spared Reese, keeping the truth from him. So why in the hell would I trust Jasper with this information? “Yes, he gets real mad if his temper is riled.”

  “Can I ask what you did to rile his temper?”

  “He’s a bad man. Corrupt. He’s done horrible things.” Then I lowered my voice. “I was helpin’ the FBI.”

  Jasper looked surprised. “Then we have a larger problem than I presumed. I thought it was just marital discourse. Obviously, this goes deeper. Is your husband planning to kill you?”

  I whimpered loudly and nodded. Jasper was the person in charge, so unloading my problems to him put me in jeopardy of losing this job. “No doubt, if he finds me. There are Federal agents on the mainland, watching and waiting I guess. I’m hoping taking this job puts enough distance between me and Maynard. I want to stay on St. Willis. I feel safe here.”

  Jasper turned his body so he could face me. “The validity of your dilemma is, Daisy, any man, especially a husband that thinks he has been betrayed by anyone, let alone his wife, will go to great lengths for revenge.”

  “It… sounds like you have experience,” I whispered.

  “It’s a story for another time. We can’t have anything happening to our forensic accountant. So here’s my proposal.” He stopped and moved close enough that I could feel his breath. “We need to get you out of the penthouse. Stay with me.”

  “What? I don’t even know you,” I bellowed, shocked at such a ridiculous venture.

  “I think you have mistaken my offer. I have a large home with many empty bedrooms. You said there were agents on the mainland. Well, then let me watch over you here. You need someone to make sure you’re safe. I can do that.”

  “Why would you want to? You don’t even know me, except you like my ass.”

  Jasper scratched at the stubble on his chin. “I have a sister. Let’s just say you remind me of her, but I’m too far away to help with her plight. You’ll have your own bedroom, bath, and the full run of the house, with the exception of my bedroom. I’m
right next door when you’re working. I’d be remiss if I just ignored your predicament.”

  I wasn’t sure what to think. The penthouse seemed safe, but Maynard would be squashed by this man.

  “What about your personal life? I’m sure your girlfriend wouldn’t approve of some other woman intruding.”

  Jasper chuckled. It was the first time I’d seen him truly smile. “Girlfriend, huh? Any women I’m involved with would never be allowed to set foot in my home. I think I can put my libido on hold until we get your safety taken care of or your husband is jailed. Don’t worry about me.” He pierced me with a sensual smirk. “I can fuck anywhere.”

  I wasn’t sure how I should respond to that. When he said the word fuck, my body flushed with heat. Everything he’d just offered was a bad idea. The worst thing I ever did was getting involved with Maynard. And even though I knew Jasper wasn’t a criminal, I felt it to my core that this man could be ruthless. Just the mere size of him made him appear lethal.

  “Let me do this for you, Daisy,” he softly demanded as he stroked my cheek with his knuckles.

  His words lingered as though he were thinking of another time. There was regret in his tone.

  I yearned for sleep without nightmares and waking up scared. I had these dreams for months, but last night was the worst. “When would you want this to happen?”

  “I already had someone I trust transfer your belongings to my home.”

  I didn’t know whether to be surprised or mad. “What if I’d said no?”

  Jasper stood. “Never happens. Women have a way of complying. I sensed your angst, and after Reese confirmed what I’d already guessed, it seemed logical to offer you safety. As long as I’m around, rest assured you can relax.”

  I gulped the last of the water, then stood. “I still don’t get why you’d want to help me. You just met me. Why do you care?”

  “I don’t suppose you’d believe it if I said I’m a Good Samaritan. I told you that you remind me of my sister, the only person I love and truly care for. And for her, I want to help you. I won’t bother you, and I will be on my best behavior. No more arse remarks, I swear.” He went to his desk and wrote something down, then pressed the paper into my hand. “There’ll be a company car arriving for you at five. This is the key code to the house. I’ll arrive by six. My bedroom is down the very far right hallway. The spare rooms are all on the left. Choose whichever you want. My home is fully alarmed. As soon as you shut the door, security is set.”


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